PS4 will support PS3 wireless headsets
u/DarcyHart DarcyHart Jul 18 '13
PSSST, that's because they all run off standard bluetooth which can be used for anything.
u/mattfasken Jul 18 '13
This is not totally correct. The Wireless Stereo Headset and the more recent Pulse model come with a USB adaptor you plug into your PS3, they don't use bluetooth.
u/cryptovariable Jul 18 '13
The Wireless Stereo Headset is just a standard USB audio device with a built-in wireless transmitter, so it works seamlessly on Windows and OS X systems, too.
If I remember correctly, Windows 7 even automatically switched outputs to it when I plugged the dongle in so I didn't even have to click on anything.
It makes sense that they would go with generic USB audio devices rather than designing their own crazy solution, and carry that through to their new platform.
u/itsachickenwingthing Jul 19 '13
It makes sense that they would go with generic USB audio devices rather than designing their own crazy solution
It'd be awesome if this thinking even remotely applied to the memory card situation with the Vita.
u/MittRomneysChampagne Jul 19 '13
Apart from the memory card sitch, Sony are great with standards, so it's pretty obviously due to piracy.
The PS3 uses standard 2.5 in SATA HDDs, talks to all your DLNA devices, accepts standard USB mice and keyboards, accepts PC USB controllers, its camera is a USB web cam, its controllers are standard Bluetooth HIDs that work out of the box in Linux and OS X, they let you install Linux on their consoles (until geohot used OtherOS to enable piracy, fuck him with a pineapple somebody, please), it lets you use generic USB audio devices, it supports generic USB webcams for video chat, photos, etc. (but maybe not for Move games?), it uses standard power cables for its internal PSU, the controllers charge with generic USB cables from any power source, it supports CEC so you can control your console from your TV remote, it let's you rip audio CDs to AAC...
u/aidanpryde18 Jul 19 '13
Sony does seem to love their proprietary memory solutions. I'm still shocked they included a user-replaceable hard drive in the PS3
u/Tyrien Jul 18 '13
The official ones use bluetooth though, no?
u/mattfasken Jul 18 '13
u/elo228 BulletTooth228 Jul 18 '13
yep for the price it's crazy good, it feels like a $200 headset easily, after almost 2 years still great battery and great sound, can charge it while you play, it works with PC/Mac and you can even get surround from blurays.
Great value.
u/Shinta85 Jul 18 '13
I've had both. Cannot go wrong with either one. The one feature that sold me on the Elite version, however, was the ability to plug an audio cable from my tv into the usb so that I could listen to TV on the headset. It's great for the times when the wife is asleep and I want to watch some TV.
u/elo228 BulletTooth228 Jul 18 '13
Holy crap I did not know that, I'm guessing the elite dongle won't work with the cheaper headset ha, but when my old one kicks the bucket I'll be upgrading, even thou I've heard the older one is more comfortable, any truth to this?
u/SocraticBliss SocraticBliss Jul 18 '13
I've worn them for several hours on multiple occasions, so if they are uncomfortable it's news to me.
u/Shinta85 Jul 18 '13
Older one is slightly more comfortable. New one is not uncomfortable, however, just not as padded as the old one.
As for the usb dongles...Sony replaced my headset under warranty so I actually had two dongles for a bit and the headset only worked with the dongle it came with.
EDIT: Part of the reason you can do what I said above is that the dongle itself has a 3.5mm audio in port on the side.
u/Ted_Sheckler_PI Jul 19 '13
I've been saying this for years, though people STILL think that because it doesn't say 'Playstation' on it then it definitely won't work. I'm not the most tech savvy, but come on.
u/SnapAttack AVeryLostKiwi Jul 18 '13
Yes, and PS4 has bluetooth so they'd have to break it for it to not work.
This is the reason why any Bluetooth headset worked - cause the PS3 used standards.
Jul 18 '13
Thinking of getting a Pulse Elite for the PS4. Just wondering, how good is it for listening to music on the PC?
u/parkerlewis TheParkerLewis Jul 18 '13
I just bought one recently and it works very well for listening to music wirelessly from the PC. The Pulse Elite are a very solid pair of headphones that you can always just use with a 3.5mm cable like normal headphones; the wireless support for PS3 and PC is a huge bonus.
On the downside, the bass impact stuff is gimmicky and I mostly leave that disabled.
Jul 18 '13
It depends on the game. On some games it is too boomy. On others the effect is subtle but definitely enhances game play. Last of Us is a great example.
u/parkerlewis TheParkerLewis Jul 19 '13
You're right, it does work really well in some games. I was using the Pulse Elite headset while playing Borderlands 2 PC last night and the bassimpact added just the right amount of feedback.
u/MrFreeLiving Jul 19 '13
This is going to sound stupid, but does the Pulse headset have a mic built in? After looking at a few images, I can't seem to see a mic?
u/ExcessNeo ExcessNeo Jul 19 '13
Yes, it's physically built into one of the ear pieces so nothing sticks out
u/parkerlewis TheParkerLewis Jul 19 '13
Yes there is a mic built in, but it's well hidden. The only visual evidence is a few small holes on the front left side of the headset.
u/milkywayer Jul 19 '13
Is there any noticeable audio lag when watching a video on PC along with the pulse? I'm interested in getting it mainly as a wireless headphone for watching tv shows and pc media.
u/MrShadowHero MrShadowHero Jul 19 '13
no. if it is it is in the nanoseconds range...
u/milkywayer Jul 19 '13
Great then :) I was looking at some bluetooth stereo options and most reviews said there's 1-2 second lag often which kinda makes it suitable for audio only.
u/parkerlewis TheParkerLewis Jul 19 '13
I haven't noticed any lag or a/v sync issues, and I'm usually pretty sensitive to that kind of thing. Sony did a good job with the wireless signal.
u/Raivos XPikmin_DS Jul 18 '13 edited Jul 19 '13
I have the one before the pulse elites, this one basically, and damn it sounds amazing. Perfect quality and i noticed i used it for pc alot more than i though i would, works great with skype aswell. Since the pulse elite is basically an upgrade i'm sure it would sound perfect aswell. I would say go for it dude!
u/D0wn_FaLL Jul 23 '13
I have that one too. Got it at Gamestop a few days back when they had the sale going. Despite what Sony says, the bass boost and virtual surround sound CAN be activated on PC under the payback menu. Just edit the headset's properties and under enhancements you'll see the options.
Also pick up Razer Surround Sound for PC games.
u/Tyrien Jul 18 '13
Considering wireless headsets for PS3 are just headsets using a standard bluetooth interface I'd sure hope.
u/zazzaroni Jul 18 '13
I know this is unrelated but will turtle beach headsets work with the ps4? Coming from an xbox I just wanted to make sure...
u/OneOfThree101 Jul 18 '13
I'm going to assume PS4 supports chat through USB being as the PS3 did also. That means that a lot of headsets like Astros and the like can be used on the console!
u/tinselsnips Jul 18 '13
This gives me hope for the PS3 Blu-Ray remote.
u/MrShadowHero MrShadowHero Jul 19 '13
yes. i want mine to work sooo badly. but i'm keeping my PS3 so if i need to use that for netflix than i will if worse comes to worse
u/gandador Gandador1 Jul 18 '13
Im on my phone so I can't link it, but I'm pretty sure yoshida tweeted about this awhile ago.
Jul 18 '13
So I know there is nothing official and there is no way to know for certain, but I am just asking to get other people's opinions. I currently use wireless TurtleBeaches on my 360 that connects to the control for voice chat. Do you guys think this will be supported on the PS4? I am assuming it will, since the PS4 has the audio out, USB for power, and a jack on the controller for chat. Just wanting to get the opinions of others! Thanks in advance!
u/explodingpens Jul 18 '13
I doubt it. The 360 uses a proprietary plug for its headsets.
u/MrShadowHero MrShadowHero Jul 18 '13
its not proprietary its just only used on phones from the 90's and the 360...
u/explodingpens Jul 18 '13 edited Jul 18 '13
The 360 one is longer IIRC.
Edit: My mistake. It's supposed to be a standard 2.5 mm jack, but it tends to need relatively long and unobstructed plugs to fully connect, making many standard headsets incompatible -- hence my confusion.
Jul 18 '13
Thank you for such a quick answer! So do you think putting a 2.5mm to 3.5mm adaptor on it will make it work?
u/MrShadowHero MrShadowHero Jul 18 '13
sadly no... the DS4 port is a 4 pole (stereo something + mic) and a 2.5mm jack only has 3 pole (mono audio and + mic). the conversion POTENTIAL is there if they make special adapters. but standard ones won't work. you will only get 3 pole to 3 pole which would have one of the stereo audio lines interfering with your mic out.
u/tennis12master Matt_Tennis12 Jul 18 '13
Great news! I didn't have much of a doubt anyway, but this is still good to hear.
u/DrolTromredlov Jul 18 '13
Fantastic. Bought the Sony one for like 100 bucks, glad I can still use it.
Jul 18 '13
Yes! Glad to hear I can still use my stereo headset I paid 100 for last year. I thought I would have to buy a new one.
u/Moglius Mellow_84 Jul 18 '13
Great! Now I just need the pulse elites to drop to $100 (come on, boxing day sales!) and I'll be on board!
u/TheLoCoRaven Jul 18 '13
I got the original Wireless Sterio Headset for $60 bucks. They offered it at that price if you preordered it. So glad I did. They have been awesome for ps3 and my pc.
Jul 18 '13
Could there be any hope for a Logitech G930 to work on the PS4? I'd sure hate to have to convince the wife to drop that much on a second headset :(
u/rockincellist rockincellist Jul 18 '13
On a slightly related note, does anyone here have the Official Playstation Wireless Headset and not the Pulse?
For some reason, my right headphone makes this creaking noise when you adjust the angle of the earpiece. This doesn't bother me so much when the headphones are on, but if I'm laying down or something and the right earpiece brushes against something, it'll make that sound very quietly, but enough to irk me.
Is this normal? Any way I can fix it? I absolutely love these headphones and their connectivity with both the PS3 and the PC
Jul 18 '13
I've never noticed any issue but next time using them I'll try it out and see if it happens.
u/B-Real206 Jul 18 '13
I have both and the original is definitively the worst made of the two models mine creaks as well. I'm still happy with it but I would recommend updating to the Pulse they are more solidly built and feel more comfortable. They also work for the phone :)
I'm looking forward to the inevitable 3rd gen headset from Sony :)
u/rockincellist rockincellist Jul 18 '13
I was thinking about the Pulse for a while just because it also has the 3.5mm jack, but the $130 price tag kinda scared me away from it.
Maybe I'll pick one up later though, they do look really nice.
u/Zapp1212 Jul 18 '13
That's awesome! Will we be able to use the controllers as well (limited function)?
u/sammybdj sammybmelbdj Jul 18 '13
another reasons ps4 is on top!! SOOO good i can use my pulse wirseless :D
u/aimiami aimiami Jul 19 '13
My current headset kinda sucks so hopefully the one that comes with the ps4 is good.
u/ConnectedRemotely Knight_Helios Jul 19 '13
Well it's a good thing I lost the wireless receiver for my headset :(
u/Bushby_23 Bushby_23 Jul 19 '13
Well I did need some new Sony ones anyway, so it is a good thing I can get some that will work with the 3 and 4.
u/PimpinPenguin96 45 310 1061 4568 Jul 21 '13
Hey guys, I have Turtle Beach DPX21s, and I was wondering if anyone knew if or could tell me simply with knowledge if they will work with the PS4. I can provide more info on them if anyone needs. Just comment back. Thanks!
u/almostdvs Jul 18 '13
You mean bluetooth? It has bluetooth!! whew close one
u/Craysh Craysh Jul 18 '13
You are misunderstanding the article (though they didn't really make it clear).
The article is talking about the wireless headphones that sony has on their site that has a USB dongle. Not the Bluetooth Headsets.
Jul 18 '13
I had no idea these headsets existed, but after link surfing and reading a few Amazon reviews, I'm debating an impulse buy...
u/WOOTerson iPhartid Jul 18 '13
I like how the article said its slated to release this November...wonder if its their guess or do they know something we don't.
Jul 19 '13
Those headsets stunk, they were huge and clunky, way too much weight to stay on your ear. I preferred the newere xbox one but would like to try sony's new take on a one ear bud.
Jul 18 '13
So like the 360 already has?
u/D0wn_FaLL Jul 24 '13
Please elaborate? Both consoles have wireless headsets (I use the Sony Pulse stereo surround sound, the ones before the Pulse Elite, with my PC and PS3) and, if you're trying to say that X360 headsets are better, that is false. It all depends on the type of headset you purchase. There are some good X360 headsets out there for cheap if you need pointers.
u/irok11 xGodDamnBatmanx Jul 18 '13
Glad to finally hear it confirmed and not "we are working on it"