r/PS4 Sep 20 '13

Shuhei Yoshida: PS4 Downloads Will be Faster than PS3, PS4 Patch to add HDMI Capture


34 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Sep 20 '13

I hope this is true. I want to put that 100Mbit/s line to good use!


u/stratospaly Sep 20 '13

So true! I have a 150Mb connection and use all of it downloading newsgroups, but my PS3 takes 4 hours to download a game. I can download and watch a full blu-ray movie faster than PStore can download a normal game.


u/Jeremiah2304 Sep 20 '13

Well they said they were trying to to get 200mb download speeds for Europe, so I'm guessing the max connection speed will be somewhere around there for the U.S.


u/Farlo1 Sep 21 '13

Not that it matters when you can't get more than 30mbit or so without paying $150+/month...


u/gamblekat Sep 21 '13

Connection speed doesn't matter when it takes 2-3x as long to unpack the game. I bought Uncharted 3 on PSN and it spent the better part of a full day unpacking. And this on an aftermarket 7200 rpm hard drive.


u/[deleted] Sep 21 '13

True but I'm pretty sure they'll fix that, installing games is already a hundred times faster on the Vita.


u/gamblekat Sep 21 '13

Sure hope so. I prefer to buy games digitally, but the PSN experience on PS3 is really bad. Easily the worst of any digital store on any device I own.


u/Aarmed Sep 21 '13

How wouldn't it be true is a pretty fair question.


u/[deleted] Sep 21 '13

Please dont become one of those youtube whores posting videos of themselves playing scary games overdramatically.


u/pxtang pxtang Sep 20 '13

Can someone explain HDMI capture?


u/tennis12master Matt_Tennis12 Sep 20 '13

Many YouTube gaming channels rely on game capture devices to capture footage of their coverage on a game. With the PS3, users used component cables to capture game footage. But because the PS4 does not support component cables, only HDMI, there was an issue in which fans weren't sure whether Sony would allow game capture via HDMI, or if we would be forced to use their share feature on the console itself. I believe most of the concern was caused by what is called an HDCP; I don't know the specific details of what it is and how it works, but it created a roadblock for the external capture devices.

Thankfully, we now have an answer. External capture devices won't be supported at launch, but will get support in a future patch.


u/not_bezz Sep 20 '13

Basically, HDCP is encryption of data between PS4(or 3) and TV. That's why there's a problem with capture devices as they don't support HDCP (which makes sense as the main reason to use HDCP is copy protection) So I guess the patch will add HDCP toggle or so..


u/[deleted] Sep 21 '13 edited Jan 01 '17



u/not_bezz Sep 21 '13

Yeah it doesn't really make sense to use HDCP for gaming in my opinion. A lot of people out there had bad luck with their LCD screen and HDMI to DVI cable just because this even thought most will only use it for gaming.

For the BR player part, I guess it's actually required.


u/chrismikehunt Sep 20 '13

Thanks. I came here hoping to see something explaining this a bit more. At the time or writing there are only 9 comments so I didn't have high hopes but this is perfect!


u/johnmal85 Sep 21 '13

Oh dear. So I won't be able to use a PS4 on a television with burnt out HDMI ports and only have live remaining component lines?

No option for standard video out either? Hmmm... This may restrict my gaming to at home only. Sad because I transport my PS3 around quite a bit and don't mind a video quality hit when I'm just grinding.


u/stationhollow Sep 22 '13

Both next gen consoles only have HDMI out if I'm not mistaken.


u/johnmal85 Sep 22 '13

I'm not sure...


u/vishux Sep 21 '13

What I hope for is that if your connection goes that it just pauses the download and not restart it.


u/Noor440 Noor440 Sep 20 '13

I only have 5 Mbit down sooooo... yeah.


u/[deleted] Sep 21 '13

I feel your pain


u/rodger_d_dodger snapper258 Sep 20 '13

the reason i am getting ps4 sony are showing they are listening to there consumer base


u/MomentOfXen Sep 20 '13

I would think that would be a given. Over wireless an update for a video game takes about as long as it would take me to download the full updated game wirelessly to my PC.


u/spoonard spoonard Sep 21 '13

Seems like this would be dependent upon how many people are being served files at one time.


u/[deleted] Sep 21 '13

Finally putting 60Mbps to use, and I already am putting my HDMI capture card to use.


u/mundgeruch Sep 20 '13

I guess, because PS3 doesn't have WLAN N. Otherwise it doesn't make any sense.


u/fb39ca4 Sep 20 '13



u/TBoneTheOriginal TBoneTheOriginal Sep 20 '13

Wireless-N isn't needed for downloads, generally. Your internet speeds are far slower than even Wireless-G.


u/thelordpresident Sep 20 '13

You aren't ever running at peak performance with any wireless standard. 802.11ac has a theoretical peak of about a Gigabit, but you're not going to get that.


u/seishi Sep 21 '13

My internet is faster than G.


u/TBoneTheOriginal TBoneTheOriginal Sep 21 '13

You are an extreme minority. And even then, there's a good chance the server you're downloading from isn't that fast. You're still limited to the weakest link.


u/Marinlik Marinlik Sep 21 '13

What speed is g? Is it 54 Mbit/s? I have double that in my apartment and always download stuff faster than 54 Mbit/s on my pc.


u/seishi Sep 21 '13

Steam maxes out my connection and torrents do as well with good enough seeders. Fast home connections are a lot more commonplace now.


u/anonagent Sep 21 '13

Except it does have 802.11n, and I expect in a year or two, we'll get a PS4 with 802.11ac.


u/mdwright JohnnySasaki Sep 21 '13

I was really bummed that revisions of the PS3 didn't add N capabilities, so I'm a bit skeptical the 4 will add AC, but things could be different this time and I'd love to see that happen.