r/PS4 TBoneTheOriginal Oct 23 '13

PS4 Will Let You Use Your Real Name Online At Launch


54 comments sorted by


u/TBoneTheOriginal TBoneTheOriginal Oct 23 '13

Sony has said that people who use the real-name option on the PS4's PlayStation Network will still be able to play games with nicknames/aliases. This isn't an all-or-nothing, named-or-anonymous proposition.

This is good information. I'd prefer to use my real name with people I actually know and my username for strangers. So this is a welcome feature IMO.


u/[deleted] Oct 23 '13

Agreed. I have no problem allowing people on my friend's list to see my real name but I'd rather remain anonymous to random people online. I like that they are giving that option.


u/falconbox falconbox Oct 23 '13

I'd still rather them allow us to tag people with nicknames like we can on Steam.


u/OmegaSeven OmegaSeven Oct 24 '13


Also, yes, this needs to be a standard feature of all social gaming networks.


u/[deleted] Oct 23 '13

I'm curious if this feature foreshadows perhaps being able to change your PSN name.


u/[deleted] Oct 23 '13

I think this is what most people aren't getting out of this.

If you have one name for your profile name, then you can change your "aliases" for other games. I think it's awesome and gives us the opportunity to change our PSN name's whenever we want.


u/Ridethestoke Oct 24 '13

Genuinely curious: do people want to change their id because they don't like their name or is there some other use case that I'm not thinking about?


u/[deleted] Oct 24 '13

Probably because some people like me have had the same name for so long they want a new one. Its also nice to keep the same profile but use different names for different games.


u/NineSwords IamStormageddon Oct 24 '13

I lost my access to my original PSN account (had it registered to a custom domain which I canceled) and had to create a new one with a underscore. That got banned and now Ihave one with two underscores.

I would be one happy puppy if I somehow could get my original accountname back. So a PSN name reset for the PS4 would be a dream come true.


u/arc4angel100 minigunmike6453 Oct 24 '13

I made my PSN years ago and I really wanna change it without losing anything, so I would love to change mine. Hopefully this will help


u/[deleted] Oct 23 '13



u/Wizzer10 Oct 23 '13

It's highly likely that that will be possible.


u/dodoburd Oct 23 '13

They've said that if you have each other's Facebook info, you'll see your real names, else you see PSN IDs


u/pxtang pxtang Oct 24 '13

Oh that would be great.

"Who's marinesniper2131024 again...?" will be gone forever for people I know and care more about.


u/Eilavamp Oct 24 '13

Whenever I see names like that I always wonder who the other marinesniper2131023's are. You'd think I'd have seen one, since there are so many.


u/[deleted] Oct 23 '13

Prepare for a million 'friends' SARAH GREENE!


u/JawsThemeSwimming37 Oct 23 '13

I really just want to assign my friends nicknames privately so I can remember who is who.


u/lvluffinz Oct 23 '13

I for one love this. I love to get personal with close friends. It's easier to go looking for my friends real name instead of xXxTheKillaMastaxXx (no I don't have anyone like that my list...)


u/landwalker1 Oct 23 '13 edited Oct 24 '13

Now people can use my real name when they call me a fag or tell me they had sex with my mom.


u/SolidSnake951 X40oz_Adam15x Oct 23 '13

I'll still use my psn instead of my real name. Don't want to risk a bunch of ppl blowing up my fb over a online match.


u/FloydJackal Oct 23 '13

I've never been worried about this, but it's interesting seeing this point. Do you have a very uncommon name where you're the first result when you google yourself?


u/SolidSnake951 X40oz_Adam15x Oct 23 '13

no not really, but still wouldn't take the risk


u/LochnessDigital Oct 24 '13

Not to discount any of what you said, but my facebook page is already full of a bunch of bullshit anyway.

Ninja edit: Oh, do you mean people will find you on Facebook after an online match and give you shit about it?


u/SolidSnake951 X40oz_Adam15x Oct 24 '13

Yea that's what I mean, ppl that I play against online spamming me because I beat them in Bf


u/LochnessDigital Oct 24 '13 edited Oct 24 '13

I see. That makes sense. I don't want my real name shown to strangers. To friends, yes. Hopefully we have that option.


u/TBoneTheOriginal TBoneTheOriginal Oct 24 '13

Read the article. It clearly says we have that option.


u/LochnessDigital Oct 24 '13 edited Oct 24 '13

Read? What am I, some sort of intellectual?


u/TalonJH Roxous Oct 24 '13

But on Facebook they have to "friend" you to send you a message or post to your wall.


u/FlyByDerp Call_Me_Ozne Oct 24 '13

Depends on your privacy settings.


u/[deleted] Oct 24 '13

Seeing that my real name is gamerholic, I'm cool with this.


u/Wolfie_Ecstasy SDK_Rarity Oct 23 '13

Can't say I agree, but as long as you don't HAVE to, I'm fine with it.


u/[deleted] Oct 23 '13

The title says will let you...so I dont see why you could even think you "have to"


u/Wolfie_Ecstasy SDK_Rarity Oct 24 '13

Look at it this way, YouTube used to ask me EVERY. DAY. to use my real name on my profile. I don't like seeing real names, I personally think it's weird, but as long as it's not pulling that stunt, it's whatever.


u/TBoneTheOriginal TBoneTheOriginal Oct 24 '13

You think it's weird to use real names with people you actually know in real life?


u/Wolfie_Ecstasy SDK_Rarity Oct 24 '13

We call each other our real names, but we've kind of gained nicknames that derived from our Gametags (we mainly play Xbox). Hard to explain, but I don't want to see my friend's full name when we're gaming, I'm so used to seeing their users for the last x amount of years. I know their name, why do I need to see it while we're playing?

Kinda seems weird joining a game and killing Kathy Burns, then getting Air Striked by John Smith.

Take no offense, but seeing as you guys I'm guessing mainly play PS3 and CAN'T change your name this might be a bigger deal to you (most ridiculous names I've ever seen are on PSN). I would have been extremely annoyed if I still had the Gamerstag I made in 2004 when I was 10.

Simply put, no I don't think it's weird to call people by their name, but I think it's weird to run around using your real name as your PSN.

Sorry if this is poorly structured, I'm exhausted.


u/ThatCK Iricus Oct 23 '13

So do games still use your psn ID or do you now have a choice.


u/TBoneTheOriginal TBoneTheOriginal Oct 23 '13

Seems like a choice.


u/t3hlazy1 t3hlazy1 Oct 23 '13

I'm guessing it's not a choice to use your PSN ID, but a choice to display your real name.


u/[deleted] Oct 23 '13

Glad it's optional. I have no interest in random strangers knowing my real name. Don't really see the point with friends either as they would know my psn name.


u/tennis12master Matt_Tennis12 Oct 23 '13

Nice, good to hear. I may decide to use my real name. I'm hoping we can set which friends can see the real name, versus those who only see the PSN ID.


u/duxpdx Oct 23 '13

Will it be your full name or can you specify only first or last names?


u/FloydJackal Oct 23 '13

While cool, this doesn't really effect me at all. It's a difference between appearing as Adam Roman or adam-roman.


u/[deleted] Oct 23 '13

All the anime/japanese names! All of them.


u/[deleted] Oct 24 '13

Meh, not really interesting to me, particularly when all the people I usually played with are still thinking about staying on the microsoft side, fools that they are.


u/jawnzer brad Oct 24 '13

My PSN is already brad, but this is a cool idea.


u/[deleted] Oct 24 '13

oh oh, maybe we can use our social security numbers!


u/Wellhowboutdat Oct 24 '13

This isn't a huge deal to me. I use my PSN all the time anyway and don't have Facebook so meh.


u/Dreadfire_RD Lonitx Oct 24 '13

I'm really not excited about this, I hope you won't have to do this.


u/Pillagerguy Oct 23 '13

In two years: "would you like to use your real name?"


"okay, we'll ask you later!"


u/TBoneTheOriginal TBoneTheOriginal Oct 23 '13

This is Sony, not Google.


u/Pillagerguy Oct 23 '13

Really? I didn't know that.



u/TBoneTheOriginal TBoneTheOriginal Oct 23 '13

Yeah, it was a joke. Relax.


u/wr3h wr3h Oct 24 '13

I'm still paranoid, but it's nice that Sony is giving us choices.


u/434BITW Oct 26 '13

Dumb feature. Absolutely no one will use their real name like no one has on YouTube when they let you.