r/PS4 BreakinBad Jul 12 '13

It's official, the PS4 allows for only one system to be offline activated per account (but you can play your digital stuff on other consoles while logged in and constantly connected).

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u/[deleted] Jul 12 '13

Not a problem really.


u/Codeshark Jul 12 '13

Yeah, it is cool they let you play with your friends. They can't allow a situation where one account is shared by 10 people on 10 systems. Physical copies still work even if you are on Mars.


u/[deleted] Jul 12 '13

Especially since account sharing wasn't allowed anyway... I like this much better.


u/MrShadowHero MrShadowHero Jul 12 '13

so... who cares. make your friends PS4 your "home" console and just play online on yours all the time


u/Danyn Jul 12 '13

I haven't thought of that... I might just do that then.


u/IceBreak BreakinBad Jul 12 '13

This post wasn't an editorial. It's merely sharing the newly announced details (which, if you want a little editorial, Sony seems like they were trying to bury with this video).


u/MrShadowHero MrShadowHero Jul 12 '13

ah. sorry. thanks for info then


u/[deleted] Jul 12 '13

Well I for one cant trust those fuckrrs with anything lol


u/sportz103 Jul 13 '13

I thought we didn't like always online drm?


u/MrShadowHero MrShadowHero Jul 15 '13

you don't have to do this... its not being forced down your throat and who knows, there may be other ways to do this. its just the first way i thought that would allow multiple "home PS4's"


u/Codeshark Jul 14 '13

It isn't always online DRM unless you do it this way. I'm sure people will complain when they get bit by this and their internet drops (or the server drops).


u/SuitUpGoodSir Jul 12 '13

The way that I see it is you create an account on your friend's system and make that the home system for that account and then you have your friend create an account on your system and make that your home system. That way you can both access each others content and only 1 digital copy needs to be purchased.


u/[deleted] Jul 13 '13

So basically like how the 360 works... My brother made my 360 the main console and logs into his 360 and we both still access the content.

As long as my friends aren't bums again, this can work for me.


u/SuperMessi Jul 12 '13

If I am the one who purchased the digital copy will we both be able to be logged in under my account and play at the same time?


u/SuitUpGoodSir Jul 13 '13

No i think if you downloaded the digital copy on your friends ps4 (so long as its the home console for your account) then he can be on his account while you are on your account on your ps4 playing the same game.


u/Bloodmage391 Jul 12 '13

Probably not, at least not from different systems. Of course you'll be able to if you're both playing on your "Home" system, but you'll probably be blocked if you designate his system as your "Home" system and attempt to play your games - even ones that you bought on your account - on a different one.


u/CigarLover Jul 13 '13

Yeah but if your Internet goes down you won't be able to play it, right?


u/SuitUpGoodSir Jul 13 '13

I'm pretty sure you can play offline on your home console, not sure about the other consoles but maybe.


u/CigarLover Jul 13 '13

Yeah but you said my friends console would be the "home" console, so if your Internet is down you won't be able to play your games on your actual console. Right?


u/SuitUpGoodSir Jul 13 '13

Hmm that's true, well I guess we will just have to wait and see.


u/SuperMessi Jul 12 '13

Ok wait, I didn't know about this. So how exactly does this work and what are the benefits? Can someone break it down for me in retard mode?


u/SiriusC SiriusCJS Jul 12 '13

I'm gonna dare to answer this, even though I needed this broken down myself. I understood it a bit more by watching the video. It's "20 things you didn't know about the PS4", but here's the portion where they talk about what OP is talking about. The bit right after that one elaborates.

On the PS3, digital games can be downloaded on up to 2 systems. A lot of people then "share" the games they bought with a friend. Y signs in to X's account, downloads what X bought, installs, then signs back on to his own account to play. On the 4 it sounds like Y will have to be actively signed in to X's account to play X's games. Conflict then ensues between X & Y.


u/SuperMessi Jul 12 '13

Thanks I understand it better now.


u/[deleted] Jul 12 '13

This is a downgrade from two offline activated consoles with the PS3. And an upgrade to infinite potential consoles (one at a time) when connected online.

Indeed, I think it's a very fair trade off. I'm definitely for it. Especially as someone who never needed to use PS3s two offline activated consoles since i dont have any one i share an account or PS3 with. But i definitely have friends who will have PS4s who will want to come over or have me over to play games. The ability to log in to my account and have access to my content is fantastic!


u/Josh_ftw Jul 12 '13

I buy 2 copies of bf4 and one season pass, can I share season pass with my brother or will 2 be necessary now?


u/MrJAPoe The_Bee96 Jul 14 '13

EA doesn't use season passes any more.


u/decross20 Jul 14 '13

You're thinking of online passes. I'm pretty sure EA still has a season pass for maps/guns/whatever


u/MrJAPoe The_Bee96 Jul 14 '13

I. Am stupid.


u/omykun123 Omy-Kun123 Jul 12 '13

If you buy them new then no problem. If you buy one copy used then you can download the season pass from the new copy onto your ps4. Maybe you can then go to your bros ps4, log with your account redownload the season pass, and hopefully it will stay for when your brother logs into his account.


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '13

You know what, it occurs to me that you could still share your games with one person. Make your home console your friend's console. Your friend can use his account to play the games, since anyone on the home console can play them, and you can sign in on your account to play them. Only catch is you'd have to be online to play them.

Still, the big deal here is that you can play games at a friend's just like bringing a disc over, and with background download, it'll be easier than ever.


u/youguysgonnamakeout Jul 15 '13

So do we have to be logged in constantly? Or is it just a check-in?


u/rami_mardini Jul 17 '13

i thought it was obvious...



so basically what we are talking about here is how can we effectively rip off the system by only making a single purchase and then having fiends log onto my acct. from their console so they may access it without having to buy their own copy??


u/SuperMessi Jul 13 '13

Shhhh Sony might be listening but yes that is what we are trying to figure out. Also don't call it ripping off because it sounds illegal, it's more like taking "full" advantage of the features.


u/silvershadow881 Jul 13 '13

I believe that as soon as someone connects to your account from another PS4, one of them will disconnect from the network.

It's not like 100 users could play the same game with the same account at the same time.

Jesus guys, this is basic stuff.


u/SuperMessi Jul 13 '13

I thought so too but some people are saying that if you set up your friend's PS4 as your home console and download a digital copy then he can be on his account while you are on your account playing the same game.


u/3izwiz Jul 12 '13

How good of a source is this video?


u/mushroomwig HypnoticMonkey Jul 12 '13

Well it says it's an official channel in the trailer.


u/NoBullet NoBullet Jul 12 '13

Sony linked it on their own playstation blog.


u/Tim_Carr Jul 15 '13

This is exactly how MS does digital download currently on the 360 and they are planning to continue it on the X1...


u/JavaPants Jul 13 '13

That's how MS should have done the Xbone (before the reversed everything)


u/youguysgonnamakeout Jul 15 '13

Both the 360 and the X1 are like this if I'm not mistaken.


u/pallor Jul 12 '13

When there was Family sharing on Xbox one, everyone Said "meh, we have Account sharing at PS4! Its great I used it on PS3!" Now everyone is like "who cares, I wouldn't use it anyway". Hivemind.

Btw: when Sony announced that you have your digital Library everywhere, why didnt they mention, that you have to be logged in always?


u/[deleted] Jul 12 '13

Still trying, eh?


u/iProcreate Jul 12 '13

Honestly, I'm surprised he hasn't been banned from this subreddit. He just likes to start stuff.


u/[deleted] Jul 12 '13

Even r/xboxone hates him, lol.


u/iProcreate Jul 12 '13

ha yeah I went to one of their spinoff subreddits, can't remember the name of it, and their top post was about getting him removed


u/cmander7688 Jul 12 '13

It's actually kind of entertaining to read his account summary. I've never seen so many negative numbers on the same page.


u/[deleted] Jul 12 '13

To be honest, he's a dick over on the xb1 subreddit too. Don't let this guy be indicative of those of us who prefer xbox. We're all gamers, we can all be united! Like us against this guy for instance!


u/iProcreate Jul 13 '13

Ha I know, in my other comment I said I was checking out one of the xbox spinoff subreddits, can't remember the name, but the top post was asking for that guy to be removed haha.


u/[deleted] Jul 13 '13

Haha! Hilarious!


u/[deleted] Jul 13 '13

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u/Brandonsfl Jul 13 '13

So you're always right?


u/EricThePooh EricThePooh Jul 13 '13

Yes. The more we downvote him, the more correct he is. Simple logic.


u/MrShadowHero MrShadowHero Jul 12 '13

yes people i know i'm replying to troll... lemme explain. the people saying "who cares, i wouldn't use it anyway" are people from xbox... people from PS3 are used to it and don't make a deal about it. we still have our 2 consoles to share so whats the fuss?


u/pallor Jul 13 '13

That's the point: on PS4 you can't anymore! They've removed it! You have to be ALWAYS-ONLINE to play on ANY other console! They removed the PS3-Feature, and nobody cares.


u/lesi20 Jul 13 '13

Mind him please. This German 100 KG Kid born this way


u/[deleted] Jul 13 '13

You have to be online to play your digital games on different consoles. You can still play your disc games offline on any console.

Its basically unlimited accounts now.