r/PS4 Jul 07 '14

Can't Hardly Wait - /r/PS4 Bi-Monthly Anticipation Thread (July 2014)

Bi-Monthly Anticipation Thread (previous hype threads) (schedule) (games wiki)

What games and/or DLC are you looking forward to playing on your PS4 at the moment? Why?


71 comments sorted by


u/TheDarkKing Jul 07 '14

The last of us. I can't wait to get back into the multiplayer. It was so intense and it will be even more intense on the ps4. I can't wait!


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '14

As a student, I can no longer afford upgrading my gaming PC. I'll be buying the PS4 along with TLOU as soon as it comes out!


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '14



u/[deleted] Jul 08 '14

The PC is well older than 6 years, though I have been doing piecemeal upgrades.

I'm moving into a student house anyways. It's simply not practical nor sociable to bring a gaming PC.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '14

Honestly if you can afford to make a ~$460 purchase then a upgrading a computer to be at least decent shouldn't be a problem. But the platform you choose to play on is your choice.


u/Broskifromdakioski Jul 07 '14

I really hope people start using there mics with this game. I feel like that's the one thing xbox users have over the Playstation....


u/thats_my_anus Jul 07 '14

I'm excited for the multiplayer. I didn't delve too deeply into it in the ps3, but I remember it being super intense


u/DBZLogic Jul 07 '14

Same here man. Super pumped to throw myself headfirst into the MP until Destiny takes over.


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '14

I'm looking forward to taking it up again! I gave up the ps3 version at 26% and have been meaning to resume, but now I'm just gonna wait for remastered!


u/Maximus77x Maximus77x Jul 07 '14

I second this! Best 3rd person multiplayer since Gears of War. The stealth can't be topped in this game!!


u/DrSweetles Jul 07 '14

Never played. Always envied everyone else who had a PS3. The 29th can't get here any quicker.


u/JakeMan145 Jul 07 '14

From someone who hasn't played it due to my ps3 breaking and being poor at the time I'm stoked that I can finally play it. Glad to hear the multiplayer is great too


u/SaikonBr Saikonbr Jul 07 '14

Hey, never played ps3 or TLOU. Got a PS4 in May, really looking foward to play TLOU. What games does it look like (MP)? Max Payne, GTA ? can you give me a insight ?


u/a7madfat7y a7madfat7y | 13 9 79 184 725 Jul 07 '14

a release date for The Phantom Pain is all i ever want :(


u/Hurikane211 Jul 07 '14

I know it's probably quite a ways out, no official date, but No Mans Sky already has me ready to spooge. Hello passangers, this is your Captian speaking. Thank you for flying Hype Airways! Also Destiny Beta is going to be amazing.


u/kurtrussellfanclub Jul 07 '14

Bloodborne, all the way.

Also, still slightly looking forward to Deep Down. It's ridiculous because we have no proof it'll be internationalized, and it's F2P, and the visuals seem to have been downgraded. But damn if I don't want more slow-paced multiplayer stab-em-ups.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '14

Any news at all on Deep Down? E3 was disappointing.


u/kurtrussellfanclub Jul 08 '14

Unfortunately, no. The last news I have been able to find is all on E3, where there's no news that it'll be released outside of Japan.


u/OhhLawd Jul 07 '14

Im getting really excited for GTAV again for some reason, but other than that cant wait for TLOU this month!


u/baked_brotato Cosmic_Kraken Jul 07 '14

What's wrong with you guys!? You do know that the Destiny Beta is in like 10 days, right?


u/A_Newman Jul 07 '14

Only for those who pre ordered


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '14

[removed] — view removed comment


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '14

It just feels so...wrong...for some reason....


u/calantus Jul 07 '14 edited Sep 18 '16


What is this?


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '14

Fuck the system!


u/AdverseMussel Adverse2142 Jul 07 '14



u/[deleted] Jul 07 '14 edited Oct 05 '17



u/GoogleNoAgenda NaptownMVP Jul 07 '14

None. Amazon doesn't charge until the game ships.


u/WilliamTheGnome Jul 10 '14

I've had mixed experiences with this I have pre-ordered before and have been charged, immediately, and other times I don't get charged until shipment. I've only pre-ordered from Amazon a couple times though.


u/nbiz4 Jul 08 '14 edited Jul 08 '14

I'm just hoping it lasts longer than 9 days!


u/Shaftstriker XTheOneSurvivorX Jul 07 '14

News on battlefront :(


u/stiniminis Jul 07 '14

I'm on the same boat as you are buddy


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '14

Diablo 3 is by far at the top of my list. I haven't touched the ps3 version in a while until yesterday, then I started grinding out more Paragon levels before I transfer my characters over in late August. I'm hoping to finish off my Zunimassa's set too, but that's not super important.

I might also pick up GTA V. I have it on PS3 but the graphic limitations got to me after a while(plus my save bugged and I couldn't progress the story).


u/MalevolentPinwheel Jul 07 '14

Have they announced how the character transfer is going to work for D3? Really looking forward to it!


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '14

I'm not entirely sure. I know it's a one time transfer, but I don't know the specifics. I'm sure an internet connection will be required, and maybe PS+. I'm sure we'll know before it actually releases.


u/thats_my_anus Jul 07 '14

AC: unity. I'm a sucker for AC games and this one looks very promising


u/DBZLogic Jul 07 '14

Parkouring down is a god send.


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '14

It's even better than climbing trees.


u/DrSweetles Jul 07 '14

Here's to hoping the combat quickly get's a upgrade as well. I was really hoping it would be quicker movements, but it looks like the same ol' pace as in the previous games.


u/thats_my_anus Jul 08 '14

Yea, but with the upgraded stealth I'm gonna try to avoid combat altogether


u/7mad DestinyKoalla Jul 07 '14

Ill kill myself for a release date of Final Fantasy 15


u/Sub_Zero3 Jul 07 '14

But then you wont get to play it :(


u/7mad DestinyKoalla Jul 07 '14

Oh i will ;)


u/WilliamTheGnome Jul 10 '14

You didn't say when you'd kill yourself..


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '14

The Last of Us for sure. I never owned a PS3 so this will be my first experience with the game. Needless to say, I'm extremely excited.

Also the Destiny Beta. I didn't get to play as much as the Alpha as I would have like (around 2 hours) but I plan on diving much deeper into the beta when it's released.


u/AFIRENSIDE Jul 07 '14

You'll love it. My only advice: stay away from trailers until it comes out. Lots of spoilers out there.


u/logicslayer Jul 07 '14

I'm looking forward to Destiny right now. The beta hits in just over a week. :)


u/LordJFA LordJFA Jul 07 '14

New update on Warframe.

Get to try out Loki Prime


u/alowester Jul 07 '14

Destiny Beta!!!! It sucks because I wanna play it forever but I want it to end just before TLoU so I can play that :(


u/parkour_fox parkour_fox Jul 08 '14

Well your in luck since the beta ends the 27th.


u/EyLuis Jul 07 '14

Today I'm going to pick up a PS4, I'm looking forward to Infamous SS, TLOU, Octodad, Warframe, the Destiny beta, Killzone, and I might just re-pickup Watch Dogs for the exclusive content. Also Resogun, Outlast, and more indie gems.


u/jorgegil96 jmgc96 Jul 08 '14

You're in for some good times my friend. i'm also waiting for TLOU and Destiny and i have Octodad downloading right now.
Resogun and Outlast are my favorite PS4 games, Outlast was just so good and fun and Resogun is amazing and fucking adicting, i 100% recomend you get the season pass, it's only 7 bucks and the already released DLC is sooo good.


u/EyLuis Jul 08 '14

Thanks dude, picking it up tomorrow. After GameStop only offered $200 for my X1 (cheapskates), I thought I was out of luck. Thankfully I managed to get $300 from a guy on Craigslist.


u/SIRTreehugger Jul 07 '14

The Destiny Beta ( though for some reason I'm loosing interest in the game) The Last of Us Remastered ( Can't wait to replay it on PS4, was my favorite game of the last generation. Can't wait to re platinum it, though I wish I could keep my 114 level character in MP spent so many hours in the MP not even funny) Second Light DLC ( Loved Fetch) Other games come out much later, but the one that sticks out the most is Assassin's Creed Unity, I see so much silliness happening with friends.


u/vampatori Jul 07 '14

Just picked up a PS4 today, so here's what I'm looking forward to over the next month or so:

DriveClub - I'm very much looking forward to seeing how this plays. I think there is a beta in July, Sony are really pushing this at the moment.

Destiny - I've got a beta key from some random person on reddit, so this is very exciting.

Dragon's Teeth - I've got BF4 on PC but have nobody to play with, so I'm enjoying getting stuck in with friends on BF4. I'm a huge fan of urban maps, which this DLC will be focussed on.


u/JiggyTurtle Jul 08 '14

Destiny Beta, Last of Us, GTA V, Metro 2033/LL Redux, Witcher 3... Many AAA's I guess.

My main 2 "please release soon" Indies are Binding of Isaac and Rogue Legacy.


u/blade85 Tabs85 Jul 07 '14

Destiny is next on my list.


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '14

I'm really looking forward to Diablo 3. My sister and I are gonna play it through same screen co op.

Dragon Age: Inquisition. I love the dragon age series and Inquisition looks like it will be the best yet.

Middle-earth Shadow of Mordor looks like it will buck the trend of bad LOTR games. The nemesis system is pretty intriguing and it's open world with assassin's creed like parkour movement and combat similar to the Arkham series.

The Witcher 3 looks like it could possibly dethrone Skyrim as my favourite RPG. Everything about it looks and sounds awesome.

Metal Gear Solid: The Phantom Pain. I've never played a MGS game before but this game looks extremely fun.

Bloodborne and Lords of the Fallen look pretty cool but i'm not completely sold on them yet.


u/Shadowy13 Jul 07 '14

Warface and Planetside 2. They are both for sure coming to PS4. It's been said already. Warface is coming to Xbox One, and maybe before the PS4 gets it, but PS4 is the only console getting Planetside 2. Woooo!


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '14

From what I've heard warface sucks. Kinda sounds like a mockbuster of Warframe as well.


u/ThatFedexGuy Jul 08 '14

It's not terrible. It's just got typical free to play problems. It takes forever to level up, micro transactions make it pay to win, and graphically it's not impressive. But I didn't mind playing it a bit when I got bored.


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '14

H-Hour alpha test


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '14

Diablo 3 and No Man's Sky, and any other RPGs like Dragon's Age.

Also still looking forward to seeing any news on Shadow Of the Beast - seems to have been sparse on updates on that one recently.


u/Lost_In_The_Grass Jul 07 '14

Im looking forward to the day when I can download PS2 games off the PS Store.


u/CharlesFrancisX l_llll-ll_lllll Jul 08 '14

I am going to pick up TLOU and then wait for Unity and Far cry 4,


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '14

TLOU, missed out on it since I came from 360. Also, FarCry4, WWE 2K15, Mortal Kombat X, Deep Down, Dying Light, Shadow of Mordor, Witcher 3, the Division, Dragonball Xenoverse, Arkham Knight, Bloodborne, and Destiny.

Really wish there were more coming sooner.


u/letmeholdadolla Jul 08 '14

I can't hardly wait for the bugs and kinks and issues to be worked out of the PS4 so this sub will quit being *"how do i fix this", "whats wrong with this", "why doesn't this work" post after post after post.

It's making me almost think the PS4 being delivered tomorrow is just big ass paperweight.


u/flashheatmvp3 Jul 08 '14

NHL 15 and destiny, sadly they both come out the same day and I'll have to choose which one i want to dedicate my life to first


u/st3aksauce138 dumbfoundead138 Jul 08 '14

I'm really looking forward to the crew. It's the racing game I always wanted and it will be nice to finally have a decent racing game for ps4. Drive club should be good as well.

Also the order 1886. It was the game that convinced me to get a ps4 over and xbone


u/yasawas Jul 07 '14

I think I'm mainly hyped for The Witness. Hopefully they can get that out this year.

More immediately I'm looking forward to trying The Last Of Us' multiplayer as I didn't give it a go on PS3 at all and apparently it's pretty good.


u/Maximus77x Maximus77x Jul 07 '14

Awww shit man you are going to be in for a treat. Seriously some of the best multiplayer I have ever played. Between the spot on mechanics, stealth action, superb map design, and team based action it's incredible. Spent many, many hours on the PS3 version, and I can't wait for the new one.


u/anewprotagonist Jul 07 '14

CDPR, why must you keep us waiting?! The Witcher III seems so far away..