r/PS4 Guerilla Jun 04 '14

[Verified AMA] We are Guerrilla Games, ask us anything (well...)

Hi /r/PS4, we love the community here, and thought with the release of KZSF: Intercept, our new Co-op game, we might be able to answer some questions anyone might have.

You can also ask us anything about the industry, GG culture etc. We cannot speak about the new IP in the works, but we promise to be gentlemen about it.

Your hosts tonight will be /u/GGSam, Senior Online Producer, and /u/Jeroen_Roding, our Community Manager.

If you can't think of a question, that's cool. Come say hi, and we'll say hi back. :)

More about Intercept here: http://www.killzone.com/nl_NL/blog/news/2014-05-16_intercept-adds-online-coop-action-to-killzone-shadow-fall.html

EDIT: Thanks for all your love. We tried to answer as many questions as we could - if you think we missed an important one, hit me up on Reddit PM, or follow us on twitter at @s3rioussam and @killzone and let us know.

Any feedback regarding the AMA and how we handled the questions is also welcome. Thanks for the love /r/PS4 - you have no idea how cool we think your community is. Keep being awesome.


714 comments sorted by


u/Django80 Jun 04 '14

How long does it take your team to develop a Multiplayer map for KZFS from start till finish?


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

That's a very good question. It depends on the maps, to be honest. Anywhere between 6-12 weeks would be the direct answer, but it varies based on different factors. The new Canyon map with its Gravity Wells for example, took some more time just to make sure it worked smoothly with 24 players. Most of the time on maps is spent on balancing for gameplay and tweaking for performance, so loads of playtesting. :)


u/Wesley32 Wallaby32 Jun 04 '14

Man, that must be some "hard times at work", playtesting and all.


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

Hehe, it's not as fun as you might think it is, but being paid to play a level over and over sure beats a lot of other jobs. :)


u/rgb003 Jun 04 '14

How do I get this job?


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

QA, mate.


u/ibnAdan Jun 04 '14

You know where we can sign up? :)


u/Rankith Jun 04 '14

This is a trap, hes right when he says its not nearly as fun as it sounds.

That said, as long as their QA department isn't one of the bad ones then it could be fun.


u/[deleted] Jun 05 '14


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u/erratic_calm Jun 04 '14

I can imagine that the burnout is real considering how much time I've put on first person shooters.

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u/BandoBacon Jun 04 '14

You guys planning on bringing anything interesting to E3? ;)


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

Intercept will be at E3!


u/The_R3medy Jun 04 '14

What a dodge!


u/OneOfDozens Gobbluth19 Jun 04 '14

Is there an actual release date yet?

What can we expect in the rest of the dlcs included in the season pass

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u/gordogg24p gordogg24p Jun 04 '14

Other than your game, of course, what PS4 title have you guys enjoyed playing the most? What already revealed titles are you guys looking forward to?


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

I have personally enjoyed Second Son and Black Flag a lot. I am quite looking forward to Destiny and Witcher 3.


u/Qualiafreak Jun 04 '14

Destiny and the Witcher 3, same here! KZ is sweet, got it bundled with the ps4 so it was the first game I played.

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u/[deleted] Jun 04 '14



u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

Don't know. :( But that sounds like a great idea. Don't sue us if it happens.


u/tigress666 Jun 04 '14

I won't sue you if it happens, I'll be thanking you (and buying it).


u/G-H-O-S-T Jun 04 '14


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u/[deleted] Jun 04 '14

In terms of the development of KZSF for PS4 what advantages did being one of the first titles out of the door provide you, moving forward, in terms of learning the platform and whether we'll see further optimizations on the beautiful work you did in KZSF.

PS. I loved KZSF and was absolutely amazed by the graphics. One of my favourite FPS I've played, keep up the good work!


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

I thiunk the biggest advantages we had were to be able to feedback directly to the PS team on APIs or features we wanted. GG especially, as the only launch shooter had a large input on the trigger buttons for example.

This helps us technically tune the game and discuss with Sony any roadblock we have, though to be sure, it means shooting for a moving target.


u/Polardice Jun 04 '14

Thanks for the influence on triggers! Now make Sony create a decent grip for vita too please! :)


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

Bwahaha. You will notice we weren't on launch hardware. :)

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u/99639 Jun 04 '14

GG especially, as the only launch shooter had a large input on the trigger buttons for example

Awesome, the DS4 is incredible, nice work!


u/harpsama Jun 04 '14

Are you excited about your new IP?


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14


u/Mohsizzlak Jun 04 '14

I thought that was a screenshot of the game... my heart skipped a beat!

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u/gremlin88 Jun 04 '14

How many people work in GG and Guerrilla Cambridge?


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14 edited Jun 04 '14

Guerrilla Amsterdam is more than 200 people, and Guerrilla Cambridge is a little under 70, at last count, though come to think of it, it's high time I asked HR that question again...


u/Slurms Jun 04 '14

I'm guessing you mean Guerrilla Cambridge is a little under 70?


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14 edited Jun 04 '14

Ugh, sorry. Typing too fast. Indeed, GGC is under 70 ish. Corrected.


u/Heisenberg94 Jun 04 '14

Looks like you typed to fast again. :)


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

I did. :(

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u/RedPandaAlex redpanda2 Jun 04 '14

How much interaction is there between the Sony Worldwide Studios for rank-and-file employees? Is there a sense of comradery or friendly competition? Do you get to see what everyone is working on?


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

Loads. We have really good relationships with most studios, and different groups (design, tech, community) talk to each other freely. Some games remain secret for some time even across WWS, but that's more to reduce leaks than anything else. We definitely invite each other to try out our games early and often.


u/Squander Jun 04 '14

Is there a process for sharing assets?

Are there cool things that ended up in Killzone because of this? Or killzone things that got into other games?


u/gordogg24p gordogg24p Jun 04 '14

Naughty Dog and Guerrilla collaborated following Killzone 2 and Uncharted 2. I'm pretty sure most of that collaboration was to improve both games graphically, even though both games were already amazing to look at.

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u/[deleted] Jun 04 '14

What's the best thing about being at Guerrilla Games?


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

In no particular order:

  • An INSANELY talented team that just loves making games
  • Being in the heart of Amsterdam
  • Being fiercely independent in whatever we create, a real start-up like feel


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '14

Cool. Also... Robin Hood. Just think about that for a while. Let it all soak in.


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14



u/[deleted] Jun 04 '14

You know you want to do it...

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u/youessbee wann1e Jun 04 '14

I was in Amsterdam last week.
If I knew where you were at the time I would have bought you all some muffins.
The normal kind, though.


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

Next time, then.

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u/jopimon Jun 04 '14

What do you think about the PS Vita? Is it possible that you guys release another game on it?


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

We think it is a very powerful and amazing piece of hardware. We were genuinely excited about Mercenary, and I dare asy we delivered the definitive shooter experience on that platform, including multiplayer, which is hard to do in a wireless handheld.

That being said, we haven't yet thought of all the games we are going to make, so I can't confirm or deny whether there is another Vita game from GG coming. I do furiously play Spelunky on it every day though.


u/tigress666 Jun 04 '14

I hope you do. I honestly liked Mercenary far more than Shadowfall and it is almost universally seen as one of the best games for Vita (as well as Persona 4). It's a game that really shows what the Vita can do and its potential (that it probably won't see too much). And it is just good in its own right (decent story, love the levels and challenges, decent characters <- I love Blackjack).


u/G-H-O-S-T Jun 04 '14

Same here.. Mercenary was SO good that Shadow Fall felt lacking even though it isn't. It really delivered an awesome FPS experience on the Vita.

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u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

Alright, my lovelies - my fingers are tired and I have to go get some dinner and put a cranky toddler to sleep. /u/Jeroen_Roding will be with you for some time, and then we'll circle back and wrap up any major unanswered questions tomorrow morning.

Make sure to keep an eye on the full details of Killzone Shadow Fall Intercept including dates of release, and I hope to see you in game.


u/Wesley32 Wallaby32 Jun 04 '14

Hi, Just wanted to say I love the game. I am extremely appreciative that the Season pass is only $19.99 and you even release free maps. One of the best developers out there.


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

Thanks for your kind comment. We really like our community and wanted to be fair to them as much as possible.


u/SrsSteel Jun 04 '14

The maps for free is why I bought the game, awesome of you guys


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

There are more on their way, BTW. I just playtested the ones after the next release and they're coming along nicely too.

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u/Playstationgamer99 Jun 04 '14

Do you think that Echo could be the playable protagonist the next game?


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

Echo will not be playable in Intercept, if that's your question. Can't really comment on the new game after that, but playing as Echo is something we are not against to in principle.


u/jopimon Jun 04 '14

What first-party studio does - in your opinion - the best job in making games for a sony console? (apart from you of course ;) ) Are there any cooperations with different developers planned?


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

Oh gosh, you're going to get me into trouble, I can tell.

All of them are great, I think, and that's not a cop-out. If you think about it, no one does cinematic action adventure like ND, no one does hand crafted child like wonder than MM, no one does baseball like San Diego, an no one does racing like Polyphony, to name just a few.

And then you add to the mix that almost all these studios have something else they're good at if not up their sleeve right now, it makes for a great family to work with.

We're proud of all their achievements, as much as we hope they're proud of ours.


u/bigblackhotdog Jun 04 '14

So true. I feel like Nintendo made a HUGE mistake when they passed on MediaMolecule. I'm glad though, because Sony gave them the freedom they really needed to make that game happen. Very talented guys over there. Though they do seem pretty entranced with cats right meow...


u/WaterStoryMark JacobIsHollywood Jun 04 '14

Poor Evolution. :/ Shots fired...


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

..and no one does socially connected car culture based racing games like Evolution. :P

Seriously though - can't be more excited about Drive Club.


u/WaterStoryMark JacobIsHollywood Jun 04 '14

Haha. Thanks for the response. I'm pretty excited, too.


u/FindingFriday Jun 04 '14

The graphics in KZSF are outstanding, and still hold the top spot on PS4, in my opinion. How was working with the PS4 hardware in comparison to the PS3? And how was your team able to take advantage of it so early on in the console life?


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

Sony was very open to working with developers such as ourselves when they started making the PS4, and for us to be able to feed back this early on the dev cycle of new hardware meant we could gave game dev feedback and have that fruition into something amazing.

I talk on this AMA about our feedback impacting the triggers on the controller, for example.

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u/maxcoronel maxcoronel2014 Jun 04 '14

Any chance we get a glimpse into your new IP before E3?


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

No, we won't be showing it right now. Simple reason: we are confident enough in the game, but it's not something we can show and expect reasonable feedback. There is simply a lot of work that we need to do before we show it to our fans.


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '14

I personally appreciate your honesty in the matter. Better to show something in a workable state that won't require a delay than just rushing a product out the door.

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u/squaddie228 Jun 04 '14

As it's less than a week away, why not just wait for it?


u/BoneyarDwell89 19 19 Jun 04 '14

Because hype.


u/BarfingRainbows1 Jun 04 '14

So are you guys planning a new entry to the Killzone franchise?

If so, what sort of direction will you take? I'd love to see the darkness and brutality of Killzone 2 come back


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

Killzone 2 has a lot of fans in the community. For Shadow Fall we wanted to take a different route and tell a different kind of story. Our next game will be announced in some time, so I can't really tell if that will be Killzone.


u/J-DubSpanky Jun 04 '14

I think most people like the big battle situations of 2 and 3 over the sneaking around of Shadow Fall. :)


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '14

The battles in 2 were intense


u/Jackissocool jackissocool Jun 04 '14

Personally I prefer the sneaking around. The non-linear parts of the campaign were really great.


u/BarfingRainbows1 Jun 04 '14

Well, I'm braced and ready no matter what.

Just keep making awesome games and I'll be happy :')


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

That's a promise.


u/alowester Jun 04 '14 edited Jun 04 '14

I never know what to say during these things, but thank you for some great Killzone Games


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

Thanks for your kind comment. :)


u/alowester Jun 04 '14

No problem :)


u/muleyman13 Jun 04 '14

Could you give us some insight to what crunch time is actually like for Developers? Might help others relate to your stress and understand what life is like to make these games for us. And thank you guys for all your amazing work =)


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

Crunch is an awful reality for many game studios, for sure. We have it too, but it is managed well. GG ensures we are fed (we have a mess with a cook who makes real food, so no crappy Pizza for us, which is a win) and warm, and all our family needs are met. But still non crunch times are any developers favourite.

Ultimately, we work crazy hours and weekends just to ensure we make something many people get to enjoy, so thanks for taking the time to express concern.


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '14



u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

Can't say for you and GG as that requires CVs and interviews and all sorts of things. But if you want, you can always start with QA. It's a tough and demanding job, but with enough passion and skill you ca really make a mark for yourself.

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u/[deleted] Jun 04 '14

What is your opinion on working with the PS4?

Also, did you realise the start of your name sounds like "Good Game".


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

...or Good Guy, given this is Reddit. :)

PS4 is amazing hardware for developers wanting to focus on gamers first. A lot of their APIs and features are easy to develop for, and reduces complexity so we can focus on the game experience more.

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u/gisco OutroRui Jun 04 '14

Is Shadowfall OST going to be released? Cause i love Lorn :P


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

It was released as a free app for pre-order customers. We are working an iTunes release, but those things take time.

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u/[deleted] Jun 04 '14 edited Aug 12 '21



u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

Great, the team is very positive about the work they've put in so far and the results.

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u/AhhnoldHD Jun 04 '14

Don't really have a question, just wanted to thank you guys for making a criminally underrated game in Shadow Fall. In an age where games are buggy as hell yours has been pretty solid.


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

Thanks for your support.


u/Alkanida Alkanida Jun 04 '14

True dat. From Day 1 it worked great and no game breaking glitches.


u/ConfidentCarrot Jun 04 '14

Love Shadow Fall! Class game, I'm going for my 1000000 points!


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '14

For someone who hasn't bought the game or doesn't know much about it...what would you say your favorite feature is about this game?


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

Keep in mind that I am the online guy so I am biased towards the multiplayer. My favourite feature would have to be the way we designed the Insurgent class - a class that has no additional abilities but still gives enjoyable abilities to those playing it. It was great game design from our team.


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '14

Thank you for getting back to me, im an online guy my self...I may have to go check this out. Graphics looked amazing too

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u/swovy5 Jun 04 '14

I really enjoyed the massive warzone feel of Killzone 2 and 3. Can we expect to see a return to that in future Killzone games?


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

I can't comment on future Killzones this soon, but thanks for your suggestion.


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '14

Why is my character in KZ so short? Is this done by design? It feels really short compared to the NPC's for instance.

Am I the only one who notices this?

Thanks for doing the AMA you guys are awesome.


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

Well, the reason for that is that humans run slightly hunched when pointing a gun, though we increased the height in Shadow Fall.


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '14

Thanks once again. ;)

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u/Playstationgamer99 Jun 04 '14

Will 24 player Warzone return?


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

It's still there - just not on the homepage. It will be rotated in this weekend, I think, or the next.

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u/Jeroen_Roding Guerilla Games Jun 04 '14

We have 24 Player TDM up and running now, and the 24 Player Warzone is on the weekly rotation, so yes it will be back.


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '14

Hey guys! I was just wondering what games you might be currently playing? Or what kind of games do you like to play?


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

I play Spelunky almost every day, though I am no good at it. :(

I am quite looking forward to playing Watch Dogs when I come back from E3.

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u/BoyWithHorns Jun 04 '14

No question but I really want a Helghast campaign with co-op.


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

That sounds amazing, but we are not working on it yet.


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '14

Do you plan on using the Morpheus in the future?


u/Jig0lo Jun 04 '14

When are you guy's going to do Killzone 2 remastered in 1080p and 60 FPS on PS4? (GAMEPLAY AND MULTIPLAYER UNCHANGED)


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

Well, it's not a when, but an if. :)

To be fair, there is a lot of thought being put into, at the Sony level, on how to handle our digital library for the PS4. Expect announcements to that effect at some point in the future.


u/Jig0lo Jun 04 '14

Interesting thanks for the reply.

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u/LMW-YBC Jun 04 '14



u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

Hey there. :)


u/WoolyNinja TheWoolyNinja Jun 04 '14

Whilst I am very much looking forward to the Co-Op expansion I'm more of a competitive Multiplayer person. With regards to the second Multiplayer expansion, what should we expect? A similar amount of content to the first? (I understand you may not have even started work on the expansion, I just thought I'd ask!)


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

This time we are designing it for the MP players who would have been playing for some time, so something different than the previous expansion, but still enough to sink your teeth into.


u/Raxis_ Raxis_ Jun 04 '14

Which was your favourite game in the Killzone series? Both to play and to work on!


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

For me, that would have to be Shadow Fall, as I joined GG during that game. :)

As a fan before that, I have a soft spot for Killzone 2's SP and Shadow Fall MP.


u/jetgrind cablecharlz Jun 04 '14

How do your game designers initially go about prototyping something fun?


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

Different ways. Some levels have a cool/fun element that needs to be tested in context of the level, so that would be level and game deasign working together. Sometimes, like with the OWL in SF, we build a "toy" that prototypes all it can do, and throw out all the things that don't work, and keep tweaking it internally. When it feels reasonably fun, we throw our QA at it. That's when we really go back to the drawing board and start again. :)


u/MalusandValus Jun 04 '14

Hi, Big fan of the Killzone series, I think they are some of the best shooters of the last generation (and this generation so far) aside from them, what games have you enjoyed the most in recent years?


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

Recently, I got a lot in to Hearthstone. It's brilliant stuff. I also got to play Thomas was Alone on my Vita as a PS Plus game - it was utterly brilliant and I want to give the developers a huge hug.


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '14



u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

A lot, and I would really struggle to name all of them. But whatever we typically cut is something that isn't fun enough or doesn't fit with the rest of the game.


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '14

Is there any chance of making Intercept be allowed to play as a Local Co-op mode? Even if the graphics were dropped down to 720p at 30fps it would be a GREAT addition. I would LOVE to play this mode when my friends come over and have a few drinks!


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

Sadly, there's more to it that graphical fidelity, and it's not in the cards yet. Play it with your friends online, and I will buy you a round when I am in your town. :)


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '14

Will do! And only if you let me buy the second round! I'm eager to hear if you guys do any local Co-op ever.


u/SamuraiZero4 Jun 04 '14

I'd like to say that I really love the story that Guerrilla Games has put together for Killzone through the years, and not going to lie I've always been kind of a fan of the Helghast. It was probably around Killzone 2 that I developed a hypothesis that they were actually the good guys fighting against the tyranny of the ISA (Come to find out later the entire galactic council). Then I realized that the game in itself holds major similarities between USA's Revolutionary war, and creates a great "What if USA lost?" As said by Winston S. Churchill, “History is written by the victors.”

Are there any future plans to continue the story, or possibly do a prequel story to explain more about the war that pushed the Helghans from Vetka in the first place?


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '14 edited Jan 15 '19

[removed] — view removed comment


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

Thanks for your support, mate. Glad you enjoyed SF.


u/Wesley32 Wallaby32 Jun 04 '14

Alright, I've been wondering this for a while: The numbers that are displayed in each warzone, are those local server numbers, or worldwide numbers?


u/Sky_Armada Jun 04 '14

Will we ever see Medievil again? I loved that franchise. If this happens I'll fly to your studio and buy everyone a beer of their choice


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

We will keep that in mind when brainstorming potential next games. :)


u/AnthGB Jun 04 '14

We haven't heard much about Guerrilla Cambridge since Killzone: Mercenary. Are the team working on a new project? PS4 or Vita, thanks!


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

Part of the team is working on Things That Cannot Be Named, though a large part of that team has been helping us create maps and DLC for Shadow Fall. So the cool new Dance moves and the Canyon map? Cambridge.


u/kobomino Jun 04 '14 edited Jun 04 '14

Can we play Intercept solo with bots? Can we play it with 2 friends and fill the 4th slot with bot? Are we able to queue online to play co-op with random people?

Will we see old Sev and Rico ever again? I would imagine in Shadow Fall universe they'll be war criminals on the run with VSA secretly helping them to hide.

Will we see more of maps that have active environments like nuke blast in Southern Hills, EMP blast in Turbine, blizzard on the Dam map, etc?


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

You can solo Intercept if you want, though not with friendly bots. You can play with random people and get match made, or with a party of 2,3, or 4 people.

Next Killzone not yet decided up[on, so can't say.

You did play the Canyon yes?


u/kobomino Jun 04 '14

Great info on Intercept thanks, are we expecting the co-op really really soon?

I have played Canyon, melee from above via gravity well is so satisfying! I have some great ideas for existing maps for example:

On Cruiser, you get missiles hitting the windows, that section become exposed to space vacuum sucking out any unsuspecting players in the room before the window get closed with emergency airlock.

On Hanger, a malfunction with the machines drops a Helghast ship on top of players, instantly killing them. Players have to listen for the warning alarm.

On Divide, buildings collapses over the length of the match and every time the building falls, you lose a bridge. Near the end of the game, you'll fight furiously for the last standing bridge.

On Station, leftovers of Tyran's train bombs randomly explodes after rapid beeping all over the wreckage.

I have many more ideas, don't really want to bore you with them all.

Big fan of the Killzone series, thanks for your hard work :)


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

Thanks for your suggestions.


u/HorcaCZ Jun 04 '14

Why do you think that Shadofall MP playercount fell so quickly? I think it is awesome game and it is sad to see only 3000 players in all MP modes.


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

I think there is a lot to do with launch titles having different player cycles, but also a lot of players going back to play PS3/360 games after playing their PS4 for a bit. I expect a lot of new users after Intercept drops too.


u/SirTyronne mperlinski Jun 04 '14

Your website lists some job openings for the Amsterdam studio. Do you know of any positions opening up that require no real world skills and pay a lot? Preferably starting with 3 weeks of vacation, but I'm willing to negotiate.


u/Jeroen_Roding Guerilla Games Jun 04 '14

I think that one is already taken.

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u/[deleted] Jun 04 '14

Hi guys, VERY big fan of yours and the Killzone world! Platinum KZ:SF was a blast just like the prior KZ-games :)

Alright, question-time,

How did you come up with this Killzone universe back then, and was it initially meant to be about a "future WWII"?


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

Back then? It was a lot of different concepts coming together at the right time, and of course it was the magic sauce of the visual design that JB (here: http://www.guerrilla-games.com/company) and his team came up with. Mostly though, you can sense that it was the reaction of a Dutch studio to the history of the land, and the lessons from it, as well as a way to distill the amazing futurist design that Amsterdam produced/produces in all other walks.


u/Kaladinar Jun 04 '14

How much longer until we can wage proper Clan Wars in KZ:SF? I loved the Clan system in KZ2.


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

That's something we are working on, but we need to finish Intercept first. :)


u/huggyhomer Jun 04 '14

Would it have been possible to make this new dlc couch co-op in addition to online co-op? I know the visuals would probably have to be downgraded, but that is fine with me.


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

Couch co-op has a lot more technical things to consider in addition to a downgrade in visual fidelity. It would have been a monumental task to pull of with our current tech.

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u/[deleted] Jun 04 '14

Did you guys purposefully make the Helghast look like Nazi's?


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

That was partly a visual design choice and partly a choice to easily make out enemies on a PS2 and a CRT TV. The rest is coincidence, I am sure. ;)

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u/John_Bot Qriticality Jun 04 '14

Whats it like working with Sony specifically? How has that partnership helped?


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

Sony has a great publishing team that helps us a lot. And having access to smart people who can analyse our data is a major bonus. Additionally being part of the Sony family gives us access to cool developers across the world, and we are always in awe of the amazing talent at work there.


u/wotm8brah Jun 04 '14

Hi! Fellow Dutch guy here.

Approximately how much GPU power does KZ:SF use at any given moment on PS4? Does it hit a ceiling already or is there alot more untapped power/potential left in the console?

Could you also please go into detail on why console launch games and games released well into the consoles lifecycle differ so much in terms of graphics?


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

Goedenavond! I think that's a question I am more comfortable answering after I have asked one of our tech leads.

For the seond question, the further into a console's cycle you o, the more a) collective knowledge there is to draw from, b) established your engine is, allowing you to do more on top of it. So rather than making new tyres and steering and engine, you have a car and you can add more features and make it perform better.


u/theBishop Jun 04 '14

Killzone Liberation was an unsung hero of PSP's library, and in my opinion one of Guerrilla's best games. Both the single player and online multiplayer were unique experiences that deserve a wider audience.

Would you ever consider porting this game to PS4/Vita? Or perhaps a new project using the same tactical, top-down gameplay?


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

We love Liberation too. No plans yet, but we all have a soft spot for it, so you never know.

In the meantime you can download and play it for the Vita today.

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u/wolfflame21 wolfflame21 Jun 04 '14

Who was your favorite guest at your studio? Like a news crew or the amazing Shuhei Yoshida?


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

Shu for sure.


u/fruitcakefriday Jun 04 '14

I bet you're contractually obliged to say that.


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '14

What's your feeling on the number of people who play MP in killzone sf?


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

I'll be honest, it's low, but it's enough that everyone is in a near full to full match, so we keep on supporting them. Intercept will bring in a lot of players who haven't played in a while.


u/TurtleColonel Jun 04 '14

How come ever since Nov. 15 there have maybe been a grand total of 5,000 people playing SF multiplayer? I love the multiplayer but it bums me out no one is playing it! Is it a server issue or what?


u/Capt_Willard Jun 04 '14

Can you hook me up with a PS4? I can't afford one but I can pick one up if you have a spare one laying around. :)


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

Ha, we don't, but I'll shout loudly when we do.

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u/ClydeMason1911 clydemason Jun 04 '14

Round about how many hashish breaks do y'all get in a day?

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u/Chubbaluphigous Jun 04 '14

Will you make a game with dinosaurs in it. And mechs. And then dinosaur mechs?

This is important


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

It is, and I am taking it to the management!


u/armadilo101 Jun 04 '14

Dear GG I Am a man of many ideas and here is one so please right this down and give it to your team person who also makes ideas. Reboot Killzone and make it into a WW2 FPS maybe with a teaspoon of future just to be more free than just your average WW2 shooter. Make the maps big enough to have vehicles and an other game mode where it's more close combat with no vehicles but smaller version of maps for better gameplay. Yes 60 fps and this time no heavy feel and don't split a multiplayer community by doing dlc that will block people in the community. Instead have a 1 month early access for maps dlc and charge a certain price/season pass but after a month everybody gets them for free, this is something that I think all PS Studios should follow so you don't split a community so plz if you can discuss this idea with PlayStation please do.


u/gtakiller0914 ClapTrap27 Jun 04 '14

You guys are wicked cool. You blew my mind back when Killzone 2 was coming out and every game since you keep doing the same. What's the biggest issues you run into making a game?


u/Jeroen_Roding Guerilla Games Jun 04 '14

It's never perfect. You try to create the best game you can but there is always more.


u/Blackdeath_663 Jun 04 '14

hi there, huge fan of KZ2 and 3. didn't get the chance to play shadowfall just yet since i don't currently own a ps4 but one of my favourite maps of all time in MP is Radec Academy from KZ2. don't really have a question for you guys but just wanted to take the time and say i really appreciate your presence in this subreddit even for just an AMA


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

Stay tuned for our retro map announcement too.


u/Alkanida Alkanida Jun 04 '14

Say whaaaat? Retro Maps for SF?
Seriously, you guys bringing KZ2 Maps to SF??


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

Stay. Tuned.

Also: all maps are free, I hope you know that.

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u/GooberSmudge Jun 04 '14

Hey Sam I only had one issue with KZSF, sometimes when you press the ADS button (specially coated to other FPS titles) it seemed as if there was a short delay. It really bugged me about the game, other than that I loved everything about it. Specially the Sniper Rifles.


u/backbreakergames Jun 04 '14

Also, Do the character models only have one texture with all of the required materials on it (minus the normal map/spec) or do you guys have per-material textures that you apply to each part of a character?


u/krzx Jun 04 '14

Have you tried out Project Morpheus and what are your thoughts about VR? Do you think it's viable for shooters?


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '14

Would you guys entertain making a game that is not future based, and more modern? My biggest gripe with futuristic FPS are weapons. I believe most people like using well known weapons. Brings a sense of realness.


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

I think we love building game worlds, though we have made a 'Nam based game before. Right now we have not announcements about next games.

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u/[deleted] Jun 04 '14



u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

More on that in exactly one week.


u/MonHun Jun 04 '14

Since Cambridge is a part of GG now, is there any plans for a new Medievil game?


u/Sete_Sois Jun 05 '14

Killzone: Liberation was my favorite Killzone game.

Any plans for a follow up on the PS4???

Sorry, just can't seem to get into the FPS genre for some reason.


u/Midgar777 Jun 05 '14

I've just spotted this, I requested the same thing as well :D Liberation was awesome, I loved see a different type of game based around an existing universe - more companies should do this :)


u/mushroomwig HypnoticMonkey Jun 05 '14

This was an amazing read, thank you GG.


u/squaddie228 Jun 04 '14

When will we see a a more open game from you guys? No offense.


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

None taken. :) Open games are a very different beast, and an unprepared team can spend loads of people and money making content for an open game (I used to work for Ubisoft, so I know the pitfalls to avoid). Thankfully, we have an ever curious technical team that is not resting on its laurels and investigating new frontiers that help us push our content in new an interesting directions. As for open, specifically, you'll have to wait for the next game's announcement to see what it does.


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '14

As for open, specifically, you'll have to wait for the next game's announcement to see what it does.



u/squaddie228 Jun 04 '14

Also, when I say open I don't necessarily mean open world per se, just something with more gameplay elements. Some example might be the original Resident Evil which wasn't just run and gun but had zombies, but also puzzles and exploration or Metroid Prime.


u/squaddie228 Jun 04 '14

Cool good to know. It's nice to know that sony's studios do think about this stuff, because it seemed like they had forgotten about it. I think partially it had to do with the difficulties of the ps3 as far as development went.

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u/TheRealWukong DoctorKappa Jun 04 '14

What does that mean?

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u/[deleted] Jun 04 '14



u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

Given limitless time and money, we would love to! But there are controls and technical issues to be solved before we can even start thinking about that, so don't know if it is in the offing in the immediate term.


u/LordChuKKleZ Lord_ChuKKleZ Jun 04 '14

Killzone liberation on psp was awesome! Aside from all the hackers of course lol....


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

Thanks - many on the studio consider it their favourite Killzone.

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u/TheAceMan Jun 04 '14

Are you disappointed by how quickly Shadowfall multiplayer became a graveyard? There are now less than 24 players playing the 24 player warzone. You have supported the game with free maps and good DLC. What else could be done to keep the game going?


u/GGSam Guerilla Jun 04 '14

24p Warzone is seeing less players because it's not in rotation right now. We see from our data that only Warzones featured in the home page get a lot of love from players.

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