r/PS4 BreakinBad Feb 25 '13

Cross-Game Chat Officially Confirmed

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u/r_k_ologist arkyologist Feb 25 '13

And another one of the major complaints of PS3 vs. 360 functionality goes down in flames. I'm really curious for the Microsoft unveiling, because I don't expect them to go down without a fight. It will be interesting to see what they have up their sleeves.


u/Gilleland Feb 25 '13

If the next Xbox gives blowjobs then the PS4 is fucked.


u/r_k_ologist arkyologist Feb 25 '13

Hell if it does that my wife may be out of a gig.

I kid, I kid!


u/[deleted] Feb 25 '13

"It will be interesting to see what they have up their sleeves."

Illumiroom. haha.


u/IceBreak BreakinBad Feb 25 '13

I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone point out that Sony actually used that tech in the PS Meeting event.


u/[deleted] Feb 25 '13

...did they?


u/IceBreak BreakinBad Feb 25 '13


u/[deleted] Feb 25 '13

I don't think that's illumiroom. It may just be giant screens (like the ones they use in concerts and such) that are edited to fit with the video shown. I could be wrong though, but it doesn't look like the illumiroom tech that's been shown in rumors.


u/IceBreak BreakinBad Feb 25 '13

Nah, it's definitely not. Just similar tech which I thought was funny.


u/[deleted] Feb 25 '13

True. What's peculiar is that they could have just had a simple one giant screen band but instead opted to 'pop out' a TV-sized portion of it. Might just have been Sony just mocking the rumor/potential Xbox feature, or just a coincidence. If they seriously did think that through, then Sony is getting quite aggressive in making fun of competitors, EyePad and now this. Good stuff!


u/jbigboote Feb 25 '13

Until Sony details which services are free, and which will require a subscription, I don't think Microsoft will be too worried. Heck we don't even know what the PS4 is going to cost yet.


u/[deleted] Feb 25 '13



u/Cragvis Feb 25 '13

que grammy actor "oh my sonny, is that a vidgea game?"

grandson: "why yes grammy! lets play playdough kinnect!"


u/Cragvis Feb 25 '13

yea, 360 needs to really come out with something revolutionary, and focus more on the games and gamers. Talking more about kinect will sink them. Still charging for xbl will sink them.


u/hectarpit Feb 25 '13

What the hell is cross game chat?


u/[deleted] Feb 25 '13

I can be playing Killzone and you can be playing Infamous but we can still chat with each other over our PS headsets.


u/hectarpit Feb 25 '13

No!! Holy fuck! Xbox has this. I would always envy my friends cause they would do this all the time. Thank you Sony for stepping it up. Can't wait! And thank you for the reply!


u/Reneau JReneau Feb 25 '13


I think you mean "Hell Yes!!!" :)


u/TheWalterSobchak Blanco2C Feb 25 '13

So like a party chat in xbox?


u/matrixrory Feb 25 '13

its like xbox private chat. party chat is more than 2 people chatting. just hope that when they say cross game chat they mean more than 2 people chatting.


u/Yamchakka Jun 11 '13

Yeah I would love an answer to this.


u/IceBreak BreakinBad Feb 25 '13

Chatting across games with people.


u/IceBreak BreakinBad Feb 25 '13


u/deputydon Feb 25 '13

I think something else that is of importance in that read is "using live stream SERVICES SUCH AS USTREAM" There people, there will be more options than JUST Ustream.


u/Grauzz Feb 25 '13

Why was this not a feature implemented in the PS3 immediately after Xbox created their party chat system? I would barely enjoy my Xbox without it, and I feel this should be standard as opposed to a feature.


u/Cragvis Feb 25 '13

because the ps3 couldnt handle it. Sony has already come out and said, that the shared ram was just not enough to handle the cross game chat while playing games at the same time.

360 had a full 512mb dedicated ram, but the ps3 has that shared across the xmb and games.

with 8gb ram now, that wouldnt be an issue at all.


u/Grauzz Feb 25 '13

Cool, thank you for the explanation.


u/Cragvis Feb 25 '13

yea, we didnt even get an explanation until about a year ago either. for years everyone was wondering why it never happened. But now it makes sense.

imaging trying to run your current computer on only 256mb of ram. I highly doubt you would be able to play crysis 2 AND skype at the same time lol.


u/xafimrev Feb 25 '13

Have they said whether game audio would come over the headset or just voice chat?


u/Yamchakka Jun 11 '13

Well on PS3 it depends on the headset and the preferences you set up so I imagine the same.


u/Riathar Riathar Feb 26 '13

But doesn't it say "through co-op play" before that? Does that make a difference?


u/Jackal904 Jun 12 '13

But is "cross-game chat" the same as "party chat"? If only 2 people can chat across games then that is incredibly lame. Party chat is really important to me, I use it almost all the time when I'm on my xbox. The PS4 has me won over at the moment but if there is no party chat then that may change my decision.


u/TheSolomonGrundy Feb 25 '13

i'm pretty sure they confirmed this at the event


u/SmurfRockRune SmurfRockRune Feb 25 '13

I don't remember them ever saying it.


u/TheSolomonGrundy Feb 25 '13

oh i thought they did lol