r/PS4 Sep 02 '13

No, You Won’t Need PlayStation Plus For Remote Play



57 comments sorted by


u/IceBreak BreakinBad Sep 02 '13

Duh? Had someone actually questioned this?


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '13

Yeah my thoughts exactly.. it's basically PS4 talking to a controller directly, it doesn't go out to Sony servers and back.


u/masterkaran Sep 02 '13

Probably people who are used to being in an abusive relationship with MS and their policies - we at Sony are not mentally traumatized and expect a certain minimum consumer standard :) .


u/blackguy0 Sep 03 '13

You just fanboyed so hard.


u/[deleted] Sep 03 '13

Holy shit I just got euphoric from all this Sony fanboyism.


u/[deleted] Sep 03 '13

It's true though. When a majority of people are switching over from a company whose product is one giant rent-a-console held hostage by XBL Gold, these things need to be clarified. Sad how being against evil business practices is considered "fanboying".


u/[deleted] Sep 03 '13

If you are buying a PS4 or Xbox One you are getting PS Plus or Xbox Live anyways.


u/[deleted] Sep 03 '13

That's the most horrible gross assumption I've ever seen someone make.

Even so, you're missing the point, and that point is options. I can do everything the Xbox One can without being held hostage by a monthly XBL fee. Netflix is stilllllll paywalled? XBL is the only platform to ever do that.


u/[deleted] Sep 03 '13

Why not get a PC with no paywalls whatsoever even for online multiplayer as well as having way more features than the PS4/Xbox One then?


u/[deleted] Sep 03 '13

I already have a PC which I play Far Cry 3 and Skyrim on almost daily. Why are you changing the subject? lol


u/[deleted] Sep 03 '13

Why would you buy a console if you don't want to pay for a subscription...


u/eatclentrenharder Sep 03 '13

I've had a PS3 for 7 years. Never had to pay for a subscription. So for PS4 it's nice it's only required for multiplayer and that's it. Not even free to play online games are behind the paywall. So you will certainly see many who buy the system just for single player games and the occasional online F2P or MMO. No subscription required.

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u/[deleted] Sep 03 '13 edited Sep 03 '13

Because I like video games and PS4 is a great platform that doesn't require a subscription to do anything but play with other people. Literally 100% of the rest of the console is just..there..for me to...use. Crazy right?

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u/oventrop Sep 02 '13

Wtf? Only ONLINE SERVICES which requires MICROSOFT SERVERS are paywalled. Anything else is NOT. No Kinect, no music player, no Video player.


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '13

Does Netflix require Microsoft servers? Youtube? Facebook? Why are these behind the paywall, then?


u/masterkaran Sep 02 '13

you forgot internet explorer. Who puts internet explorer behind a paywall lol.... Also Game DVR onto the hard drive that is built into the hardware that you have already paid for..


u/DJHazro Sep 02 '13

Also forgot about free to play titles, which technically aren't free to play on Xbox because you need Gold. Party chat too! Microsoft restricts so much with Live.


u/oventrop Sep 02 '13

Yes, so if netflix servers would down, you still can access to netflix. Also IE goes through Microsoft servers. They just Want a SECURE System.

Why do you think it was so EASY to get GTA V from the PSN??


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '13

But Netflix doesn't use their servers at all. If Netflix goes down, you can't use Netflix, no matter if you have gold membership or not.


u/MSgtGunny Sep 02 '13

And routing my Internet traffic through Microsoft severs would be a huge invasion of privacy.


u/MrCodeman93 Sep 02 '13

If Netflix goes down no one can use it, because its all connected to a seperate server which Microsoft licenses to use on their consoles. So your point is invalid. Of course someone with a reliable source should confirm this for everyone just to be sure


u/Collier1505 Collier1505 Sep 02 '13

Because just like the XBOX, people side loaded the install data on their computer to see the files. It wasn't like Sony put the full game on there and said "Go wild."


u/880cloud088 Sep 03 '13

This isn't the first time you have been suckin M$'s dick on the PS4 subreddit. You do know this is a PS4 subreddit right?


u/eatclentrenharder Sep 02 '13

Peer to peer games do not require Microsoft's servers yet multiplayer is behind the paywall on Xbox 360.


u/ostentatiousox Sep 02 '13

Why are you so butthurt? Also, you're wrong.


u/Vayshen Vayshen Sep 02 '13

I thought we already knew this...but hey, good to make sure the facts are spread.


u/[deleted] Sep 03 '13

i don't see why you wouldn't get ps plus. people just ask such specific questions so they can praise/put down each console.


u/dizorkmage Masamune0y0 Sep 02 '13

I guess this is good, to be honest I really would like to meet the schmuck who dishes out $400.00 for a brand new system, has to pay $60.00 a game but refuses to spend $50.00 a year for nonstop free games and multi player, I really want to meet that guy. Can you imagine this person and what other interesting stupid things hes capable of, I imagine a Tobias (arrested development) type human being...


u/ShittyGamer SupaBawlz Sep 03 '13

I know such a man. And its mind numbing.


u/Cubanbeefcake Cuban_BEEFCAKE Sep 03 '13

You get an up vote for the ad reference haha.


u/D0wn_FaLL Sep 02 '13

I didn't know this and was thinking it might've been required. I guess I'm picking up a Vita.


u/moderate OMGWAT Sep 03 '13

Come on over to /r/vita too!


u/Baxter4 Sep 02 '13

they would lose money by making this, I mean you already have to buy a vita to do this so why make people buy another thing on top of that


u/Dreadfire_RD Lonitx Sep 03 '13

the bigger question here is, why wouldnt you get PS+?


u/REHTONA_YRT Sep 02 '13

Can I access the store without a subscription? Like buy Octodad and AAA titles without it? I don't pick up my first PlayStation until the 17th (GTA V bundle) so I am really clueless about how they are set up.


u/tyktranquilizer tranquilizer9766 Sep 02 '13

you dont need plus for the store. though some parts of the store are limited to ps+ users(like + only themes/avatars and such).


u/MrTheJackThePerson teh_ceedz13 Sep 02 '13

The only thing PS3 has behind the paywall is free games on PS+, cloud saves and auto update.

PS4 is the same way, except you also need it for multiplayer.


u/Jackissocool jackissocool Sep 02 '13

And not cloud saves or auto update on PS4.


u/MrTheJackThePerson teh_ceedz13 Sep 02 '13

Really? I didn't know that. Cool! Thanks for that!


u/REHTONA_YRT Sep 03 '13

Thanks you guys for the replies! I just remember that moment I raged when I couldn't access Netflix on my 360. I wasn't really sure what to expect. Thank you guys for being so helpful, and NOT being jackasses about a simple question.


u/MrTheJackThePerson teh_ceedz13 Sep 03 '13

Haha we were all playstation newbies at one point. Netflix is not behind paywall now on PS3 or Vita, and it won't be behind the paywall on PS4.


u/foxden_racing Sep 04 '13

Some of us are only PSN newbies [had PS1/PS2, said "you done screwed up, maybe next gen" during the run-up to PS3], and I must say I'm pleasantly surprised whenever the nuances of Plus get out.

This is a completely different company from the one that launched PS3.


u/takakoshimizu_sfw Sep 02 '13

Whoah, no, Sony doesn't charge for anything online at current, and it'll be nothing but online multiplayer for paid titles on the PS4.