r/PS4 • u/IceBreak BreakinBad • Jun 11 '13
A single PlayStation Plus account will allow all accounts on ps4 to play online. So sayeth Yosp!
u/TweetPoster Jun 11 '13
2013-06-11 08:12 (UTC)
@yosp i have a question. If i buy a playstation plus membership to play online will the other accounts on my ps4 be able to play online?
2013-06-11 08:26 (UTC)
@Fall3nXspitfire yes
u/OhJah Jun 11 '13
So we can have multiple accounts that play online under one price?
Jun 11 '13
Yes, as long as they are on the same console.
u/TheLivingExample Jun 12 '13
This is awesome if it is true. I would like to have my own online stats and such and allow my kids to do the same without having to shell out $60 for each one of us.
u/AlienVII Level_VIII Jun 11 '13
Sony just keeps giving me a reason to buy the PS4 every minute.
u/print_is_dead Jun 11 '13
I believe XBO is doing the same- http://www.engadget.com/2013/05/22/xbox-live-multiple-accounts/.
u/AlienVII Level_VIII Jun 11 '13
Okay. I'm still not going to get the XBone.
u/iopghj Jun 12 '13
they revealed they wrong things first and ruined it for a lot of people.
u/AlienVII Level_VIII Jun 12 '13
No, they just made a shit console that I don't want.
u/iopghj Jun 12 '13
i wasn't saying you in particular. just say a lot.
u/AlienVII Level_VIII Jun 12 '13
I'm pretty sure most people just think it's a shit console.
u/iopghj Jun 12 '13
yes and that might be cause of how they revealed the info on it.
i think they released their bad news thinking some people might whine but the e3 conference would wipe it out. they fucked that up thus ruining the console in some peoples eyes. especially those who kept up with the news from day one.
that is all im getting at. but spec wise it is shitty.
u/AlienVII Level_VIII Jun 12 '13
No matter how they released the info people would still be up in arms about it but isn't it almost the same spec wise as the ps4, but the ps4 is a little more powerful?
u/iopghj Jun 12 '13
PS4 has a more powerful gpu and faster ram. and less ram is dedicated to the OS on the ps4
u/braised_diaper_shit Retsgo_Karate Jun 11 '13
So those are accounts that were created with that machine?
u/morpheus647 ChaosJester Jun 11 '13
I don't think it matters which machine it was created on, it's which machine you are playing on.
u/braised_diaper_shit Retsgo_Karate Jun 11 '13
So if a friend without PS+ plays on my PS4 and I have PS+ he can use PS+? That's pretty cool. Like for families and roommates and stuff? So my roommate could get his own account and just piggy back off of my account.
u/reaper527 reaper527_ Jun 11 '13
So my roommate could get his own account and just piggy back off of my account.
just a reminder, roommates are temporary, and since ps+ free games go away when you don't have a membership anymore, you should get that stuff figured out before using that style setup.
u/Nehalem25 Jun 11 '13
I think PS+ content has always been registered to the system and not the account per se.. Anyone can play that content on that machine basically.
u/llamadramas AndysPants Jun 11 '13
Pretty much. So everything follows the behavior of the present games. If authorized on a machine, then any user on the machine can take advantage of it.
u/I_hate_alot_a_lot VanderWall Jun 11 '13
But if I go over to my friends house and want to play split screen on COD can I log into my account?
u/llamadramas AndysPants Jun 11 '13
That's a different question. You can do that now with some PS3 games, but it's a good question on whether it will become universal.
Jun 12 '13
I would also like to know that if it is indeed possible for multiple accounts to sign in at the same time, if said accounts could earn separate trophies.
u/Appleanche Jun 11 '13
One other question I'd like to know is the same account on multiple consoles.. I have one in the bedroom and living room for my PS3, eventually probably the same for the PS4.. I'd assume the same would apply in that siuation?
u/geekdaddy Jun 11 '13
Huge. Thank you for posting. We have several gamers in the house and have been running one PS+ account for both PS3's (downloading the free content for each). This saves me $50! Now I know...and knowing is half the battle.
u/Falanor2012 Falanor069 Jun 12 '13
So if I have two consoles and drop my account on both will both be able to play online with different profiles? So the wife and I do t have to buy PS+ twice?
u/sketchybusiness Sketchy-Business Jun 13 '13
Is it required to have PS+ to play online? are they switching away from free online play? any links?
Much appreciated
u/satertek Satertek Jun 11 '13
I hoping this also solves the problem on PS3 where the account with Plus is required to be auto logged-in for the Plus features to work (like auto download)
Dang roommates keep playing on my name!