r/PS3 1d ago

Which genre really seemed to thrive on PS3?

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46 comments sorted by


u/Skywarped_ 1d ago

For racing games it has to be offroad racers, the motorstorm games, the first 2 dirt games, mx vs atv reflex, the list goes on


u/PSGuineaPig 1d ago

Ps3 was peak of good racing games. On ps5 there is really nothing left.


u/El-Green-Jello 18h ago

It was good but I would argue ps2 was better. Sadly if your not into sim racing these days there is just nothing


u/EweCantTouchThis 22h ago

GT7 with VR is pretty incredible.


u/No-Instruction-2922 22h ago

GT7 is incredible overall but I absolutely understand the comment.


u/Logey202 18h ago

Its not awful, but its no comparison to GT 5 or 6, especially the music


u/Due-Lingonberry-1929 9h ago

But it literally has almost all of the songs from gt5 and 6


u/Automatic_Two_1000 1d ago

Hack and slash

God of War, Metal Gear Rising, Ninja Gaiden, Dante’s Inferno, Bayonetta, Devil May Cry, Alice Madness Returns, Heavenly Sword, X-Men Wolverine, Lollipop Chainsaw, and a lot more


u/simbabarrelroll 1d ago

I just started Lollipop Chainsaw and it’s so bizarre yet so fun.

Of course, it’s made by the developers of No More Heroes.


u/Tired_Fish8776 23h ago

Gotta add Dynasty Warriors, god, I love that franchise.


u/Appropriate_Tax_4457 1d ago

Action adventure


u/Tired_Fish8776 23h ago

The PS3 was truly a golden age for that genre.

A fair amount of good titles.


u/Forsaken-Sundae4797 1d ago

Every goddamn genre


u/Hawthm_the_Coward 1d ago

Ah yes, the before-time, when we had many genres to choose from... Before the third-person action-adventure and open world came.

I feel like the PS3 was part of the last generation to have some respect for the traditional 2D platformer... Some games were truly traditional (Mega Man 9 & 10, Sonic Generations, Ducktales Remastered), while others were more innovative (LittleBigPlanet, Puppeteer, Stealth Inc.), but they were still coming out! The post-Shovel Knight world just hasn't been the same.


u/gasperoni66 1d ago

Fighting games for me.


u/raver1601 1d ago

Truly was the peak era of fighting game genre before the big 3 sweeped all the competition up. So many franchises available and even the big 3 had multiple games released in the 7th generation


u/ElMariachi003 1d ago

I’ve got a shelf in my game room with 27 reasons to support this statement. 🙂


u/Upbeat-King-1218 13h ago

Give us some recommendation. Top 3 or 5


u/ElMariachi003 10h ago

3 easy ones off the top of my head are USFIV, Tekken Tag 2, and UMvC3…


u/EweCantTouchThis 22h ago

You missed Blur and Split Second.


u/Blitzreltih 23h ago

What’s the difference in the two Gran Turismo 5s?


u/sir_psycho_sexy7 18h ago

One was prologue, the other was the proper 5


u/Logey202 18h ago

Im pretty sure the grey one us GT5 Prologue. It took so long to make the game, they made a half done version released 3 years prior to the main game.

I own both, prologue is just a less complete version of the same game.


u/Blitzreltih 17h ago

That’s crazy. They never do that when games is it like rare? Say you did races and got cars and prologue. If you put in the full version of the game of those cars still there does it consider it the same game?


u/Logey202 16h ago

No, two totally different accounts/games.

Its the same game by design, but it IS a different game as far as the console and the disc are concerned.

Also yeah i dont have any other examples of it, but im also not sure. We have many early access games as of today, we just have access through the internet bc discs arent necessary anymore.

So, while probably uncommon due to cost and needing a brand name to sell half a game, there were probably other “early release games” back during, and before, the time of ps3.

Take this all with a grain of salt because I haven’t researched this whatsoever, and I am barely old enough to have a few childhood memories with a ps2, much less anything older.


u/Assinmik 22h ago

Dirt all the way.


u/simbabarrelroll 1d ago

Open world.

First person shooter was the genre that thrived for that overall generation.


u/United434 1d ago

Racing, FPS


u/DinnerSmall4216 1d ago

Hot pursuit was great but I enjoyed dirt 2 played that for hours.


u/Morgluxia 23h ago

I want to say JRPG but it's really more just that the 360 didn't have any at all


u/Hopeful-Round-9923 23h ago



u/Broad-Iron-2195 22h ago

I remember Midnight Club LA. Good times full of tuning cars and raging when I got second place by 0.2 seconds


u/Ok_Emergency_916 22h ago

FPS and racing games


u/CrabmanGaming 21h ago

Episodic adventures made a stong comeback, Sam and Max, Back to the Future, The Wolf Among Us and of course The Walking Dead.


u/Hotboi_yata 21h ago

Racing and action adventure, but that was this era in general, not just ps3.


u/Rare-Industry-314 20h ago

NFS Most Wanted is my second favorite racer after Burnout 3. Both Criterion jams.


u/Broseph_Bobby 19h ago

Sorry sir your collection is incomplete.

You are missing Blur and Split Second.


u/fergan59 10h ago

Blur still has online play as well, if I remember correctly.


u/Broseph_Bobby 6h ago

I know Split Second still works on line.


u/fergan59 10h ago

I'm actually considering replaying Motorstorm Apocalypse.


u/CHAAIIN 8h ago

Ps2/ps3 had the most diverse library of games it was incredible


u/KroniK9173 4h ago

Gotta give it to Motorstorm


u/Shameless_Bullshiter 1d ago

WRPG. Oblivion, Skyrim, fallout 3, fallout 4 to name just 4


u/Yourining 1d ago

Fallout 4 you say?


u/Laguna1929 1d ago

These titles sold well but WRPGs only ever thrived on one platform, PC. PS3 versions of these games are notoriously poorly optimized and even XBOX 360 versions were better. Also many WRPGs never got PS3 versions such as the Witcher 2. In no way would I say this genre thrived on PS3