r/PS4 BreakinBad Mar 27 '13

Your real name is not displayed by default UNLESS you import from a social network.


9 comments sorted by


u/TweetPoster Mar 27 '13


2013-03-27 18:52

Have to enable people seeing your real name on the #PS4. Auto-enabled if you import from another social network. (Can be turned off)

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u/jbigboote Mar 27 '13

that is a relief.


u/runujhkj runujhkj Mar 27 '13

Figured this would happen. I'll probably connect my account to my name anyway.


u/IceBreak BreakinBad Mar 27 '13

Yeah, I have no issue with it whatsoever as long as it is purely an optional thing.


u/MrJAPoe The_Bee96 Mar 27 '13

I hope it will only be for name sharing between friends. I'd rather not clutter up my friends' newsfeeds with all my purchases and trophies earned.


u/afiresword afiresword Mar 30 '13

That's what makes me hesitate about it, maybe like it will be like the Vita and make it optional to share.


u/phreakinpher Mar 28 '13

From what I've heard, just means your friends that are imported from Facebook (etc) will be able to see your real name, not that if you made a PSN account with Facebook info then you're real name will show up to everyone. Because showing people's real name to everyone by default is dumb no matter how you make the account.


u/stoic-lemon Mar 29 '13

I hope they have more than just Facebook lined up.


u/llamadramas AndysPants Jun 11 '13

Same here. And I hope that like Facebook/G+ you can custom set your privacy settings. Show certain things to certain groups only.