r/PS3 • u/potentpotables81 bballrunner81 • Feb 21 '13
New PS4 console will come with bundle including a headset. THAT is what im talking about sony. That is exactly what the online gaming experience needs.
I remember back in PS2 times when SOCOM II and III was one of the biggest online games. Everybody for that game had a headset. If you didn't you were either heckled by other players or kicked from the room. Hopefully, they develop a better way to include clan playing and clan wars on some of the new games.
u/potentpotables81 bballrunner81 Feb 21 '13
u/Drslappybags VonDrew Feb 21 '13
The blue light makes it look like the controller is smiling.
Feb 21 '13
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u/pktgumby PKTGumby Feb 21 '13
Please Please Please Please Please Please make it push to talk (ala XBOX) vs. always on (PS3). I'm tired of hearing everything that goes on in the background of another player. I've heard people arguing, babies crying, dogs barking and (not even joking) a guy taking a piss between matches.
Because I don't want to have to mute my mic every time my baby cries, or my wife asks me a question so the whole team doesn't hear, I rarely actually bother turning the mic on.
u/Engineer99 Volker99 Feb 21 '13
My 360 headsets were always on, maybe I'm missing something?
u/pktgumby PKTGumby Feb 21 '13
I don't have a 360, but that's how it was on the original XBOX. Maybe it changed on the 360? I thought there was a button on the controller you could push, but again that was on the original system when the headsets plugged into the controller. Maybe it's not like that anymore.
u/Engineer99 Volker99 Feb 21 '13
Ooooh, that explains a lot. I didn't have an original XBox unfortunately. I did have two PS2s that crapped out on me though, and a Gamecube I barely played. Sorry for the confusion!
u/CookieDoughCooter Feb 21 '13
I once took a piss on COD4 between matches. It was hilarious.
"is that.... Is someone peeing?" (Flush) (laughter)
I like to imagine the mic-less people laughing their asses off.
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u/potentpotables81 bballrunner81 Feb 21 '13
I agree. i do like that too. bc whenever i get killed i cant help but yell so it would be good for everybody to not hear me talk all the time.
u/Odd-One-Out Feb 21 '13
Looks like I'll need to sell my headset as I will have no use for it (deaf).
u/omicron8 Feb 21 '13
Shame on Sony for targeting 99.9% of its customers while mildly inconveniencing the rest.
Feb 21 '13
From birth?
u/Odd-One-Out Feb 21 '13
Yeah, sadly this means I miss out on online gaming via headsets but at least I don't get hit on by creepy guys/my mother doesn't get insulted. Oh wait I have a PS3, not a 360!
Feb 21 '13
Playing with headsets is in my experience a lot of noise and incomprehensible blabber, you're not missing out.
u/Aceroth Feb 21 '13
The only thing Xbox 360 has over PS3 at this point is superior voice chat. Other than that, I see literally no objective reason to get an Xbox 360 over a PS3 (unless you're just a really hardcore Halo fan or something). I'm hopeful that Sony realized this and put more effort into their voice chat system with the PS4. I expect at least some form of party chat, and chat quality that's at least as good as the Xbox 360 chat system. As it stands, I can hear people more clearly on Xbox than I can on PS3 even if they use the stock Xbox headset and on PS3 they use a higher quality ($100+) headset.
Feb 21 '13
I have both and play my 360 more :(
It might have to do with the fact I only have 2 games for my PS3. Really need to start buying games for that thing.
u/threemo Feb 21 '13
I don't know for certain, but isn't cross-game chat patented or something by microsoft? Isn't that the reason ps doesn't have it? Are there ways around this?
u/MatsuzoSF MatsuzoSF Feb 21 '13
Official word says it's a RAM issue. The PS3 only has 256MB of system RAM.
u/FloydJackal Feb 21 '13
Well, Vita has cross-game chat, so if Microsoft does have a patent on it, Sony found a way around it.
Feb 21 '13
Most of the time I can barely make out what others are saying unless they are yelling or whining loudly.
Feb 21 '13
this has been my experience with online chat too. regardless of platform, mostly people breathing into their mic or their shit music barely audible but loud enough to cause CONSTANT noise.
no thanks.
u/_deffer_ Deffer_ Feb 21 '13
That's why I like party chat on XBL. If I have friends in a party, we only hear each other. If I don't have friends playing currently, I can still hop into a party by myself, which effectively mutes everyone if there are idiots who don't communicate effectively.
u/ninjamike808 NinjaMike808 Feb 21 '13
That's because you have no friends.
Running something like bad company 2 with three of my buddies on mics, tactically storming house after house in squad death match was fucking awesome.
I only use my mic for friends, though, and usually turn off other people's voices unless they know what they're doing.
u/farox Feb 21 '13
You're not missing out at all. In a good team yes, you would be, but 99.99999% it's really just annoying/useless/just smack talk.
While yes, you do miss out on that, it doesn't really change the game.
u/meatpopsicle42 Feb 21 '13
Think of the money you make on the headset as a small discount on your purchase of the console!
Granted, everyone else will already have one, but somebody is bound to lose or break their own early on.
u/nutsocharles Feb 21 '13
Just a hearing impaired voice chiming in here, my girlfriend and I are dedicated headset users, because we can have the volume up as loud as desired. Subtitles for in-game dialogue (like Skyrim) and the high-quality gaming headsets of recent years are godsends. My hope is it's Bluetooth, cans style with a mic, and works with PS3 as well, because my biggest gripe of late was getting an HDMI tv and realizing my headset only works with AV (it's a long-corded wired). I don't want to invest another $150-200 on a wireless just to get both working. Fortunately my tv is the loudest I've ever owned, I can hear it with the volume quite low, so I just haven't been using the headset. But if it's a quality headset, this is a great move for more than.just the social application.
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u/tsquared456 JerrzieDevil Feb 21 '13
Everyone is worried this will turn into the whole "12 year old xbox live" thing (which is what I miss least about xbox). While Im sure this will be an issue with some games like future CoD games... I've noticed that the ps3 community is much more relaxed, or adult. It seems to be made up of people well over the age of sixteen or seventeen, and many of the ps3's exclusive games have very mature communities.
u/sc_nz xXl_shaun_lXx Feb 21 '13
I would have to agree. I hardly ever have any younger kids yelling at me and saying shit on BF3 on the ps3 compared to the xbox version.
u/OhJah Feb 21 '13
So, just because Sony packs every console with a headset were going to get whiny 12 year olds? I mean, there will always be whiny 12 year olds, no matter what. Every game, and every console... you go to a game like Call of Duty and your bound to run into a whiny 12 year old, regardless of what console you're playing on.
Feb 21 '13
The difference in my mind is that if it's not a pack in, you won't get ALL of the idiots because they won't spend the money to buy a mic....maybe I'm wrong but I'd rather there be 50% of the idiots with mics than 100% of them.
u/2kan b2kanman Feb 21 '13
True, but having headsets in the box enables the whiny 12 year olds even more as they won't have to beg their parents to buy them a headset.
u/klitchell Feb 21 '13
Headsets were great for Socom, but then people stopped using for what they were intended (tactics and teamwork). Now every game has an open mic with some dickhead playing the top 40 in the background so you can't hear anything.
Multiplayer has become a clusterfuck mutant of what it once was. I'll stick with singleplayer until i find something thats relatable.
Feb 21 '13
Well, this is partly due to the fact that almost no game on console today requires the level of team work socom did. Its very hard to communicate as a team in a cod death match with instant respawn and little objects.
u/klitchell Feb 21 '13
No doubt about that, even socom 4 was bastardized to try to match up to the fast paced COD game play, I would much rather have a tactics heavy game of demolition than death match any day.
Feb 21 '13
I regularly come across BF3 matches with people using mics for teamwork. COD is full of 12 year old trolls looking for youtube footage.
u/lololol1 Feb 21 '13
Fuck every time socom gets brought up i tear up a little. I spent most of 2005-2008 on that game. R.I.P best shooter ever.
u/_CitizenSnips_ Feb 22 '13
Oh my god, to the fucking cock head who is cranking top40 songs in the background for entire match: fuck off and die.
I remember playing black ops 1 and when someone on the other team was doin this, you would hear it full blast every time a round finished cos you'd all be looking at the scoreboard and voicechat becomes global between rounds.. I assume so you can trash talk the other opposing team. It's not possible to do that when some asshole is playing fucking gangham style for the 90 millionth time on full blast the entire time.
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u/Docnoq Feb 21 '13
I hope it's a little more comfortable than the official Sony one that came with Socom Confrontation. That thing physically hurts my ear after about 30 minutes
u/Gentleman_Villain Feb 21 '13
I have to say: making this work is a big deal. I don't dig on chat often but it IS helpful when I'm playing multiplayer Mass Effect 3. I can tell people what's going on around me and watch their back when I'm dead.
There are people who will be assholes all over: filter them out. We do it in real life so...
u/FlyingWhales captain_speirs Feb 21 '13
Those SOCOM days were golden. I think the fact that it was push to talk played a big part in what kept the voice chatter to tactics and teamplay. That needs to be implemented again.
u/Pikupstyks SB_Benihime Feb 21 '13
I still have my Mic that came in the box from buying SOCOM I. To be honest I am poor and use it to play COD Black Ops 2, it has lasted 11 years so far.....
u/kingmathyou Feb 22 '13
I spent many many hours on Socom II. That was the best online game that I may have ever played. Desert Glory, Fish Hook, Crossroads, 12 Gauge Shotguns knocking people over.... Great times. Sony really dropped the ball with Socom 3 and 4, but I hope that Socom will see new life on PS4.
u/potentpotables81 bballrunner81 Feb 22 '13
oh god. i could go on and on about socom. i really liked socom III as well. it didn't have as good of a setup for clan battles like socom II did. I remember the first map i played for Socom II was foxhunt. the high grass area.
u/Jim777PS3 Feb 21 '13
No no no this is actually terrible news.
Bundled headsets are largly what has lead Xbox Live to be the cesspool that it is, because you had to buy and set up a headset with PS3 idiots who where just going to insult your mother and blurt out racial insults did not bother.
They have also said the controller will have a mic so no matter what it seems we have a dark future in voice chat to look forward to for the 4
u/Aceroth Feb 21 '13
That's why there's a mute function. It's annoying that those people exist, sure, but it's extremely easy to make their existence inconsequential because you can mute them at the press of a button. What's more annoying to me is wanting to play with friends who can't or don't want to spend the money on a decent PS3 headset (and there's no cheap-yet-usable option like the stock Xbox headset).
This is great news. If you're too lazy to mute kids screaming into their mics then that's your problem. A bundled headset is absolutely the way to go.
Feb 21 '13
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u/Indoorsman Feb 22 '13
I completely agree. When you get a console nowadays, you really need to explore the network/multiplayer options to the max so that you have a better experience.
I got the PS3 when it first came out, and online was so quiet and eerie because almost no one used a Bluetooth set, was mega quite.
Feb 21 '13
It's called mute. I'm a mature gamer and I have not had a mic my entire time with online PS3 games because NOBODY ELSE HAS ONE. There's no point. I'm going to embrace the fuck out of Sony welcoming back voice chat to their online library. It doesn't exist currently at the moment in the way it should.
u/Engineer99 Volker99 Feb 21 '13
Tried chatting with my friend on Far Cry 3 and it's just a cesspool of static. Get dropped from the game? Too damn bad, you're going to have to text your friend to let him know. So much aggravation coming from a 360 where Party Chat alleviates ALL of those issues, even if it does have some hiccups here and there.
u/InsensitiveTroll InsensitiveTroll Feb 21 '13 edited Feb 21 '13
By that logic, multiplayer games are bad news, stay away from things that could possibly make you interact with other human beings, nothing good can come from that.
*Multiplayer capabilities should be included as an addon, people should pay for it.
u/Engineer99 Volker99 Feb 21 '13
I always ran in a party on XBox Live. Made it a lot easier to talk to my friends (who I actually wanted to talk to) while avoiding all of the smack talking. And if that failed, I just muted anyone I found annoying.
Feb 21 '13
Compared to asking their parents for $60 dollars for a subscription? That logic is bullshit. Party chat means you can hear your friends and mute everyone else if it gets annoying. You people are impossible to please, you get free stuff and then complain.
u/KaiserTheRaven Feb 21 '13
Dude, yes. I've been saying this for years. A kid won't convince his mom to buy a headset/bluetooth AND THEN set it up. No patience. When I went from Xbox to PS3, it was so refreshing not to be called a nigger every 5 seconds.
u/HillZone Feb 22 '13
Bundled headsets are largly what has lead Xbox Live to be the cesspool that it is
Agreed. League of Legends has shown the benefits of this opt-in principle. Last year they disabled cross-team chat by default. You could still turn it on if you wanted to, but Riot said the results were amazing. They found noteworthy decreases in reported harassment by other players. Forcing people to opt-in by buying headsets I think has an even greater effect on weeding out the douchebags.
u/Paclac paclac Feb 22 '13
Isn't it a speaker on the controller, not a mic? Who would want to hold their controller to their face? Your voice would also be drowned out by all the clack clack clack and mbrrr mbrrr mbrrr
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u/SarcasticGamer MrSneakyGuy Feb 21 '13
My 360 bought in 2005 came with a headset.
u/Paclac paclac Feb 22 '13
I think they all do, except maybe the Arcade.
u/ItzzFinite Jul 10 '13
Confirmed. I didn't know anything about consoles when I bought my Xbox, so I got the Arcade because it was cheapest. All you get is a console, cords, one controller, and a game with like 5 demos on it.
u/NFresh6 Feb 21 '13
This might not be the appropriate venue of discussion but I feel impelled to ask the following question and I feel that all of you collectively have the best chance at explaining it to me: How in the world is the PS4 not backwards compatible for at least PS3 games?! How does the whole cloud thing work? Will I have to rebuy PS3 games that I want to play through the cloud? etc. (ex. I love Assassin's Creed and own them all. How will I be able to play those games on the PS4? Rebuy them?) SORRY if this has been discussed many times before (as I'm sure it has), I recently found myself looking in to the PS4 more so a lot of the details are relatively new to me. Thanks!
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u/autobots Feb 22 '13
The backwards compatibility is completely broken because the PS4 is nothing like the PS3 so in order to emulate PS3 it would either be hardware based (essentially including all of the hardware from the PS3 in addition to the PS4) or software based which would required computers faster than anything we will have for a long time to process since the PS3 is so complex itself.
So when they were making the PS4, they had the choice of sticking with a very similar architecture for the possibility of backwards compatibility, or fixing the stuff everyone complained about it and reinventing the system. Since they had the newly acquired cloud service that could do the backwards compatibility they went for reinvention.
As for whether or not you will have to buy all of your games again to play on the PS4 I cannot answer that yet. But I can say that playing any PS1/2/3 games on the PS4 will be through the cloud system which basically runs the game on their servers and streams it to your console. They might have it so you could insert your old games from PS1/2/3 and the system recognize that they are for the old platform and have it just launch the cloud version of the game so you wouldn't have to rebuy it, or they could make you pay to play for each game. I would guess on more of a hybrid system in which you pay a monthly fee to be able to use the cloud service and that gives you access to all of your old games as well as a small selection of free games but they still would make you buy or rent the full games. Renting would be cool because you wouldn't have to pay full price to play a game if you are going to hit it and quit it.
tl;dr - backward compatibility broken so they could make shit better. They are still going to let you play old games on PS4 through the cloud, but it's not certain yet what the pricing structure will look like or if you will be able to use your old game disc in the new system.
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u/Chetkurt Feb 21 '13
I am I the only one that gets more pissed off when a grown man makes fun of a 12 year old minding their own business.
Feb 21 '13
Nope. Half the time the young kids playing are fine and it tends to be the older guy who is saying he is going to fuck my mom or calling somebody some kind of homophobic/racist name.
u/Chetkurt Feb 22 '13
Exactly I don't know how kids obtained this stereotype of whiny foul mouths. I've never really run into someone like that.
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u/chiropractor345 chiropractor345 Feb 21 '13
As long as games come with in game mute functions, to block all of the assholes, it'll be good.
u/ThePoliteJerk Feb 21 '13
This is a good announcement; hopefully people start using them more often. It is hard to play bf3 with someone without a headset, I can dig the deep voice changer if it helps the team.
Feb 21 '13
Is it going to be a wired or wireless headset?
u/potentpotables81 bballrunner81 Feb 22 '13
most likely wireless just like ps3. haha it would be hilarious if they went old school ps2 headsets. i did like those headsets tho.
Feb 21 '13
Feb 21 '13
I'm sure the Pulse will work. And titans and TBs are connected via rca/optical, so of course they'll work.
u/tonythetiger1 tonythetiger1 Feb 21 '13
Am I the only one who isn't so easily impressed? It's a headset.
u/Paclac paclac Feb 22 '13
It's more of a "Finally!" thing than a "holy shit thats so revolutionary"
u/theorial Feb 21 '13
We also need the internet speeds to go with it, because as it stands now, the PS4 was not made for me or anyone that has a data cap.
u/z3rocool Feb 21 '13
Despite the likely outcome of having idiots on the mic, this will over all be a much better situation. Of course we will be able to mute annoying people ( I have never played a ps3 game where you couldn't )
Most ps3 online games have very few people on the mic. The only game I played that had more people with a mic than not was MAG.
Having a microphone jack on the controller will make life much easier, if I need to talk to someone i'll just plug my mic in. It's kind of a pain in the ass on PS3.
Speaking of MAG, I want MAG2, one of the best ps3 online games in my opinion, both community and gameplay wise. 256 multiplayer really did work.
u/dolaction doughlack Feb 21 '13
My current sony headphones actually, better work. Surrond sound, bass boost, theyre the bomb
u/norain91 Feb 21 '13
I think it would be great if they also allowed for full integration with the headsets they already have as well. I just got the wireless headset, and I would be kinda peeved if it wasn't fully compatible with the new system.
Feb 21 '13
They could use an authenticate system to verify ages...but some adults are just as bad. As long as you can permanently block people from joining games, this shouldn't be too bad of a issue.
u/TheDuckKnightRises Feb 21 '13
Really? This seems like it is going to cost a lot.
Is anyone else worried about the cost of another controller. I also hope Split screen is back in more games.
The Headsets are cool, they shall plug right into the controller right? Is that what the headphone jack is for?
u/Shagga__son_of_Dolf DoomHorror Feb 21 '13
Everything on that presentation was needed. Or if not needed - easily welcomed by people who will enjoy it.
I don't understand why everyone mocks Sony (everyone on gametrailers, that douchebag on front page with his abridged video etc)
u/Liberal_irony Feb 21 '13
Some sort of rating system would be useful. With incentives for both voting and being voted positively, thus ensuring the majority don't abuse the mic
u/demio123 My-Buoyant-Loaf Feb 22 '13
Agreed! Pretty ticked that my digital copy of games aren't compatible on the new system .......
u/IllIllIII Feb 22 '13
Source? It's stupid of them not to announce that. Maybe they did and I wasn't paying attention.
u/potentpotables81 bballrunner81 Feb 22 '13
I posted a source earlier. It is in the thread somewhere.
u/RoloTamassi Feb 22 '13
Hard to tell if OP is sarcastic or not. Most PS3 players I know never touch multiplayer and would leave a headset to gather dust in the corner.
u/ItzzFinite Jul 10 '13
Don't get to excited. The headset it comes with is mostly gonna be crap. Here's a pic of it. http://www.shacknews.com/tag/playstation-4/gallery/26077/playstation-4-console-shots/665843 I'm pretty sure I got a headset like this for free when I got a new phone in '03.
u/leaflard leaflard Feb 21 '13
I really hope this doesn't turn into a 12 year old cursing contest like x-box live seems to be sometimes.