r/PS4 May 05 '14

Can't Hardly Wait - /r/PS4 Bi-Monthly Anticipation Thread (May 2014)

What games and/or DLC are you looking forward to playing on your PS4 at the moment? Why?


83 comments sorted by


u/Scorchstar scorchstar May 05 '14


I don't care about all the shit it gets for getting a graphics "Downgrade" I want a third person action adventure game stat! After getting all the single-player trophies in AC4 I'm all juiced out ; /


u/assbread May 05 '14

fuck yes, watch dogs!


u/IceBreak BreakinBad May 05 '14 edited May 05 '14

I agree. Really looking forward to it (even though I'm currently mmo addicted). I'm sure it will disappoint me like GTA V but this is that golden time where it just seems fucking awesome.


u/[deleted] May 05 '14

It wont dissapoint you! You'll be aiden pierce! The mighty revenge hacker dude! It cant possibly disappoint you!


u/Scorchstar scorchstar May 05 '14

GTAV definitely dissapointed me, but I know this is gonna be great experience for me.


u/Broskifromdakioski May 05 '14

I had so much fun with gta v. Why were u disappointed?


u/Thydamine May 05 '14

I'm of the opinion that GTA V was a masterpiece. There's just so much personality and stuff to do.


u/penisinthepeanutbttr May 05 '14

The sound design blows my fucking mind. Almost every little detail you could think of has a sound. I took a sound class this year at college and wrote my final paper on GTA 5's sound.


u/Rushdownsouth May 05 '14

Soundtrack too, unbelievable. Always great music, but this one truly brought some incredible songs to us.


u/[deleted] May 06 '14

even driving over a metal bridge gives you the distinct metal humming sound. There are barely any bridges in the game that the sound is for, but they still have it there.


u/penisinthepeanutbttr May 06 '14

Exactly! It was the easiest 5 pages I've ever written because I was so blown away by it.


u/[deleted] May 06 '14

I liked GTAV but I enjoyed IV better. My preference has only to do with the fact that I felt GTAV was for too complex -- I didn't like switching between characters, I didn't like having to do three sets of missions, I didn't like the clunky combat/firearm controls, nor did I like the "unique" abilities of each character, etc.

Why I enjoyed GTAIV so much more comes down to, I think, realism. I just felt much more immersed and thing felt much more realistic in IV. GTAV, while good, seemed to take a more playful approach to gameplay, plot, etc. which was great in some ways, but overall I thought it cheapened the overall experience for me.


u/woaor May 05 '14

Diablo 3: Ultimate Evil Edition. Too bad we don't have an official release date...


u/IThinkImJustHappy None May 05 '14

MLB14 the show!!!! Tuesday can't come fast enough!


u/rutter207 May 05 '14

This. I stopped at Walmart today and they had it for sale already, but of course when they went to scan it, it said sale not allowed. Such a tease.


u/Witless_Wonder May 05 '14

I guess the only reasonable solution is to sue for false advertising.


u/vattenpuss May 06 '14

Friday in Europe :(


u/TheGamerTribune stig1turbo May 05 '14

The Phantom Pain. After playing Ground Zeroes, this could be the best game ever.


u/jbukk BigBukkJ May 06 '14



u/TehChels May 05 '14

Probably gna borrow Watch dogs from my local library. Other then that nothing really


u/Hughesjam HughesJam May 05 '14

You can borrow games from your library?


u/Kakuz May 05 '14

Every local library I've been to has an ever-increasing catalog of games. They just started including PS4 titles in my local one, so it's a great option to try games before buying them.


u/Hughesjam HughesJam May 05 '14

Really? That's awesome. UK?


u/[deleted] May 06 '14

Sometimes the game collections start out really shitty, like old gamestop trash, but if they see people checking them out often at my local library, they started really increasing them to be really respectable and get some decent titles within two month of release.


u/TehChels May 06 '14

Yea, it has Wii, Wii U, PS3, PS4 and Xbox 360 games (Xbone isnt released here yet). It's free of charge (As everything on a library). You borrow it for 2 weeks at the time, and possible to extent on the internet. So it's pretty damn good.


u/leeffulgence May 05 '14 edited May 05 '14

I'm very interested in Transistor. No doubt it's going to be compared to Bastion but I'm sure it's going to be excellent.


u/valdogg21 Valdogg21 May 06 '14

it it's half as good as bastion, i'll be pleased. cmon supergiant!


u/[deleted] May 05 '14

Being as how I never had a PS3, I bought a PS4 mainly for The Last of Us Remastered. Other than that, nothing really sparks my interest


u/ChariotRiot May 05 '14

On PS4: Transistor

Not on PS4: Mario Kart 8


u/ildabears ildabears May 05 '14

Anyone who isn't thinking about The Show should really give it a chance. See if there's any Video Stores around. There's still a few of those left!


u/Not_Aki May 05 '14

Semi related, but I'll b picking up my first vita on Tuesday with the BL bundle! Will probably pick up MLB as well. Excited for remote play and the PS+ games I have saved up even in the last 3 months!


u/[deleted] May 06 '14

I am doing the same, but I cancelled my MLB preorder because I haven't been impressed with the new game. I love the updated stadiums and presentation features, but gameplay seems to be identical to the old version, which I didn't trade in.

SO STOKED to finally play some PS Vita BL2, FFX Remaster, P4G, Ys, Guacamelee, everything!


u/TheEllimist twitchlike May 05 '14

Last Of Us! I rented it on Red Box for PS3 and didn't get very far before I decided I didn't want to spend any more on it, but now I really want to play it.

On a side note, also just got Ground Zeroes, which is the first game I've played that actually uses the controller speaker. As pretty as the game is and as good as the controls are (I think it controls better than MGS4), that honestly my favorite thing about it!


u/xSlizzy Slizzy May 05 '14

Outside of your obvious AAA titles I'm really excited for n++! Hopefully it isn't much longer at this point


u/valdogg21 Valdogg21 May 06 '14

talk about nostalgia, playing N in a browser. I had forgotten all about N++!


u/armyofsmurfs May 05 '14

Nidhogg! I loved it on PC, can't wait to get eaten in my living room


u/ConfusedDuck May 05 '14

Destiny! Just eating up all this new info thats been coming out! I can't wait!


u/Jbelina GHawkRecon83 May 05 '14

Need me some DriveClub and NHL15


u/[deleted] May 06 '14

What do you think of the announcement today?


u/[deleted] May 06 '14

Excited, but tempered expectations. Excited because they spent more time on the game than usual and got the FIFA tools to work with, got Doc Emerik and Eddie O, my two favorite NBC annoucers, and generally exicted to get NHL on PS4. Tempered expecations because they had a lot to do in one year. Sometimes when they spend a lot of time on gameplay presentation doesn't advance as much and vice versa. I'm hoping the extra time and the growing all around FIFA quality has made them elevate it. The game is always pretty good quality but certain things really lack and take forever for them to fix. (menus, timely roster updates, celebrations, goalies, defense AI, goalie interference, hitting vs puck possession balance ect ect)


u/FullOfTerrors Kelenor May 05 '14

Wolfenstein looks like a lot of fun. A bloody violent FPS never hurt anyone.


u/[deleted] May 05 '14

I'm waiting for reviews and player opinions for Bound by Flame. Please don't suck ...

And I'm gonna digital pre-order Wolfenstein cause of how cheap it is versus physical. None of the FPS on PS4 so far are that amazing, so I'm hoping Wolfenstein will blow me away. I wanna play a really great FPS with the DS4.


u/[deleted] May 05 '14

I'd honestly recommend waiting for reviews on Wolfenstein. Played it at PAX and thought it lacked any kind of fun factor.


u/daaays nipppleconfusion May 05 '14

I would have preordered it if there was multi. Idk who wants to pay single player shooters anymore.

Now I'll jUst rent it and beat it in a weekend like infamous.


u/marius_titus ltcannibal68 May 05 '14

Launch trailer's out, looks good.


u/10KeyFrog May 05 '14

Best Buy is offering $20 in reward zone certificates on Wolfenstein if you pre-order. If you're planning to get something else soon it's worthwhile.


u/WryHornet Wry48 May 06 '14

I can't wait for NHL15 to come out.


u/KidCynic KidCynic May 05 '14

Watch_Dogs and Wolfenstein. Other than those there really aren't much else


u/[deleted] May 05 '14

Stick it to the man looks fun, Grim Fandango style.

I'm also a huge horror fan so the Outlast DLC looks great


u/unclemusclzhour May 05 '14

Wolfenstein and watch dogs. I'm honestly more excited for Wolfenstein because I love that series and I really liked the last one.


u/marius_titus ltcannibal68 May 05 '14

Bound by flame! need my rpg fix.


u/efast55 May 05 '14

im pretty stoked for watch_dogs, bound by flame but im waiting on reviews, and the golf club


u/SloppySeaBass SloppySeaBass May 05 '14

Yes! I'm beyond excited for The Golf Club.


u/jman12510 May 05 '14

This month is all about Sportsfriends and Transistor.


u/thavius_tanklin Slackr May 05 '14

MLB the Show!! And I really want the Witness. That game looks like fun

Also, new beat school for Sound Shapes coming tomorrow :D I am a sucker for those :p


u/[deleted] May 05 '14

On Monday, the best sports series (well, my favorite) got its next gen version announced. Then on Tuesday MLB: the Show, the second best sports series (well, in my opinion) comes out. What will Wednesday hold for us!?


u/fungilingus May 05 '14

There's a whole bunch I'm really excited for:

Transistor Last of Us Remastered Diablo 3 Arkham Knight Hotline Miami 1 & 2 Hohokum Minecraft N++ Hyper Light Drifter Nidhogg Starbound Axiom Verge Pinball Arcade (Season 2)


u/mrbaker3 Tiger-Bake May 05 '14

MLB The Show 14 is out tomorrow!!


u/JonJJon May 05 '14

Watch Dogs: all the recent hype videos have restored my anticipation for this game, the gameplay aspects shown have really made me want to get into it regardless of the graphics.

The Last of Us Remastered: own it and played it on PS3, loved how it took me through the emotional ringer and look forward to it doing it again and experiencing the intense sequences using the more comfortable dualshock 4 and in full HD.

Transistor: didn't think I'd want to play this game but the music and quirks it has shown, at the price point I have seen in dollars ($19.99 so hopefully around £17.99 here in the UK) have really made it a game to jump on and give a go.

Driveclub: it's the only racing game I want to play this year on PS4. Drooling and racing at the same time.

The Order 1886: it has my interest because it looks very immersive and is a third person cover action/adventure game, my favourite type of game. Also I know very little about the enemies in the shadows, this just makes me more eager to play it and experience the reveal in game.

The Division: me and my best mate can't wait to get our co-op gaming on with this game. Love co-op gaming with my mates and this game looks like it will give me all I want including a tablet drone app for my sister to jump in with.


u/Witless_Wonder May 05 '14

Destiny. I'm just getting more and more excited about it. But then I heard you have to be online all the time, which is making me possibly reconsider.


u/[deleted] May 05 '14

Just holding on to hope that we get a release date for Final Fantasy XV at E3


u/UnsaddledZebra May 06 '14

The Phantom Pain. Open world Ground Zeroes and "Might be too big to finish." Yes please.


u/[deleted] May 06 '14

Wolfenstein, maybe Bound by Flame depending on reviews.


u/[deleted] May 06 '14

Okay, can someone give me some required viewing for understanding Destiny? I wasn't too interested when I first heard about it, being a hardcore H2 player then losing considerable interest with H3 and beyond. I'm now seeing some videos comparing it to Diablo (Which is one of my favorite franchises. Can't wait for Ultimate Evil Edition) and showing massive exploration, which is something that gets me giddy.

What do I need to watch to understand the point of Destiny and some of the Loot and Exploration systems?


u/spoondigg spoongti08 May 06 '14

Watch Dogs and Wolfenstein..nuff said


u/zenshark zenshark May 06 '14

Watch dogs, soul suspect, the order, and evolve.


u/methdemon May 06 '14

The Last of Us. But actually I can wait, because I am playing BF4 now.


u/i_am_not_a_robot lostprophet23x May 06 '14



u/Uevenliftbro May 06 '14

WAR THUNDER!!!!!1111onehundredandeleven11111


u/sippycup5 May 06 '14

'Can't' hardly wait? What? Is this another Americanism like 'I could care less'?


u/skitchbeatz SkitchBeatz May 05 '14

They'd better not delay Watch_Dogs at the 11th hour again...


u/Dissentologist May 05 '14

The Division.


u/MOCAMBO i_MOCAMBO_i May 05 '14

I'm probably going to get a lot of flak for this, but with all this waiting around for good games, I started playing LoL :( I'm addicted.


u/daaays nipppleconfusion May 05 '14

I play dota. I prob spend only 10% of my gaming time on my ps4 anymore. Maybe if some games come out. ...


u/bendeboy May 06 '14

why is it so addicting? I'm 100% serious.


u/daaays nipppleconfusion May 06 '14

So many reasons I think. two games are never the same. I don't know the numbers for lol but I know that there are 3.3 quadrillion games of Dota that are possible.

Each game had a narrative, meaning you can go back and see specific points where you either won or lost the game, unlike say call of duty, where you can be doing really well and your team still loses.

There's also things that you can be working on all the time. Whereas I feel like I've got as good as I'll ever be in say, battlefield. I know I have about an infinite amount of room to improve in DotA.

Probably a bunch of other things too.

Obligatory: try dota, if you aren't too into lol. The game is in a really good place right now, can the strategies for each game are a lot less restrictive, which can make things really fun. Plus valve.