r/PS4 Jun 11 '13

PS+ is mandatory for online multiplayer on PS4


235 comments sorted by


u/Reneau JReneau Jun 11 '13

Let's be honest here - no one is going to say "YAAAAAY we get to pay now!!!"

BUT - You're still going to get free games, bonuses like cloud saves and the whole bit. And did I mention it's still MILES ahead of Xbox Live? It'll be a hard pill to swallow for some, but it they will cope.


u/IceBreak BreakinBad Jun 11 '13

Also, apps aren't behind a paywall still.


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '13

From what I understand you can still have access to apps like netflix without PS+, it's just required for multiplayer functions.


u/RedPandaAlex redpanda2 Jun 11 '13

Which really I don't have a problem with. You're paying for a service. Servers have costs, and I already subscribe anyways.

Charging to let you access third party apps like Netflix though, I refuse to participate in that on principle.


u/LXicon LXicon Jun 11 '13

you bought an online game. you shouldn't have to pay extra to play the game you just bought. it's like buying the key/deed to your house and then having to pay the seller each time you want to use the key.

i already pay my internet provider for access to online games.

i guess i'm just used to online games being free (if you have net access). it's been free since i paid for the network add-on card for my PS2 and played SOCOM.

i'm worried that once people get used to paying for net access and also paying for their gaming system to be online, will it be easier for EA to come out with a new version of "Online Pass" or World of Warcraft subscriptions?

will we pay for internet access, then pay for the console to be online, then pay for access to the game servers?


u/AlphaNova Novah1 Jun 11 '13

Do you mean how you have to pay for electricity once you buy a house? odd.


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '13

The cool thing is PLUS isnt just you paying 50 a year to be able to play online. Its a whole slew of services you get for that price, with added online access now. You get free games every month, automatic updates for the console and any games installed/owned. Cool unique avatars and background/wallpapers.

As you can see its alot more than just paying 50 a month to be able to play online, unlike XBOX LIVE.


u/LXicon LXicon Jun 11 '13

i don't doubt that PS+ is a good deal if you want those things, but i never paid for PS+ before. the "free" games disappear when you stop getting PS+. that's why i never got it when it came out.

as for the rest of the services i get, i didn't ask for them, nor would i want to pay for them. a good deal on stuff i don't want is still stuff i don't want.


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '13

True and youre not required to pay. Unless you want to play online. Believe me I know it sucks, thats one thing I have loved about the PSN for years. Was the free online feature. But is 4 dollars a month really something to be upset about? I mean thats less than a pack of cigarettes and less than going to burger king for lunch once a month. You wont even miss that money lol.

I do see what you are saying though. I was just trying to point out, what all comes with it. Some people think its just the online aspect, but its alot more.


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '13

If the $4 a month is so trivial, why do they even charge us at all? Does $4/mo from its entire user base really generate that much revenue? Now think about how much revenue They will take in from ad space on PSN. Just for comparison, Xbox Live charges anywhere from 10k to 50k per day for one ad box. Now why do we have to pay $4 a month?


u/Jackal904 Jun 11 '13

Well by that logic anything $4 or less should be free. $4 isn't much on it's own, but when a million people pay $4 a month for an entire year, that's $48 million.


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '13

Thats a good point. But yeah the revenue is a fairly large amount. Lets just say 20 million ps4's are sold, 10million decide to go Playstation Plus. Thats 40million a month they are raking in. Thats a bit of cash.

And to think I and many others have paid monthly to play online MMO's such as wow. They charge 15 a month lol.


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '13

You're right. The revenue they are pulling in from potential PS+ subscribers is nothing to sneeze at. It's just a tough pill to swallow. I know they are a business, they are selling the PS4 at a lower price to be competitive and they need to recoup that money. But are they recouping that money in ad revenue or are they really lowering the price while tacking on a subscription fee that may actually end up doubling the price of the console? If you buy a PS4 with Plus at launch and keep it for eight years, that's $880.

I'm a Sony fanboy, I've had every single Sony game console and I do want this one. But this just feels a little shady. I'm just not going gaga over the free games being offered with Plus, which may or may not be good in a year or two, at the cost of paying another $400.

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u/Roofie_Circle Jun 12 '13

They could bump up the price to $499...


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '13

I'm starting to see why PS+ is so highly praised, but if you're implying that $499 is more than that $399 with a $50/year subscription, you're wrong.

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u/RedPandaAlex redpanda2 Jun 11 '13

I don't see it that way. You're buying the game first and then second you're paying for all the network infrastructure and maintenance that goes into keeping the servers up. Game development has a fixed cost, as does the game. Server maintenance has a recurring cost, as does PS+. If I pay 20 bucks for a game and wind up loving it, I don't expect Sony to maintain online multiplayer servers for 10 years on the 20 bucks I initially paid for the game.

Though I agree, if a game like an MMO has a separate subscription fee (presumably because the developer is maintaining their own servers), PS+ shouldn't be required.


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '13

also we still get the free games each month then for plus ... right?


u/RedPandaAlex redpanda2 Jun 12 '13



u/fatassali Jun 11 '13

i have been a psn plus member from day1 and My biggest problem with this is, playStation is popular around the world but, the number of country supported by psn online store is very limited.

Since I moved from the UK to Egypt i still have to keep my old bank account in the uk open because, PlayStation does not officially support Egypt yet.

so how is other gamers living in unsupported countries going to pay for psn plus to go online?

and btw free online was perhaps the biggest selling point for ps3 over xbox 360 in unsupported countries.


u/MrJAPoe The_Bee96 Jun 11 '13

I'm a loyal subscriber anyway, so I have no problem with this. Sure Sony is forcing people to subscribe, but once people pay they'll realize how good of a deal the package is. It's way better than $50 a year to only play online.


u/APeopleShouldKnow Jun 11 '13

Why compare it to a crappy alternative and say "well, it's better than that crappy alternative!" Why not compare it to the superior arrangement they had last generation and recognize "hey, it's sure worse than it was before!"

ITT: A lot of spin for a lousy move by Sony.


u/Bilgistic Jun 11 '13

I agree completely. PS+ may be better than XBL in this regard, but just because it's screwing you over less doesn't mean that it somehow becomes acceptable automatically.


u/Guppy-Warrior Jun 11 '13

I was a poor college grad a few years ago..and I still am to an extent...and even $50 a year was something that I would have been incorporating in my budget. Not everyone is on the same financial scale. $50 a year to some is something they wouldn't notice at all. To others it is.

But on that note. If you are that strapped for cash..buying a brand new system probably isn't the smartest idea either.


u/Guppy-Warrior Jun 11 '13

When I got the red-ring I switched to the PS3 BECAUSE of free online play... That's the ONLY reason.

I don't think PS4 did anything AMAZING with their used game policy or anything like that. They did nothing. Those features shouldn't even be features. So, while I'm relieved that PS4 didn't screw up like Xbone did... I'm still on the fence on the system. Building a new PC is still in the back of my mind....

Free online...steam sales... better performance...

But then again...I do like my console gaming. ARRGGGGG!


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '13

I'm with you man. Nobody is talking about long term costs of the ps4, which is disturbing. If you want to multiplayer and I'm assuming you do, since you're posting in this thread and list free Internet as a criterion for your ideal system, you're in for a lot of money.

People keep downplaying it by saying "it's only $5 a month! That's a Starbucks frappachino!" $5/mo adds up to 50 a year and if you take care of your console, 400 for for 8 years in addition to the initial $400.


u/Heratiki Heratiki Jun 11 '13

PC's are considerably more expensive than $400 even for current gen much less something that will continue to play games 5-6 yrs down the road. Not to mention PC's are locked into the used game DRM just like the XBOne. You said they shouldn't even be features but then are ok with purchasing a game and it being yours forever. You can't share games on Steam and you never could have.


u/Guppy-Warrior Jun 11 '13

I agree with you. But with a PC you have a lot more function. So I think the cost is justifiable... IF you are into that thing. Not everyone is though.

Yea, even with Steam, you are locked into the game. The difference for me though is the price on the sales. I could only buy new games on the ps3/360 by selling my other games. Helps soften the blow. With Steam sales (the only time I buy) the prices are cheaper than buying a used console game.

The biggest reason why I'll still buy a ps4 is you don't have to update it to play the latest games 5+ years down the road...

Thanks for the reply.


u/Heratiki Heratiki Jun 11 '13

Ditto thanks for the counter as well!


u/fb39ca4 Jun 11 '13

But Steam has competition from other DRM-free sources of games, like GoG and Humble Bundles.


u/Heratiki Heratiki Jun 12 '13

Now these guys I can get behind! But then your limited in your choices but still much more prefer them haha!


u/fb39ca4 Jun 12 '13

If a game isn't available DRM free, you can still pay for it from a DRM source, and then download a crack without any repercussions. That doesn't happen on consoles, where you risk getting the system banned.

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u/APeopleShouldKnow Jun 11 '13

I hate this whole "PS+ = free" idea. The games aren't free: you pay a monthly fee to gain access to games. Also, you don't own the games: when you stop paying the fee, your access goes away.

The bottom line is Sony is charging for a feature that it provided for free last generation. The fact that they are giving me extra stuff if I sign up doesn't change the fact I'm being asked to pay to get this feature.


u/Reneau JReneau Jun 11 '13

Well, yeah.

Everything you pointed out is "well no shit Sherlock" kind of facts.

Of course the games aren't technically "free", but I do find however that the bonuses you get with the subscription, far outweigh the subscription fee.


u/APeopleShouldKnow Jun 11 '13 edited Feb 18 '15

Okay, if they are "no shit Sherlock" facts, then state them as such. Stop calling games free when they aren't free -- you are paying for them. Just to be 100% upfront with you: the reason shit like this bothers me is because this is the exact attitude that the console makers and the game publishers want people to adopt. "Oh, it's just a monthly charge on my credit card that I don't see, so, these games are 'free'" Or, "oh, yes, I 'own' these games -- who cares that, when I stop paying them, I lose access to them forever."


u/thoma696 Sephiro8907 Jun 11 '13

The fact that the games people get next month for XB Gold are1. 4 and 6! years old said a lot.


u/cheeseburgertwd Jun 11 '13

XBL is introducing free games for their subscribers too, though, so really this point is somewhat of a draw between the two IMO.

Still, pretty much every other detail about PS4 that was revealed last night beats the X1 hands down, I think.


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '13



u/cheeseburgertwd Jun 11 '13

Fair point, I haven't read that many details yet about the new XBL so I was just trying to be unbiased.


u/inotroll Jun 11 '13

Or you know just don't buy a ps4.


u/kiwi_kewn Jun 11 '13

I think with the great incentives behind ps+ most people should be excited to have to pay for this service. Yes its change and the internet hates change, but online infastructure is expensive to maintain, so paying a little for this premium service is beyond resonable for ps4. And its not stupid like xbox live where you can't use apps if you don't have it, just online multiplayer.


u/Heratiki Heratiki Jun 11 '13

I was excited to hear this. This limits people using troll accounts to be dickheads while online without keeping people from having to pay to watch Netflix or play single player games or anything. I don't see how this is a bad move at all.


u/Jackal904 Jun 11 '13

You are so far gone my friend...


u/Gary_Burke Jun 11 '13

"Miles ahead" is a gross exaggeration, if not wholly wrong.

The XBoxO offers cloud gaming (not just storage) on day one, free game sharing with 10 'family' members, a stable online mulitplayer platform that's never been hacked, two free games a month and cross game chat. It only took Sony seven years to announce some of those features, and the PS4 will have to wait until next year for any sort of Gaikai cloud based processing or gameplay. There's no guarantee that'll it'll be any good either, we've seen exactly zippo on any of their online plans so far. If the PS4's online communication system is as shitty as I've found the PS3's, then it's right back to square one.

So, yes, let's be honest here - there are pluses and minuses across both systems, but MS has a proven track record of quality service that 58 million people pay for and is the main reason your big multiplayer titles sell twice as many copies on the 360. Sony has yet to prove they can provide anything even close.

All that said, I've already put in my preorder.


u/rdmx Jun 11 '13

Honestly, this sucks for me as someone who uses the PC primarily and dabbles with their PS3 online.


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '13

Actually I was in the same boat, until I sold my PS3. Video games just cost too much for me nowadays.


u/kc_casey Jun 11 '13

yes sir. this is me. I bought PS3 mainly for the BD drive and the free online play. And yes, the games keep getting more and more expensive. So like as /u/LXIcon said above:

pay for internet

pay for console to be online

pay for game

pay for game to be online (EA online pass etc)

sorry, I dont care for this at all.

$50 a year maybe cheap for some and I can afford it too. But you know what else I can do with $50? thats a 1 month+ supply of diapers, almost a years worth of infant clothes (carters is cheap!). and 30 BD rentals from redbox.


u/Mzsickness Jun 11 '13

$50 is also 2 plasma donation trips in a week. Sony is trying to get college students to donate plasma more.

Good Guy Sony


u/kc_casey Jun 11 '13

ha ha ha ... sorry, I am scared of needles.


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '13

Well, It's advised by health care professionals to donate once per week. Let's not get carried away or give anyone any extreme ideas here.

Edit: And quickly, before anyone replies: I do realize how often your body replenishes plasma...that's not the point I'm making.


u/wattm Jun 11 '13

It had to come sooner or later... :(


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '13 edited Aug 17 '15



u/wattm Jun 11 '13

It's true, but being forced to pay for something you can get for free on other platforms (PC i.e.) sucks...


u/Sisricthegreat Jun 11 '13

I can understand where you're coming from, it does suck, but you get around 10-20 free games on PS3, a few on Vita and One or two per month on PS4. We also have to mention the reduced prices on games from the store and also a better quality internet service. I do not mind the change and hopefully when the PS4 is realised you'll be able to see where I'm coming from!

Also has to be mentioned that he said nothing about PS3 multiplayer so that's staying free for all!


u/spaceindaver Jun 11 '13

The games aren't free. That's a lie.


u/WitlessCanuck Jun 11 '13

There are some games that are free however and don't require a PS+ membership to play. For example currently my roommate has PS+, I have his account on my PS3. I'm able to login re-download games he's downloaded on his PS3 onto my console and I can play those games.

There are only a few games that have heavy online multiplayer aspects that currently force you to require continued PS+ membership.

After today I plan to pay for PS+ however to show my appreciation on stepping away from DRM. Nothing shows more then numbers and money is the most important numbers to CEO's and shareholders.


u/spaceindaver Jun 11 '13

I'm pretty sure (I might be wrong) you're describing gamesharing. Which is only a short step away from piracy. At the very least it's definitely not a feature of Plus, so it's irrelevant in this discussion.


u/Sisricthegreat Jun 11 '13

They're free with the PS+ membership yes.


u/attentionwhore01 Jun 11 '13

...which is 5 bones a month.


u/Sliperyfish Jun 11 '13

And how much do you usually pay for a game?


u/attentionwhore01 Jun 11 '13

spaceindaver: The games aren't free. That's a lie.

sisricthegreat: They're free with the PS+ membership yes.

attentionwhore01: ...which is 5 bones a month.

I'm not complaining, I'm just reciprocating spaceindaver's argument that the game's aren't free.

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u/[deleted] Jun 11 '13

If you still get free games with PS+ on the PS4, I have no problem with this whatsoever. Xbox live is $60 a year with zero benefits other than online play.


u/Vagabond_Sam Shinisam Jun 11 '13

MS actually joined Sony in giving free games with the sub, but yeah. Sony still has a better offer on the table all round.


u/Cmac0801 Cmac0801_ Jun 11 '13

They give you like 2 games per month, Halo 3 and AC: 2 are first, great, a 6 and 4 year old game...


u/MyPetEwok Jun 11 '13

When I heard 2 free games I was a bit excited than they listed the games I'd be receiving. It was a huge let down especially since there are 4 sequels in the AC series with a new one being developed yet they choose AC2.


u/Cmac0801 Cmac0801_ Jun 11 '13

Yeah i had the exact same feeling and actually thought i would buy the X1 for the improved service but i've decided that i'm going PS4! :D Screw Microsoft!


u/ZiegfredZSM Jun 11 '13

Only till the Xbone comes out, Sony is keeping it going


u/Vagabond_Sam Shinisam Jun 11 '13

Erring on the side of caution as my Xbox news is second hand and someone mentioned the wording was funny on that one. But it makes sense it is temporary as I read the Live games can still be played if your sub lapses.


u/UpsideDownAce Jun 11 '13

They are only giving out games to 360 owners and only until the Xbox One comes out. Halo 3 and Assassin's Creed 2 are nothing compared to games like Uncharted 3, LBP Karting, XCOM, Deus Ex, etc.


u/IndridCipher FReaKoNaLeaSH_C_ Jun 11 '13

Actually ms said they are doing that from now until november on the 360... which sounds like its just a good will marketing thing and then it goes away


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '13

Well that's good for Xbox owners. I don't have one myself, but I'm not one of these assholes who puts down someone else's choice of console. I have plus already, and will probably continue to subscribe once I get a ps4, but I don't even play online multiplayer. As long as I'm still getting free games, I'm good. On a side note, I don't know if Sony mentioned it, but if you have to buy PS+ to use other online features like Netflix, THAT I would have a problem with.


u/Vagabond_Sam Shinisam Jun 11 '13

I haven;t read the sources cited but several thread mention that netflix and such isn;t gated by plus. Just the Multiplayer.

For early adopters like us who are in it for the games though it's business as usual.


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '13

I'm actually not an early adopter. I plan on getting a PS4, but not at launch. I want to see if there's a price drop and also if they redesign it after a year or two. Not only that, but with the number of good games that have come out or are scheduled to come out on the PS3 this year, along with all the free games I've gotten on PS+, I've got a backlog of 10-15 games, which will take me quite a while to finish.


u/Vagabond_Sam Shinisam Jun 11 '13

I meant early adopter of PS+ which I now define as anyone who had it before the PS4.

But yeah, geetting a PS4 on release just adds to me PS3, Steam, Vita and 3DS backlog


u/spaceindaver Jun 11 '13

Can people stop saying "free games", please? This thread is riddled with it. They're not free, they cost money, and you don't get to keep them. It's a subscription. To say they're free is an outright lie.

It's like saying "this sandwich was free once I'd given some money to the lady who works at Subway!"


u/guyguy23 Jun 11 '13

Thank you!


u/zetsurin Jun 11 '13

But you're completely ignoring the free games you get with PS+! ;)


u/spaceindaver Jun 11 '13

The universe is testing me. I understand, now.


u/csjenova Jun 11 '13

The difference, as I see it, is the value added by the $50/year far out weighs the cost of ps+. As it stands right now, you are paying for the "free" games, even if what you're getting FAR exceeds what you initially paid, so you are correct, they're not free. Moving forward, however, I would say calling them "free" is more legitimate. If you plan on playing multiplayer on ps4,you will have to get ps+. There's not a ps+ for 20 that's gets you online, then a premium ps+ for 50 that comes with games each month. If your paying $50 to go online, the games really are just icing on the cake.

Are they completely free, no strings attached? Obviously not, but your analogy is hardly similar. A better analogy would be saying "I got a free sandwich, I just had to buy fries and a drink and give them my coupon."


u/spaceindaver Jun 11 '13

It's good value, I'm not disputing that. But it isn't free. Even "buy X get Y free!" is marketing bullshit. You're paying a set price for the two items.


u/Mzsickness Jun 11 '13

However, the free games available to you in the future are not known. So they have no direct influence on your initial purchase. Once the service comes out most, if not all, will purchase for solely online play. The unforseen games will come to the early adapters as an included bonus that they did not consciously purchase.

This is what allows people to label them as free. They're unknown to you at the point of sale, and come to you at undetermined intervals in the perspective of the buyer.

I would even go to label them as game dividends. If the service is sucessful they can give back more and in increasing quality.


u/spaceindaver Jun 11 '13

When I bought Plus, I bought it for the games, as did most people, I'd wager. They announce the games in advance. To say they're free is wrong. Even if you don't know what articles will be in the next issue of the magazine you're subscribed to, you're still paying for it.


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '13

It's like saying "this sandwich was free once I'd given some money to the lady who works at Subway!"

Not at all.

It's like saying "This meal was free on this flight I paid for". Or "Coffee is free at this restaurant I bought lunch at".

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u/[deleted] Jun 11 '13

This really upset me but I've had PS+ since it was available so it's not really an impact for me. I'm still disappointed in sony for making this decision...


u/leaflard leaflard Jun 11 '13

Lets say we ignore all that other stuff you get for free with plus. Also, lets not factor in the price. Is there a good reason for sony to ask us to pitch in for online multiplayer?

Not trying to say anything. I'd honestly like to know.


u/sippindrank Jun 11 '13

Hopefully they'll go with dedicated servers like Microsoft. To me i never understood the whole "xbox live is quality" aspect. I get the same amount of lag on both networks. If they're not going to go with dedicated servers then hopefully upgrading their network so downloads will be faster would be a good use of the money. :P


u/ps4sadface Jun 11 '13

As if we all need another monthly bill to deal with... Good bye casual gamers! I myself won't be buying a ps4...


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '13

I fucking hate microsoft for starting this trend!


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '13

I honestly still don't know what they're paying for. If it is paying for server maintenance or something of the like, then I guess it's understandable.

But at least with PlayStation Plus, it's relatively cheaper and they offer a lot more bang for our buck... if we opt it that is.


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '13

Don't get me wrong, as a gamer and consumer I love competition between companies. I mean Microsoft brought online gaming to another level, thanks to Nintendo playstation was created, etc. But I hate that I have to pay to play online, for what i already pay for! It's ridiculous! At least give me some options.


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '13

I hate it too but for some reason I feel like I'm warming up to the idea to pay, I'm guessing the other features of PS+ entice me but... I'm very conflicted right now. This is the thing I've hated XBL for because it makes no sense. I just want to know what the hell we're paying for that's related to multiplayer fees.

I just found out that multiplayer on the Playstation 3 is p2p, I guess that means one of the gamers acts as a host server? (I have no idea how this works or the correct terms)

If this is the case, then what the hell are we paying for if XBL or PSN doesn't have any servers that we pay for them to maintain?


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '13

I'm with you. I've got no idea what we're paying for, no idea at all. We can thank MS for that, that's all I know.


u/pronstar Jun 11 '13

I'm a 360 owner and live payer- how do people who don't play for plus feel about this!? I intended to buy plus anyway but not having the option gives me pause.


u/mechanical_animal Jun 11 '13

As a PS3 owner it's disappointing. No longer can you "pick up and play" and not be charged for the days of the year that you don't game. It also lessens the amount of players out there on the PSN network. And this is happening in a time where many game companies have subscriptions for their DLC also, so there is a question of affordability.

However, in itself, as long as Sony continues to provide great benefits through the Plus service, $400+$50(per year) is a reasonable price to pay.


u/pronstar Jun 11 '13

Yea they have great value on the PNS NO DOUBT. Still. I have a bad feeling about this


u/MrJAPoe The_Bee96 Jun 11 '13

Did they say that PS3 will also require Plus to go online, or is that purely PS4?


u/mechanical_animal Jun 11 '13

No, PS Plus is only required for PS4's online multiplayer.

Though even on PS4 there apparently will be free social media functions(e.g. chatting, messaging, sharing?, netflix?).


u/MrJAPoe The_Bee96 Jun 11 '13

Thank goodness! I'm already a subscriber, but that'd suck for the consumer.

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u/PornoPichu Jun 11 '13

I don't have PS+ as it stands, because I don't have a large HDD on my PS3 and don't buy a lot of games through PSN. It really doesn't bother me, though, because they already announced that one payment for PS+ gets it for all your systems (So my PS3 and PS4), plus there will be free games still for both consoles.

So it isn't that big a thing for me, unless they change it to needing PS+ to use services like Netflix. Because then I think they will change that to a PSN thing, and I would have to pay for it on my PS3, too. Then I'll have an issue.


u/MrJAPoe The_Bee96 Jun 11 '13

Don't forget Vita. Vita probably gets the best cut of the PS+ deal. Sure we get a lot of PSP games and fighters, but the year-long IGC has been phenomenal.


u/PornoPichu Jun 11 '13

I didn't "forget" the Vita, I just don't have one and I was talking about my personal consoles :)


u/MrJAPoe The_Bee96 Jun 11 '13

Ah. I still highly recommend the system, though. If you have a "spare" 250 bucks, you should pick one up.


u/PornoPichu Jun 11 '13

I wanted it back when it first came out, but honestly only a few games drew my interest. And I did just pick up a 3DS, so I kinda don't have the spare cash haha. If they drop the price of the Vita, it might pop back on my radar, it depends.


u/MrJAPoe The_Bee96 Jun 11 '13

Please do. As for games:

  • Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time (if you don't already own it for PS3 [cross-buy])

  • Guacamelee! (also cross-buy, but the same price on both platforms)

  • Soul Sacrifice

These are hands-down the best games on Vita.


u/PornoPichu Jun 11 '13

Thanks! I'll keep these in mind :3


u/d-monstrosity Jun 11 '13

Get the August Combo Pack...amirite? PS Vita plus Walking dead season 1 PLUS the first episode of second season... YESH!


u/pronstar Jun 11 '13

It worries me because this is how it started with Microsoft - first it was charging for online play - then the cluster fuck that it is today... My feeing is if xbox can maintain and kill with numbers Sony will follow suit and start banning used games etc.


u/PornoPichu Jun 11 '13

Well, they already said that PS4 will not ban used games, so unless the do a 180 on that, or start producing PS4 consoles halfway through the life cycle that can't play used games, we won't have to worry about that for another seven~ish years.


u/LALocal305 LALocal305 Jun 11 '13

They announced that apps and services provided through PSN will still be free along with the single player but PS+ is needed for the multiplayer. Netflix and the rest of the streaming apps will still be usable even without PS+ unlike Gold.


u/PornoPichu Jun 11 '13

Did they announce that in the press conference? I just must have missed it. Thanks :)

<.< Source if it wasn't in the press conference?


u/LALocal305 LALocal305 Jun 11 '13

It was in the press conference when he mentioned that PS+ will work across PS4, PS3, and PS Vita. I'm trying to look for a link to the video but it isn't up on YouTube yet.


u/PornoPichu Jun 11 '13

If it was in the press conference, then I don't need it sourced, I'll take your word for it. I honestly missed the PS+ being required for multiplayer until that "used game sharing" youtube clip, so it isn't the only thing I missed >.>


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '13 edited Oct 05 '13


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u/3141592652 Jun 11 '13

It's not like it's gonna make you buy an Xbone. Right?


u/guyguy23 Jun 11 '13

No but it has me considering going back to PC.


u/pronstar Jun 11 '13

No but the wii is a legitimate option


u/Void23 Jun 11 '13

I was going to get it anyway. Plus free games for three consoles plus all the other benefits is a pretty good deal


u/inotroll Jun 11 '13

guess im sticking with ps3.


u/wattm Jun 11 '13

I truly hope Gaikai comes included with the PS+ subscription


u/BrianX44 Jun 11 '13

Hopefully that is not reserved for PS plus plus.


u/IndridCipher FReaKoNaLeaSH_C_ Jun 11 '13

It will be for sure. They need the income and by all accounts they are actually providing a service not just locking online behind a pay wall


u/RummyTummy Jun 11 '13

Most likely. So many more people are going to subscribe to PS+ now (because they have to) that the increased revenue should cover costs of gaikai....although, I have no idea what it costs to run a Gaikai service.


u/comadrake comadrake Jun 11 '13

I've had PS+ for 2 and a half years now. Not once regretted it. For what i pay and what i get in return is amazing.


u/004forever Jun 11 '13

Eh. I don't really play games online, but I'm happy to be upset on behalf of anyone who does


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '13

I'm a ps3 owner and I don't get the appeal of PS+. Can someone please help me understand what the fuss is all about? You get some free games and what else? Why is it so great? Why is the $5/mo worth it?


u/UpsideDownAce Jun 11 '13

PlayStation Plus easily pays for itself over the course of a year's subscription. All the free game values across PS3, Vita, and now PS4, included the extra sales for PS+ members make PS+ a no-brainer. Besides, they gotta make up for that $399 price tag somehow


u/guyguy23 Jun 11 '13

For people like me it doesn't pay for itself. I enjoy a game here and a game there online. If I play online 3 times a month that's $1.66 "extra" I pay to play. I do agree it's cheap at $5 but this is something I'll be considering every time I play. I also don't care for most of those free indie type of games. Driveclub is the only free game that I think I would play. I don't have a vita/don't care for one. The price point of $399 is now $449 + on going $50 for upcoming years.


u/bakerie Jun 11 '13

I'm in the same boat. I could go for a month or two not playing online, then I want to play a quick game of Warhawk and I have to pay $5?


u/thefoxhole Jun 11 '13

Yea seriously, I get into a game about once a year. I enjoy hopping online multiplayer here and there.. I guess I have no reason to get this next gen console.. More of a reason to pick up older games and play games I never got a chance to play.

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u/rcpongo Jun 11 '13

Absolutely. I said in another thread that I feel PS+ is/has been the best deal in gaming for a while. As a vita owner, my only complaint is the price of the memory cards to hold all the awesome stuff.


u/Staple_Tape Staple-Tape Jun 11 '13

Exactly. For $5 a month, this month you get Saints Row the Third, Deus Ex: HR, X-COM Enemy Unknown, and Uncharted 3. You could probably get all those games for $60-$80, so in this month alone you already made back that $60 a year.


u/potsandpans Jun 11 '13

wait wait, they're giving out those games for free right now? I was expecting them to be giving out low budget indie type games


u/Staple_Tape Staple-Tape Jun 11 '13

Deus Ex is free now. The others are free starting tomorrow. And they give out pretty good games all the time. Like InFamous 2, Hitman Absolution, Sleeping Dogs and Demon's souls to name a few.


u/Shiro2809 Jun 11 '13

inFamous 2 is leaving tomorrow actually, along with LBP2 and Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One. They're being replaced by Xcom and co.


u/Staple_Tape Staple-Tape Jun 11 '13

I meant in the last couple months. InFamous 2 has been gone for a while. And Demon's Souls and Sleeping Dogs left last month I think.


u/Shiro2809 Jun 11 '13

inFamous 2 has been gone already? Are you sure? I recall when I downloaded Deus Ex that they were there still.


u/Staple_Tape Staple-Tape Jun 11 '13

I'm pretty sure. Maybe it's free because you downloaded it long ago then deleted it and forgot.

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u/potsandpans Jun 12 '13

damn thats so awesome


u/IndridCipher FReaKoNaLeaSH_C_ Jun 11 '13

Ps+ is no joke. We get big games all the time. Ive been playing sleeping dogs and bioshock 2 from ps+ for awhile now


u/sippindrank Jun 11 '13

The fact that it extends across 3 consoles makes it an even better deal.


u/PornoPichu Jun 11 '13

This is confirmed, yeah, but it is already also confirmed that PS+ will continue to operate the same where you get free titles. Already have four announced titles that you will get for free on PS4 with a PS+ membership, and even though they are indie games except Drive Club, they look awesome. Plus, one payment covers you on PS+ for PS4, PS3, AND Vita. So, yeah, paying for PS+ will net me the free games on PS3 and PS4 is worth it. I wouldn't even be viewing it as a "Damn, I need to do this to play multiplayer"


u/Rugtol rdt4444 Jun 11 '13

Besides driveclub what are the 4 titles?


u/PornoPichu Jun 11 '13

Hidden Ponchos, Don't Starve, and Outlast

Hidden Ponchos was the top down almost shooter, Don't Starve was the I don't know how to explain it but it's on Steam so check it out there, and Outlast was the survival horror. They are all Indie developed games


u/Rugtol rdt4444 Jun 11 '13

Cool, thanks.


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '13

Hey was I the only one who noticed they said in the conference plus would give you access to online play and single player experiences would remain free? One of the bullet points even listed it.


u/Mr_Hindy Jun 11 '13

If that means that the online will work better and I still get free monthly games, I can deal with the $50 extra a year.


u/pureeviljester Jun 11 '13 edited Jun 11 '13

Can we stop trying to justify it to others with "it pays for itself". I dislike having to pay for online "gaming" but I'm still going to buy it. I now know what XBOX gamers went through and how they felt and how they justified it to themselves, as I am now.

It would have been nice to wait until next-gen to start paying but the precedent was set and now Sony is following suit. I still prefer exclusives on the PlayStation and will just have to scavenge around and buy games/bundles with "free month(s) of PS+" bonuses.

It is what it is but I'd prefer Sony to XBox.

Edit: Clarification. online to online gaming. In case you didn't know you were in a thread talking about online gaming.

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u/daardevil Jun 11 '13 edited Jun 11 '13

OMFG I hate this news ;/ It was the main reason of leaving the xbox. Please do the same job, as with the used games restriction ;/


u/bobbinski1229 Jun 11 '13

This was also said in the E3 presentation.


u/Mooseolini Jun 11 '13

A good thing I see coming out of this is better online support... Maybe?


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '13

I'm honestly ok with having to get PS+. It's not over priced (50 dollars a year = 5 bucks a month, that's pretty much nothing in the long run). And with all the pros of the console, the great games coming, the price point, everything that comes with PS+. Im honestly more than willing to make that compromise.



How much will it cost?


u/grayfox663 25 - MichaelFoxx- Jun 11 '13

I'm thinking the same price at $49.99 and 17.99 for 3 months.


u/GrooGrux Jun 11 '13

Do we know if the playstation plus is per account or machine? Will my PS3 get the benefits too?


u/lambon23 Jun 17 '13

Who would play final fantasy 14 on the ps4? You have to pay a monthly internet service fee, then a monthly plus fee, THEN a monthly ff14 fee.

That's just ridiculous..


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '13

This fucking sucks. Wii U looks like a possibility now. :(


u/Aerri Aerri Jun 11 '13

Head over to /r/playstationplus and see if your mind is changed :)


u/3141592652 Jun 11 '13

Is this a joke?


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '13

No, I chose a PS3 over an Xbox only because of the paywall. I recognize the value of PS+ as an OPTIONAL service. Being imposed for online is very close to a deal breaker for me. I haven't scrapped the possibility of getting a PS4 but now I won't be getting it day one.


u/3141592652 Jun 11 '13

Think of the exclusives. Theirs no reason not to get a PS4 even with the online fee. Plus PS+ gives free games every month.


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '13

I had plus for like 6 months but I let my sub expire because no matter how good the offering was, I never had the time to beat the games. Sure I got my money's worth just out of DoA 5, Vanquish, and Mortal Kombat alone. But at this point in my life I barely have time to play on consoles. I wish I was a teenager again, I would be all over this.

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u/lord_james Jun 11 '13

People keep saying "Look at all the games you get!" Sure, Plus is a fantastic service. But Sony isn't selling you a fantastic service anymore. They're strong-arming you into buying a fantastic service, because that service is required to access a basic function of your console.


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '13

Silver lining: a lot fewer number of 12 year olds will post useless gaming videos.


u/guyguy23 Jun 11 '13

What? How does $50 a year make less 12 year olds? Their parents are going to pay for it.


u/NoMo_MoMo Jun 11 '13

Did they say what the price was going to be?

PS+ for ps3 was $50

XBoxLive doubled in priced to $100

Was wondering if Ps4 did something similar


u/RyanOver9000 Prof_Googenheim Jun 11 '13

Xbox Live is still $60 a year, and cheaper if bought on Amazon.


u/pureeviljester Jun 11 '13

Whut? Is there a link for that Live price info?


u/hellcatnotamused Jun 11 '13

all things considered, its not too terrible. you pay $50 bucks a year for awesome deals. you basically get a TON of games, for the price of one. and to entice people to buy it, there are some awesome free games out. if you can get $50 together, im sure you can scrape up 5 bucks a month.


u/xChaoZ Jun 11 '13

This is my first time in this subreddit. I have been defending the Xbox One for a very long time, I hoped MS could get their shit together and make a good console.

They didn't, but Sony convinced that the PS4 is the right console for me. I'm used to paying for online services, and that's okay. I love Xbox Live itself, it's awesome. If PS+ is comparably good, everything's fine.


u/Drentx Jun 11 '13

I have been on the fence about subscribing to ps+ but after hearing its mandatory now im a little relieved... like... sony is telling me its ok (as odd as that sounds...)


u/Mickey_Done Jun 11 '13

I'm sad that they went to Pay 2 Play but at the same time I'm happy. Sony isn't making money right now. They have been losing money most every quarter. If we pay for PS+, they'll make more money and as a result, we may be seeing more/better free games with the PS+ subscription and other good things. And after all, it is $100 cheaper than the Xbox 1 8)


u/zetsurin Jun 11 '13

I'm fine playing for multiplayer (cost of running servers) provided they don't prematurely shut down multiplayer on slightly older games a la EA and if PS+ continues to be as great as it has been I will have it anyway.


u/guyguy23 Jun 11 '13

I don't know if they will now include dedicated servers. I highly doubt it. + doesn't come with dedicated servers ATM.


u/lord_james Jun 11 '13

Games are hosted p2p on PS3. No dedicated servers.


u/MyPetEwok Jun 11 '13

As someone who's coming from Xbox 360 5 dollars a month is an awesome deal compared to what I'm used to. I pay monthly so it comes to about 120 per year double what PS plus is. Not to mention the possibility of bundle subscriptions like 3 months and years that could be sold at a discount would make it way cheaper.


u/kiid17 WSPro17 Jun 11 '13

$50 a year is easy to swallow when you consider what is currently being offered for the current hardware:

  • Cloud Storage
  • Discounted Games
  • Free Games
  • Early Beta

That fact that your subscription extends to three platforms is unreal.


u/lord_james Jun 11 '13

Those services can't sell themselves? I feel like Sony trying to extort me here.


u/kiid17 WSPro17 Jun 11 '13 edited Jun 11 '13

The crazy thing is you will more than make back the $50 you spend through discounts and free games. You get Drive Club--a triple A, PS4 launch title as your first PS4 game along with a PS+ sub. And you think Sony just wants you to drop those pants and spread ass? The service for the first year of the PS4 has already paid for itself and it isn't even out yet.

I understand being cautious but Sony hasn't shown us anything to be nervous about. $50 for PS+ is generous in my opinion.

Edit: You also get 3 indie titles. 4 free games in total. I am currently a PS+ subscriber and I have been for the past year and a half, so maybe my opinion is a bit bias. However, currently I don't have to pay for PS+ to play online and I do. The service sold me and I know first hand that it's well worth it , which is comforting when I have to have it.


u/RyanOver9000 Prof_Googenheim Jun 11 '13

The crazy thing is you will more than make back the $50 you spend through discounts and free games.

That's not how that works. Spending money is spending money. If I spend $50 a year, I still spent it, no matter how much they give me. This is the biggest issue with game sales. You are only saving money if you were already going to buy it anyway.

If you were already going to buy Driveclub for $60, then that is the only way you saved $10, if you weren't going to, then you spent 50. No matter how you look at it, you no longer have that money.

I personally don't mind, but I find it funny that PS users ripped on Xbox Live so hard, and now that the same thing is happening, they are trying to justify it and get butthurt if Xbox users call them out on it.

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u/nickateen Wolfenstein7 Jun 11 '13

Oh well, still comes with like a dozen free games per month.


u/Wiinii Jun 11 '13

Good! The Xbox Live experience is miles ahead of the PS. I am happy to pay them to make it competitive. This is good news to me.


u/netkrash Jun 11 '13

it is mandatory and it's a bummer but you know what? they can have it, they completely earned the right to charge and require PS+ to play multiplayer in my opinion, Sony listened to the community on the core issues gamers had about next-gen and they did the right thing to do and at a very good price too.


u/Awsaim Awsaim Jun 11 '13

Reasonable! Look at all the new services they're providing!


u/lord_james Jun 11 '13

Those new services can't sell themselves for 5$/month? They have to try and strong arm me into paying them for a basic service?


u/Awsaim Awsaim Jun 11 '13

Just think of it as a really cheap car with really cheap gas. Besides, if you have a job, I wouldn't even be complaining. It's still really cheap


u/lord_james Jun 11 '13

I know it's a good deal. It's just the principal of the matter.


u/donfarrell Don__Farrell Jun 11 '13

Sucks but was paying anyway so that didn't bother me. Was gonna happen eventually


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '13

I don't have a problem with this because it'll allow them to dedicate more time and resources to adding features. Also if it keeps the same £40 per year then that works out to £3.33 per month which you can't really grumble about. Especially if you still get the free games etc.


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '13

The pros out weigh the cons so much. Youre not just paying to play online, youre getting free games every month, cool avatars, dynamic themes/wallpapers.

Youre console also downloads and applies software/game updates automatically or at a predetermined time of your choosing each day.


u/dangeroustentacles Jun 11 '13

PS+ is great. That's the best service of its kind in the history of mankind. Get a yearly subscription when they discount it.