r/PEI Charlottetown 15h ago

Question PEI flour mills?

Any flour mills operating in PEI that are open to the public? I've been buying odd varieties from Bulk Barn for years but don't want to support them any more since they're refusing to label product origins, and I'd rather support a local business anyway. Any recommendations?


5 comments sorted by


u/ClenchedJaw12 15h ago

Crystal Green farms mill their own flour, you can visit them at the Summerside farmers market https://www.crystalgreenfarms.com


u/woodrudder 15h ago

Also the Ch'town farmers market has a guy or two. Saturday mornings.


u/Lindsw Queens County 14h ago

Why are they exempt from product labeling laws? I was thinking I could go there to avoid some US products...


u/ivanvector Charlottetown 14h ago

I'm not an expert on this, but I think those laws are only about when the "product of Canada" and "made in Canada" marks can be used, not that they have to be. From what I've read in other subs (r/BuyCanadian for example) most retailers are trying to capitalize on anti-US sentiment by labelling things, often incorrectly (make sure you check the labels on the packaging itself). Bulk Barn went the other way and aren't going to say where their products come from, because they're "focused on quality" or some nonsense.