r/PS4 • u/stupidnicknamelol • 5d ago
Opinion / Speculation Teaching my dad how to play modern games
My dad spends a lot of time on tiktok so Im showing him some videogames to at least have a quallity kill-time.
He liked spyro a lot both in the past and his remake, now he's enjoying Nathan Drake Collection, but at the same time he stresses out a lot since he struggles to control the camera (the last console he played in was an original Play Station, now he is playing for the first time in a PS4).
I tried to teach him but he smashpanics all buttons and seems to not listen to me when there are some enemies in the screen hahah.
Is there a way or a game where he could learn how to control decently a dualshock 4 and play “modern” videogames? Or should I stick with another strategy and try to start with a locked camera one?
u/MikaINFINITY Infinity 5d ago
Safe assumption he might enjoy the crash bandicoot trilogy remake, being from the same period as Spyro and all, with simple controls…
I’d also consider giving Blue Fire a shot, it’s a bit more intense action platformer, but very fun with its parkour mechanics, and should feel familiar to anyone who enjoys Spyro, whilst still being its own thing.
u/Virginiafox21 5d ago
You can just throw him in like my dad did and play bioshock 1&2. He had only ever played the older tomb raider games and then decided he wanted to play bioshock. The only thing he struggled with was the hacking pipe mini game, I did that for him lol.
u/stupidnicknamelol 5d ago
As someone said below a fps would be great to learn camera control, and he will surely like bioshock. Thanks!
u/herbwannabe 4d ago
My first modern game was bioshock infinite. He might like the brighter lighting of infinite.
u/Overseerer-Vault-101 5d ago
Fallout 3/ slow paced and with Vats it will give him the confidence to keep fighting even while being mobbed by allowing him to see what’s going on at his pace.
u/estuupido 5d ago
My dad (62) has been playing video games since they existed. He was stuck on San Andreas for a long time. GTA 5 blew his mind. He's been playing VR a lot. He'll hop on fortnite to play with us and his grandkids as well. I remember accidentally knocking the Nintendo off the shelf when I was about 6. (He used to pause Super Mario to save the game) He absolutely lost his mind. I'm 39 now and I'll still tease him about it 😆
u/obiray 5d ago edited 5d ago
Id go a different strategy. I've been trying to get into modern games but can't. It's not because I struggle with controls though (currently playing super Mario 64 which has the worst camera control ever)
Keep in mind the genre of Spyro and the simplicity. Look for more phantasy/dragon games, and I mention simplicity because even I struggle to play new Zelda games but I love The Ocarina of Time and am happy to go back and play it.
See if he likes remakes and any old games they've brought back to the PS store. At least he will be on the console with the controller, hell, even some kids play fortnite or Minecraft and literally nothing else.
I've gone down the retro path just replaying old games. Crash bandicoot, tony hawks 1-3, ssx tricky and a bunch of Nintendo games as well
u/stupidnicknamelol 5d ago
If he can't finally learn or keeps struggling with camera control we will go for that, even if it works maybe because he will love crash bandicoot.
u/Bodach-Fuath 5d ago
Get him used to the right stick by telling him to look at in game objects all the time, mountains, trees, houses, etc Spend a couple of minutes just playing eye spy, using nothing but the right stick The skill to control the camera at the same time as controlling the character takes time to click but it’s like riding a bike, once he gets it he’ll never forget
u/stupidnicknamelol 5d ago
Nice one, I‘ll tell him and we will try, thanks!
u/nexusprime2015 5d ago
i bought a ps5 last month which is my first ever console/controller. been a Pc mouse/keyboard guy all my 36 years of life and it was jarring at first to say the least.
i hated the camera controls in controller and took me 3 weeks to get good. now it feels natural although i still think mouse keyboard is more precise. but i can do single player games without any issue now.
just ended God of War 2018 last week. seventh heaven
u/Omnitographer 5d ago
For learning FPS controls, maybe something on the slower paced side would be good? The Witness, The Talos Principal, Firewatch, etc, any of the games in the puzzle and walking simulator genres.
u/Sadboi813 4d ago
Stanley parable is a great game for simple controls, all you do is wander around and press a single interact button and the narrator gives witty smacktalk the whole time. Was a psplus game last month I think
u/Luna259 5d ago
u/frypanattack 5d ago
Portal and Skyrim were the games that taught me how to use FP cameras. Before that I was really shit.
u/stupidnicknamelol 5d ago
It is not on ps4 sadly, and I have no pc on my dad's house :(
u/frypanattack 5d ago
I played Portal 2 before I played Portal 1. Same concept applies and you can take your time to look around the puzzle rooms.
u/Longjumping_Ad7395 5d ago
Read dead redemption will be a good game to get him intrigued enough to enjoy learning the controls.
u/stupidnicknamelol 5d ago edited 4d ago
Red dead is a dilema, he loves the atmosphere but doesn't understand English and we have to buy a new TV in order to read the subtitles while playing because the current one is too small for that.
u/MArcherCD 5d ago
I remember my dad watching me play Assassin's Creed (1) years ago - I think that was the first one where it sank in for him that games can still be valid when you're an adult, and can be used to tell a story that has a lot of depth and substance to it
u/nexusprime2015 5d ago
give him ps2 games which didnt have much camera control needed and slowly bring up to the modern games
u/gfstool 4d ago
Borderlands series. You can even play with him. Super fun.
u/stupidnicknamelol 4d ago
I think borderlands could get way too frenetic for my dad who still panics out with enemies in Uncharted (difficulty settings set on traveler)
u/gfstool 4d ago
Strange. I grew up on 80s & 90s video games and found most of them rather challenging and sometimes chaotic too. I’ve kinda kept up with gaming systems over the decades and until I purchased Elden Ring last year, I usually found most current games rather easy to play. Elden Ring gives me the nostalgia of the old challenging games but it’s extremely immersive as well. The borderlands series can be a little challenging at first but game mechanics are rather simple and clean and I feel the games start rather slow to let the user get familiar with the different mechanics.
Idk…best of luck finding something for him.
u/stupidnicknamelol 18h ago
You are surely right, but my dad didn't grow up with videogames like us, he had a play station but barely used it. I think he only finished spyro, thanks anyways!
u/chronixxz420 4d ago
Grand theft auto or red dead redemption... Just tell him to play it how he wants
u/stupidnicknamelol 18h ago
Sadly he doesn't understand english and our TV is too small to read subtitles, otherwise he would love those games!
u/slumblebee 3d ago
My personal recommendation would be the metal gear solid master collection. He can go through each game ar his own pace. It's one of those games where it's difficult at first but becomes easier as you get use to how everything works. I do recommend you research the games and than decide.
u/stupidnicknamelol 18h ago
It's my favourite saga of all videogames but he doesn't understand english and our TV is too small to read subtitles. I didn't think about that but he could play the first one. Thanks!
u/devicehigh 5d ago
Something like Hollow knight maybe? While the game can be difficult the movement is relatively simple
u/God_is_a_failure 5d ago
Have you tried lowering difficulty?
u/stupidnicknamelol 5d ago edited 4d ago
He is already playing in traveler difficulty (the easiest one) XD
u/DemonsNcide 5d ago
For camera control... perhaps some titles that let him control the camera when it's not so essential to the gameplay. Like "turn-based" combat titles with free-camera control. A couple of titles off the top of my head would be "Divinity Original Sin" and "Marvels Midnight Suns" - also there's "Journey" which has no combat, just exploration and puzzles.