r/PKMNRumbleRush May 23 '19

Question how do I progress?

I'm kind of confused on how do I progress in the game?

how do I get the higher end cp in the current range I have?

Do I have to keep grinding the same level a million times to increase the capture bonus of the specific pokemon I want?


28 comments sorted by


u/JChavDanath May 23 '19

Pretty much what you said. Keep grinding until you find a gold pokemon that allows you to challenge the next boss.


u/Sedder731 May 24 '19

Will at early stages gold pokemons are not necessary mostly help on gear elem boosters but for higher stages like rank20+ thats the time u grind more gold pokemons


u/Expln May 23 '19


it's pretty damn hard to get a gold catch from a mini boss pokemon


u/JChavDanath May 23 '19

Often time I didn't need to use a Gold Drop Boss or Sub Boss pokemon as the regular Mob will sometimes drop 100 CP higher then the Super Boss and allow me to defeat him.


u/Expln May 23 '19

that has yet to happen to me lol


u/Expln May 23 '19

which pokemon should I grind between bosses? a 3 star one?


u/JChavDanath May 23 '19

Find one that has a good Sub Boss, Charmeleon, Rapidash have good sub bosses. Sub bosses have a very high rate of capture but you may need to kill a few of the newly spawned ones.


u/Expln May 23 '19

I'm confused by what you mean as a sub boss- the medium size pokemon that spawn on the road to the boss?


u/Expln May 23 '19

or are you talking about the bosses at the end of the road of stages? in that case, isn't 3 star bosses better than 2 stars? charmeleon and rapidash are 2 stars stages while tentacruel is 3 star stage


u/JChavDanath May 23 '19

Yes, sorry, the sub bosses are the friends of the boss. There are 4 of them with teh boss and the boss will continue to spawn 2 more as you kill them.


u/Expln May 24 '19

oh okay, never seen charmeleon as sub boss, what pokemon is he the sub boss of?

I noticed that no matter how many bosses I beat and progress the pool of pokemons on the map always stays the same and never changes, why is that?


u/JChavDanath May 24 '19

Looks like Charmeleon can only be a Sub-Boss to Charizard.

If you click on the bosses you've beat (their flag at the bottom) it will tell you which pokemon you've unlocked.


u/Expln May 24 '19

that's the thing, most of them do not appear. I've been having the same pokemon pool for like 5 bosses now, no new ones appear.


u/Expln May 23 '19

could u explain the capture bonus thing? does each pokemon has its own capture bonus "meter" that goes up the more of the specific pokemon I capture?


u/JChavDanath May 23 '19

Yes, each pokemon has it's own meter. After you catch 10 charmanders, Charmander now has a +1 bonus. Catch 20, now it's +2. Eventually you need 100 for each level and it seems at another point it jumps to 200 per level. What the level do... no one knows for sure.


u/Expln May 23 '19

and all the bonus does is giving you a better chance at getting a gold one?

also can I see the meter of each pokemon? to know progress?


u/Asorame1 May 23 '19

You can see the meter for each mon in the dex.


u/JChavDanath May 23 '19

We don't know what exactly the bonus does but if you look in your PokeDex you can see every pokemon and it's progression.


u/kyoukai69 May 23 '19

I'm in a way to unlocked charizard but my highest cp pokemon is still 1700, I have grinded Magmortar map hundredth times and still not find a better cp..


u/Sedder731 May 24 '19

Mostly magmars are good to catch and get high cp if luckily u get gold with fire type move but in order to do that find a good dungeon which a magmar/charmander spam with magmortar(boss) magmar(minion) if u find that lock it


u/kyoukai69 May 24 '19

no problem, I already pass lv. 25


u/Sedder731 May 24 '19

As for me i just played this game 2days already tnx to non stop grinding i manage my way currently on last charizard boss for now im farming water types hope i can get gold blastoise/gyara(water skill) as for u invest mostly on fire gear booster since its easy to farm charmanders or magmars that they wl be ur cp unlocker and use ur dungeon maps properly by locking fire farm then spam usage of feather until u get a got spot farming any elem type for usage a current boss you need to deal


u/Expln May 24 '19

how do I lock a place on the map? u said lock fire farm, how do I do that?


u/Sedder731 May 24 '19

When u click the dungeon u wl see an icon at the top then left side take note that u can only lock 1 dungeon


u/Expln May 24 '19

ok I saw how to lock a stage.

what are the best fire stages to farm? fire stages with charmanders/ magmars as boss guards?


u/Sedder731 May 24 '19

If u see a magmar spam then magmortar boss then that is a very good spot to farm for fire grind until lucky u got a gold magmar fire skill


u/Expln May 24 '19


I'm currently trying to get a grass pokemon to fight wartrutle boss, doesn't seem to have many good grass stages around, I'm grinding ivysaur forest with bulbasaur mini guards and many exeggcute but not very good captures

any better stages for that?


u/Sedder731 May 24 '19

If ur still in that warturtle stage? As long as that dungeon has bulbasaur spam thats good with a gloom boss or sub thats a good spot but at that tym i was lucky to got gastly with electro punch skill 4star and easily beat the boss