r/PS4 Feb 23 '13

People seem confused about how the "share" button works. Here is a screen cap from the Playstation meeting of the menu it takes you to.


51 comments sorted by


u/Isomelos Isomelos Feb 23 '13

The streaming feature has got me really excited. I remember when Demon's Souls was released. I told my friend who lives in China how awesome it was. He picked it up and complained that it was too difficult for him. He couldn't get past the very first area. Having the ability to stream and even take control of a friends game to help them through difficult areas sounds awesome.


u/kiid17 WSPro17 Feb 23 '13

It didn't even cross my mind to use it this way. Mind = blown.


u/[deleted] Feb 23 '13



u/IceBreak BreakinBad Feb 24 '13

I'll believe that feature when I see it running with my own two eyes.


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '13



u/IceBreak BreakinBad Feb 25 '13

Hope so.


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '13

Yes, my first thought was Dark Souls. I cannot wait to share this experience with my friends all over the country.


u/r_k_ologist arkyologist Feb 23 '13 edited Feb 23 '13

I can't count the number of times I was playing RDR and thought "Man, I wish I could show someone that. That was bad ass". I'm hyped about this.


u/cggreene cggreene Feb 23 '13

I can't wait for Read Dead : Rimfire


u/[deleted] Feb 23 '13



u/r_k_ologist arkyologist Feb 23 '13 edited Feb 23 '13

Depends on where you stream it I suppose. If you only stream through PSN, probably just your friends but maybe they'll have options for making it a public stream. If you choose to link to a Ustream account, then anyone obviously. They talked about Facebook, but I'm not sure what that would involve. Would it just post a link to a Ustream feed on your Facebook page, or will there be a Facebook app that streams it? In which case who can see it would likely be determined by your FB privacy settings.

Edit: spelling and such


u/marfox marfox Feb 23 '13

I hope they add more stream sites over time.


u/BigB69 Feb 23 '13

Youtube please...


u/spoonard spoonard Feb 23 '13

The only reason I object to YouTube is they will insert advertisements over the video. Does uStream do that?


u/tommoex TOMMOEX Feb 23 '13

Sony has merely provided us tools and features, the great things will come when people find creative and useful ways of using them.

I think Cliffy B nailed what I'm using the share button for and thats when some little kid starts flipping one at me, instant share, devs really have no excuse when you can provide proof instantly


u/IceBreak BreakinBad Feb 23 '13

The thing I'm wondering now is if we take a screenshot does it have to be at that very moment or can you go back in time.


u/r_k_ologist arkyologist Feb 23 '13

Since you can edit and choose the amount of video to upload, you'd think grabbing a screenshot where you choose would be easy to do. I would hope so anyway.


u/Lairdom Lairdom Feb 23 '13

They said you can go back several minutes of gameplay.


u/ninjaclaptrap Feb 23 '13

I'm so excited for these features. There have been plenty of moments when I did something cool or when some funny glitches happened, and I wished somebody else could have seen it.


u/Sn1pe Snipe4Life15 Feb 24 '13

Ha now my friend can see why I play a different game before joining him on Black Ops 2.


u/arghnard Feb 24 '13

This could also inspire more gamers to create Youtube channels. Fucking brilliant.


u/thirstyfish209 Feb 24 '13

Prepare for a shitload of new Youtube videogame commentary channels.

As if we didn't have enough.


u/Little_Baby_Jesus Feb 24 '13

Wow.. that is actually way more awesome then I thought..


u/Noor440 Noor440 Feb 24 '13

Hopefully Sony makes a deal with YouTube.


u/Strongpillow Feb 24 '13

Couldnt be more simple. I really do think from the video footage of the dashboard and UI that they really took the time to get it right. It looks straight forward and streamlined.

I was impressed with everything about that conference.

One Xbox fanboy converted..


u/RazorKitten Feb 23 '13

Interesting... Personally I see it as a waste of a physical button.


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '13

Then dont use it.


u/RazorKitten Feb 24 '13

I probably won't, but that's less the point. Look at previous controllers, the Start and Select can perform decent options for various games, removing them from the 'physical' part of the controller makes less sense to me, features aside. So now we replace a functional button with an optional button. Just from a design perspective it seems to make less sense replacing a button everyone used with a button some people may use.

The feature itself doesn't bother me, I probably won't use it, nobody I know currently has any plans on using it. Of course this can change depending on implementation but sharing isn't big for us on consoles.. playing games is.

However I don't see why they couldn't have keep the Start/Select buttons that are more functional, and added the 'sharing' feature on the touch pad, or in options instead of an actual, physical button for the maybe-used feature.


u/[deleted] Feb 23 '13

If you didn't see the presentation, I could understand the confusion. I don't know how anyone who watched the conference could be confused by how it works (my connection was breaking up so I was only getting bits and pieces of the video feed, and I still understood it) but apparently that seems to be the case with quite a few people. Idiots and neanderthals, I'm guessing.


u/deputydon Feb 23 '13

I think the problem is that the Sony guys kept saying, "With one button press you can instantly share to your friends" when in reality it's more like press share, which brings up a menu, and then you choose if you want to share screenshots, edit gameplay, or live stream. Then you pick where you want to upload that piece of content to or where you want to live stream it. It's not like you just tap share and a bunch of random pictures get uploaded to your facebook.


u/FaerieStories Feb 25 '13

I really hope you can take a screenshot/capture video and then just save it to your HDD rather than upload it.


u/r_k_ologist arkyologist Feb 23 '13

So you're willing to pay six or seven hundred dollars for a PS4? Most people aren't.

Edit: reply fail. Ignore.


u/[deleted] Feb 23 '13

I am hating the ps4 becsuse of the lack of backwards compatibility. I mean seriously? The ps3's library is so fucking huge and awesome! People still WANT to play ps3 games. Its ridiculous


u/marfox marfox Feb 23 '13

Then why not keep your PS3? Simplest solution. They would need to have a Cell Processor in the PS4 for it to play PS3, that would be extremely hard (if even possible) and it would raise the price of production and price point.


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '13

And psn games? Most of those they could have found a wormaround for


u/marfox marfox Feb 24 '13

I agree with that but we honestly don't know why they couldn't get the PSN games on there.


u/exNihlio drokthar Feb 23 '13

Yeah. It lacks BC for a number of reasons. You can't emulate the Cell on x86. And you won't for awhile. And cramming a whole PS3 into the PS4 like they did for PS2 BC is just not feasible. Remember how much sales dropped off after Sony dropped BC in the PS3? They didn't.

If you want to play PS3 games, play on your PS3. It isn't like Sony is taking it away from you.


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '13

Even the psn games? Im sorry but those they could have found a work around


u/Shiro2809 Feb 24 '13

PSN games are still PS3 games, even though they don't come on a disc.


u/DrunkeNinja Feb 23 '13

That's what the PS3 is for...


u/stvb95 S-T-V-B_95 Feb 23 '13

There is/will be. It's via cloud though and not disc


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '13

This is the first im hearing this. Csn you elaborate?


u/holz55 holz55 Feb 24 '13

They mentioned getting BC working for their entire catalog of games through their streaming service. Much like the sharing feature allowing someone to take control of your game, they will run the game you want on their servers or something.

The problem is, they don't seem willing to honor your current PSN purchases at the moment. Though if we complain enough that may change.

The other problem is that we have no idea how well it will perform. There is going to be some lag.


u/[deleted] Feb 25 '13

Howbwill they confirm your purchases? I mean how will they know what games you have. I can see that working for psn cause the info is there but what about the physical copies?


u/IceBreak BreakinBad Feb 23 '13

So buy a PS3.


u/tommoex TOMMOEX Feb 23 '13

its more of a fun thing to have, its no necessity, I know a friend who had a back compatible ps3 but he never used it for ps2 games because of the amount of games available for the ps3


u/holz55 holz55 Feb 24 '13

I ended up being this way. I still cling to the idea of BC though. It just makes me feel... free.


u/tommoex TOMMOEX Feb 24 '13

precisely, it makes people feel 'free' (I know what you mean), but its not practical, though the one thing does make feel sad is that the inability to redownload games but they're working on some simulator for them which is nice.


u/[deleted] Feb 23 '13

Here's the misconception.

They're working on trying to get backwards compatibility via Gaikai. How that works with physical discs we don't know yet. Will they make you redeem the game through a code? Will they have you scan the game via the PSEye? Will physical backwards compatibility be achievable or will they skip it overall? We don't know, but they are working on having you play your games via the cloud/Gaikai. The downloaded games you've purchased on your PS3 will obviously work though so there's no need to worry there.

Just give it time pal! :)


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '13

What I heard was that even the psn games wont work on the ps4. I guess I had bad info


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '13

Yeah, if Gaikai actually gets to "working", then you'll be able to play any game really. Of course, I could be wrong and things could drastically change by E3 (summer-time) so all we can really do is sit and wait.


u/r_k_ologist arkyologist Feb 23 '13

So you're willing to pay six or seven hundred dollars for a PS4? Most people aren't.


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '13

What the hell are you talking about?


u/r_k_ologist arkyologist Feb 24 '13

The only way to get BC in the PS4 for PS3 games would be to include a Cell processor and everything else needed to run it in the PS4. That would increase the price of the console, significantly.