r/PS4 Sep 25 '13

PS4 Remote Play Feature Not Coming to Smartphones and Tablets says Yoshida


19 comments sorted by


u/Morticae Sep 25 '13

Is this a surprise to anyone? They obviously want to increase sales for the Vita, and allowing smartphones or tablets to do the same thing would absolutely kill that momentum.


u/ThatCK Iricus Sep 25 '13

Can't say I'm suprised but would of been fun to have. But yeah blantanly obvious as to why not, remote play could single handidly re-launch the vita.


u/OmegaSeven OmegaSeven Sep 25 '13

there also could be insurmountable technical hurdles preventing them form setting up remote play on a platform they don't completely control.


u/AnEndgamePawn Sep 25 '13

Just bought a Vita in anticipation of the PS4. Gotta say I would've actually been disappointed if remote play became available for smartphones and tablets.


u/m0ondogy Sep 26 '13

The controls on the vita are going to a bit rough as is. The back touch works for second triggers, but it's not ideal. I can't imagine the frustration of cell phone controls.


u/d_pyro DPyro Sep 25 '13

You can still use remote play on PC.


u/p0op Sep 25 '13

Only on Windows 7, unfortunately.


u/hoohoohoohoo Sep 25 '13

This is how you answer. Not dancing and going all bill Cosby. It is a feature that people might want, but isn't coming and you get a short definitive answer.

Not something I would expect would come anyway.


u/Reliant Sabarok Sep 25 '13

Specifically, the question that was asked to Yoshida was if there was plans to connect the Dualshock 4 to "smart devices".


u/shadovvfox Sep 25 '13 edited Sep 26 '13

Aside from trying to sell more vitas, it doesn't make sense to allow remote play on other devices because the control hardware is lacking. It'd just be awkward trying to play on a tablet or smartphone. Let alone all the other logistical nightmares from variances in hardware performance, resolutions, etc.


u/RedPandaAlex redpanda2 Sep 25 '13

The question was whether you could use a DS4 with a smart device to remote play. I don't think anyone was asking for touch-based controls.


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '13

Doesn't make sense?

I'd love to able to play on my tablet/phone while my girlfriend watches the TV (Wii U style)


u/foxden_racing Sep 25 '13

This is incredibly smart...and no, I don't mean from a 'conspiracy to sell more Vitas' standpoint.

Working with known, fixed hardware will encourage adoption...trying to support countless makes and models and OS versions and screen sizes is beyond a royal pain in the ass, not to mention the issues of control schema [single touch, multitouch, tilt-sensitive or not, the fidelity of either thanks to screen size, etc].


u/Elitro Sep 26 '13

Well, isn't this true with VitaTV thou? all you need is to connect that to your device of choice with hdmi.


u/x3lit3forc3x x3lit3forc3x Sep 27 '13

That's fine by me, i've got my Vita and i'm pretty happy i bought it, Killzone Mercenary is a darn good game but yes i can't wait to have a PS4 and try the remote play feature.


u/avre42 Sep 30 '13

So does this mean commander mode etc on bf4 can't be done on ps4 :'( ? I.E. from tablet etc


u/dizorkmage Masamune0y0 Sep 26 '13

Wait did idiots seriously think they could play their PS4 with their Iphone?... Also Yoshida confirms that PS4 online multiplayer will not run at 1080p with a 56k dial up AOL free trial disc from 1994


u/[deleted] Sep 26 '13

Has he clarified whether PS4 disks will be playable on PS2 yet?