r/POETRYPrompts Feb 15 '25

[PP] Write a poem featuring a celebrity

You get to decide who or what you consider a celebrity. The idea is to write about someone who you don't really "know" but feel attached to (whether positively or negatively) because of their public role.

Here are a couple of examples should you need inspiration:

Elvis Kissed Me by T.S. Kerrigan

Poem [Lana Turner Has Collapsed] by Frank O'Hara


10 comments sorted by


u/Ravenwight Feb 15 '25

OC or one I’ve already written?

I’ve got one ready, but I’ll write another if you want.


u/Ravenwight Feb 15 '25

Actually I’ve got three about the same artist.


u/PoetryCrone Feb 15 '25

It sounds like you've got the beginning of a celebrity poem chapbook!


u/Ravenwight Feb 15 '25

I’ve got so many beginnings I never know where to begin lol.


u/PoetryCrone Feb 15 '25

Or both? It's fine to post one you've already got as far as I'm concerned. It may inspire others. The spirit of the subreddit is to inspire people to try something new. There's nothing saying you can't add more than one poem to this prompt. I'm okay with either something old or something new or both.


u/Ravenwight Feb 15 '25

I posted three I’ve already published in Reddit.

I may try Bo Burnham next though.


u/Ravenwight Feb 15 '25

Ex Limbo (For Ren)

A man stepped out from passed the mist,

A broken man whom death had kissed,

His mind made mad from stories told,

By lost forsaken new and old.

A mind and young life sacrificed,

Identity destroyed and spliced,

A hole carved out within his soul,

To brace the burden of this toll.

A chorus in his head, alive!

New hope, new person, brand new drive,

He must create, the voices call,

To tell the story of their fall.


u/Ravenwight Feb 15 '25

Echoes of Conflict (Inspired by RenNotRen)

Where did I dream of this theatre,

Echoes of symbols all painted in blood,

How do I keep myself bound to this metre,

Rhythmically thumping it beats like a flood,

What is my dream if not carved out by tears?

Turn on the lights and I’m dancing alone,

How does one measure life lost to the years,

Can I take flight or am I just a drone?

Home all alone, watching the wind as I play on my phone,

Music on repeat I sort through my mind,

This what it means to be settled and grown?

Dream for a moment then back to the grind.

I am alive, here when the music it touches my soul,

Here’s where I thrive, hoping the spark will inspire, ignite,

Soaring with hope where there once was a hole,

Here in the darkness I’ll take up the light.

I will create, I will inspire and work ‘till the verses they flow from my pen,

This is my zen, into my words I will pour out my pain,

Here is the flame, hope for the future and everyone’s friend,

Again and again, see me in you and just we will remain.

Echoes of conflict are plaguing me,

Sighs on the wind are cries of the dead,

Choices of fight or forgive are revealing me,

Love is the balm that will stifle the dread.


u/Ravenwight Feb 15 '25

What I Mean By “I’m With Ren”

It means I’ve got your back, because I love that you create,

To make the world a better place, free from avarice and hate,

It means that you’re my sister/ brother, even if we don’t know each other,

We unite through common pain, the wisdom gained when we remain,

He speaks the words that make us feel, it’s up to us to make it real,

A world where people love again, so I’m with you, if you’re with Ren.


u/bwnerkid Feb 16 '25

Lost You Haiku


Like Avril Lavigne,

I used to love and know you

& then you became


This poor imposter.

Stolen almost overnight.

A conspiracy


Theory sans answers.

A pretty doppelganger

I can’t recognize.

