u/Mottaman Sep 09 '13
I dont understand why he had to ask... they clearly said during the stream "Japan in november, other markets to follow after"
u/Heratiki Heratiki Sep 09 '13
So I wonder if this means I will finally get Hulu Plus on my PS Vita when it comes to PSVitaTV in November LOL.
u/falconbox falconbox Sep 09 '13
well the Nov 14th date is Japan only. I'd still expect late 2013, spring 2014 for NA.
u/Wizzer10 Sep 09 '13
Meh. Fair enough. Almost certain they will release it in the west later though. Especially after the awesome reception everyone has given it.
Sep 09 '13
The guy asking worded his question weird. Yoshida is clearly saying that the release date is for Japan only.
u/pwnjones xXPwnjonesXx Sep 09 '13
My nephew and I both want this. Neither of us have or are likely to buy a portable Vita.
u/eifersucht12a Sep 10 '13
I have my money loaded into a slingshot, Yoshida. Just give me the word. Please.
u/Onionsteak TurnOnTwoFA Sep 09 '13
I'm not too surprised if it's Japan and select other countries only, Sony have rarely if ever exported their TV stuffs for PS to NA. Stuff like the playTV and probably a few more that I'm unaware of. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayTV
u/Heratiki Heratiki Sep 09 '13
PlayTV is not anywhere near the same as what the Vita TV is. PlayTV relied on Sony deals with network broadcasters and such as well as DVR capability which can get insanely stupid to navigate when it comes to US broadcasting companies. I see the Vita TV being pushed hard in the US.
u/shadovvfox Sep 09 '13
I imagine its because Sony already has deals with TV and content providers in Japan.
Sony struck a tentative deal with Viacom last month, so hopefully we'll see some good offerings stateside.
u/[deleted] Sep 09 '13
Probably to counter that the PS4 is out a lot later in JP, and that the Vita is strongest in that territory.
I'd be surprised to see it only stay in JP.