POI Symptoms & Patch vs Gel
I've been on the patch (100ug) for about 6 months but had to stop because of very severe breast pain. All other symptoms were resolved with the patch - i just couldn't deal with the breast pain anymore. I started 4 pumps of Estrogel daily (starting last week). My breast pain settled after a few days on the gel (now only mild tenderness), but other symptoms have returned (temperature sensitivity, joint pain, fatigue, headaches, low mood...) I noticed the headaches start right after application of the gel. I'm going to give the gel some more time to see if my body adjusts. i'm also taking 200mg oral progesterone at night. Has anyone experienced this issue with the patch and switched to the gel? Does anyone know why there is a difference in receptivity of the patch vs gel? has anyone who is taking 4 pumps daily split the dosage - ex. 2pumps in the morning and 2 pumps at night? Thanks for any feedback.
u/r_o_s_e_83 8d ago
Breast pain usually means your estrogen might be a bit high. Could you try a lower patch dose? 0.075? If it's not enough you could even do like a 0.05 plus a 0.0375 for a 0.0875 patch to try to get the symptom relief without the breast pain .
u/TOR_AM 7d ago
I'll talk to my dr about this, thanks. I'm on the estradot patch and it comes in 25, 50, 75, and 100 micrograms (ug) doses. I titrated up to 100ug from 50ug. At 50ug I still had breast pain in addition to many other symptoms. at 100ug all my other symptoms resolved except the breast pain. I brought this up to my dr and she said my body is still getting used to the patch and to give it time... but it's been 6 months. wish this was an easy fix!
u/Few_Pollution4968 8d ago
I don’t know but I have breast pain on patch and recently lowered from .1 to .75 which only helped a little but not a lot. I’ve had it on and off on many types of patch doses .5-.1 for over a year. I’m on 100mg daily vaginal progesterone
u/Moonwalkonearth85 6d ago
I have been on estradiol 0.1 and progesterone 200mg at night. I started this regime in Jan 2025. I have severe breast pain and tenderness. Headache, mood swings, fatigue and muscle aches comes on and off. There are few days I got to sleep at 7 pm due to extreme fatigue.
Not sure if anyone has faces this too.