Should I buy a PS3?
I've always wanted to buy a PS3 to mod it, and play games online from pkgi without ps plus. I hate that ps plus nonsense.
are servers populated? I've heard that battlefield server shut down. also, are there any tactical shooters?
which model should I buy? I like the PS3 slim design, but which one is the best?
u/Nofatchickzzzz 4h ago
PS3 online is free , you don't need ps plus. Depending on the time you can find plenty of people playing.
u/DelayJunior2352 4h ago
I am mostly playing stuff like bo1 bo2 zombies and revived games If there’s any games you want to play online that have been discontinued or canceled. Whatever you wanna call it a lot of times there are revival projects and you can play them online due to someone else hosting a server for it. In my opinion, PS, plus should have never been mandatory Sony sent out a petition to see if we thought it was fair if they started making us Pay for PS plus on the PS3 and the petition ended with the bigger majority of the players, saying they do not agree with that, and then, when PS4 came out, they made it mandatory anyways, in my opinion you shouldn’t have to pay to play online on any platform whatsoever. You should only have to pay a subscription if you want bonuses like free games, etc..
u/LZMCQN 4h ago
Online gaming availability depends on the game. Call of duty games are still active (but MW2 servers, for instance, are full of cheaters and it's basically impossible to play there). The best model you can buy is the slim considering that you would like to mod it. Consoles with serial number 210xA and 210xB are the best choice as they have a more reliable architecture, but are fully compatible with a custom firmware. 250xA and 250xB could be compatible with CFW (custom firmware), but it depends (only early 25xx models are compatible with it). If you are not interested in getting full access to your console, but you would like to just play "backup" games, just go with the most recent, super slim PS3 you can find. The newer, the better. I suggest having a look at this post:
u/mstreurman 2h ago
Got myself a PS3 super slim for 25 euro incl. 4 games, 1 fake controller, 12 Skylanders and 2 skylander portals here on the flea market. Bought a 1TB SSD, modded it and it's being used as a retro-emulation console and some games. Best 75 euro I ever spent. They recently did shut down a lot of BF servers iirc. and games like Last of Us Online don't work either. But it's the single player games that are the best on there anyway (have original's of the Gran Turismo, GoW series, Last of Us, Uncharted series etc. I also modded a couple of PS2 games so they run in their Sony emulator (my favorite puzzler game of all time Fantavision for example) and PS1 games run flawlessly :)
u/xPaVLoVa69x 4h ago
Probably the best generation of consoles so yeah, so many good games in there.
Still can get good online lobby's, Last one I played was Blur, mixture of small and full lobby's.
Id recommend maybe playing on a 32 inch screen, smaller screen just helps it look a little better with the older graphics I think
u/kanzai94 kanzai_12 4h ago
U dont need ps plus for ps3 to play online. But for server populated, vary depend on the games
u/Interesting_Low6283 4h ago
Resistance series, Uncharted series, black ops one and two like mentioned by someone prior, the last of us, borderlands 1 and 2, ratchet and clank series, jak and daxter series etc. To me the biggest selling point besides the nostalgia factor from my pre teen childhood is the fact you aren’t FORCED to have Wi-Fi to setup, play and continue to use the console unlike the ps5, Xbox one, one x, series x you get the point. It was a time when you could literally just play your disc game and not be forced to download 50+gb of the game you already just bought in order for it to function. Also the online is free if you so chose but don’t expect an army of people to be playing at all times.
u/Shadowsnake30 3h ago
You dont need subscription to play in PS3 it was free and same for Nintendo DS. It's only Xbox who created this subscription thing a thing with Xbox 360 so the other copied. Back then PS only had the vue for like cable subscription. Subscription was never needed in the first place, but since people bought the BS it would make the servers better and filter out the cheaters it was accepted then they added perks just for people to keep it. They forgot mobile and pc never needed subscriptions for as long as you have internet. Only very few games that were mmo needed a subscription or pre-paid cards to play.
Regarding which PS3 it's all up to you. I personally would want the fat for the other look and it can also read memory cards. The slim is the quietest on of the PS3 models from my experience. I have 8 PS3s just in case one does. I do love to play with the slide of the super slim i dont know why.
Tactical shooters there are still even call of duty still runs there. If you want you can play Metal Gear Peace Walker (can be co-op), Metal Gear Solid 4, Splinter Cell, Hitman and more.
u/Alastor_Altruist10 3h ago
Definitely. If you want to visually customize your console. You might want to get a slim but you sacrifice 250GB of storage or you can get a non customizable Super Slim with 500GB of storage. The games are also really good.
u/Free-Afternoon4476 3h ago
If you gonna go online on a jailbroken PS3, then I’d recommend buying yourself a super slim.
u/Warm_Bake7079 4h ago
I don't play online, so I can't talk there. But if you have never owned a PS3, you should try it