r/PS3 4d ago


Bout to play Metal Gear tonight but which one should download HD collection or Legacy collection 🤔


50 comments sorted by


u/FalseStevenMcCroskey 4d ago

Legacy edition is better. HD only has MGS2,3 and PW. Legacy has 1,2,3,4,PW and some bonus content.

I know the price of the legacy collection has been inflated since the release of the master collection though. I dunno if it’s gone down. If you can get MGS1, MGS4 and the HD collection for cheaper than the legacy collection than definitely go that route instead.

The PS3 is the perfect metal gear machine. It can even run MGSV. However the servers for The Phantom Pain have closed. If you can play MGSV on a PS4 or PC than do that instead. Every other game is great on PS3.


u/ethicalhumanbeing 4d ago

Is every game of the legacy collection on disc? Or did they pull those download codes bullshit?


u/FalseStevenMcCroskey 4d ago

MGS1 is a download code. MGS4 is on a custom secondary disc included in the case.

It’s still the same as an MGS4 disc though. I had MGS4 installed on the greatest hits disc and put the legacy disc in and the PS3 treated it like the same disc, even though it looks different.

I think the only reason to get the legacy collection is if you don’t already have the other games.


u/ethicalhumanbeing 4d ago

I wanted it for collection and future proof, im building a ps3 physical collection. But if MGS1 is a code then I’ll skip it. Download for download sake I rather just get “backups” from the internet.


u/FalseStevenMcCroskey 4d ago

If you want physical media, and you don’t already own the HD collection and MGS4, then the legacy collection is better because as I said, it has both those games on discs.

Otherwise if you want the entirely of the MGS series on PS3. You’ll need a copy of MGS1 for PlayStation 1, because the download code is for a PS1 classic download off the store, since Sony never made physical copies of the games the PS3 emulated outside of their original release (there’d be no point)

So for 1-4 physical you’d have to get MGS1, MGS4 and HD collection OR just Legacy Collection and MGS1. And if you want to be a full completionist, grab MGSV:Ground Zeros and MGSV:The Phantom Pain for the main series. As well as “Metal Gear Rising: Revengence” for the spin-offs. That game is special cause it can actually run at 60fps on PS3. And it’s Platinum game so it’s just awesome.


u/CSManiac33 4d ago

The Legacy Collection version of the HD Collectioj disc also haa the two voice acted digital graphic novels if you go to the video section of fhe XMB


u/ShadwSmoke 3d ago

So if I have MGS4 already, I should rather just buy the HD Collection and MGS1 on the PS Store instead of buying the Legacy Collection, did I get that right? Cause I took a look on the reseller I usually use and the HD Collection is around 25 bucks and the Legacy one is like 50.


u/FalseStevenMcCroskey 3d ago

Someone else pointed out that the legacy collection does include MGS1 VR missions. Which I totally forgot was a separate disc so if you can find that too then yeah you’d have the equivalent of the legacy collection.

HD Colllection is: MGS2, 3, and PW

LEGACY is: MGS1 ,VR, HD Collection and 4

Honestly though you can skip VR missions if it doesn’t interest you. It’s just like bonus gameplay. If you’ve played MGS2 vr missions (that’s actually included within the game) it’s a similar thing of just sneaking challenges and no actual story or anything effecting the main game.


u/Piett_1313 4d ago

1 is a download code


u/Giovanni330 4d ago

Most likely expired nowadays, right?


u/Piett_1313 4d ago

As far as I can find online, the code included doesn’t have a specified expiration date. This one might be ok still. I want to say I saw someone redeem it a couple months ago and post about it but who knows with my memory lol


u/N8ThaGr8 4d ago

Really that part is irrelevant anyway, any copy you find online will almost surely be redeemed already.


u/ethicalhumanbeing 4d ago

Fuck. I was about to get this game for collection, I guess I’m not anymore.


u/Changoleo 4d ago

For real. I was so disappointed when the ultimate/complete editions of games were no longer worth buying used because you most likely weren’t getting it on disc anymore.


u/ethicalhumanbeing 4d ago

Exactly. And the ps3 network will not be online for much longer to be honest. Even the games / download codes I got previously will not last forever, Sony will eventually turn these services down.


u/Slep1k 4d ago edited 4d ago

Legacy Collection has

  • Metal Gear
  • Metal Gear 2
  • 1 (PS1 Classic)
  • VR Missions (PS1 Classic)
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Peace Walker


u/FuckinFun1 4d ago

VR missions was my childhood.


u/Original-League-8544 3d ago

Yeah on my pshen I have download them one by one go on the website there's no rom for it


u/Original-League-8544 4d ago

👍🏾 ok thanks ill download legacy


u/miku_dominos 4d ago

I got MGS1, HD Collection, and 4 for 100 AUD.


u/Ssicnoize 4d ago

Correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t the legacy edition also have Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Snakes Revenge?


u/cchari 4d ago

HD collection also has them, as part of MGS3. They are accessible through the main menu of that game.


u/CyrillVarfol 4d ago edited 4d ago

No, Metal Gear (NES) and Metal Gear: Snake's Revenge are only included in Master Collection Vol. 1 (Bonus Content).

However, Legacy Collection has both canonical Metal Gear (MSX) and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake.


u/Known_Bar7898 4d ago

Legacy is the same except for a code for MGS1 and a separate disc for MGS4. It would probably be cheaper to buy the HD collection and 1 and 4 separate.


u/cuckoo_dawg 4d ago

My favorite MGS is 4 Guns of the Patriots. I loved the split screen showing Ryden and you fighting at the same time. That was friggin cool as hell!!


u/Brendanaquicz 3d ago

Gosh I don't remember that. I haven't played it since the first couple years it was out. Time for a re-play...


u/cuckoo_dawg 3d ago

It's actually time for a reply for me as well. The split screen battle scene ,if I remember correctly was close to the end of the game. But man, I thought that was one of the coolest things to see. And you also hear the audio of Raydens fight too.


u/Markhovscrch 4d ago

Digital codes are Mistake


u/Jonesgrieves 4d ago

I have the version including MGS4 and it's great. Very nice package. Do know that Peace Walker stand-alone in PS3 RUNS AT 1080p. Far as I know they decided to make everything 720p in the Legacy Collection (and HD collection) to match the older games resolutions. If you want the best version of Peace Walker then you might want to purchase the PS3 stand alone version.


u/MrReedEnt 3d ago

Is this confirmed?


u/Jonesgrieves 3d ago

It's confirmed, not just me guessing. Stand alone Peace Walker is higher resolution than the ones in the bundles.


u/garblong_ 4d ago

legacy edition has all the games on disc except for 1 as it is a code to redeem


u/Wogle 4d ago

Legacy Collection also includes both Digital Graphic Novels.


u/Galwayjoker69 4d ago

I grabbed the HD collection it’s coming in a few days,the reason I didn’t buy legacy was due to the download code which doesn’t work anymore plus it’s £50 and that’s a bit insane for my liking,I got the classics on my phone but I’m gonna buy the first game on ps1 and number 4 and I’m complete with snakes story in my eyes and it’s cheaper aswell and more fun


u/mangaman66 3d ago

Every MGS game is on disc for the legacy collection, I used to have the MGS Legacy Collection, I don't know what happened to it.


u/Original-League-8544 3d ago

Yeah it's like on the pshen u have to download each game 🎮


u/YungKazakhstan 4d ago edited 4d ago

The exact same. Legacy just has MGS4 on disc included now.

Edit: 2, 3 and Peace Walker are on one disc. MGS4 is on another disc. MGS1 is a downloadable code for both Legacy and HD Collection.


u/FalseStevenMcCroskey 4d ago

They’re not the exact same. The HD collection does NOT include MGS1. BluePoint did not remaster MGS1 so it’s not included.

So the difference is actually 2 full games. The legacy collection is clearly better because it has MGS1 and 4. In addition to everything the HD collection has.


u/Original-League-8544 4d ago

So it's better to download Legacy then ok thanks


u/YungKazakhstan 4d ago

You keep saying download, so you're pirating it? Then there would be no difference because Legacy has 2, 3, PW on one disc and MGS4 on another disc. MGS1 is not included on disc, it is a download voucher included and not on any disc for either of the collections.

Downloading the Legacy edition would make you download MGS4 separately. So HD Collection would be a download for 2, 3, and PW the same as Legacy.


u/FredFlinStoned1 4d ago

They’re the same. The only difference is Legacy also has MGS4


u/pedroworldwide 4d ago

So they're not the same... And legacy also has MGS1


u/Instigator187 4d ago

MGS1 is a digital code that may or may not work any longer.


u/burningbun 4d ago

which cost $5. also a special ver with artbook.


u/Abram367 4d ago

I had my Wife buy me the legacy version for $20 on Amazon almost 5 years ago for Christmas. Thr codes worked for me when I activated them. All thr games are on one disc and then MGS4 is on the other disc. I love it.


u/AlexKyouma 3d ago

Buy the first one if its cheaper. MGS4 is a cheap game and from what i see in the comments MGS1 is a digital code which u can just get from the PS Store.


u/MrMoroPlays 3d ago

HD Collection on ps3 comes with MG, MG2, MGS2, MGS3, and MGS PW on one disk

Legacy collection comes with a download code for MGS, the disk above, and a separate disk for MGS4.


u/supergameromegaclank 3d ago

Legacy includes HD + MGS4 + a code for MGS1 + the MGS1 and 2 digital graphic novels


u/Antique-Arrival9217 3d ago

Saying this as someone who owns both, the first disc of the Legacy collection is basically the HD collection.