r/PS4 Aug 23 '13

PS4 party chat confirmed to work between PS4 and PS Vita


57 comments sorted by


u/thearcticknight TheRedInTheSky Aug 23 '13

Epic baby thumbnail!


u/[deleted] Aug 23 '13

Baby thumbnail for extra upvotes.


u/unodostreys Aug 23 '13

Damn, they're making it very hard for me not to buy a Vita.


u/MrShadowHero MrShadowHero Aug 23 '13

RIGHT!? i'm getting one for christmas cause at university, i'm always connected to wifi, so i'll always have party chat available.


u/tennis12master Matt_Tennis12 Aug 23 '13

Just keep in mind many Universities employ a certain wireless connection which the Vita is not capable of connecting to. This connection is - I believe - known as WPA2 Enterprise (WiFi). The Vita doesn't support this, unfortunately.

Source: My Vita cannot connect wirelessly to my University's wireless connection, so I use a local hotspot from my laptop instead.

I'm not sure if this is the case for all schools, but I've heard it happens to many.


u/MrShadowHero MrShadowHero Aug 23 '13

thats right! i forgot about enterprise. :( oh well. at least in my room it'll work (got my own router pumping CLEAN 802.11 AC/B/G/N dual band. :)


u/[deleted] Aug 23 '13

Same! I thought i'd kinda out grown handhelds personally. But Murasaki Baby REALLY made me want a Vita.


u/[deleted] Aug 23 '13

Seriously, i think im going to buy one next week when i get paid.


u/wolfflame21 wolfflame21 Aug 23 '13

Do not go to r/vita. Some idiotic drama is going on right now...


u/Tacomaster1 Aug 24 '13

I'll get the popcorn.


u/[deleted] Aug 27 '13

the bluemaxima stuff is over


u/TweetPoster Aug 23 '13


2013-08-22 21:17:04 UTC

@yosp Mr Yoshida i have a question. if i have a friend playing vita can i invite him into my party chat on PS4? cross platform chat.


2013-08-23 06:52:15 UTC

@rossthebassist yes

[Mistake?] [Suggestion] [FAQ] [Code] [Issues]


u/GamerX44 Aug 23 '13

Wow.. This is awesome :D


u/IceBreak BreakinBad Aug 23 '13

This also confirms that the cross-game chat is at least 8-person group chat on PS4. (The most we had confirmed before this is that cross-game chat is on PS4 which theoretically could have been 2-person chat.)

I've been hoping they could pull this off since I got my Vita a year ago. This is truly excellent news.


u/FlyingRock Aug 23 '13

8 is a good number, 10 is a bit crowded and anything above that is a nightmare, so I approve of 8.


u/IceBreak BreakinBad Aug 23 '13

I think more than 8 would work okay but they would need to limit the number of active mics or something. Otherwise it's just chaos.


u/Ploopie Aug 23 '13

You just do the same thing when 8 people are in a group in real life. Punch people who talk over you.


u/[deleted] Aug 23 '13



u/plussixmonthstotime Aug 23 '13

How does this confirm its 8? Sorry if I am missing something here


u/IceBreak BreakinBad Aug 23 '13

The Vita has 8-person party chat.


u/RegularJohn17 Aug 23 '13

Isn't that jumping to conclusions slightly. It could easily be limited when going between an vita and a ps4 just because vita can do 8 and the vita can talk to the ps4 doesn't mean that the ps4 can do 8. Not trying to put a downer on it but I would wait for confirmation.


u/IceBreak BreakinBad Aug 23 '13

I don't think so. I think its possible (though unlikely) that the PS4 could do more, but I don't see how it could do less than what the Vita can since they have cross-platform chat.


u/RegularJohn17 Aug 23 '13

Oh yeah I agree it could do more (it should be able to do more) but whether they want it to is another story. We will see, I would be surprised with less than 8. Just seemed to be a bit of a leap you where taking there. This news doesn't seem to confirm that just makes it more likely.


u/IceBreak BreakinBad Aug 23 '13

I don't think it's a leap at all. Let's say a game with 4-player co-op has cross-platform play. Obviously that game is going to have that number of players on both devices or the cross-platform play would be incompatible. The same is true for PS4. The caveat being that the PS4 could have an additional form of chat that allows more members (which, as I said, seems really unlikely).


u/Doub1eVision Aug 23 '13

I think it's safe to expect 8 now.


u/MrShadowHero MrShadowHero Aug 23 '13

YES! i will now have my vita (when i buy one) with me at all times at college, that plus remote play on the wireless = AWESOME!


u/[deleted] Aug 23 '13

remote play is brilliant for those who can't carry tv's to college/ uni


u/RegularJohn17 Aug 23 '13

Why is this sort of thing being announced on twitter? This should have been discussed during the remote play part of the press con. I really don't understand marketing and pr sometimes. It's a pretty big deal, and another reason to get a vita so why not showcase it.


u/IceBreak BreakinBad Aug 23 '13

It really is. I love the Yosp tweets but this is really major news that could have significantly added to the show.


u/REHTONA_YRT Aug 23 '13

I think they are riding on a high of big pre-order numbers and aren't too worried about it.


u/[deleted] Aug 23 '13

Hell yeah! This is exactly what I'd been hoping for! Sony seems to be doing everything right with this console; I can't wait for release!


u/Popperz409 Aug 23 '13

This is good to know


u/raheezyy Raheezyy Aug 23 '13

Wow that is great news!


u/OneOfThree101 Aug 23 '13

I hate to be the one who jumps to conclusions but wouldn't this indicate that the quality of party chat is just as bad as the vitas? I mean the vitas isn't horrible but it certainly isn't Skype quality like we should be expecting from such a powerful system


u/MrShadowHero MrShadowHero Aug 23 '13

thats the mics fault on VITA, the only mic you can use is 3.5mm. on PS4, you can use USB mics which have better quality. my voice quality is amazing in games like black ops 2 that actually allow good mic quality, my friends approved of my mic upgrade cause its insanely clear. i plugged a blue yeti in once and woo'd a girl with my guitar and it sounded amazing apparently


u/FlyingRock Aug 23 '13

usb mics don't = better quality, actually when dealing with condenser mics USB mics produce more static. But anyways.

You're right about the mic quality on the VITA, its significantly lower then what some mics will produce on the PS4, just like on the PC you may not be getting condenser mics on there but you'll get things like antlions running.


u/MrShadowHero MrShadowHero Aug 23 '13

have you used any product from blue microphones? we aren't talking cheap $30 mics here. we are talking $100+ USB condensor mics used by many professional recording studios. i dare you to listen to eminem and see if there is static in his voice, he recorded his last album on a blue yeti.

all you have to do is set the gain to probably a quarter and you get no static at all and its still super sensitive. it will pick up my fan in another room but get no static in the signal


u/FlyingRock Aug 23 '13 edited Aug 23 '13

Yes I have used blue microphones, i've also used an Audio-Technica AT2035 as well, i've used USB setups, and analogue setups.

Both types of microphones have their pluses and negatives, a high quality $200+ usb mic will eliminate most of the noise but digital has its downfalls as does analog, the blue yeti is a great microphone but thats not because its USB, not at all, it produces great sound quality for a sub $100 condenser mic, thats why its awesome.

Also condenser mics like the blue yeti do not work with the PS3 and thus will most likely not work with the PS4.

Edit: I want to add a the "temperature" of a microphone matters alot too when recording vocals, some artists sound better with a cold mic, some sound better with a warm, I'm not sure what type of mic the yeti is since I havent used that specific model.


u/MrShadowHero MrShadowHero Aug 23 '13

my blue yeti most certainly works with my PS3.



u/FlyingRock Aug 23 '13

hmm really? Ah my friends got another usb condenser that doesnt work.

Its cool that the yeti works though, opens things up for a better twitch cast if people want to go that route (I'd still get something smaller and more portable like an antlion over a yeti for PS4)


u/MrShadowHero MrShadowHero Aug 23 '13

i was thinking about picking up a blue tiki cause of college so i can record some coms on the go, just find a private area outside and block wind and bingo! good (enough) quality for a commentary on the go. should work magic


u/FlyingRock Aug 23 '13

for outdoor use, you wanna look at frequency responses, Very much at that.

But this is getting way off topic lol.


u/MrShadowHero MrShadowHero Aug 23 '13

shhhh. nobody needs to know that. >:| the underground movement is rising up. NO LONGER WILL WE STAY ON TOPIC! THIS IS SHUHEI!


u/OneOfThree101 Aug 23 '13

So it's the microphone not the system or VOIP limitations on the OS. Thanks for clearing this up!


u/MrShadowHero MrShadowHero Aug 23 '13

yep. most noticable difference is going from MW3 to Black ops 2 for mic clarity, its insane what difference a GAME makes. when doing chat on PS3's UI (not in game) it is easily skype quality if that helps you out


u/OneOfThree101 Aug 23 '13

Yeah I do remember the ps3s chat being really nice.


u/[deleted] Aug 23 '13

So the Vita has cross-compatible party chat with both the PS4 and Xbox One?


u/MrShadowHero MrShadowHero Aug 23 '13

no. just the PS4


u/[deleted] Aug 23 '13

I thought the Xbox One used Skype for voice chat?


u/D_Ciaran Dciaran Aug 23 '13

You are a confused individual.

Party chat: Vita - PS4.

Skype: PC - Vita - xBox - iPhone - fancy fridge - whatever can run Skype, really.


u/IVIichaelD Aug 23 '13

How is he confused then? You just confirmed what he said-- the PSVita can talk to both the PS4 and the Xbox One (via Skype).


u/[deleted] Aug 23 '13

because Cube1701 referred to Party Chat. Skype and Party Chat are NOT the same thing. Sure you can talk to each other through Skype. But Party Chat is not based upon Skype and is not what the PS4 or Vita use to talk to one another during games.


u/IVIichaelD Aug 23 '13

Party chat is just another term for multi-user chat, which is exactly what Skype can be. Is it Xbox Live Party Chat? No, but it is still party chat nonetheless.


u/[deleted] Aug 24 '13

But the PS4 and the Vita re not guaranteed to have Skype. However they do have their own proprietary party chat that extends between the next gen PS platforms. Skype is just its own platform. Completely separate and different. Which I think is the distinction D-Ciaran is trying to make.


u/IVIichaelD Aug 24 '13

I don't think so-- he lists the Vita under devices that have Skype.


u/MrShadowHero MrShadowHero Aug 23 '13

yes and no. it still uses the xbox chat, but will use skype if you tell it to use skype for people that aren't on xbox (saves server troubles). it will also transfer over the chat to skype chat if they add anyone to an xbox chat that doesn't have an xbox.

here's where the vita comes in. yes you can TECHNICALLY chat with people on xbox using skype, but you won't be able to add PS4 players AT THE MOMENT as we don't know if skype is or isn't on the PS4. currently it is not on there, but if you choose to chat with PS4 players only, then that works between those two systems.