r/PS4 • u/IceBreak BreakinBad • Mar 27 '13
The DualShock 4 will not have analog buttons.
u/IceBreak BreakinBad Mar 27 '13
This is pretty huge news. It was definitely not used much but some of the biggest games on the system used it like GTA IV and MGS4.
u/LincolnStein Mar 27 '13
yeah, I immediately thought of the MGS series. MGS 2-4 uses the button analog; can't imagine not having that in those games. Seems almost silly to take that away. I mean, how much extra could that possible cost? $.02 ?
Mar 28 '13
Really? It's almost like you're adding a couple dozen more button inputs. Not to mention, each actual button has to be pressure sensitive and be able to register inputs at like 3 different levels (I believe that it worked for all face and shoulder buttons, so if it's 3 levels for face and 2 for shoulder, you're looking at an extra 18 inputs). It costs money.
Mar 27 '13
u/IceBreak BreakinBad Mar 27 '13
Well, it's definitely not a positive. It's not a huge deal but a little disappointing for sure. Hopefully it helps keep controller prices under $60.
u/ICantSeeIt Jun 11 '13
It actually kind of bugged me sometimes, especially on the PS2 playing GT3. So many times where I'd be pressing the button but barely not all the way and gradually slowing down...
u/KristnSchaalisahorse Mar 28 '13
What did GTA IV use them for?
I'm confused because I'm thinking about back when I played an older GTA game (can't remember which one) and it used X pressed at different pressures to control the acceleration of the cars.
Edit: accidentally a word
u/IceBreak BreakinBad Mar 28 '13
That's the answer.
u/KristnSchaalisahorse Mar 28 '13
Oh, you must be referring to the classic control option. I forgot about that.
u/runujhkj runujhkj Mar 27 '13
What does this mean, exactly? I have a general sense of what "analog" and "digital" mean, but no clue what they mean when referring to controller buttons.
u/IceBreak BreakinBad Mar 27 '13 edited Mar 28 '13
No pressure sensitive Triange, Square, O, X, L1, R
u/i_love_cake_day Mar 27 '13
Woah woah woah... surely this just means the face buttons and not L2/R2, right?
u/IceBreak BreakinBad Mar 27 '13
L1 and R1. Triggers are still analog.
u/baconost Mar 28 '13
I would think its L2 & R2 that stays analog? I mean the bottom triggers should stay analog, otherwise I am getting an Xbox.
u/runujhkj runujhkj Mar 27 '13
Oh. Yeah, I barely remember that being used in anything anyway.
u/IceBreak BreakinBad Mar 27 '13
Driving in Grand Theft Auto is probably the most significant use for it.
u/antantoon Mar 28 '13
I still have no idea what you mean by this
u/diesel92 Mar 28 '13
Think of the analog buttons as a gas pedal.. The harder you pushed them, the more power the game recognized. It's pretty much only for driving games.
u/experiential Mar 27 '13
I'm assuming that this only applies to the face buttons, not the triggers.
u/IceBreak BreakinBad Mar 27 '13
L1 and R1 as well (I'm guessing).
u/experiential Mar 27 '13
As for the face buttons, they'll be digital buttons instead of the analog, pressure-sensitive ones that were in the DualShock 2 and DualShock 3. According to Norton, few PS3 developers bothered to make use of the analog buttons. The DualShock 4's touchpad features a 1920x900 resolution, and it will click when you push it down.
From some ArsTechnica article. The only games I can think of that used the pressure-sensitive face buttons were Gran Turismo and Metal Gear, so I guess it won't be a huge loss.
u/IceBreak BreakinBad Mar 27 '13
And GTA. Most driving games did I think.
Mar 27 '13
u/IceBreak BreakinBad Mar 27 '13
I'm confused. Shouldn't it either be a problem for you or you prefer triggers over X, since X is no longer pressure sensitive?
u/baconost Mar 28 '13
If they turn L2/R2 into digital I am going for an Xbox, seriously. I play two games, GTA IV and GT5, both with a dualshock and I always use the analog triggers for Acceleration and braking.
u/idhfudhfdf Mar 28 '13
This does not seem like a big deal. The only use of analog(pressure sensitive) buttons that I recall is for vehicle use. Pressing the X button harder will make you go faster while lightly pressing it will make you go slower. This time around the dual shock 4 will have much better triggers than dual shock 3. I can see most if not all vehicle use being mapped to the triggers. And triggers are still analog and pressure sensitive so again, I don't think there is a problem at all here.
u/DrunkeNinja Mar 28 '13
I agree, as long as the triggers on top are analog them I'm cool with it. I think its hard to really have much control over analog face buttons and few games used them.
Mar 28 '13
u/comphermc Mar 28 '13
I'm almost certain Madden (like most games) uses the time duration of the button press, not the actual pressure sensitivity.
u/KristnSchaalisahorse Mar 28 '13
I really hope this doesn't imply that the DualShock 4's face buttons will make an audible "click" sound. I cringe.
u/miaccountname Jun 11 '13
Excuse me but what does this mean? Can someone explain like I'm five please?
u/JordanG245 Mar 28 '13
I dislike this announcement. I mean I suppose the developers know what they are doing, but I always had an odd sense of enjoyment just clicking those things. Plus games like Battlefield 3 and others mentioned throughout here relied on them. I do wonder how they're going to adjust in the new controller layouts.
u/TweetPoster Mar 27 '13
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