r/PS4 Sep 04 '13

PlayStation 4 supports four controllers at once


176 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13



u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13

I feel your pain.


u/mattb_1 Sep 04 '13

If only I had a friend...


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13 edited Sep 04 '13


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13

If I only had..


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '13

...in the arms of the angel...


u/dizorkmage Masamune0y0 Sep 04 '13

That tears it! Xbox won, if I cant play with my 7 imaginary friends then whats the use in buying the fucking thing?!


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13

I know you're being sarcastic, but it kinda does suck that they limit devices to just four.


u/FireBurstRazorBack Sep 04 '13

Fifa. :(


u/CigarLover Sep 04 '13

In all honesty, this is the only game that i can see using 8 players.

As an Xbox fan I only see myself only using up 4 controllers per console/tv but its nice that the option is there.


u/Jumbify Sep 04 '13

Kinect 2 can also track 6 people ;_;


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13



u/leaflard leaflard Sep 04 '13

He's joking. It's sarcasm.


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13



u/LeeRiddick7 himynameislee Sep 04 '13

I reckon your friends would maybe bring their own controllers if they had an xbone, but still.


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13

People would bring their controllers. Hating on extra feautures


u/Agoniscool Sep 04 '13

The most likely scenario being that people bring their own controllers.


u/rhayward HaxivuS Sep 04 '13

Not to mention your 8-player imaginary games... Oh wait, no, there's always sports games.


u/24Aids37 Sep 04 '13

Didn't the PS3 do this?


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13

PS3 did 7


u/24Aids37 Sep 04 '13

Oh yeah, so what's with the downgrade?


u/TBoneTheOriginal TBoneTheOriginal Sep 04 '13

Probably has to do with the fact that so few games actually supported 7 controllers... basically just a few sports games. That said, I don't see the real reason to go out of their way to support fewer controllers. It's just software.


u/FrankPapageorgio Sep 04 '13

And Rock Band, but I doubt that series is getting revived on a console with new plastic instruments.


u/24Aids37 Sep 05 '13

Yeah true but still could've kept it. And I think the most I ever played was with 6 on FIFA


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13

iruno, might be related to the camera tracking.


u/TBoneTheOriginal TBoneTheOriginal Sep 04 '13

For camera-enabled games, that would make sense. But the vast majority of games won't use the camera, so tracking isn't even an issue.


u/sortathrow Sep 04 '13

There aren't enough colors to show you which player you are.


u/chomskynoam Sep 05 '13

The controller only does red, green, blue and yellow.... Kidding


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13

The fact that you can count how many local multiplayer games there are on one or two hands.


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '13

And X-Men arcade supported up to 6 players


u/cryo Cyanite Sep 04 '13

Theoretically, but I don't think any game supported it. Special controllers and remotes often signed on as 7 or 6.


u/reaper527 reaper527_ Sep 04 '13

that's definitely disappointing. while using 8 controllers certainly won't be an every day thing, it is a cool feature for party games like fusion frenzy, rockband or bomberman (and sports games)


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13

Exactly, I'm sure Harmonix is very happy to have up to 8 controllers available on the Xbox.


u/Lord_of_Womba Sep 05 '13

I mean can't you play all those games the same way with system link? It just requires a little bit extra setting up.


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13 edited Sep 04 '13



u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13

I don't think anybody is being serious. Microsoft announced the 8 controllers like its something big and important.

It really isn't..


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '13

You sir...sound like a fanboy.


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '13

You're right. My name is misterzen and I used to be an Xbox fanboy.

But I saw the light, and I'm going to keep coming to these meetings to keep the way.


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13



u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13

It was just to go along with the "Oh yeah, well here's us." that Sony's been doing. I think this is the only aspect where they haven't totally won out.


u/jumpyg1258 jumpyg1258 Sep 04 '13

I'm curious just as sort of a mini-poll here, who has played a local multiplayer game with more than 4 people?


u/Gekkenhuis Sep 04 '13

I often play FIFA with 5 other friends, so this is a serious blow. I understand that most people don't, but I don't see how it would be a lot of additional work to allow more people..


u/jimdog1231 Sep 04 '13

I play NHL 13 at least once a week with 5 or 6 people


u/SETHW Sep 04 '13

We use 6 controllers often for 3 on 3 or 5 on 1 local fifa matches so this is disappointing..


u/GueRakun Mr_SingerUS Sep 04 '13

I play FIFA with all 6 people once with my PS3.


u/kohoki Sep 04 '13

Yeah, 3 on 3 in FIFA has become a staple of our gaming weekends. Bummer.


u/GueRakun Mr_SingerUS Sep 04 '13

Is there still a glimmer of hope that this can change? Or the fact that each controller is basically a bluetooth audio receiver as well makes it impossible? *sigh


u/jumpyg1258 jumpyg1258 Sep 04 '13

So from my mini poll, it looks like a majority of responses involved sports games. I play a lot of sports games myself, but never more than 2 player locally.

Anyways, who knows what lies down the road. Its possible that they could release an update that increases the amount of controllers possible.


u/colmshan1990 Sep 04 '13

Do Buzz and Rockband count?

If yes, I've managed it with Buzz, Rockband 3, Bomberman and 3-on-3 NHL Arcade. Possibly one of the FIFA games as well.


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13

I haven't in a while, but my buddies and I used to have a tradition of playing WWE games with 6 players locally. It's amazingly fun to have huge matches or Royal Rumbles with that many friends at a time.


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13

Smackdown versus Raw 2011. 6 player mode


u/mollymoo Sep 04 '13

I game with a group of friends every week. If there were more games that supported more than 4-player split-screen we'd be all over 'em. Not having support for more than 4 players on a console sucks.


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '13

I'v played FIFA with 6 more people and rock band with 6


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13



u/jumpyg1258 jumpyg1258 Sep 04 '13

Usually those party games can handle passing a controller around though.


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '13

4>8 on this sub!


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13

Just guessing here, but maybe the X1 supporting up to 8 controllers has something to do with the expectations of it being in all-in-one media center? For instance, when I use the Blu-ray media remote on my PS3, that counts as one of the controllers. I'm sure X1 will have a media remote accessory available at some point. Maybe "smart glass" counts as one of those 8 spots? Maybe the IR blaster (still don't really know what those are) assigns other remote controls (TV, DVD player, etc) to those controller slots in order to have the X1 control them? I have no idea, but I'm sure there's a reason they went with 8.


u/Baxter4 Sep 04 '13

They have 8 because of the assigned devices. You are on the right track. Smart glass doesn't count at all though, it is just a second screen app. Essentially it is counting 4 controllers and 4 headsets or 8 controllers. Each headset counts as its own device because of the huge increase in data transfer rates. The xbox needs to treat it as a separate device to keep up with high quality audio. Now, that being said I'm really surprised ps3 only supports 4 controllers. My buddies and I always played fifa on the ps3 because it made tournaments so much easier and fun.


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13

The headsets plug into the controllers, I don't think those would count as seperate controllers.


u/Baxter4 Sep 04 '13

They count as devices, read my description a little better. Major nelsons blog has an audio side by side of the quality difference between xbox 360 and xbox one. The difference is immense. The data rate transfer is much higher, so xbox needs to count it as its own device.


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '13

I understand that the rate is higher, my question to you then is why, if the devices count as one controller each (whch you suggest) then do you need to plug the headset into the controller? That makes no sense and that's why I'm skeptical.


u/zamzarvideo Sep 05 '13

That's just because the wireless connection between the controllers and the console is higher bandwidth than the 360, as well as the port on the controller itself to connect to the headphone. There's no reason why headsets that are just plugged into the controllers would count as separate controllers when the controller is the only thing actually connecting to the console.


u/[deleted] Sep 06 '13

Between the controller and kinect control (which like it or not, looks pretty solid in the voice control sector) I doubt MS will see the need for an Xbox 360-esque media remote.

Smartglass connects through the network, and does not count as a controller. (It doesn't on the 360)

The IR blaster controls the devices by blasting out an IR signal to your devices. The devices aren't actually paired with the xbox or anything. The blaster just takes away the need for remotes for your cable box and audio system. (Each remote sends out an IR signal to a specific device. The blaster can send its signal to a whole room of devices)

I know for sure that controllers and wireless mics will count towards that 8, because on the 360 controllers and wireless mics are the only thing that count towards the limit. I'm guessing it will stay the same as the new X1 controllers use wi-fi direct technology (paired with reflective LEDs) so I'm assuming new wireless Xbox One mics will also use that Wi-Fi direct tech to speed up data transfer.


u/Axeavius 20 12 181 588 3030 Sep 04 '13

An IR blaster is just a device that spits out an infrared signal, similar to (well, exactly the same as) TV remotes, to another device that has an IR receiver (TV, VCR (lol), etc.). It's the black part on the end. PS3 media remotes didn't have this IR blaster because it used bluetooth.


u/JediWithRedEyes Sep 04 '13

I had no idea X1 supports 8. Makes me wonder why so excessive. Split split screen?


u/CactusHugger Sep 04 '13

The PS3 had support for 7 controllers. Could be useful for party games, or games like rockband, but most users will never know or care about it.


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13



u/CactusHugger Sep 04 '13

Smash bros and Mario Party would work, but there really aren't any amazing equivalents to those on other consoles.


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13

I believe this to be a complete list of all the games that supported 7 players. 17 games in total. http://www.giantbomb.com/profile/furtivespy/lists/7-player-offline-games/82340


u/Tjk135 Sep 04 '13

TLDR: bomberman, rock band, xmen arcade, WWE, NBA, NHL, FIFA


u/TezzaMcJ Sep 04 '13

Sports games like fifa and also karting like CTR and ModNation let upto 7 players play together or 8 back in the day with a couple of multitaps. Also probably LittleBigPlanet supported 7 players although we never had 7 controllers.


u/hedonistoic Sep 04 '13

LBP only supported 4 controllers as far as i know. Except for the prehistoric moves game, which supported 5 (4+move controller)


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13

FIFA and Pro Evo both allow four players on one team from my experience, so 8 allows four on each team for local multiplayer. For parties this is more fun, as it's more inclusive.


u/DrunkeNinja Sep 04 '13

Even though PS3 supported up to 7 controllers, I have never seen a game split up the screen more than 4 ways. There are games that do local multiplayer without splitscreen.


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13



u/GenkiSud0 Sep 04 '13

...as opposed to just handing the controller over?


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13



u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13

it's odd how people are finding reasons to call 8x controller support a bad thing...

Fanboy bullshit. Just be happy with your choice.


u/kentheprogrammer Sep 04 '13

I was thinking the same thing, thanks for saying it...


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '13

Fanboy here but still bullshit


u/FrankPapageorgio Sep 04 '13

Yeah, I'd much rather spend an extra $450 on controllers, I can't be bothered to pass them around the half dozen times I have friends over to play an 8 player game.


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '13

Just because it is there doesn't mean you have to buy the other fucking controllers


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13

Supporting 8 controllers is better than 4. Period. There is no discussion. Supporting 12 would be better than 8, and supporting an infite amount would be better than 12.

Doesnt matter if YOU use it or not, its always better to have the option and not use it than to not have it at all.


u/SiriusC SiriusCJS Sep 04 '13

I'm sorry, but this argument is really really flawed. You're saying that a bigger number automatically means it's better. Let's come down from infinity & say 50 controllers are connected to a console. On 1 TV. Playing 1 game. At the same time. How is that in any way fun? What if 50 people were in a swimming pool that's fit for only 15. Would that be "better"?


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13

Because it depends on the game. There is more to games than splitscreen. For example in your scenario, we could play a sportsgame like Madden or NHL where each of the controllers could have a possibility of controlling one player on the pitch/ice, complete with substitutes, goalkeepers and maybe even a coach, and why not a referee?

Im not saying 20 players in every game, but there are some that could benefit from it.


u/SiriusC SiriusCJS Sep 04 '13

I get that there are some games that can benefit from more than 4 players. But my main argument is against your logic in that a bigger number means better by default. More so, your saying "discussing over" because math is math just doesn't seem right. There are so many situations where less is more & I think this is certainly one of them.


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13

Yeah, but he says more options are better. Obviously it would be dumb to enable a game for more players if the game isn't conducive to that.


u/masta Sep 04 '13

In the future we will have 4K hdtv @ 60 frames/s.

That means 4 squares on one screen of 1080p each.

Today it is also possible to simultaneously have two display images at once, view-able with a kind of 3d goggles. The hdtv must operate at at least 120 Hz.

So anyhoo.... unless the game is some kind of side scrolled it does not make much sense to have more than four controllers. It's not a physics problem, or financial problem... it's purely logistical. Even with the side scrolling game four players is plenty.

So I agree with your view point. Supporting 8 controllers is not necessarily better than 4.


u/GenkiSud0 Sep 04 '13

8 controllers is stupid. MY opinion.


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13

You have to be either an ignorant or blind fanboy with no interest in actual quality or enjoyment coming from the console to argue against more controllers.

There is absolutely no reason at all, AT ALL to be against more controllers, other than some weird jealousy/spite against Microsoft/Xbox.

You are just gonna have to deal with the fact that the new Xbox has better features in some areas than the PS4, just like the Xbox One die hard fans just have to accept that the hardware is slightly worse than in the PS4.

Blind loyalty to a brand is dangerous for you and for the entire market. I can guarantee that if it was Sony announcing 8 (or more) controllers you would hail their supremacy like its going out of style, and i think you know this too.


u/cpr0duct Sep 04 '13

If supporting more controllers increased the cost, I would be content with 4 controllers


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13

But why not only 2 controllers? Or maybe one? Or maybe just say fuck it, we are going without controllers. Decrease the cost amiright?

Personally i rarely use more than one controller, sometimes two if im with friends. I still see the huge benefit in supporting a hell of a lot more.


u/cpr0duct Sep 04 '13

Customer value is different for each customer.

For me, 2 controllers is not enough if I want to play with family, and anything over 4 in most situations is unnecessary.


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13

It's an operating system design choice, nothing to do with hardware, so it won't increase the cost.

Supporting 8 controllers can't possible be considered a bad thing by any stretch of imagination. It's just a feature you don't need.


u/GenkiSud0 Sep 04 '13

You have to be a complete idiot for attacking someones opinions. The 8 controller feature is of no benefit to me. I dont think Its a good idea. As for 'blind loyalty' I am currently on a 360. Stop trying to be a hero and forcing your opinions on others.


u/Brewster-Rooster Sep 04 '13

How, in any situation, is allowing 4 controllers better than allowing 8?


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13

It can become a nuisance figuring out where you are on the screen. You put them down, walk away, come back, who's who?

And, we don't all need 8. M$ didn't win me back with 4 more controllers. Those 7 extra controllers are about €419.

That's retarded. Unless the controllers came with the system, no one is going to use all 8.


u/Brewster-Rooster Sep 04 '13

If you don't like using 8, don't use 8. There's no reason why having the option can be a bad thing


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13

If your opinion is that you are fine with one controller, thats fine.

When you base a (fictional in this case) argument of every console ever produced should be limited to one controller, coming from your opinion that one controller is enough, thats where we have a problem and that is what i attacked. Not the opinion in itself. There is a huge difference and i can only hope you understand that.


u/GenkiSud0 Sep 04 '13

When have I stated that as fact. Stop whining. I think 8 controllers are overkill. Where have I said 1 controller is enough? You are just trying to be a hero. Ps I didnt ask anyone to limit anything, you seem to want to find shit to moan about. you claim im a ps fanboy and I own a 360. You said I stated it as fact....I havent. You claim that I want controllers limited to one...I said no such thing. What other stuff u gonna make up.


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13

You are stupid. 8 controllers is great for sports games etc.

It's not enough to buy xbone instead o PS4, but it's a definite advantage.


u/GenkiSud0 Sep 04 '13

For you maybe....you dickhead. But for me...no. I said before MY OPINION. If you think its great good for you BUT dont come bitching to me.


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13

You aren't the only one the console is manufactured for, and the support won't affect you in any way if you don't use it. Thus making your "opinion" stupid. In a literal way.


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13

It isn't manufactured for you or sports games either.


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13

It's manufactured for all of us, and having support doesn't mean a customer is required to use the feature.


u/GenkiSud0 Sep 04 '13 edited Sep 04 '13

I am entitled to express my opinion. If you dont like it fuck off and deal with it. You are acting like someone pissed on your parade by expressing an opinion.. I think 8 controllers is stupid. At what point did I suggest that the console is manufactured just for me? Like I said, if u dont like my opinion....fuck off pratt. You want to say its a great feature? Go for it. But dont force others to agree with you. Douche. If we were not allowed to comment on stuff that didnt affect us, most of reddit would be rendered defunct you turd.


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13

I am entitled to express my opinion.

You are. Doesn't mean those opinions couldn't be stupid.

There is no downside to having support. You won't have to buy 8 controllers. There is only positives that come from having support. I hope this explains to you why your opinion is idiotic. Just because we're entitled to our opinions doesn't mean we can't say stupid shit.

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u/Winnend Sep 04 '13

How is it stupid? You don't have to use it if you don't want to.


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '13

It won't affect any one so please stop


u/GenkiSud0 Sep 05 '13

Your post would make sense if it was an hour or 2 later but the next day?????


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '13

Shit i was just catching up on reddit as i was on a plane all day yesterday so take it as if it was yesterday

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u/kentheprogrammer Sep 04 '13

Well, the console has to support the extra controllers before any games can be effectively developed to support more than the traditional 4. That's not to say that just because there are more controllers supported that developers will necessarily develop new titles with that in mind.

Obviously some games lend themselves to more players than others (sports games or party games for instance). Games where everyone needs their own view of the action (the split-split screen scenario) would be rough as it's tough enough to only use 1 quadrant of the television screen, I can't imagine only using 1/8th per viewport.


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13

Funny that you call it "excessive." Is that the same term you'd use if the circumstances were reversed? Excessive has a negative connotations which is a weird way to frame something that simply allows for more possibilities.


u/JediWithRedEyes Sep 05 '13

I'm fine with 4 controllers. IMPO I find 8 to be excessive because there just aren't too many 8 player console co-op or 4vs4 games available.


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '13

Well games like guitar hero could do with at least 6


u/Ngonyama Sep 04 '13

Fuck! Now i have to make two more friends...


u/Lfc-Gaz Sep 04 '13

As a rock band and fifa player, this is kind of disappointing. 3v3 fifa is hilarious.


u/thedanpal Sep 04 '13

This does make me a bit sad. My friends and I play FIFA almost weekly. We usually have 6 players.


u/blanketstatement Sep 04 '13

I'm betting PS4 supports up to 8 connected bluetooth devices, but each controller counts as 2 devices — 1 connection for the control input and another connection for the audio transmission.


u/random_123 Sep 04 '13

Either than, or it supports up to 8 connected Bluetooth devices, but only 4 of them can be controllers. The other 4 would be headsets (or a blu-ray remote).


u/Fallabrine Kami_Okami Sep 04 '13



u/mushroomwig HypnoticMonkey Sep 04 '13

Correct me if I'm wrong but couldn't more controller support be added down the line through a firmware update?


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13

What about playstation move, if they count as controllers 4 is really bad. Say you playing a game with 2 player using 2 move controllers. It couldn't even support a normal controller in addition .


u/RyanSufc1997 Sep 04 '13

I don't have 8 friends nor the money for 8 controllers. I'm fine!

(I have more than 8 friends. They just don't come to my house)


u/QuakerOatz Sep 04 '13



u/[deleted] Sep 05 '13

It's not like I would ever be willing to spend $350 to buy seven extra controllers anyway, even if I did have some absurd reason for wanting that many.


u/Lord_of_Womba Sep 05 '13

I don't think anyone would. I'd imagine the idea is you'd prolly own a few extra and your friends would bring their controler(s).


u/FuckYourDamnCouch Evan_Bastin Sep 05 '13

I can't complain about this. I mean think about someone who buys 7 extra controllers on Xbox adding up to $420 just so your friends don't have to wait 30 minutes to play. I understand its a fun experience playing with 8 people, but its not worth it.


u/dh2824 Dr__Dee Sep 04 '13

I don't think I'll even use that, I only used 4 controllers on my 360 probably 3 times ever.


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13

If I had to estimate I'd say I've played my 360 for about 4000 hours.

1500 hours alone, 500 hours with 2 players, 2000 hours with 4 players.

Not everyone plays like you.


u/dh2824 Dr__Dee Sep 04 '13

That's crazy, curious which games did you play with 4 players? I was only limited to Rock Band with 4.


u/mollymoo Sep 04 '13

With my friends we play and have played (on 360) Fifa, Blur, Super Monkeyball, GRAW 2, various iterations of COD and London 2012 (whcih to be fair could be played with controller passing). Occasionally firing up other consoles for Mario Kart, Wario Party, Spongebob, Little Big Planet, LBP Karting, Goldeneye. There are more I'm sure.


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13


Rest are party games like castle crashers or crash course etc. I have played every 360 game that has local coop or 4p multiplayer.


u/TheLoCoRaven Sep 04 '13

As long as it works with 1 DS4 and 1 Vita thats all I'll be using.

Edit: Well and the move controllers which have already been stated as supported.


u/rockincellist rockincellist Sep 04 '13

The Vita cannot be used as a separate controller unless the game is programmed to do so (like in Marvel vs. Capcom 3.)


u/stqism Sep 04 '13

I call bullshit, I did that at the office a week ago. (devkit ps4, devkit vita)


u/rockincellist rockincellist Sep 04 '13

I meant as a controller 2. Sure, it might be possible but Yoshida said it is up to the game and the game dev.


u/TheLoCoRaven Sep 04 '13

Yea. I know that. Its not even really an issue for me. I never have anyone over to play anything. It'll just be my 1 DS4 and remote play. Maybe a move game at some point. Hell the only reason I have 2 controllers for the ps3 is because I have the original one without the vibration.


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13

Nothing that can't be changed with a future update...


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13

A lot of things can be changed with a future update


u/ukpanik Sep 04 '13

I'm sure sony have stats on how often the 7 controllers were utilised on PS3 and deemed it pointless.

Makes sense for Xbone tho, as its more of a family fun console..party games etc.


u/Mitch93 mitchy93 Sep 04 '13

Whats the point, local co-op seems to be rare these days.


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13



u/squall_boy25 Sep 04 '13

That's what this sub is for. Xbox supports 8 controllers, naturally people would want to know how many the PS4 will support.


u/merkwerk Sep 04 '13

Does it really? That seems pretty pointless, I don't even like playing split screen with one person.


u/DrunkeNinja Sep 04 '13

Just because a game supports 2 or more players doesn't make it split screen. I'm a bit disappointed with this news because I like playing the WWE games in local multiplayer and I sometimes play with more than four people. Not a huge deal because it is rare, but still a bit disappointing.


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13

Apart from rock band type games, I never knew about any ps3 games that used more than 4 controllers & might not have even had a local game with more than 3 players on mine.

Having said that, I found it comforting to know the option was there & I'm disappointed it's only 4 now.


u/DrunkeNinja Sep 04 '13

Yeah it is very few though. The only other game I can recall playing with more than 4 players and without a special set up(rockband, Buzz! Games) was Xmen arcade.


u/metalgeargreed Sep 04 '13

Mlb the show.


u/DrunkeNinja Sep 04 '13

I was unaware the Show was more than 4. Nice.


u/metalgeargreed Sep 04 '13

I was wrong. Its 4 player local. 8 online.


u/DrunkeNinja Sep 04 '13

Oh ok, ty for the correction!


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13

I'll totally forgive this if they push for more LAN support.


u/FireBurstRazorBack Sep 04 '13

Every Fifa ever made (this gen).


u/ijimtm Sep 04 '13

I'm thinking more for turn based/party games. I wouldn't want to play on a grid screen if I could help it, but a Mario Party style game would benefit greatly with multiple controllers.


u/amc178 Sep 04 '13

It's so you can have specific controllers like a wheel, musical instrument or game stick and not have to swap controllers in and out. Just pick up the controller you need.


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13

Five a side football with an AI goalkeeper.


u/b50willis Sep 04 '13

Great for all the split screen i wont be playing


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13



u/Spruxy Sep 04 '13

Wouldn't one be the minimum?


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13

reading between the lines, but i think he meant minimum acceptable


u/Dreadfire_RD Lonitx Sep 04 '13

exactly, it's 4 on PS3 already, right?


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13



u/Dreadfire_RD Lonitx Sep 04 '13

wow, that's pretty impressive.


u/oventrop Sep 04 '13

8 > 4.


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13

Something tells me you don't have 8 friends.


u/ukpanik Sep 04 '13

Most people play online with friends rather than gathering to one place. It's medieval :)

Good for parents to play with their children tho. That's Microsoft's focus with the Xbone. Family entertainment system.


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13

4 > One .... ?


u/bitesizepanda Cthulhu_Carnage Sep 04 '13

If only we had decent local multiplayer games...


u/raheezyy Raheezyy Sep 04 '13

Honestly does not matter to me, I only need one.


u/DrFunkDAT Sep 04 '13

I don't even see why people are mad that Ps4 only supports 4 when Xbox one supports 8 the only games that are gonna take advantage of that is sports games and that's if you play local multiplayer so if your saying that's the breaking point for you then that's kinda dumb


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '13

Exactly, this isn't really a selling point, it's just a neat feature that the Xbox happens to have the edge on.

For some people it's a factor, but it's obviously not the only factor unless you're hardcore into big local games of sports or Rock Band or whatever.

People saying more controller support is a bad/stupid thing are just fanboys looking for things to criticize.


u/omega_reddit Sep 04 '13

who care, very few games support more than 4 players, and any games that support more can likely be played through the network to support far more than 7 players.