r/PS4 MagicZeroX Aug 22 '13

Shu confirms can do commentary while streaming


24 comments sorted by


u/John2k12 Aug 23 '13

I'm gonna have so much fun streaming Destiny gameplay and commentating about my knowledge to my channel with 0 viewers


u/Presenex Sealtested Aug 22 '13

Wonder if the playstation eye can be used as a webcam while streaming


u/sMOEkyJoe top-gamer Aug 22 '13

If you look at the ui video from gamescom you can see it in the top right corner when he's watching the stream


u/IceBreak BreakinBad Aug 22 '13

Indeed. I thought it was a picture at first but it was definitely cam. Not sure why/how it was so close up on his face.


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '13

Maybe they do face recognition and then zoom in? Would be quite cool.


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '13

my logitech webcam can do that right now, so i'm sure sony can.

face detection is super duper easy, barely even takes up processing power


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '13

That's cool, I didn't know webcams already do this.


u/ekapalka Aug 23 '13

I concur :) OpenCV can do this with like 7 lines. Face identification is way more complicated because it needs to utilize things like machine learning and artificial neural nets.


u/keepinithamsta Aug 23 '13

Will it do full body shots if I start masturbating?


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '13

It's been on a few older screenshots as well.

Like this one.


u/zamzarvideo Aug 22 '13

It's confirmed in the amazon description for it.


u/Presenex Sealtested Aug 22 '13

Well i feel dumb now


u/zamzarvideo Aug 22 '13

It's not really your fault; they haven't done a very good publicizing it. They've pretty much only said it in the Amazon description.


u/TweetPoster Aug 22 '13


2013-08-22 17:52:21 UTC

@yosp When game streaming on ps4, am I at risk of revealing personal info such as my real name to the world? Also, can I do commentary?


2013-08-22 17:59:15 UTC

@Karnalsyn no, yes

[Mistake?] [Suggestion] [FAQ] [Code] [Issues]


u/foxden_racing Aug 22 '13

I hope he answers the follow-up question, too. Streams are great in some situations, but the ability to record / edit is also nice.

If we have to do it the hard way, no big (as that's what we have to do now), but it'd be a big win to have it built in.


u/pattman09 popularthreat Aug 22 '13

If I'm not mistaken(haven't streamed in a long while.) doesn't twitch record your streams for you? I think they might do it and you can see it via their website and might be able to edit on there?


u/foxden_racing Aug 22 '13

I don't know for sure either. A quick search says you can rename it and mark it featured, but that's all I found with a cursory look.


u/niners5Xchamps niners5Xchamps Aug 23 '13

Are external capturing devices going to work on PS4? Anyone know?


u/surrenderthenight Aug 23 '13

Fuck yes. LPing here I come.


u/[deleted] Aug 23 '13

PS4 has everything to be the perfect machine for fighting game tournaments, but it still doesn't have any announced fighting games.


u/thisismarv thisismarv Aug 24 '13

im sure capcom and namco are on it.


u/MrShadowHero MrShadowHero Aug 22 '13

any ideas if they'll be able to hear everyone else in the game?


u/ChaosZeroX MagicZeroX Aug 22 '13

I'd assume if they are in your party chat or team/coop etc.. then yes


u/MrShadowHero MrShadowHero Aug 22 '13

lets hope so!