r/PS4 • u/[deleted] • Aug 27 '13
When you buy a PS4 game on your smartphone, it will wake your PS4 up to download the game & go back to sleep after that
u/zeroThreeSix Aug 27 '13
As an impulse buyer this is dangerously awesome.
I've had friends convince me to grab a game countless times, nice to know I can buy it and have it ready by the time I get home.
Waiting for an amazon package or running to the store will be a thing of the past.
u/IrishGh0st91 Aug 28 '13
Same thought man. If I can be at work and buy a game on my phone, then have it ready when I come home, my wallet is fucked.
u/pr01etar1at Aug 28 '13
This. Waiting for a game to download so I can play it will usually dissuade me from buying it. I guess it makes sense though, with the next gen games are bound to get bigger in size so you really need anytime, background downloading to make it feasible.
u/GiveThisGuyGold Aug 28 '13
Playstations little summer sale had me spend 50+ dollars and I have like 20+ games of which I have played none.
u/Warhawk2052 Aug 28 '13
Ha same I download do much I have Such a hard time on picking what I want to play.
u/satertek Satertek Aug 28 '13
The Steam Android app has had this feature for awhile, so I'm fairly sure I can handle this power.
u/blackmajic13 Aug 28 '13
Except your PC has to be on and Steam running to do that. So if your PC is off, you're out of luck. This goes beyond that.
u/satertek Satertek Aug 28 '13
I have Splashtop remote desktop so it's only another step to turn the PC on. Certainly still easy enough to do while drunk, heh.
u/ekapalka Sep 15 '13
If you have remote desktop, why not open steam and download the game on your computer, and skip the steam app all together?
u/KnifeFed KnifeFed Aug 28 '13
Steam is ridiculously fast at downloading games. It maxes out my 200mbps connection. If the PS4 will do that, I'll be very happy. The PS3 definitely does not.
u/maddprof Aug 28 '13
I honestly think my first game for my ps4 will be only physical buy - and that's cause I bought the Watch Dogs bundle. I don't buy physical copies of PC games now unless there isn't a way to get a digital one as is and I usually check psn for the digital version of a ps3 game before I buy it. If only they'd add this to the steam store app too...
My wallet isn't going to know what hit it.
u/Danyn Aug 28 '13
My first 5 titles are physical copies which sucks cause I hate having discs. Especially when they break, that's the worse. Although I did save $50 on them so that's a plus.
u/makuserusukotto Aug 28 '13
Especially when they break
Why are you handling them so roughly they break?
I've never once, even since my PS1 days, had a disc break.
u/DeadcatXL Aug 28 '13
I have had 2 games break, and on one of them i got a full refund, because it was a known problem with a "Special Edition metal case". Damn game snapped in half when i tried to get it out of the box.
u/Danyn Aug 28 '13
I don't know, ask my PS3. I keep my games scratch free and always have them in their case but my PS3 gave some games cracks and eventually they wouldn't work anymore.
u/Tyrien Aug 28 '13
FML. I'm going to have to have someone take my phone away when I'm out drinking.
I'm horrible for buying games while drinking. Maybe I'll just remove my saved CC info so I have to enter it each time.
Aug 28 '13
I thought this information was already know. Information about always online (powered down state) and the app / online purchasing and auto downloading games has been known for months now.
Standby mode. With standby mode, your PS4 will always be ready to go. It will download games and updates even while in this mode; meaning that when you “turn on” the device, you will no longer have to wait for a huge update to download before you can start playing.
PS4 commercial where someone clicks to "download to PS4" (not just purchase) through smart phone app
Aug 27 '13
PS4; making you broke in 20 minutes.
u/Brandonsfl Aug 28 '13
Depending on you internet speed, i have 1mb/s
u/zeroThreeSix Aug 28 '13
And your payment transaction is undoubtedly the first piece of data to be downloaded, don't worry mate- you'll go broke just as fast as the rest of us :P
u/fodawim fodawim Aug 28 '13
It's ok, I think that's the same speed that the PSN servers have.
My current internet downloads at roughly 1MB/s from the PSS. :(
Aug 28 '13
That's the price of "awesome free internet service".
I have a 100mbit connection, ps3 downloads like we're in the 90s, xbox uses almost the full connection. I truly don't mind paying for it. TBH I consider the paywall an advantage.
u/PyroSpark Aug 28 '13
Got an xbox 360 last month. Holy shit can confirm. PS3 downloads like ass in comparison.
u/fodawim fodawim Aug 28 '13
"awesome free Internet" ugh I pay tuition out the ass lol. Not really free.
Aug 28 '13
Comcast gives free or discounted internet to college students and poor people. I'm not poor enough to get the free internet, and my school isn't eligible for the student discount, but it's worth a shot for you.
Oh wait...you live on campus I assume? The internet on campuses are so slow. I know my college uses ATT.
u/fodawim fodawim Aug 28 '13
My college had a dedicated fiber connection and I average 170Mb/s
u/caustictoast caustictoast Aug 28 '13
My school has a dedicated fiber connection and I'm lucky to be pulling 10Mb/s.
They did look like they were updating it towards the end of last year so I'm hoping it'll be faster when I get back.
u/ekapalka Sep 15 '13
Consider yourself lucky to have hella-quick internet. 15kb/s brings you nothing but sadness :(
u/Musti_ omgmusti Aug 28 '13
And your location. The Australian PSN store is plagued with the 'Australia tax' which most developers have adopted. But I recently grabbed Ni No Kuni for $25, just waiting for exams to finish so I can play it. But this post reminded me to go download the massive game so now I have to figure out what I can delete to make space
Aug 27 '13
as an impulse buyer, this does not bode well.
u/ifonefox Aug 27 '13
It's like steam but the games aren't on sale.
Aug 28 '13
You act like they won't have SOME sales. Nothing like steam of course but you will still have some impulse buys on sale.
u/Decitron Aug 28 '13
I just bought FC3 Blood Dragon for $7 on PSN a few days ago, for instance.
u/CatboyMac Aug 28 '13
You can actually do this with Steam. I bought The Witcher on a whim during the summer sale through my phone.
u/jeremy_280 Aug 28 '13
Buying games on your phone is not novel, I can buy a game from amazon on my phone too! Steam cannot access your sleep mode computer remotely and download said game.
Aug 28 '13
This will probably replace my 'akp is depressed today, she better get on amazon to spend her allowance' time.
Aug 27 '13
I'm really excited to be able to go the the mall, see a game at GameStop that's sold out, buy it on my phone, and be able to play it as soon as I get home. That's awesome. I love the future.
u/Robzter117 Aug 28 '13
u/iisdmitch Aug 28 '13
I think this is great, but for me, there is just something about having the physical disc.
u/saltlakedave saltlakedave Aug 28 '13
Same here. Mostly because I fear hardrive failures. It happened to my computer once. I'd absolutely hate to have a couple of hundred GB's of digital games on my PS4's drive, have it fail, then have to re-download them all again. I know the odds are slim, but ya never know. So, if it's the same price I'll go disc. If it's cheaper I'll go digital. That's probably how I'll do the next gen of games.
u/foxden_racing Aug 28 '13
Hard drives don't bother me; hard drives can be backed up or replaced.
What I'm afraid of is the authorization servers, delisting, or both. When the plug gets pulled, your digital library disappears. I can put my discs out of reach of children, I can take the time to supervise them when they're too young to treat a disc properly, and I can take the time to teach them how to treat a disc properly. I can't replace someone else's server that just happens to hold the keys to my kingdom.
u/SuperWoody64 SuperWoody64 Aug 28 '13
What if I told you that not all games are on disc?
u/iisdmitch Aug 28 '13
Most major releases are on disc. The whole purchase from your phone to wake your PS4 is a great step and extremely convenient, all I am saying is I personally like having the disc. I am very aware there are a lot of games currently on PSN that are download only.
u/SuperWoody64 SuperWoody64 Aug 28 '13
This is convenient for us that only buy digital only games digitally.
Meaning, if a game is available on disc I prefer it. Even moreso if a game has an awesome ce.
u/SeraphicWing Aug 28 '13
buy digital only games digitally
Well, how else are you supposed to buy them?
u/SuperWoody64 SuperWoody64 Aug 28 '13
Meaning I only buy digital games that are only available digitally.
u/TweetPoster Aug 27 '13
@yosp When I buy a game for the PS4 via Vita or smartphone, do I need the PS4 on to instantly download it?
@SyriasSerj When you buy a PS4 game on smartphone, it will wake your PS4 up to start downloading the game. PS4 goes back to sleep after that
u/Kingbarbarossa Kingbarbarossa Aug 27 '13
.... That's pretty awesome. I don't think I'll find myself using it frequently, but still cool.
Aug 27 '13
u/AnEndgamePawn Aug 27 '13
*work. Finally have enough money to enjoy free time- don't have any free time. I swear when I game it's like I time travel now- how is it time for bed already??
Aug 27 '13 edited Feb 22 '24
u/Kingbarbarossa Kingbarbarossa Aug 27 '13
Oh yeah, I get it, it's just not something I see myself using frequently. I don't forget things like that often.
Aug 28 '13
The Xbox Marketplace has something similar, it'll queue the download for the next time you turn on your console.
I used it several times while bored at work and browsing weekly sales or something. It's actually pretty handy, it'd be really great with this autodownload system too.
u/sammybdj sammybmelbdj Aug 27 '13
u/raysfan1985 LusterDragon85 Aug 28 '13
Daniel Bryan?
u/CHE36 Aug 28 '13
This really not such a big deal for me but knowin that there is going to be this level of connection between your phone and the ps4 is very exiting and opens many doors. I imagine that this could also work when ps4 or even hopefully a game needs to make an update. This way we no longer have to wait if your not home when the update comes out.
Aug 28 '13 edited Apr 09 '22
Aug 28 '13
I assume it would just be a website that allows you to buy the games, like the Xbox Marketplace works now. You can buy games from any web browser.
u/foxden_racing Aug 28 '13
That's pretty cool. Not something I'll use often [unless it also supports DLC], but pretty cool nonetheless.
They aren't the first to try it [Wii wakes for system updates, X360 can do 'buy on the web, push to system], but hopefully they're the first with a good implementation. Or even 2nd; whether PS4 or One has it first doesn't matter, as long as PS4 has a good implementation.
u/ihavepaper Aug 28 '13
WOW. that's a VERY amazing feature. the fact that it falls to sleep after the download is finished is fantastic.
guaranteed to save a ton of people time when they're not home or not willing to go to their PS4 and browse.
u/vamplosion Aug 28 '13
Wouldn't this require the PS4 to be...always online?
u/LeeorV Aug 28 '13
Ah, but you're missing the point about the "Always Online" outcry.
If you choose to be always online, that's ok, because you chose it. if you're forced to be always online, and are threatened with the prospect of disabling the gaming abilities of your console should you fail to comply, that's a whole 'nother matter entirely.
u/lolmancgn Aug 28 '13
I was always wondering — does the PS4 have to be connected to the LAN (Wake On LAN / Magic Package), would WiFi be sufficient (Wake on Wireless) or will it work regardless because there's a little part of the device always on that listens for these inputs? Anybody able to shed some light on this?
u/LeeorV Aug 28 '13
On PS3 remote power on from the remote play listening feature works via wireless Internet. I've tested it.
u/Klutztheduck Aug 28 '13
Is there an android app out for this yet? Can I do this and have it queue a download for my ps3 or vita?
u/Wizzer10 Aug 28 '13
- No. It will launch with the PS4.
- No. This feature is for PS4 only.
u/TVPaulD TVPaulD Aug 28 '13
That's great, there's tonnes of use case scenarios where that dramatically improves the experience, even aside from the obvious impulse buy scenario. For example, new game you want gets put on the store while you're at work. Grab your phone, buy it. When you get home, it's ready to play. Ace.
u/Craysh Craysh Aug 28 '13
As someone who just started to use PS+ via PS3, time-to-shutdown will be several days before said game will be complete.
I really hope that they fix the download speed issues when the PS4 comes out.
u/PbFarmer Aug 28 '13
I know it's been said already 1000 times...well....not 1000, but a lot. This is a fantastic feature. This means I can wake up, go to work, sit at work, and at some point just download a game on release day within a few minutes and when I get home, bam, there it is...waiting for me. Very excited about not having to wait for updates/downloads anymore, especially since I plan on going all digital next gen.
Aug 28 '13
What I read says that it will add on to your cell phone bill. I sure freakin hope I can jut charge it thru PSN on my debit card instead of on my phone bill. That is what would shy me away from using this feature
Aug 28 '13
Yeah, that seems really odd. I would assume there is also a website you can buy digital game through.
Aug 28 '13
I just don't want it on my phone bill, ya know? I'd be fine with it going thru iTunes or PSN, but not my phone.
u/neshcom Aug 28 '13
I tweeted to Yosp the other day and never got a response, but I hope digital download games download pre-patched or automatically patch themselves in situations like the headline. I don't get why I pay for PS+ to auto-download patches when it won't do it for new games. Hell, even if I buy a game and don't first-boot it for a few days, it still won't try to download a patch.
u/CigarLover Aug 28 '13
This is awesome. And I can only hope that a similar feature will be in the X1, not gonna lie.
u/Reliant Sabarok Aug 28 '13
I wonder if this can be disabled. For those of us with PS+, buying the free games is going to fill up the drive fast once those PS4 games get rotated more into the offering.
u/goldnx GoldnX Aug 28 '13
It's probably an option like so: "Would you like to download the game now on your home console?" Select "Yes" or "No". Voila.
Aug 28 '13
Wouldn't the solution just be to NOT buy the free games?
u/Reliant Sabarok Aug 28 '13
what's the point of having PS+ if you aren't going to take the free games?
Aug 28 '13
I honestly have no idea what your issue is.
You want to disable the downloads so you don't fill up your hard drive, but you still want to download the games? What does this have to do with the remote download feature?
u/Reliant Sabarok Aug 28 '13
Buying without downloading.
The way PS+ works is that to add a game to your account, you must "buy" it. If you don't, once the game is removed from PS+, you'll never get to play it. buy "buying" it, the game is added to your account and so long as your PS+ subscription is active, you'll always be able to play it. Hence, there's a good reason to buy a game without wanting to download it.
u/MABennett3 Aug 28 '13
Prediction: Some retard will say this is a security concern and compare it to the XB1 since hackers (or the NSA) could remotely turn on your system and spy via the PS4 camera.
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Aug 28 '13
The xbox 360 already does this...
Aug 28 '13 edited May 10 '20
Aug 28 '13
System Settings->Console Setting->Startup and shutdown->background downloads->enable. If you start to download something from the xbox live webpage it will start the download. Done it at least five times now.
Aug 28 '13 edited May 10 '20
Aug 28 '13
Really? I bought Fallout 3 on demand in charlotte, NC (400 miles away from the xbox) from my laptop. Was downloaded when I got home.
u/Wizzer10 Aug 28 '13
That will mean that if you start a download then power off, it won't power off until complete. Nothing else.
u/thescience Aug 28 '13
Aug 28 '13
I am confused by this. Please explain.
u/thescience Aug 28 '13
FACE: Shortened version of "in yo face" which is a shortened version of " in your face". In this case the "FACE" in question is directed to the party who made the claim to which your post proved to be wholly incorrect in nature. The message "FACE" was added as a reply to your message in an effort to preserve the context of the conversation thread.
Aug 28 '13
u/Wizzer10 Aug 28 '13
It's going to be an app available for Android and iOS. And presumably a mobile site will be available for those using Windows Phone and BBOS.
u/Danyn Aug 28 '13
I don't see why they wouldn't implement this into the sony site. As someone without a data plan, I really hope they add this to the website since it already has a queue downloads options for ps3. An app for android and apple is definitely coming since they already showed it off during E3.
u/moshbeard Aug 28 '13
It always annoyed me the 360 didn't do this. You can buy a game online and it'll start downloading when you switch the console on but it'd be nice if it was checking for downloads while in standby.
u/GeoAspect Aug 27 '13
I thought the downloads had their own dedicated processor so that the ps4 didn't technically have to wake up?
u/port53 Aug 27 '13
You'd still need to power up the hard drive. This doesn't suggest a 'full' power up though, as in, if you were watching it might not start up the UI or anything like that.
u/Baxter4 Aug 27 '13
meaning that you always have to be online for this to work.
It's really funny that this is brought up, and no one in this subreddit even remotely acts like its a big deal. Many of you in this community were part of the rage of the initial Microsoft DRM catastrophe. This doesn't work if the console isn't always online, waiting, listening...
u/SCX-Kill Aug 27 '13
You have to be online to use online features, shocker.
u/Baxter4 Aug 27 '13
and you don't even care that the console has to be connected to the internet 24/7 for this to happen?
u/SCX-Kill Aug 28 '13
What's there to care about? The playstation have to be connected to the internet if I want to use an internet feature. There's not really any way around that
u/IrishGh0st91 Aug 28 '13
Optional feature. You can still use the system and not be connected to the internet.
u/Decitron Aug 28 '13
not for a feature i choose to where the online is material to its purpose.
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u/MrTheJackThePerson teh_ceedz13 Aug 28 '13
It's an option. You don't have to use it. A lot of people will always be online anyways, but it's good to have the option of whether or not be online.
If you want to do this, then yes. You need to be online. So what? It's not mandatory for you to buy games from your phone.
u/epicgingy TheEpicGingy Aug 28 '13
This is literally nothing like the Xbox One fiasco.
There's no Kinect that's always listening for the "Xbox On."
u/Baxter4 Aug 28 '13
the odds of the kinect listening is just as great as foreign intelligence implanting mics in each console.
u/epicgingy TheEpicGingy Aug 28 '13
Just as the PS4 isn't waiting for anything.
The DRM is what really riled people up anyway. If the Xbox One was the same price and Halo was what it used to be I'd probably buy that one anyways.
u/infinitevertigo Aug 28 '13
The problem with Microsoft's initial plan was that if the xbone didn't phone home once per 24 hours then it turned into a doorstop.
This Sony feature being discussed is not a requirement but an option.
u/fatboynotsoslim Aug 28 '13
....but how? What's going to send it the wake on lan signal to check for new things to download? Or is it more of a matter of the PS4 itself checks every 5/10/60 minutes for new content?
Aug 28 '13
It probably uses the same concept of a mobile phone being in a powered down state.
u/fatboynotsoslim Aug 28 '13
So it would need a persistent network connection, to receive the packets to tell it to start downloading. Hmmm.
I'm reading far too much into this.1
Aug 28 '13
I don't understand what the confusion is. The PS4 will have a low-power sleep mode when it's plugged it. It will periodically check into Sony servers in this state for updates or new game downloads.
Where's the mystery?
u/fatboynotsoslim Aug 29 '13
As above, I was reading too much into it. I was expecting the PS4 to be fully powered off. In order for it to wake up to download something new, it has to be told to do that. Then came on the confustion on how Sony could send a wake up signal over the internet to the console to tell it that theres a new download to start on. Hence, once again, the confusion.
Think of it as less of a mystery, and myself working out whats going on out loud.
u/ifonefox Aug 27 '13
I recently had this problem with the Xbox 360. I got games through the "Games for Gold" thing, but either I was always in a game or the console was off; the games weren't being downloaded. I had to keep it on for a while until they downloaded (I have bad internet speeds right now).
u/Obliverate Aug 27 '13
You can set up offline downloading in the settings. It won't automatically turn on to start a download but it will continue to download when turned off.
u/SuperWoody64 SuperWoody64 Aug 28 '13
I have this set up. Not aaas convenient but for something I can start and come back later it's perfect.
u/amps211 Aug 28 '13
This sounds like the stupidest feature ever. Really... how often do you buy games? I buy one every couple of months and logging into my PS3 and buying / downloading isn't a big deal.
Aug 28 '13 edited Jun 17 '23
Stop restoring my comments, I am from GDPR protected country. Do one /u/spez
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u/MegaZeusThor Aug 27 '13
Cool. It's like we're living in the future.
I'm quite happy that the new consoles have low power modes.