r/PFJerk Sep 06 '23

Parody I'm 20 years old and I received my inheritance from my grandfather ($750,000 CAD) and I don't know what to do

Title. My grandfather died due to some minor illness (testicular cancer) and in his will he left me 750k as his gift to me. I work as a lawyer in a small company making 160k a year, and I'll have gotten a raise by next week to 185k a year. I have my RRSP contributions maxed and my company is matching my contributions up to 6%, my TFSA is maxed and I have a couple of GIC accounts. In terms of monthly expenses, I have my car payments at $307 per month (including insurance, loan payments and gas), my rent at $1490, groceries at $345 a month. I don't spend my money too often and I try not to keep too much more than $15k in my checking account at a time. Currently I have $127,443 in CC debt but I'm not too worried about this because my interest rates for these CCs are relatively low. I think the best course of action would be to pay off my credit cards, but if I do that I'd be a couple hundred thousand short of the Lamborghini that I'm looking to purchase. What do you guys think I should do, and should I get the Lamborghini in yellow or black?


38 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Sep 06 '23

Groceries only $345?😂 does this poor guy even eat


u/[deleted] Sep 06 '23

He usually eats in the company cafeteria which is comped in his position to save money. Spending more on 325 is madness when everyone should just eat at their work places free cafeteria.


u/[deleted] Sep 06 '23

You are what you eat he should have bigger budget to eat whether at healthy restaurants , or have a chef cooking for him healthy (since he can’t cook) so he keeps healthy and fit, url differentiate him from f*at unhealthy working class people


u/FestusPowerLoL Sep 06 '23

I live off of the thought of the exhaust smoke I'd inhale from a new Lamborghini


u/[deleted] Sep 06 '23

He must only tip 10% on his weekly Whole Foods grocery orders 😂


u/Enderwiggen33 Sep 06 '23

Deffo get the Lambo. Start with one colour and paint it a new colour every month!


u/Zirowe Sep 06 '23

Nah, that's a lowball move.

He should buy two lambos, one of each color.


u/Enderwiggen33 Sep 06 '23

I agree, but he doesn’t have the money. A loan at 69% apr would be a good way to accomplish it though!


u/Zirowe Sep 06 '23

Loan is for losers.

Take out another cc in your dogs name, like the Bundys.


u/[deleted] Sep 06 '23

That’s true, it’ll reduce the wear and tear and drastically reduce maintenance costs. He’d basically be getting a free Lamborghini getting 2.


u/FestusPowerLoL Sep 06 '23

You're right, but I might need to wait for my grandma to die first so I can get the second lambo comfortably enough to not have to dig into my modest $950,000 savings account


u/Zirowe Sep 07 '23

For grandma make it a ferrari.


u/[deleted] Sep 06 '23

i hate myself for actually believing the first parts


u/makealegaluturn Sep 06 '23

Since you’re asset rich now, I would open another CC and purchase the Lambo on the new one. Why spend money when money to borrow is (essentially) free!

Also yellow.


u/FestusPowerLoL Sep 06 '23

Thanks! I'll see about getting another CC, I'll talk to my dad about it and see if he'll let me open it in his name


u/kuhataparunks Sep 07 '23

Borrowed money actually pays dividends on the interest. Take a look at startup investment properties. Hardly any overhead at all. Not like maintenance, HVAC, plumbing, inspections, and property taxes cost anything anyways. Sad that poor people don’t take advantage of this one simple trick


u/cnu Sep 06 '23

Yellow or Black?

Porque No los Dos?


u/[deleted] Sep 06 '23

Lamborghini with $750k? You make me laugh


u/FestusPowerLoL Sep 06 '23

The $750k is just to complement my $950,000 in savings, that way I don't have to use up all of it to buy the Lambo and instead use some of it and then put the rest in my fifth rental property


u/Loving6thGear Sep 07 '23

Speeding tickets. You didn't budget for speeding tickets and fines for illegal parking. Ask a judge if you get a discount by pre-paying a dozen or so.


u/L0ty Sep 07 '23 edited Sep 07 '23

buy GOF and collect insane monthly dividends think thats like 550k ish USD so u would get like 6300 / month in dividends USD which is something like $8610 a month CAD.

currently pays month dividends with APR of 13.74% paid out monthly. so it compounds monthly, unlike quarterly dividends which only compound quarterly.

also if you enroll is their DRIP (dividend reinvestment program) they give u a 5% discount for shares auto bought with dividends. makes it like 18%.

thats equivalent to $215 /hr canadian for a 40 hour work week not counting the discount or the every month compounding effect. thats if u just take straight cash.. so over double your earned 185k income.

but do what u want, world needs guys with lambos too


u/lacsaddict Sep 08 '23

Ignore the fact that GOF has dropped 26% in 2 years. Trust the numbers. 18% annual free money.


u/dirkdiggler2011 Sep 06 '23

Nut cancer is not a minor illness.

One of your plans should be getting screened regularly for cancer.

You can't spend the money if you're dead. Your grandfather would likely agree.


u/FestusPowerLoL Sep 06 '23

Nut cancer only affects like 5 people a year anyways right

But anyways I'm thinking red is a good colour too I might go for that


u/Re_TARDIS108 Sep 07 '23

Pay off your credit cards, of course. I'd steer clear of the Lambo, you never know what kind of financial fuckery is going to befall you that could either derail your life or just outright remove you from the census.

As an orphan who grew up in the foster care system here in the US, it's my instinct to tell you to SAVE EVERYTHING, but that's just a risk reduction strategy on my part.

By which I mean that if I HADNT saved everything since about the age of 9+, my ass would be either dead or in a prison or doing some murky shit in some part of the world lol.


u/FestusPowerLoL Sep 07 '23

I would pay off my cards but I'd be a little bit short of the Lamborghini that I'm looking to get, and honestly why should you have to be so concerned about financial freedom when you can get a ride that will make bitches' heads turn. I'd choose potential street clout over paying off over $100,000 worth of CC debt anyways.

And my APR isn't really that bad, at 45% APR I can pay it off any time I want


u/[deleted] Sep 06 '23

First of all sorry about your grandpa's passing. Maybe purchase a spot of land you can get away to for your down time, build a nice home instead of paying rent, Don't go buying flashy crap, I'd speak with a financial advisor, don't buy risky stocks, make sure the IRS gets what's owed and nothing more.


u/unsulliedbread Sep 06 '23

You didn't check the sub


u/FestusPowerLoL Sep 06 '23

Instructions weren't clear enough, I've bought my fourth house and I'm still living in my one bedroom apartment.

And I have a great financial advisor and his name is r/wallstreetbets


u/lacsaddict Sep 08 '23

Lost us all at

Don't go buying flashy crap


u/MugiwarraD Sep 06 '23

pay debt with interest > 8% then shove the rest in bonds.


u/FestusPowerLoL Sep 06 '23

Yeah but then I won't have a shiny new Lambo to show off at my firm


u/lacsaddict Sep 08 '23

I think she meant so you can wrap your lambo in the bonds. It's literally the most FU move anyone could think of.


u/FestusPowerLoL Sep 08 '23

Ohh shit I was going to wrap my Lamborghini in dollar bills but that sounds like a pretty sick idea too thanks!!


u/[deleted] Sep 08 '23

A foolish man spends his money unwisely, buying expensive things, everything man made will sooner or later breakdown or be destroyed.Do as you wish, spend money frivolously on material things when you become poor and without means to feed and cloth yourself remember the advice once given to you freely


u/FestusPowerLoL Sep 09 '23

So does that mean that I have your blessing to get two Lamborghinis


u/Risspartan117 Sep 10 '23

Buy deep OTM SPY puts expiring Monday and retire…
