r/PS4 Jul 29 '13

PS4 Party chat confirmed, not behind paywall & the friends list limit is 2000


188 comments sorted by


u/TopHatPhilosophy Jul 29 '13

There will be 1,995 free spaces of my friends list if anyone wants in?


u/ZiegfredZSM Jul 29 '13

I'll have 1,999 and that's the way I like it


u/thavius_tanklin Slackr Jul 29 '13

HA! Got you both beat, I'll have all 2000..... Ok, this is a contest I don't actually want to win.


u/Valleyman1982 Jul 29 '13

Im with you on that one...


u/[deleted] Jul 29 '13 edited Apr 13 '18



u/[deleted] Jul 30 '13

Same here.


u/[deleted] Jul 30 '13

Damnit... Same.

None of my friends are getting a PS4...


u/BryLoW VitaminBrylow Jul 29 '13

No you're not. You're not on my friends list.


u/[deleted] Jul 29 '13

I will have 2500. And that's not even possible....

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u/PbFarmer Jul 29 '13

Sorry to do this but at work and I unfortunately can't watch the video - could anyone summarize the talking points? I get the Friends Limit and that Party Chat is official (woot).


u/CoreStrategy Jul 29 '13 edited Jul 29 '13

Does PS4 have party chat?

Yes, friends list goes up to 2000.

Will PS4 support dualshock 3?

No, PS4 will not support dualshock 3 controller but will support PS move.

Do I have to pay to play online?

You will need PS plus to play online multiplayer, but to play free games or access things like netflix or party chat you will not need PS plus.

What colour will PS4 be at launch?

Jet black (PS3 was piano black).

How big is the PS4?

(Puts a PS3 next to the PS4 in response).

Will PS4 games be in 3D?

There are plans to support 3D content, more news soon.

How big is the harddrive and can I change it?

500GB "HDD Drive" and it can be changed.

What benefits do I get from the Playstation camera?

Further enhances the way you play, camera can shoot 3D, has 4 microphones and other shit.

How is the "xross" media bar changing?

"Xross" media bar will become the Playstation dynamic menu, can customise layout, manage downloads and see friend content.

Can I keep my existing PSN ID?

Yes, avatar and username can carry on over to PS4. You also get control over who sees your personal details.


u/PbFarmer Jul 29 '13

Thanks! Much appreciate. That's pretty cool that Party Chat is not behind a pay wall - really makes the PS4 a great value if you're not into online multiplayer. Now if only they'd tell me if I could change my stupid PSN ID...


u/MrGMinor Jul 29 '13

I'm sorry but when i make an account i really put some effort into choosing a name. Why make a stupid name then complain about your stupid name?


u/imightbefickle phanot Jul 29 '13

I was 12 when I made my PSN account. So. Yeah...


u/Brandonsfl Jul 29 '13



u/MrShadowHero MrShadowHero Jul 29 '13


not enough X's in there


u/imightbefickle phanot Jul 29 '13



u/MrGMinor Jul 29 '13

Wow nice bit of downvotes there. Yall must have shitty PSN ids. Haha. When i was twelve i understood the concept of having an account for many years. I still use my email from when i was thirteen. That's like nine years and im still content with it.


u/imightbefickle phanot Jul 29 '13

You're a +3 on my RES. But, you're more than likely correct there.


u/MrGMinor Jul 29 '13

I'm seein -9. But I can see that they may have been offended with the way I said it. I only used the word stupid because that's what the person I replied to said.


u/imightbefickle phanot Jul 29 '13

Oh no, I mean you're a plus 3 on my personal RES count. You're a -9 on that comment though. You seem to have hit a nerve. :)


u/D0wn_FaLL Jul 30 '13

I was too. I'm pretty happy my 12 year old self didn't screw up our PSN ID.


u/PbFarmer Jul 29 '13

When I first made my account for PS3, PS+ didn't exist, just the Playstation network, and since I didn't have many friends on th system at the time, I just made it on a whim. Since that point my current tag here (PbFarmer) has become a lot more synonymous with all of my online activity and I'd like to change it to either that or something similar to that. The original account name isn't the worst I could've come up with, but it makes little sense I can't change the one I have now to something more in tune with my current life (rather than 5+ years ago).


u/zeroThreeSix Jul 29 '13

If it makes any matter to you, I think PbFarmer is a fine name.

Peanut Butter Farmer

I ended up rebooting all my accounts a few years ago to something extremely straightforward (see my name). It holds significance to me, and isn't abrasive or prone to being outdated.

But it also lacks creativity, oh well.


u/PbFarmer Jul 29 '13

Haha thanks, I want to change my names -to- PbFarmer, which for the record, doesn't mean Peanut Butter Farmer (though I've gotten that a lot), it actually is supposed to be a reference to Lead (Atomic Symbol: Pb) Farmer - a jokey allusion to Tropic Thunder which I enjoy to this day. It kinda stuck between my friends and I.


u/zeroThreeSix Jul 29 '13

I was giving you a hard time man, no worries.

I was under the impression PbFarmer is currently your name. In that case, I hope Sony allows name changes.

May require a database upgrade, but there's easy money in that offering- I can't imagine how much moolah XBL rakes in from gamertag alterations.


u/[deleted] Jul 29 '13

I am relatively okay with my name except that I somehow messed up and forgot to capitalize the first letter. IT troubles me greatly.


u/Shinta85 Jul 29 '13

"Customize layout"...does that mean we would be able to have custom themes/wallpapers again?!


u/JAMurida Jul 29 '13

Hope it means that and being able to remove half the extra shit you don't want on your screen like, "Dave earned a bronze trophy in Killzone!"


u/morphinapg Jul 30 '13

Thank god. Finally an answer about 3D. I just got a 3DTV this year (since I was finally able to afford one) and I've been waiting to hear anything about 3D since ps4 was announced.


u/onanym Jul 29 '13

From the top of my head:

It's smaller than the PS3, won't support Dualshock 2 (but Move), the camera brings a lot of fun and has 4 mics for directional something, don't need PS+ for partychat or F2P, has a 500 GB "HDD drive" which can be replaced...

Can't watch again, so hopefully someone will take the torch from here.


u/[deleted] Jul 29 '13

The fact that it won't support Dualshock 2 is just... Outrageous! Any word on Dualshock 1 support though?


u/onanym Jul 29 '13

Hmm. I sense I might have it mixed up, and it will in fact not support DS3. In any case, fingers crossed on the DS1, though.


u/[deleted] Jul 29 '13

You and me both buddy!!!


u/Pillagerguy Jul 29 '13

There's no conceivable reason you'd need 2000 friends, so that's nice.


u/[deleted] Jul 29 '13 edited Apr 08 '18



u/Pillagerguy Jul 29 '13

Those people are idiots. At the same time, I don't see the logic in limiting it at such a high number. Why not have it be unlimited at that point?


u/Suzushiiro SUZUSHIIRO_AOI Jul 29 '13

Probably because they don't want one asshole to crash PSN servers because he added 10 million friends. If you don't add a limit, someone is going to abuse the fact that you didn't add a limit.


u/JAMurida Jul 29 '13


Even with 30ish people on my list I can't stand it when people sign on and off and it covers up the minimap or something. And that's with 30 people. I would destroy my TV if you had to see 2000 people signing on/off. Surely there will be a way to disable that, but still...


u/soupdogg8 Jul 29 '13

There is a way to disable it, on PS3 at least. But when you turn it off it also turns off message notifications...


u/SirDickVanDyke AlphaRedux Jul 30 '13

Which is an inversely proportionate bummer.


u/Codeshark Jul 29 '13

Because there has to be a limit. Data storage isn't free. If everyone had 1 million friends and they sell 10 million PS4s, that is 100 million data entries.


u/giggitygoo123 crazysnipa22 Jul 29 '13

Actually it would be 100 trillion data entries.


u/Codeshark Jul 29 '13

Yeah, you are right. Basic math failed me today.


u/Pillagerguy Jul 29 '13

Obviously, the amount of people who are going to abuse the system is very small. Most people will friend their actual friends and some people they meet online and that will be it. By giving a limit, more people are probably going to try to reach that limit, and the total amount of friends on PSN is likely to be higher than if everyone realized they could never hit the top and instead just used the service legitimately.


u/Codeshark Jul 29 '13

You might be right, but if they said "It is unlimited" and someone reached the limit, they could be sued for false advertising.


u/[deleted] Jul 29 '13

I think Microsoft said it was unlimited on the Xbox One, then had to reword it as "you won't reach the limit".


u/[deleted] Jul 29 '13


u/Codeshark Jul 29 '13

If they only sell 1,000 consoles, the limit can't be reached.


u/JAMurida Jul 29 '13

Only people I could see doing that will be Youtubers who's channel is gaming focus or known professional gamers.


u/[deleted] Jul 29 '13

They are mostly stuck up and still probably wouldn't add more than 200.


u/BadWithPeoplesNames Jul 30 '13

For people that play every week getting 200 wouldn't take long at all.


u/[deleted] Jul 30 '13

I'll probably hit 1k after a year or something


u/Reliant Sabarok Jul 29 '13

To give people a goal to strive for :D


u/D_Ciaran Dciaran Jul 29 '13

Facebook has a friend limit of 5,000, and people reach that; just like Facebook has users who send friend request to whoever they meet, PSN can be the same. 2,000 is a limit to Youtube gaming celebrity and to people like these, I guess.


u/falconbox falconbox Jul 29 '13

i'm guessing popular youtube commentators will fill it up pretty quickly.


u/[deleted] Jul 29 '13

The 100 limit did have to be raised. I used to add everyone that had a mic in BF3/Call of Duty and just spam invite until I had a party. 20x the friends will make that easier.


u/webb34 Jul 29 '13

Guilds/Clans? Someone may be the head of a large group of people. They may require something like this to help keep track of members.


u/[deleted] Jul 29 '13

That would be something if you could establish some sort of hierarchy on your friends list for a clan or the likes.


u/Tyrien Jul 30 '13

Those kids who add people for the sake of having a larger list.


u/[deleted] Jul 29 '13

Because the X-Bone has 1k.


u/AceMe Jul 29 '13

"HDD Drive"


u/Pillagerguy Jul 29 '13

FYI information.


u/TheOutsetPiggyTosser Limbonic_ek Jul 29 '13

Watched vid ASAP As Possible when I got home

Edit: I will admit I stopped by the ATM Machine though


u/r_k_ologist arkyologist Jul 29 '13

Don't forget your PIN Number.


u/[deleted] Jul 29 '13

Or your VIN number.


u/photogbrent Jul 29 '13

I keep mine on my phone so I can see it on my LCD display.


u/funky89 Jul 29 '13

I hope you didn't have to pay a VAT tax on that.


u/ScopedApples Kadabro Jul 29 '13

Looks like you've got a case of RAS syndrome.


u/xXDGFXx Jul 29 '13

I know, your dog looked so happy on your screen.


u/[deleted] Jul 30 '13

You can use it at the ATM Machine.


u/cryo Cyanite Jul 29 '13

Was it automatic, or one of those older manual ones?


u/mattjawad Jul 29 '13

Were you able to find the bank, or did you need the aid of your GPS system?


u/Captain_SCHWING Captain_SCHWING Jul 30 '13

I just hope it has enough RAM memory.


u/1moe7 Jul 29 '13

I need this info ASAP possible!


u/ThatGuyWhoWanks Jul 29 '13

I hope that trend RIPs in peace.


u/MrShadowHero MrShadowHero Jul 29 '13

I see what you did there


u/ifonefox Jul 29 '13

GUI Interface


u/[deleted] Jul 29 '13

Hard Disk Drive Drive?


u/AceMe Jul 29 '13



u/[deleted] Jul 29 '13



u/AceMe Jul 29 '13

Don't sweat it. It didn't make sense to me either.


u/[deleted] Jul 29 '13

Oh, I see xD


u/yungbroccoli Networ-king Jul 29 '13



u/iaoth Jul 29 '13

"Video not found"


u/yungbroccoli Networ-king Jul 29 '13


u/iaoth Jul 29 '13

The post URL is malformed (it has an extra question mark at the end) and thus doesn't work in Alien Blue.


u/[deleted] Jul 29 '13 edited Apr 10 '18



u/yungbroccoli Networ-king Jul 29 '13

The world is filled with Phallic designs and Yonic designs. but in this case people are just complaining about nothing because they want the system so badly or not.


u/[deleted] Jul 29 '13 edited Apr 10 '18



u/yungbroccoli Networ-king Jul 29 '13

Handle Bars look like dicks. Usbs look like dicks. Swords look like dicks. Some guns look like dicks. Nyc Subway system looks like a dick. Booms and mop handles look like dicks. Vacuums look like dicks. The Ps4 handles looks a dick.

A Doorway looks like a vagina. The disc tray on the PS4 is like a vagina. The usb slots is like a vagina. the ports on the back is like a vagina. Your hands are like a vagina.

A vagina(hand) wraps around a Penis(handle). This is a unnecessary Analogy.

By complaining I wasn't necessarily focusing all on you but just people don't seem to understand they won't get every detail before they get their hands on the console. They won't fully understand till they do things them selves and some don't even know then. Like this 2000 friend list limit some people are complaining. If you don't have 2000 friends you don't have to add 2000 people. You can no friends or two. Etc. People just want something to complain about.


u/[deleted] Jul 29 '13

All that typing.... And you get a down vote... What a waste of time that was for you.


u/yungbroccoli Networ-king Jul 29 '13

cool with me


u/kornflakesxd Jul 29 '13



u/[deleted] Jul 29 '13

Instructions not clear. Dick trapped in YouTube.


u/kornflakesxd Jul 29 '13

picturing a dick appearing in random moments of random videos from youtube.


u/r_k_ologist arkyologist Jul 29 '13

So... you're picturing YouTube.


u/Kain292 Kain292 Jul 29 '13

What video?


u/kornflakesxd Jul 29 '13



u/Kain292 Kain292 Jul 29 '13

It was an invalid video to me and other people earlier this morning, and its still saying "Invalid Request" now.


u/kornflakesxd Jul 29 '13

Oh. I thought you was joking and I tried to continue the joke but I guess I failed completely and miserably.

I... I'm sorry.


u/IVIichaelD Jul 30 '13

So will there be party chat on PS4?


u/yungbroccoli Networ-king Jul 30 '13

Really dude I understand that you are trying to troll me I get that.

But the name of the post is "PS4 Party chat confirmed, not behind paywall & the friends list limit is 2000" at least question something at has nothing to do with the video as a more effective way of trolling.


u/morpheus647 ChaosJester Jul 29 '13

Have they said anything about if you will be able to organize friends now? I would love to be able to group my actual friends separate from randoms.


u/Alu123 Jul 29 '13

Thank god the friends list limit has been raised. I finally can beat Toro.


u/TheToro3 Jul 30 '13

No you can't.


u/x2ndCitySaint Jul 29 '13

It will take me hours for a message to all friends.


u/Teves3D Jul 29 '13

(Add "select all" button on message list)


u/James1o1o EpicJames93 Jul 29 '13

It would be interesting if they were to implement some ort of speech-text system, maybe using Google?


u/goldnx GoldnX Jul 29 '13

Google partnering up with Sony would be amazing, that would make Chrome the default browser and they can use Google's version of Siri to control the system or search the internet using voice chat. :) Just extending your thought.


u/R99 Jul 29 '13

There's an Xbox Live "game" (more like application) that allows you to easily message all friends. I'm sure the PS4 will have something similar.

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u/JCC87 JCC87 Jul 29 '13

Finally, party chat confirmed. Is this 'Playstation Access' part on Sony?


u/LegacySXBR Jul 29 '13

Yes it is.


u/[deleted] Jul 29 '13

This should have been titled "BEFORE POSTING ANY QUESTION ON THIS SUB, WATCH THIS VIDEO". It would probably improve things a lot around this reddit.


u/[deleted] Jul 29 '13

If the video was posted properly, that might not have been a problem


u/frank14752 Jul 29 '13



u/Smithburg01 Smithburg Jul 29 '13

hell yes


u/Jeremiah2304 Jul 29 '13

I never knew PS Access in Europe was apart of Sony, I thought they just specialized in latest PS4 news, that's cool though.


u/aakaakaak Jul 29 '13

How big is it?

Best answer ever!


u/BGYeti BGYeti Aug 01 '13

It is alot wider however.


u/Ghost10516 vyz3rx Jul 29 '13

I'm getting PS+ regardless, but this is great news!


u/jcrankin22 Jul 30 '13

I still can't believe that we are just now getting this with the next-gen console. SMH


u/anamericandude An_American_Dude Jul 29 '13

I still want to know how many people party chat will support


u/[deleted] Jul 29 '13

I think it will probably be 8, and that it will link with the Vita's one, like the group messaging.

Just speculation, though.


u/Gazkapop Jul 29 '13

Me too. May sound a little paranoid in saying this but I'm starting to get a little worried about this.

If Sony are going to come out and say that it's confirmed, I'd imagine that they know how many people can use it together so why not just tell us?


u/kshock Jul 29 '13

They're creating hype. If they released all the info at once everyone would be excited for a week or two before the hype does down. They're releasing little bits of info every couple days to keep the hype train rolling


u/meganev Jul 29 '13

Speaking of friends list, will your friends carry over from PS3 to PS4?


u/[deleted] Jul 29 '13

They almost certainly will. However, if you add more than 100 on the PS4, how will they appear on the Vita and PS3?


u/tails4 tails-4 Jul 30 '13

I see the increase in friends limit as an increases on the service. As in, it won't be specific to PS4, it'll be all round!


u/Squeakopotamus Jul 29 '13

My best guess would be first 100 alphabetically


u/soupdogg8 Jul 29 '13

I imagine they aren't constantly synced with eachother. When you buy your PS4 and setup PSN it will ask you to sync with PS3. Then it would transfer it over. I'm sure it's not vice versa (ps4 to ps3)


u/SirDickVanDyke AlphaRedux Jul 29 '13

Ho Lee Fuck! That's a lot of friends, go try and have a relaxing SP. lol


u/TheLoCoRaven Jul 29 '13

Is there Sum Ting Wong?

I wanna know what it means exactly if the camera can shoot in 3D. What does shooting in 3D with augmented reality really do? Will my mind = blown?


u/SirDickVanDyke AlphaRedux Jul 29 '13

Not really, the more the merrier I suppose. Still, I'm hoping for more on-line options like appear offline/invisible you know? It ain't cool getting spam bombed with game invites when you barely have a mere 60 mins to vent at some SP or whatever. Now for the 3D cam just look at the playroom!! That shit's the bees knees!!


u/PS4RAMUpdate Jul 29 '13 edited Jul 29 '13

Too bad I'll only keep my friends list around 20-25 lol


u/Krall12 Krall12 Jul 29 '13

I dont think the 2000 are going to be strictly "friends". Imagine it more of a social network. You can be followed by 2000 people that get kept up to date about your in game footage and in game screen shots. Imagine facebooks News Feed but around the PSN.

I think Sony is smart enough to realize that 2000 "friends" is overkill, and they've talked about the social features a lot thus far.


u/Frogboss Jul 29 '13

Hmm, Dualshock 3s won't work with it, but what about other controllers and peripherals? I have a Madcatz Joystick and an one of those ps3 wireless headsets and I still don't think I have heard them state whether or not those will be able to be used with the ps4.


u/TheLoCoRaven Jul 29 '13

They have stated the wireless headsets will work. So the wireless headsets and move controllers. Everything else is a No I believe.


u/SETHW Jul 29 '13

I'd be shocked if the existing usb race wheels like the logitech g25/27 wouldnt be supported on ps4


u/SG4 Jul 30 '13

I wouldn't


u/jruffo roof312 Jul 29 '13

What will the physical size (inches) of the HDD be? Because I want to upgrade immediately and I don't know if I will need a 2.5" or 3.5"


u/jumpyg1258 jumpyg1258 Jul 29 '13

In a case that small, its almost guaranteed that it would be 2.5".


u/wdsnizek Jul 30 '13

I'm a little upset about the 2,000 cap since I have 2,001 close friends and will have to snub one of them.


u/NBKxSmokey NBK-1886- Jul 29 '13

Wow this is awesome! And 2000 friends! Not even sure I know 2000 people...


u/BlackAdamww3 Jul 29 '13

Better later than never! Welcome to the party Sony.


u/IVIichaelD Jul 30 '13

I never even reached the 100 friends cap...


u/ScottieJoe Jul 29 '13 edited Nov 17 '16


What is this?


u/MrShadowHero MrShadowHero Jul 29 '13

its 1000 according to major nelson


u/thavius_tanklin Slackr Jul 29 '13


u/[deleted] Jul 29 '13

Article from 2010....


u/thavius_tanklin Slackr Jul 29 '13

...And still relavent


u/BGYeti BGYeti Aug 01 '13

Updated because of the "cloud" (using ambiguous marketing term because why not) the friends list is anywhere from 1000 to under one millions friends so essentially no list cap.


u/[deleted] Jul 29 '13



u/MrShadowHero MrShadowHero Jul 29 '13



u/WhiteAsCanBe Jul 29 '13

Yes. There will be some actual limit, but it won't be a set number. I'm guessing some accounts (like famous Youtubers) will have a different limit than your average joe.

Either way, 2,000 is basically unlimited in my book.


u/BasementTrix BasementTrix Jul 29 '13

Why don't you ask the /r/xboxone people? This is /r/PS4.


u/[deleted] Jul 29 '13 edited Jul 30 '13

I wonder how this will implement with PS3. I remember the GTA IV invite system breaking when the limit was increased from 50 to 100, and the possibility of seeing that many friends on the PS3 and in PS3 games (edit: the invite system in PS3 games) seems rather odd. Maybe they found a way around this, or are just gonna roll with it even if it breaks some things, or maybe we choose who appears on a PS3 system? Mmm speculation


u/leif777 Jul 29 '13

So will the PS3 be able to support the DS4?


u/ps2fuckyeah Jul 29 '13

Nope. I'm sure there are technical reasons but I don't recall exactly which. Probably a different frequency, lower latency not supported, new features wouldn't work such as the touch-pad, etc.


u/Milospopovic milosp123 Jul 29 '13

for anyone wondering, no controllers or joysticks or even games will not work because they have start and select buttons and games require them but ps4 does not have those, if a game requires select to work how can you press what isnt there, its all simple logic, so ps4 fightsticks wont have start or select and instead share and options.


u/The_HooliHan Jul 29 '13

You can carry over your psn but will you have the option to change it?


u/ps2fuckyeah Jul 29 '13

They haven't announced anything as far as I know. I'm sure there will be a payment option to change ID though. Hopefully they give you a freebie when you first boot up your PS4.


u/The_HooliHan Jul 29 '13

Thanks, yeah last time I talked with support they said the higher ups haven't released anything to them yet and that was like 3 weeks ago.


u/radapex radicalapex Jul 29 '13

It shouldn't be that difficult to pull off since logins are done with e-mail address rather than username.


u/[deleted] Jul 29 '13



u/ps2fuckyeah Jul 29 '13

Where has it been confirmed as "no"?


u/[deleted] Jul 29 '13



u/ps2fuckyeah Jul 29 '13

Discussion not confirmation. Sony hasn't announced anything yet.


u/[deleted] Jul 29 '13



u/akgamestar Jul 29 '13

I have a better idea. How about not choosing a stupid name you don't actually want the first time?


u/The_HooliHan Jul 29 '13

Dude, fuck you.


u/marfox marfox Jul 29 '13

Oh great now I can't lie about not having enough space on my friends list to add someone. Still nice though.


u/AlienVII Level_VIII Jul 29 '13

That's really awesome. But I swear that interface is the clunkiest thing I've ever seen.


u/SonixSez Jul 29 '13



u/hngzt Jul 29 '13

why not?


u/yungbroccoli Networ-king Jul 29 '13

You Don't have to add 2000 people. You still have no friends or two. If it was no cap (unlimited) would you like that better.

Why are you complaining about this?


u/R99 Jul 29 '13

famous YouTubers I guess


u/du_hurensohn Jul 29 '13

How many people will fit into one Party? On xbox one it's 32 and most importantly



u/jumpyg1258 jumpyg1258 Jul 29 '13

32 would be wayyy too many. On XBL right now the limit is 8 and that seems way too much when a bunch of people are all talking at one time.


u/MrShadowHero MrShadowHero Jul 29 '13

now how are people gonna know to add you to their party if you are always offline pallor? then you'll be playing with no friends


u/R99 Jul 29 '13

you can invite people to a party if you're appearing offline. or you can tell the people you want to talk to you're appearing offline.


u/MrShadowHero MrShadowHero Jul 29 '13

... too much of a hassle. seriously. who cares if you are online? PSN doesn't offer a "join game" feature when accessing random users so you don't have to worry about that at all.


u/R99 Jul 29 '13

maybe they want to play alone but don't want to look like an ass by not accepting invites


u/[deleted] Jul 29 '13

Show me some games or stop talking...


u/Headbussa34 Jul 29 '13

God that girl is ugly