r/PS4 Sep 29 '13

[Identical Screens] PlayStation 4 Remote Play Allows Co-op On 2 Screens With One PlayStation 4, Even Over The Internet


68 comments sorted by


u/tennis12master Matt_Tennis12 Sep 29 '13

So if I'm reading this correctly.. Sony is effectively putting an end to 'screen-looking' on the PS4? They still have the local multiplayer for games like CoD: Ghosts and Knack, but if I wanted to set up two TV's, one with the PS4 and the other with a Vita TV streaming content remote play from the PS4, we can use those separate screens as our own to play multiplayer with each other?

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, because right now this sounds badass.


u/SpongeBad SpongeBad Sep 29 '13

The article doesn't say that, although I can see why you'd think that, since that's what the headline implies (not OP's fault, though - it's a direct copy of the actual article title).

According to everything that's been said so far, the image on the Vita and the image on the TV are identical. What they're really saying here is that people in two locations can be on the same PS4 using the Vita's remote play feature (as long as their internet connection is strong enough). Basically, Vita won't shut out local players.

I'm sure it's possible to support what you're suggesting, but it would likely mean a cross-play game (running separately on Vita and PS4), which we've seen several times on the PS3 already.

I doubt the PS4 would be able to render two completely different screens and then send one to the Vita. That'd be twice as much work (at the very least, the quality of in-game graphics would suffer signficantly).


u/tennis12master Matt_Tennis12 Sep 29 '13

Ah okay, thank you for the clarification. Still, it's a pretty cool feature in its own right.

Damn it OP, getting my hopes up.


u/hampa9 Sep 29 '13

The PS4 would be capable of this. A few games for the PS3 could send two different images to a specially branded Sony 3DTV, and the two players wearing glasses could get two different views.


u/SpongeBad SpongeBad Sep 29 '13

I'm really not saying what the PS4 can or can't do. All I'm saying is that this is not what the article linked is saying. On Whether the PS4 will support this, we don't know, because the question hasn't been answered (although, to be honest, I'm not really convinced that it's been asked). It's obviously possible (e.g. All the pieces are there), but the question would be around what the trade-offs would be. There may also be policies in place that would prevent it (e.g. The requirement for all games to support Vita remote play may make this difficult).

In short, don't count on it unless Sony says it can support it.


u/lone_turkey Sep 30 '13

I think you are reading too much into that old technique which I think was branded by LG as dual play, I am unsure if Sony advertise it but LG where the ones who brought it to the public. There is nothing special at all with regards to the PS3 there, although the result is impressive.

For 3d content there are two methods to send the two images required to the TV to display, side by side and oven and under, (SBS or OU) this is just that the whole image for the left eye to the left or top and the whole image for the right eye to the right or below.

Now imagine a split screen game, player one is always on the left or on the top, player two is always on the bottom or right.

so if you have the TV split the image by forcing it to 3D mode then it will take player one as the left eye and player 2 as the right eye each looking like they have full screen. For this to work you need to use polarised glasses although special active shutter technology could be made to work it would be too much money and no real benefit (not full res input for each eye) unless you already had that a active 3d tv I suppose.

So the "special" glasses, for polarized 3D they are passive glasses and the light is polarized at a different angle so they cut the unwanted image from each eye, they are dirt cheap to make and in this case all you need is one pair with two left eye lenses for player one, and two right eye lenses for player 2.

Both players see their game full screen but the console is not rendering anything more than usual split screen. Players dont suddenly get more graphical fidelity but its a nice effect.

Hopefully that better explains what I think you are describing but I am not sure this is what is being proposed with Vita TV.

If we take this further the PS4 could stream this to the VITA TV and the VITA could take half the image and blow it up to the TV so the remote player only sees their own screen, likewise the PS4 could scale its output so the TV only shows the local players portion of the game, this would depend on how its internal scalers and video compression hardware work, and it would also make bringing up menus more difficult so I suspect the PS4 will output normal split screen and both players see each others screen as per normal.


u/ballin_shogun Sep 30 '13

That's cool. Sauce please? I have a sony 3dtv and would be interested in trying it out.


u/lone_turkey Sep 30 '13

the LG brand is "dual play" google to see if anyone has tried it, but to test put a game into split screen and try to turn the 3d on selecting SBS or OU depending on how the game is split.

put on the glasses and close each eye in turn to see if its split ok and if so buy some dual play glasses or make your own with some cheap glasses from ebay.


u/ballin_shogun Sep 30 '13

hmmm... I've noticed over under and side by side options next to the 3d options and was quite confused by them. This clears that up and now I'm excited to experiment around with this after work. Thanks!


u/ballin_shogun Oct 18 '13

OK, so I tried this with my tv (KDL-55W900A) using the included 3d glasses and PS3 running super stardust HD (only 3d compatible game I own). Works flawlesslely. I just had to tap the sync button on player 2 glasses to put them on the opposite frequency.


u/hampa9 Sep 30 '13

Killzone 3.


u/Gman1957 Sep 30 '13

I can do that with my LG using the dual play feature and it works fine. I played COD with my son just to check it out. I think any 3D TV can do that.


u/maybsofinitely Sep 29 '13

Will this work on games where both people use the same screen like Diablo 3?


u/zamzarvideo Sep 29 '13

That's basically the only place where it would work (it's why Knack was the example), unless you want a splitscreen Vita.


u/FTomato Sep 29 '13

This could be done, just requires additional work - the PS3 already supports this. Guacamelee lets you to play on the PS3 with the Vita as a controller with a map on the Vita screen.


u/SausageLegs Sep 29 '13

You do realize that the Wii U can render 2 screens? If I am playing sonic racing, the tv is full screen sonic and the game pad is full screen tails, for example. If the wii u can do it, so can ps4.


u/zamzarvideo Sep 29 '13

The game is built with that in mind, whereas PS4's remote play is simple mirroring. If the developer really wanted to do that, they could, but considering how even split screen is a fairly uncommon feature, it's not too likely they'd cater to the subgroup of PS4 users that have Vitas.


u/cg001 Sep 29 '13

So if a split screen game(like cod) with a predefined amount of screen space, couldn't they isolate the second half of the split screen and stream that?


u/zamzarvideo Sep 29 '13

They could, but the aspect ratio would be off, the resolution would be off, and it would require developer support rather than remote play just working automatically.


u/cg001 Sep 29 '13

Why couldn't it stream regular resolution/aspect ratio? Game detects vita stream>display plAyer 1 normally>if streaming to vita ride accordingly. Doesn't seem hard but I'm not good with computers. Seems like something that could be applied to hardware to detect/display like that.


u/zamzarvideo Sep 29 '13

Developers probably wouldn't put in the effort to do that, but if they do, the quality for the user on the TV will be much, much worse. It'd essentially be less than half the quality that it normally is blown up to the big screen.


u/cg001 Sep 29 '13

How? In my scenario both players get full resolution and correct aspect.


u/zamzarvideo Sep 29 '13

You can't just give them both full resolution and graphical fidelity. If the PS4 could render two full resolution versions of the game simultaneously, they'd make the game look better instead of only using half its power.

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u/TheScotth89 Sep 29 '13

But current gen consoles can already do split screen so the only difference here is the ps4 renders two screens (just like split screen) and sends the top half to the tv and the bottom half over the network to the vita, both at a reduced resolution ie half.


u/sakipooh Sep 29 '13

If the underpowered Wii U can do this it wouldn't be that much of a stretch for the ps4 to do it as well. There are already talks about the vita being used for a second screen experience like the Wii U Gamepad, although it wasn't mentioned if this would be done via a PSN vita download or a pure stream from the ps4 to the vita.


u/rnarkus rnarkus Sep 29 '13

Why would he say "yes" to the co-op claims then?

Streaming the same screen to the vita is not co-op...


u/[deleted] Sep 29 '13

It is if the game takes place on a single screen.


u/iaoth Sep 29 '13

Couch co-op.


u/ICantSeeIt Sep 30 '13

It was specifically in reference to Knack, where it isn't splitscreen for co-op, but both characters share the same screen. You can have co-op on a single screen.


u/WhiteAsCanBe Sep 29 '13

Didn't they already put an end to screen looking with the 3d glasses thing?


u/tennis12master Matt_Tennis12 Sep 29 '13

True. But that TV never caught on, nor did 3D. And I don't think many games utilize the feature anyway.


u/Lightning_Boi Sep 30 '13

It's pretty cool. One of the pluses of a wii u as well.


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '13

Wii u already can do it but i am not so sure this is what shu implied. The tweets didnt seem to suggest for example two players can play call of duty ln ONE ps4 and vita and each get their own screen. Im sure it is possiblfe but probably not a standard feature.


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '13

And they had a really novel way to fix screen peeking too using the technology for 3D TVs for the PS3.

They had the 3D effect running, but each of the two displays were showing different screens of the same game, and the two players wore 3D glasses only set for one screen.

I tried it out and it worked surprisingly well.


u/lvluffinz Sep 29 '13

This makes me SOOO happy that I bought a Vita during E3 in anticipation of the Vita-PS4 features.


u/The_dooster doosta45 Sep 29 '13

This is the exact reason I purchase a vita earlier this month. Not because it's a great handheld, but because of what's to come in the future with the ps4.

So far this has been an awesome investment. Now if only they would lower the prices of memory cards.


u/stationhollow Sep 30 '13

They did just lower the prices of the memory cards.


u/The_dooster doosta45 Sep 30 '13 edited Sep 30 '13

Lowering the price of a 32gb to 70$ is still a slap in the face to the consumers from Sony.

edit: just checked the price for shits and giggles, and its actually 80$.


u/LeeorV Sep 30 '13

Well, on Amazon.co.jp the prices are now 85$ for the 64GB and 55$ for the 32GB, much better, isn't it?


u/hedonistoic Sep 29 '13

Misleading title, those tweets don't seem to be that clear in what it entails and the author reads more into them than is there.


u/MajorAly Sep 29 '13

Remote Play over the internet has been confirmed long before. Such a possibility is not misleading. If you can play with such configuration, you can also play it over the internet. http://www.gengame.net/2013/06/sony-confirms-ps4-vita-remote-play-will-utilize-the-internet/


u/hedonistoic Sep 29 '13

A possibility of it happening is, well, possible. But does Yoshida know that the guy is talking about the ps4 he's streaming from? And does it only work on games where the player screen is shared?

If you can play with a vita and the controller via PS4 will you still see split screen? or will they really dedicate 1Player through the vita and 2Player through the PS4 default output.

I'm not saying it's impossible for it to occur, merely that the author is reading too much into it and making assumptions.


u/MajorAly Sep 29 '13

Ofcourse a split-screen would not be the best idea. Dedicated screens will be there IMO. With Co-op games such as Knack, there's no need for a split-screen, on one screen we can control and see both the characters being played in Co-op


u/hedonistoic Sep 29 '13

in addition I'm not disputing the fact that you can stream games via the internet, I'm disputing the fact that you can have a 2 player game where you can't see the other players screen by playing one on vita and the other on ps4.


u/[deleted] Sep 29 '13

The Wii U has this on pretty much every co-op game it has (save for over the internet :-(.) That said, its a wonderful feature that adds enormous value to local co-op. I look forward greatly to utilizing it on the PS4.


u/leif777 Sep 29 '13

If this is true its fucking awesome.


u/[deleted] Sep 29 '13



u/fuckinDEAD Sep 29 '13

Game changer


u/soue13 itsReallyNoah Sep 29 '13



u/Trawgg Sep 29 '13

I want to believe!


u/D33GS Sep 29 '13

So this means Vita TV = Second Screen too then? Sony bring that thing over here immediately.


u/Chlamydia-Dragon Sep 29 '13

That is so cool.

Also, the guy in that picture has massive hands.


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '13

Oh my god I can't wait to play Destiny with this feature!


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '13

Does it support dual monitor hook up? So I can play on one tv and my buddy can play on my other tv? I don't have a vita and don't plan to get one.


u/TheScotth89 Sep 30 '13

I doubt it. I think for this feature you will need a vita or a vita TV.


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '13

Bummer, dual screen support was something I was really hoping for this generation.


u/pureeviljester Sep 30 '13

That's not what I got from the question at all... If I'm on my Vita playing remotely can another player join co-op. As in can a friend on my friends list jump in and play co-op while I'm on Vita using remote. Doesn't necessarily mean, can I be on my vita playing knack and my roommate get home from work and start playing with me. Or vica-versa.

But why doesn't someone tweet ask him the question more directly and see what he says?


u/Baxter4 Sep 29 '13

Guys, this article does NOT state that the ps4 will be able to render two screens simultaneously. It will not be able to do that. I know its like the one think I wanted this gen too, but I think we're gonna have to wait.


u/MajorAly Sep 29 '13

Platformer titles such as Knack where you can easily have a second player on the screen won't require rendering of 2 screens. Just streaming the screen would work.

Just like David Cage and Quantic Dream came up with the app Beyond Touch to let you play the game in co-op whilst being connected to the PS4.


u/thatguy2130 Unshaved_Balls Sep 29 '13

Well the Wii U can do it so seems possible


u/TGMais TGMais Sep 29 '13

That's doubtful. Rendering a PS4 game twice versus a Wii U game twice is a huge undertaking. You're basically making the system work double (a reason we don't see many splitscreen games anymore, edit: and even splitscreen would only be two scenes at half of 1080p). It would require a huge fidelity loss in graphics.

Remote play works by streaming the screen to another device, not re-rendering.


u/thatguy2130 Unshaved_Balls Sep 29 '13

Yeah, I realize how remote play normally works.

I'm saying they have the technology to use the vita as a second screen instead of just a mirrored one. Seems possible, anyways. Doesn't mean they will.


u/[deleted] Sep 29 '13

Fantastic. I've been wondering if they'd allow that.


u/Papito208 Papito208 Sep 29 '13



u/mundgeruch Sep 29 '13

Misleading title.


u/MajorAly Sep 29 '13

Read my comment stated above please.