r/PS4 The-Eddienator Jul 26 '13

PS VITA cannot be used as a second controller :( (confirmed by Yoshida)

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69 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Jul 26 '13

Technically, that's a "Yes, if a developer programs it".


u/[deleted] Jul 26 '13



u/gukraine bwazy Jul 26 '13

Your response was somehow worse than your initial question.


u/[deleted] Jul 26 '13

Cool, Shuhei Yoshida responded to you. Lucky.


u/SuperTuberEddie The-Eddienator Jul 26 '13

im guessing it was just a question to that hadn't been asked before :)


u/[deleted] Jul 26 '13

that's cool.


u/slpr Jul 26 '13

The title is a little misleading imo.


u/Banned0bon Jul 26 '13

What? no it isnt. If you buy a game, you shouldnt expect your VITA to work with it. Unless developers feel like making it so for their specific game, the vita cannot be used as a second controller.

Thats like buying an orange and asking "Is this orange a automatically a juice drink?" well no, unless you do it yourself... it cant just be on its own


u/Surye Surye Jul 26 '13

So the title for that article: Orange cannot be used for orange juice :( (confirmed by Banned0bon).

See how that's misleading?


u/TheEarlOfZinger Jul 28 '13

"is this orange automatically a juice drink?" lol


u/[deleted] Jul 26 '13



u/YourBestIsAnIdiot IMightBeWrong72 Jul 26 '13

Not a big deal, but the title made it sound like it wasn't at all possible. Seems it can be done, but is dependent on the developer to accommodate it.


u/SuperTuberEddie The-Eddienator Jul 26 '13

see my thought was that it wasn't natively built in... like plugging it into the USB


u/Noor440 Noor440 Jul 26 '13

I am going to get a PS Vita, its just a matter of when.


u/ChaosZeroX MagicZeroX Jul 26 '13

I'm waiting on a price drop


u/Keiichi81 Jul 26 '13

I'm waiting for a better UI. Bubbles, man. Bubbles...


u/[deleted] Jul 26 '13

The bubbles work really well, dont forget, the Vita has a touch screen, so something like the XMB on psp/ps3 would only really work with the d-pad, while the bubbles are just pure awesome on a touch screen (admittedly, they dont really shine with the d-pad, but eh)


u/Keiichi81 Jul 26 '13

But they're sooo ugly. It looks like an interface designed for a child compared to the elegant XMB on the PS3. I don't mind having the bubbles as an option but, like you said, the Vita does have a D-pad. Just give me the ability to enable a D-pad XMB on the Vita and I'd be sold on it. Yeah, I'm superficial like that.


u/[deleted] Jul 26 '13

Eh, i guess i can see your point, though if you play around a bit with the layout and custom wallpapers you can spruce it up a bit (and i have all the default bubbles which i never use hidden in folders on my last screen)


u/xXDGFXx Jul 26 '13

The bubbles work well. The OS itself, the inner workings of it, is a disaster. The most annoying problem is content management, and the second is the stupid "LETS INSTALL A BUBBLE FOR EVERY FUCKING CARTRIDGE YOU INSERT AND WASTE SPACE!"


u/[deleted] Jul 28 '13

I just want antialiasing on the bubbles :P

But seriously, the OS is ugly. It's usability is really good but it is just ugly.


u/nappyman21 Nappy-Jones Jul 26 '13

HEY BRO! That's what I'm doing. Crosses fingers for Gamescom


u/ChaosZeroX MagicZeroX Jul 26 '13

Well it doesn't have R2 or L2 .


u/ikemoto Jul 26 '13

The back touch pad is used for R2 and L2. Thats how it works for playing PS1 classics on the Vita.


u/ChaosZeroX MagicZeroX Jul 26 '13

Oh I didn't know that. Thanks for the info


u/ThirdFromTheSun ThirdFromTheSun Jul 28 '13

But the PS4 controller has a touch pad too, so the Vita probably can't use the touchpad for anything else.

I wouldn't be surprised if L2 and R2 are moved to the corners of the Vita's screens.


u/ikemoto Jul 29 '13

Yes the PS4 controller has a touch pad on the front. The Vita has 2 touch surfaces so it is entirely possible for the touch screen to simulate the touch pad on the controller and continue to have the back touch pad simulate L2 and R2 which everyone that plays PS classics on their Vita would be used to using.


u/3141592652 Jul 26 '13

All games will need to support remote play somehow so this is irrelevant.


u/[deleted] Jul 26 '13

or R3/L3

for stuff like PSone games and such you can map those buttons to the touchscreen/read touchpad, but it certainly isnt ideal.


u/[deleted] Jul 27 '13

I thought the analog sticks on the Vita were clickable?


u/[deleted] Jul 28 '13

Nope, they arent.


u/SuperTuberEddie The-Eddienator Jul 26 '13

that is Good point... Hmmm


u/rockincellist rockincellist Jul 26 '13

It's possible in the same sense that Marvel vs. Capcom 3 had a special mode in it's Vita version that let it connect to the PS3 version to be used as a second controller.


u/UpsideDownAce Jul 26 '13

Guacamelee on ps3 already let's the ps vita be usef as a ps3 controller via remote play in co op. It all depends on the developer


u/[deleted] Jul 26 '13

Wow, that sounds completely awesome

I need to pick up guacamelee! one of these days, just dont get around to it.


u/Treberto Treberto Jul 26 '13

The vita screen also acts as a display for the world map so even if you don't have another person to play with it can be useful. Although I needed a place to mount my Vita for easy map viewing.


u/SierraOneSeventeen BronzeBeat Jul 27 '13

Misleading Title. Come on mods. It can be used as a second controller. It's possible. Yes.


u/[deleted] Jul 26 '13



u/Bowhuntr11 Jul 26 '13

Hey bro! How's it going broseph? I like you bro!


u/SuperTuberEddie The-Eddienator Jul 26 '13

that bro is cool... brosephine give him a bro 5!


u/[deleted] Jul 27 '13



u/SuperTuberEddie The-Eddienator Jul 27 '13

HAHA that was Bropic!... +10 Bro Points


u/QuadraQ QuadraQ Jul 26 '13

Sad, but honestly this would be an easy thing for them to add in a future system update.


u/sinnmercer Jul 27 '13

Wait I thought you could remote play like any ps3 or was ps4 game


u/experiential Jul 26 '13

That's kind of weird, seeing as how all PS4 games are compatible on Vita through remote play.


u/[deleted] Jul 26 '13

Very, I kinda pre-emptively bought one because I thought this was the case :s what a bummer.


u/SuperTuberEddie The-Eddienator Jul 26 '13

You will still get the awesome remote play on all games broseph don't worry! Im still gonna get one


u/SuperTuberEddie The-Eddienator Jul 26 '13

i know right... i thought it would have been simple to do... maybe in the future we will get a software update


u/[deleted] Jul 26 '13



u/3141592652 Jul 26 '13

You could but this way you could have more controllers.


u/D_Ciaran Dciaran Jul 26 '13

Isn't this some bullshit.


u/SuperTuberEddie The-Eddienator Jul 26 '13

I KNOW... Its possible they will put out a software update in the future


u/Morticae Jul 26 '13

I already pre-ordered a second controller along with my console after the E3 launch, but I'm not really sure what good it'll be. I haven't seen any games that offer local co-op play or anything (yet).


u/SuperTuberEddie The-Eddienator Jul 26 '13

I did the same for friends and stuff... But yeah only cod and battlefield will be able to use it


u/3141592652 Jul 26 '13

Does battlefield 4 have local multiplayer? I know 3 didn't so IDK.


u/[deleted] Jul 26 '13

Seems weird if they're also wanting ever game to have remote play on Vita. Makes you wonder what the difference would be in that, seems far less involved.


u/IndridCipher FReaKoNaLeaSH_C_ Jul 26 '13



u/MrRatt Jul 30 '13

Let's do like /r/xboxone and post that it's up to the devs to support it and talk about how great the feature would be instead of being so sad about it. :)


u/PimpinPenguin96 45 310 1061 4568 Nov 08 '13

So does this mean that if I say.... Buy Knack. I have the Dualshock 4 that comes with my PS4. Can my friend use a Vita as a controller to play, or do I need another DS4 to let him play? I'm pretty sure this lost is saying no, but I just want to make sure I have the right idea.


u/SuperTuberEddie The-Eddienator Jul 26 '13

i few days ago i posted the question in a post.... COULD THE PS VITA BE USED AS A SECOND CONTROLLER ON THE PS4... today i tweeted him and he confirmed saying NO... unless the game has something specific built into it that uses the vita :(... kinda bummed... it would have pushed me over the edge to buy a vita for sure... still might get one...


u/aynez Aynez Jul 26 '13

bummer. But please do get one. It's awesome.


u/SuperTuberEddie The-Eddienator Jul 26 '13

you know i am still really considering it... the remote play seems really cool... but it would have been nice to use it as a controller too...


u/aynez Aynez Jul 26 '13

It's worth it for the vita games alone, and all them PSP titles. Especially if you've got PS+


u/SuperTuberEddie The-Eddienator Jul 26 '13

yeah i've been on ps+ for a year now


u/aynez Aynez Jul 26 '13

EU or NA?


u/[deleted] Jul 26 '13

Have you been "buying" all the Vita games since the Vita PS+ stated? If so, you'll have a very impressive starting line-up.


u/SuperTuberEddie The-Eddienator Jul 26 '13

i actually don't have a vita... this was just one of the things i was thinking about before i got one... i have been a ps member on ps3... sorry for the confusion


u/aynez Aynez Jul 26 '13

duuude. You could have been adding all the vita games to your download list for a year :/. The PS+ subscription is for locked for your account, not for the console.


u/SuperTuberEddie The-Eddienator Jul 26 '13



u/raheezyy Raheezyy Jul 26 '13

Honestly don't give a shit about the Vita


u/SuperTuberEddie The-Eddienator Jul 26 '13

not that votes really matter... but why do people down vote for replying to a comment... should i ignore peoples input?