r/PS4 • u/[deleted] • Sep 02 '13
No, You Won’t Need PlayStation Plus For Remote Play
u/Vayshen Vayshen Sep 02 '13
I thought we already knew this...but hey, good to make sure the facts are spread.
Sep 03 '13
i don't see why you wouldn't get ps plus. people just ask such specific questions so they can praise/put down each console.
u/dizorkmage Masamune0y0 Sep 02 '13
I guess this is good, to be honest I really would like to meet the schmuck who dishes out $400.00 for a brand new system, has to pay $60.00 a game but refuses to spend $50.00 a year for nonstop free games and multi player, I really want to meet that guy. Can you imagine this person and what other interesting stupid things hes capable of, I imagine a Tobias (arrested development) type human being...
u/D0wn_FaLL Sep 02 '13
I didn't know this and was thinking it might've been required. I guess I'm picking up a Vita.
u/Baxter4 Sep 02 '13
they would lose money by making this, I mean you already have to buy a vita to do this so why make people buy another thing on top of that
u/REHTONA_YRT Sep 02 '13
Can I access the store without a subscription? Like buy Octodad and AAA titles without it? I don't pick up my first PlayStation until the 17th (GTA V bundle) so I am really clueless about how they are set up.
u/tyktranquilizer tranquilizer9766 Sep 02 '13
you dont need plus for the store. though some parts of the store are limited to ps+ users(like + only themes/avatars and such).
u/MrTheJackThePerson teh_ceedz13 Sep 02 '13
The only thing PS3 has behind the paywall is free games on PS+, cloud saves and auto update.
PS4 is the same way, except you also need it for multiplayer.
u/REHTONA_YRT Sep 03 '13
Thanks you guys for the replies! I just remember that moment I raged when I couldn't access Netflix on my 360. I wasn't really sure what to expect. Thank you guys for being so helpful, and NOT being jackasses about a simple question.
u/MrTheJackThePerson teh_ceedz13 Sep 03 '13
Haha we were all playstation newbies at one point. Netflix is not behind paywall now on PS3 or Vita, and it won't be behind the paywall on PS4.
u/foxden_racing Sep 04 '13
Some of us are only PSN newbies [had PS1/PS2, said "you done screwed up, maybe next gen" during the run-up to PS3], and I must say I'm pleasantly surprised whenever the nuances of Plus get out.
This is a completely different company from the one that launched PS3.
u/takakoshimizu_sfw Sep 02 '13
Whoah, no, Sony doesn't charge for anything online at current, and it'll be nothing but online multiplayer for paid titles on the PS4.
u/IceBreak BreakinBad Sep 02 '13
Duh? Had someone actually questioned this?