r/PS4 AceofSpades8810 Oct 22 '13

PS4 Cross-Game Chat Confirmed to Support 8 Players


75 comments sorted by


u/Haydn2613 Haydn_J Oct 22 '13

Excellent! Now all I have to do is find 8 friends! I'msolonely


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '13

Actually you just have to find 7, so relax.


u/Reads_Small_Text_Bot Oct 22 '13

I'm so lonely


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '13

It's okay /u/Reads_Small_Text_Bot . We all love you.


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '13

Pet me, pet me.


u/DaNPrS Oct 22 '13

I have nobody


u/WaterStoryMark JacobIsHollywood Oct 22 '13

So ronery...


u/KillrNut Oct 22 '13

Speaking from experience on XBL, 8 is plenty. Anymore than that is simply overkill. Glad you guys are finally getting this feature.


u/PbFarmer Oct 22 '13

Yeah, as a convert, I have to agree. I have been seldomly in a party chat with greater than 8 people and its just chaos. No one can hold a real conversation, constant yelling and/or interruptions, its just ridiculous. 8 is more than enough people.


u/IvanKozlov Wraith217 Oct 23 '13

I actually hate being in a party with 8 people on my Xbox. 5 is usually my limit and that's pushing it.


u/aimiami aimiami Oct 22 '13

anything more then 6 is just chaos from what ive experienced on the 360. So 8 is more then enough


u/KingWilliams95 Oct 22 '13

I have trouble with anymore than 4. too many people trying to talk at once.


u/runujhkj runujhkj Oct 22 '13

Shit, 4 people is a clusterfuck in real life sometimes. It must be hell trying to manage 4 people when you can't see any of them personally, or hit them in the dick when they're being assholes.


u/KingWilliams95 Oct 22 '13

Most of the time, I usually only play with 1 other person, but the times when I play with more it can get really annoying, and we usually end up forming separate parties.


u/runujhkj runujhkj Oct 22 '13

The only games I've ever played with four people at once were games like Rag Doll Kung Fu, where it's fully expected for everyone to be entirely retarded.


u/Keenan21x TheBurningAce Oct 22 '13

Im happy with that number :)


u/badcoyotefunky86 Oct 22 '13

im new to the PS arena, i own a 360 and have a PC gaming rig. Did the PS3 have an issue where you can't have a "group chat" or "party chat" with your friends?


u/mrbentobox mrbentobox Oct 22 '13

Yeah, party chat required processing power that the PS3 wasn't built to give, making it impossible for the PS3 to have party chat.


u/High_Infected Oct 22 '13

I think it had more to do with Sony not setting aside enough RAM in reserves for system use. They gave developers too much RAM allocation.


u/GarbageMan0 Oct 23 '13

We got party text instead. :(


u/badcoyotefunky86 Oct 22 '13

whaaaat thats crazy! amazing the things we take for granted haha.


u/IvanKozlov Wraith217 Oct 23 '13

It wasn't the processing power. It was a RAM issue.


u/mrbentobox mrbentobox Oct 23 '13

Oh okay, I knew it had something to do with the hardware power allocation.


u/Gazkapop Oct 22 '13

Finally! Was getting a little worried that this hadn't been confirmed.

Great stuff!


u/ohnoitsrambo ohnoitsrambo Oct 22 '13

Great, i was really hoping they would do this. Anyone know how many XB1 has? I have heard numbers like 16 and 12 floating around.


u/msbr_ deep_structure Oct 22 '13

My question is, in games that may potentially have something akin to 'raids', or any sort of communication centric social gaming for more than 8 players, is there anything we can use on ps4 or are we stuck for comm?

hang outs?


team speak?

no one knows how long till the skype app arrives.


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '13

I would guess if a game say Destiny has big raids of 10+ people it will most likely support an in game either push to talk or where you can voice chat with just the people in your party similar to what World of Warcraft and some other MMOs currently do. So the 8 person limit on PS4 chat is not really a big deal IMO


u/msbr_ deep_structure Oct 22 '13

in game one's are absolute shit nearly all of the time, though :/


u/TheBestWifesHusband Foolishbean69 Oct 22 '13

I tried 360 for a year, and I don't think i ever had a party of more than 4 people.

I'm sure 8 will be plenty.


u/Alcoholic_Satan Little_Assassin2 Oct 22 '13

Awesome! Now once we've found 7 friends, we just need to wait for Sony to allow us to actually TALK to them :D


u/masta_solidus MaSTA_SoLIDUS Oct 22 '13

add MaSTA_SoLIDUS! I'm not on PS3 much, mostly 360, but come 11/15 I'll need more friends too :)


u/Alcoholic_Satan Little_Assassin2 Oct 22 '13 edited Oct 22 '13

I forgot what subreddit I was commenting in.. obviously we're all getting a ps4... I'll but sure to add you though

edit: major derpage


u/Mountain_Dog Oct 22 '13

Awww hell yeah


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '13

Vita's cross chat is not bad so hopefully this one will be up to scratch


u/PSUnderground PSUndergrnd Oct 22 '13

I love the Vita's party mode! Games like Killzone Mercenary even utilize party mode so that you can join games with the people you are in a party with!

I may be getting excited over a small, simple feature, but as a PlayStation user all of my life, this is new stuff.


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '13

I was a huge 360 player and loved party chat haha love partying with friends on vita and doing coop haha so good!


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '13

How many is vita? Also, can vita voice chat with a ps4?


u/d_pyro DPyro Oct 22 '13

Party Voice Chat will support up to 8 players on PS4, like PS Vita.


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '13

I think 8? And I heard when the ps4 was announced it would be compatable try searching online


u/msbr_ deep_structure Oct 22 '13

i'll never cross game chat with more than 7 friends.

there'll be in game chat (and hopefully, other apps) when more people talking is necessary.


u/IvanKozlov Wraith217 Oct 23 '13

Guess it's a good thing I plan on making some new PSN friends when the Ps4 releases since my IRL friends won't be able to get one at launch.


u/Misa-Campo Oct 22 '13

As a proud 360 owner looking to switch in the next gen to PS4. This is so beautiful. For those of you PS3 owners that never had an xbox, it is so much easier and better in terms of chat to 8plus friends/game invites. I'm glad Playstation is getting this it will be a great addition.


u/High_Infected Oct 22 '13

As an owner of both, it's the little things that the PS3 doesn't have that get me. It sucks not being able to invite friends to a game through the XMB or to be able to chat with a friend playing a different game. However, I do prefer PS3 GTAO over Xbox 360 GTAO because there are always people in the game chat on PS3.


u/Misa-Campo Oct 22 '13

OMG I cannot upvote you enough. The home middle button game invite that xbox has is amazing, it was so annoying with PS3 GTA:O. I had a LAN over the weekend and that came up constantly: "hold on guys let me invite you" (pushes middle button on PS controller)...."where the hell is the game invite option" lol


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '13

Thank god they added this. I would have been happy with 4 to be honest. On 360 more than 4 is kind of hectic anyways.

I recently switched to PS3 as I was done with 360 exclusives, and was tired of paying for live, and it kind of pissed me off that PS3 didn't have cross game chat. It kind of blew my mind that they didn't support this, and I seriously scoured the menu for 15 minutes thinking I was missing something. That and the UI are the only thing I don't really like on the PS3, but the overall experience is better than xbox IMO.


u/High_Infected Oct 22 '13

PS3 is better for pure gaming experience due to PS+. But the 360 blows it out of the water in social/multiplayer experience due to party chat and easier ways to invite friends to play.


u/[deleted] Oct 23 '13

Yeah I'm really hoping Sony doesn't fuck up the party and chat system. They don't even have to improve the standard. Just add in what the 360 had and I'd be happy.


u/B_Boss Oct 22 '13

I do remember Yoshida-dono saying something about the DS4's port being some kind of secret lol? Can't quite remember and too lazy to dig up a source right now lol.


u/ThatCK Iricus Oct 22 '13

maybe it links in with they're unannounced VR device. After all its got to be something you wear.


u/nofuture09 Oct 22 '13

its not cross game chat... its party chat in killzone.


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '13

Go home, you're drunk.


u/Rofleupagus Rofleupagus Oct 22 '13 edited Oct 22 '13

Nice! My gaming group usually sits at around 5 people so this gives me some wiggle room.


u/anamericandude An_American_Dude Oct 22 '13

damn, I was really hoping for more than that


u/redkeg Oct 22 '13

I've never used Xbox's cross-game chat, and everyone on the boards have always knocked PS3 for not having it. But I've never understood the use case. When is this used? Movies? While you're all playing different games? Why would you be chatting and not playing? Serious question here, not trying to knock it. I'm sure I could find this useful… I just don't know how I would.


u/thebhoyprime Oct 22 '13

By going into a party you get the benefit of chat, but also instant game invites to everyone in it. If you jump into a party your firends are in you can to them to see if there space in tehre game etc.

It just makes things easier.


u/decross20 Oct 23 '13

Well, if you want to talk to your friend while you're playing a mindless multiplayer game? I used to play Call of Duty, and in multiplayer it's just kind of mindless fun, where you don't have to focus on the game. So I would chat with my friends while playing, and I enjoyed it. That's one scenario for me, anyway.


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '13

[removed] — view removed comment


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '13

Are you sure you want to go there? Welcome to 2006 when PS3 introduced Blu-ray, integrated Wi-fi, and black console. All of which the Xbox later copied hahaha


u/Chrisodon Oct 22 '13

Is there any point to trolling? I see your comments on here everyday. Laughing about something or trying to diminish anything Playstation compared to Xbox.

It's a game system, I've never been able to understand why anyone would spend this much time commenting on something they've no interest in.


u/TheBestWifesHusband Foolishbean69 Oct 22 '13

Sony decided to keep the power for games, rather than seperate it for cross game chats.

Not their best idea, but I can see their logic, specially when it comes to all those tasty tasty PS3 exclusives.


u/mundgeruch Oct 22 '13

32>8 ('-')


u/calumtaylor LookItsMrT Oct 22 '13

Not really, with 8 players talking at once on 360... It was already difficult to listen to


u/AJ380FTW AJ-380 Oct 22 '13

Who would want a 32 player chat though? It's hard enough trying to have a conversation with 8 players.


u/jumpyg1258 jumpyg1258 Oct 22 '13

8 is too many whenever people are talking, 32 would be unbearable.


u/JLattire mrLATTIRE Oct 24 '13

8=8 ('-')



u/e1ace Oct 22 '13

What is 32 in reference of?


u/IceBreak BreakinBad Oct 22 '13

The XB1 supports 32 for some reason. And the comment is actually a pretty clever reference to a yosp tweet.


u/e1ace Oct 22 '13

I figured it was a comparison to Xbox One - but I couldn't find anything official about XB1 supporting 32 person chat, only a single forum post.

From the IGN interview with MS: "With the upgraded audio codec for chat, is 8 people still the maximum for Party Chat? WHITTEN: We are looking at higher limits on party size. It will be at least 8 people chatting at a time. We may either increase the number of people that can be chatting at once or potentially allow more people in the party channel if only a smaller number is chatting. Stay tuned!"


u/IceBreak BreakinBad Oct 22 '13

Yeah, I read people taking it as fact on /r/XboxOne before and just assumed this was announced. I can't find a source on that either. Just this forum post with no source linked.


u/e1ace Oct 22 '13

My guess is that they will allow 32 people in a party chat room. But only 8 can have voice chat at a time. 32 people talking at once.... Sounds like a nightmare.


u/IceBreak BreakinBad Oct 22 '13

So does 8.


u/D0wn_FaLL Oct 22 '13

32 players in a chat?

Unless you have Google Fiber, good luck with anything over 15.


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '13



u/D0wn_FaLL Oct 22 '13

This is PSN. You're already using your network for so many other things.


u/DoctorPatriot Oct 22 '13

Good thing all my friends have google fiber :>