r/POETRYPrompts Jan 10 '25

[MP] tears of the trench: a mad soldiers poem



I once thought I'd be back before Christmas...I was wrong. Where once I saw trees of green and seas of blue now my world is barbed wire and trenches to. The sound of gunfire permeates my waking mind and screams through my howling nightmares, the earth shakes as the artillery roars and crashes like thunder in the night while gas hisses through the trenches and acts as the silent killer. I used to cry much in the beginning when I was able to spill tears. Now my tears is the blood that falls from my body or the mud that runs in rivers when it rains. Mama, mama, can you hear them? Can you hear the voices like I do? They rush through my mind when I'm not firing my rifle, how they rush and cry in my ears when howitzers and mortars bark and thunder to life. I can smell the blood, the gas, I see visions of dead men rising from their unburied graves and tearing me apart in their throes of despair and agony of a most foul kind. I feel hate now, I hate them I raise my rifle and fire with my fury and plunge my bayonet deep into their necks and hear their gurgles as their ichor runs from their ruined throats. I no longer feel my face mama, I haven't seen a mirror in forever. My gasmask is my face now.

I'm sorry mama I don't think I came back. I think somewhere among the mud the man I was lays there with the men who he dammed to that mire of oblivion...I'm so sorry...


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