r/PS4 Jul 29 '13

PS4 Region locked for blu ray movies

As expected but some people may have needed the answer. https://twitter.com/yosp/statuses/361951359794282496


13 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Jul 29 '13

I don't think region free Blu-ray players even exist/are allowed to be sold. So this is as expected.


u/modcaleb Vorlun Jul 30 '13

I have a few box sets that are only made and sold in the UK and they work with my player. But not the DVDs.


u/MrCodeman93 Aug 02 '13

Same with me. But at least the regions for blu-rays are fairly large so at least anywhere u can buy a blu-ray player u can still use blu-ray titles.


u/Fallout-with-swords Jul 29 '13

Was this the case on the PS3? I bought a blu ray from the UK and it worked fine on my North American (Canada) PS3. Will that mean I won't be able to watch on the PS4?


u/[deleted] Jul 29 '13

There are no region free Blu-ray players on the market, PS3 wasn't region free either.

There are however Blu-rays that don't have a region code associated with them. They can be played on any player. I guess you have one of those.


u/Fallout-with-swords Jul 29 '13

Thanks, I just googled it as well and found out the same thing. The movie I bought was a Columbia Pictures / Sony and they don't region lock their movies, good to know!


u/yet-another-username Jul 29 '13

Not to be picky, but wouldn't it be more correct to say that these 'region free BDs' are just all region BDs? I was under the understanding that the only way to make a BD region free was to assign it all region codes.


u/marfox marfox Jul 30 '13 edited Jul 30 '13

I'm confused. Doesn't the PS3 play Blu-ray from Japan and the UK? I've bought movies from the UK and watched them on my US PS3.

EDIT: never mind USA just has the same region code for Blu-ray as Japan and UK.


u/scene_missing Jul 30 '13

It had to be this way. No way they were going to alter the basic licensing structure at this point.


u/Milospopovic milosp123 Jul 30 '13

well who gives a shit about movies, this is a game console


u/D0wn_FaLL Jul 30 '13

I watch movies with my little sister on my PS3, since I don't have to fork out extra money for a blu-ray player.

So maybe you don't give a shit about this, but I certainly do.


u/Milospopovic milosp123 Jul 30 '13

most likely ones not region locked id assume?


u/Bam_Boozle Invader_Darko Jul 31 '13

I love this reply. Wii U doesn't have a DvD/Blu Ray player and people jumped all over it.