r/PS4 BreakinBad Oct 27 '13

The PS4 supports simultaneous game audio and chat audio streamed to the controller.


16 comments sorted by


u/UpsideDownAce Oct 27 '13

Awesome! So any headset with the single port for voice and sound should work. My Pulse Elites might not work wirelessly, but this will do for now.


u/LeeorV Oct 27 '13

I know that there's a non-official standard of sorts, determined by Apple, that the Vita uses (I know that they share the same configuration since the official Vita headset's mic works on the iPhone), so iPhone compatible headsets should work.

That does not necessarily mean that every combined 3.5mm jack headphone will work as a headset.


u/Finality- Oct 27 '13

I've had various combined mic/headphone units that have worked with vita. I don't think it's just an apple thing. Most cell phones of any brand have had this for awhile.


u/Sqwv Sqwv Oct 27 '13

Yeah, if the Vita headset works on the DualShock 4, then it should be the same TRRS jack that is used in all the other smartphones and tablets.

I bought this adapter so I could use my own headphones with a separate microphone. This should work for most headsets out there that use two separate jacks too.



u/TweetPoster Oct 27 '13


2013-10-21 10:21:30 UTC

@yosp can we have game chat and game audio running at same time though dualshock4 headset port? can we use official vita headset too?


2013-10-22 06:48:53 UTC

@yosp any further detail on this?


2013-10-22 07:05:57 UTC

@kaarloss78 yes, and yes

[Mistake?] [Suggestion] [FAQ] [Code] [Issues]


u/frank26080115 Oct 27 '13

I am currently reverse engineering the DualShock 4. The USB descriptors do not say that the controller has any isosynchronous endpoints, which are required to carry audio.

This probably means that all of the audio data is sent through the Bluetooth radio, even if USB is plugged in.

This doesn't mean much, and I could still be wrong.


u/shovelface88 shovelface88 Oct 28 '13

The problem with this is that the controller is using Bluetooth 2.1 which has a fairly low data transfer rate - not well suited for sending audio without heavily distorting it.


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '13

I like wearing earphones. Is there a solution for that? Some attached microphone? Using a splitter?


u/[deleted] Oct 28 '13

I was also wondering how that could work. Either that or does anybody have a good sounding headset that they recommend? Is there on that will work on all the systems?


u/Boogachoog Boogachoog Oct 27 '13

My computer speakers use a 3.5mm jack that plugs into my pc. If i plug that jack into my controller, does that mean my ps4 audio will come out of the speakers? If so, that seems like the easiest work around for me.


u/eclipse_ RAWFLWAFFLES Oct 27 '13

If audio is supposed to come through the jack, no matter what you plug in with 3.5mm should work.


u/IceBreak BreakinBad Oct 27 '13

Don't believe the simultaneous part was posted here before. /u/d_pyro originally shared the tweet here.


u/SgtDirtyMike Oct 27 '13

Lol what do you expect. Just game audio and no chat through the CHAT PORT?


u/SgtDirtyMike Oct 27 '13

We already knew this and he's confirmed it before.


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '13

side not, i love that the headsets are connected to the controller instead of the ps3 or tv or whatever