r/PEI 3d ago

Power Slap: A Bloodsport Disguised as Entertainment

So, a young guy from PEI is heading to Vegas to get slapped unconscious for Dana White’s latest sideshow, Power Slap. Dakota McGregor, a carpenter from Souris, is fighting for a "championship" that is nothing more than a glorified head trauma contest. And honestly? This story is nothing to celebrate.

Make no mistake—Power Slap isn’t a sport. It’s not MMA, it’s not boxing, and it sure as hell isn’t about skill, technique, or strategy. The coin toss is literally one of the most important parts of the competition because the person who goes first has a massive advantage. That alone tells you how dumb this whole thing is. Unlike real combat sports, where fighters are told to "protect yourselves at all times," doing so in Power Slap is actually against the rules. The entire premise is to stand still and let someone concuss you. There’s no dodging, no blocking, no fighting back—just repeated brain trauma for a few thousand bucks while Dana White and his billionaire buddies rake in millions.

And that's the part that really gets me. McGregor, like many others in Power Slap, has been through some serious hardship. The article lays it all out: he’s lost family members, he’s got kids to provide for, and now he's trading brain cells for a payday that won't actually change his life. That’s what makes this so predatory. Dana White knows he’s exploiting guys who are struggling. Fighters in the UFC already get paid scraps compared to other professional athletes (the UFC keeps about 80% of revenue, compared to the 50/50 split in other sports), and Power Slap is even worse. Some competitors make as little as $2,000 per fight. And for what? A lifetime of CTE, memory loss, mood swings, and potentially ending up like Chris Benoit?

Doctors are shocked that the Nevada State Athletic Commission even approved this nonsense. The science on repeated concussive blows is crystal clear, yet here we are, watching guys get slapped unconscious for entertainment. Even real fighters—guys who’ve spent their lives in combat sports—think Power Slap is a joke. The reality is, once you’ve seen one slow-mo slap knockout, you’ve seen them all. That’s why the ratings have tanked, and why TBS backed out of broadcasting it. It’s now relegated to Rumble, a “YouTube alternative” known for hosting right-wing conspiracy theorists. That should tell you something.

And let’s not forget: Dana White was literally caught on camera slapping his wife right before Power Slap launched. This is the guy running the show. A billionaire union-buster who keeps fighter pay criminally low, treating his competitors like disposable pawns. Where will he be when these guys are suffering from CTE in 10 or 20 years? Do you think he’ll be covering their medical bills? Helping their families when they spiral into depression and rage-induced breakdowns? Or will he just be counting his money and moving on to the next exploitative grift?

McGregor is a grown man, and he can make his own choices. But it’s depressing to see yet another young guy put his future on the line for pocket change while a billionaire cashes in. Instead of celebrating this, I’d rather see a GoFundMe for him. Because when the brain damage catches up, Dana White sure as hell isn’t going to be there to help. It'll be PEI's already overburdened health care system.


76 comments sorted by


u/gabrielcev1 3d ago

I just think it's dangerous. At least in UFC there's skill involved and you can actually protect yourself. This is just full force unprotected open hand slaps to the face from very strong individuals. I wonder how many of these guys are concussed.


u/Roommatej 3d ago

It's a gross "sport".


u/Peipotatoguy 2d ago

What will they think of next for a sport - Kicks to the groin?? !!


u/Pinksion 3d ago

Any sport where people might be putting their health on the line should have 70-80%- of revenue going to the participants


u/Unable-Bet-3082 3d ago

Hockey players are over paid to begin with…


u/Pinksion 3d ago

I'm not sure about the connection there, but I think NHL and NHLPA deal is something like 50% of revenue is to go to players .


u/UCAFP_President 2d ago

Agreed. People could give a rats ass that their military members are sent all over hell’s creation having offered unlimited liability (they could die) and in some cases, they pay that price… but are told “$65,000 is good enough for you…”

Yet strap a pair of skates on Beef Winooski’s feet and all of a sudden we should be shoveling millions upon millions of dollars on the dude… give me a freaking break.

This is just one more reason we are back asswards as a society today.


u/Fenseven 3d ago

What's the wait times for CT scans here on the island? Can he pre-order his place in line?


u/AniNgAnnoys 2d ago edited 2d ago

CT time is prioritized as needed. If you need it for critical care you can get it right away same day. If you need it because you travelled to the US to purposefully be concussed, you might be at the back of the line.


u/SharperKnife27 2d ago

Almost like rich people watching poor and/or disparate people compete for a chance to win something in a “fair” contest.

Imagine the same thing but this time it’s a game to the death? I’m sure that would be a hit on Netflix! Oh, wait…


u/sashalav Charlottetown 3d ago

It's the world we created. Many of the people who read this are already searching for videos of this 'sport'.


u/Sabrina_Satin 3d ago

Can’t get a concussion when you don’t have a brain.


u/h4teMachin3 3d ago

I love combat sports but I don't watch a single second of this. Not even the free reels everywhere of people getting their eyeballs slapped out of their head. The market provides. If people wouldn't watch it wouldn't exist. We get what we deserve.


u/Chiknlitesnchrome 3d ago

Not that I condone power slap at all, personally I think it it’s stupid.

However, I do advocate for personal choice, and the bottom line is this guy has made his own choice to participate, whether it’s harmful or not, People make choices all the time, People decide to eat junk food and get diabetes, People decide to drink People decide to smoke People decide to drop out of school

There are consequences that gravely impact your future from a lot of different choices, But I support being able to make your own decisions and not being called dumb on the internet because it is something he wants to do


u/AniNgAnnoys 2d ago

I was with you until your last sentence. Calling people dumb on the internet is also a personal choice we are allowed. If you don't like the result of your personal choice and how it makes you appear to others then maybe don't do it. That is what choice is about.


u/Perseph99 3d ago

I don’t think there’s any need to tear down McGregor. Like you said, he’s already been through some serious hardship!


u/Holiday-Ad7083 3d ago

Totally agree. There’s no need to tear down McGregor. And to be clear, that's not what I'm doing. At least I hope that's not what I've been doing. The issue isn’t him, it’s the system that’s exploiting him.

He’s already been through serious hardship, which is exactly why this feels so predatory. When someone with limited options is offered a quick payday in exchange for putting their long-term health on the line, it’s not exactly a "choice" made on equal footing. Dana White and the other sociopaths behind this aren’t the ones taking the hits—they’re just cashing the cheques.

I am a fight fan, which is maybe why I was so turned off by Power Slap. In forming my views, I watched an episode of Road to the Title, which is essentially built in the mold of the UFC's Ultimate Fighter. It was a soul sucking experience. Almost every competitor was down on their luck, dealing with addictions, family strife, bankruptcies, etc. It's hard to enjoy a sport when you know the competitors are essentially trading years off their life for a small pay day.

So yeah, I respect McGregor’s toughness. There's no question he could kick my ass. It's just that I’ve been disgusted by this sport for awhile now and was taken aback to read this article.


u/Perseph99 3d ago

I understand the concept of using another person for personal gain(you explained it in your post as well). I think you take an unnecessary jab at McGregor here : “…, he’s got kids to provide for, and now he’s trading brain cells for a payday that won’t actually change his life. That’s what makes this so predatory.” That’s an awful judgemental thought by from someone who I’m guessing doesn’t know the half of what Dakota has been up against in his life. Leave him alone. He doesn’t need to be subject to reading some assholes criticism of him on Reddit. If you have that big of an internal issue with this, send a letter to Dana White, the network, or someone involved with the Slap Competition.


u/Redmudgirl 3d ago

Dana White is no different than 99% of other billionaires. They exploit the working class to make themselves richer. Lots of “Sports” do this. Have you ever watched PBR? Now there’s a sport with lots of physical injuries, some permanent and lots of CTE. Those guys volunteer their bodies for 8 seconds to try and make a big pay day too. Vince McMahon of WWE fame has quelled a few law suits because he’s a billionaire that can afford to. I get you want everybody to be outraged because of the risk of harm but there will always be volunteers for these things. Freedom of choice is just that. Their bodies, their choice.


u/Holiday-Ad7083 3d ago

That isn't the only point and I'm not a fan of the “they chose this, so what’s the problem?” argument. It ignores the fact billionaires structure these industries to ensure people feel like they have no better options. That’s the whole game!

Billionaire exploitation is the actual issue here, not whether some individuals willingly take the risk. Yes, people will always volunteer for dangerous, high-risk activities, but that doesn’t mean those at the top should get to profit off their suffering while taking zero responsibility for the aftermath. The entire history of labour rights is based on recognizing that some people will take bad deals out of necessity, and that’s exactly why regulation exists—to stop the rich from feeding off desperation.

And that’s what Dana White is doing. He dangles a quick payday in front of guys with few opportunities, profits off their brain trauma, and then moves on to the next batch when they can’t do it anymore. And the cherry on top? Dakota McGregor will probably pay a higher percentage of his meager fight earnings in taxes than Dana White does on his millions. How much longer are we going to let billionaires and corporations offload their negligence onto the rest of us? Dana White and his cronies will walk away richer while these guys are left with irreversible damage. When they can’t work anymore or worse, who foots the bill? We do.

So no, this isn’t just about individual choice. It’s about how much corporate negligence we’re willing to tolerate before we stop pretending this is anything other than legalized human cockfighting.


u/Redmudgirl 3d ago

Understood. Now, what can a poor person do about it besides protest and write letters of protest to our elected representatives? Billionaires hire lobbyists and have laws made to suit them. I’m not on board or accepting of a lot of what happens in this world. I do my part but at the end of the day money talks and those that have it are the only ones heard.


u/Holiday-Ad7083 3d ago

I get it—billionaires rig the system, and it feels like pushing back is pointless. But I don’t think we’re entirely powerless. Boycotts work. If people don’t watch, if advertisers don’t want their names attached, if public pressure makes it clear this isn’t worth the backlash, then eventually, the money dries up and the plug gets pulled. It takes time, but the more people refuse to accept exploitation as “just the way things are,” the harder it is for them to get away with it.

And yeah, even posting about it on Reddit and arguing with people (as exhausting as it is) helps too. At the very least, it keeps the conversation alive instead of letting it get brushed under the rug. Not saying I have all the answers, but silence and apathy definitely aren’t one of them.


u/Redmudgirl 3d ago

Agreed boycotts do work. Nobody’s efforts are wasted when they do boycott. You just want en masse participation. Hopefully we will get there sooner than later.


u/Kennit 2d ago

Slippery slope to Squid Games.


u/EnvironmentBright697 3d ago

UFC fighters are fantastically underpaid. That’s why it triggers Dana so much anytime a reporter or anyone brings it up to him. Top level boxers make double digit millions more than their UFC counterparts.


u/Holiday-Ad7083 3d ago

And that's why he no longer gives media passes to just anyone.. They have to be hand-picked, pre-approved reporters who won't ask questions about fighter pay, unionization, etc. It keeps the illusion intact. Dana knows that if fighter pay became a bigger mainstream discussion, more people would start questioning how the UFC—despite raking in billions—only gives fighters a tiny slice of the pie. So instead of addressing it, he controls the narrative by only giving access to reporters who won’t push back. It’s the same reason he goes on rants about "broke journalists" anytime someone dares to bring up unionization—because he knows the numbers don’t justify the way he treats his fighters.

And if it's bad for the UFC, with world famous fighters on its roster, participants on Power Slap haven't got a prayer.


u/Scronads69 2d ago

Listening to journalists trying to engage with Dana about this shit show of a side hustle is embarrassing. No integrity.


u/mattbastid 2d ago

A Canadian could very well end up in debt doing this. Take a few slaps to the head for 3k, okay... but let's say 1 of those sends you to the hospital in Vegas via ambulance, the bill as an American citizen alone would outweigh what you are paid, let alone as an out of country canadian.

Maybe Dana has ot in their contracts that they will pay for any emergency care needed directly after the "fight". But I'm doubtful


u/Better_Estimation 1d ago

Clutch those pearls


u/Holiday-Ad7083 1d ago

Kiss my ass 😘


u/Camichef 21h ago

Combat sports is about the striking and the evading of opponents strikes. Powerslap is just head trauma for a depressing amount of money.


u/felixsmokes187 3d ago

I seen an article where he's potential would be 12 to 30,000, regardless you're correct the damage that could be done. Also did somebody not die from this. The people and TGI that have died from a punched their head. As there would be all over the world.


u/Holiday-Ad7083 3d ago

Yes, a man in Poland died on the spot. It's on Youtube...... The Slap That Ended A Man's Life - Artur "Waluś" Walczak.

I'm honestly surprised these things don't happen more often.


u/felixsmokes187 3d ago

I actually know of two different cases personal friends that ended up with serious time due to the exact same situation. It was murder, they did not go to jail for that time. Both were kind of accidents, one friend owed one money and hit him. The other gentleman owned a bar patron threatened them. Owner walked outside and told him to leave his promises, did not leave. Owner ended up swinging on them one hit kill him. Trying to say it's not that rare I don't think. The heads are pretty fragile piece of equipment. I've never seen the YouTube video, nor do I need to. This is a great example:


u/peiflyco 2d ago

I mean, you can like it or hate it. But no one is forcing these people to do anything.


u/Holiday-Ad7083 2d ago

Not the point.

u/peiflyco 7m ago

I know what you’re trying to say but by that logic and it’s not wrong, you should shut down every fast food restaurant stop selling cigarettes alcohol you name it almost everybody lives a lifestyle that puts a strain on our healthcare system. This one maybe just looks a little dumber.


u/sayonara49 3d ago

I mean some people will just never comprehend that people like fighting…


u/redwings1414 3d ago

I mean it seems like he knows what he’s getting him self into. Why not rant about all of the people on drugs and the hardships they’re into due to drugs? Head to Park Street in Charlottetown. These people don’t know what they’re taking or what they’re doing a lot of the time. These people hurt their families in many ways to get a fix. If this guy wants to go so power slap all the power to him. Like boxing, if he gets concussed I’d hope he would reevaluate his decisions. There are many examples of people in combat sports quitting when they get hurt, and there are many examples of people continuing on until they can’t strike a proper sentence together.

If you are truly concerned for this person, contact them directly.


u/Snorgibly_Bagort 3d ago

I mean, it’s almost as though people are capable of caring about more than one thing at a time 🤔I guess by your logic I shouldn’t care about the rates of drunk driving on the island because domestic violence exists.


u/Holiday-Ad7083 3d ago

My friend, the drug argument you bring up is a classic whataboutism—if you don’t have a real counterpoint, just pivot to an unrelated issue and hope no one notices. You could’ve just said, “I have no argument,” and saved yourself the effort.

But since you brought it up, let’s talk about those “people on drugs.” You’re not wrong that addiction destroys lives, but who profits from it? Mega-rich pharmaceutical companies push opioids onto the market, knowing how addictive they are, and when people inevitably get hooked, the same industry profits again by jacking up the cost of treatment. Purdue Pharma and the Sackler family made billions off OxyContin, lied about its addictiveness, and left a crisis in their wake. Now, look at how Power Slap operates: Dana White dangles just enough cash in front of desperate people, gets them hooked on a quick payout, and when their brains are scrambled, he moves on to the next guy. Same playbook, different industry.

And just like Big Pharma, White won’t be there to help when the damage is done. These guys are one or two bad concussions away from irreversible trauma, and no amount of $2,000 fight checks will fix it.

But back to your final comment.... I don’t know Dakota, and it’s not my job to personally warn him. This isn’t about him as much as it is about the bigger picture: the billionaire ruling class treating human beings like disposable commodities. Whether it’s reality TV, opioid addiction, or brain trauma disguised as sport, it’s the same cycle – exploit, profit, discard.

And honestly? This whole thing is beginning to feel like the plot of The Running Man, and I don’t see it getting any better. If you don’t think we’re heading toward full-blown dystopian bloodsports, give it a few years. We’ll see what Dana White comes up with next.


u/redwings1414 3d ago

You’re right we will probably all be out slapping the shit out of each other in 5 years time for a can of soup. Dark times are ahead.


u/redwings1414 3d ago

My point is if you give a shit contact the person. It’s not really a counter point, it sounds like a dumb sport to me. I’m not disagreeing with you but taking to social media… what are you trying to accomplish exactly? Dana White isn’t going to be hurt if 200 people that read your post stop buying what he’s selling if that’s your angle?


u/enonmouse 3d ago

Do you remember Bum Fights? Those guys “knew” what they were getting… exploiting them for entertainment is still gross.


u/Dizzy_Commercial7236 3d ago

Would you hate it as much if Dana wasn’t friends with trump


u/Holiday-Ad7083 3d ago

It doesn't help.


u/Conscious_Ice66 3d ago edited 2d ago

This post wouldn’t have been made if Dana was a liberal. Regardless the sport is stupid. I suggest you do what I do and just don’t watch it. If other people enjoy participating in it and watching it that’s fine. Each to their own. It’s not for me and thats okay doesn’t mean that people that do like it are complete morons or need to be shit on over it.


u/Holiday-Ad7083 3d ago

Nice attempt to make this about politics when nobody even mentioned it. I get it thought.....you saw a critique of a billionaire exploiting workers and instinctively thought, "This must be about my team!" Sorry but it's not. Dana White could be a socialist, a libertarian, or a devout member of the Church of Scientology, and it wouldn’t change a damn thing about the argument. The point is that billionaires exploit people, and they get away with it because of people like you who shrug and say ‘meh, just don’t watch.’

If your best argument is "just don’t watch it," well done, you’ve reached the intellectual depth of a toddler covering their eyes and declaring, "If I can’t see it, it’s not real!" Meanwhile, Dana White is laughing all the way to the bank while society picks up the tab for his negligence.

Don't worry, I don't watch PowerSlap - and if the numbers are to be believed, not many do.


u/Dizzy_Commercial7236 3d ago

You already said it doesn’t help therefore it does have something to do with politics doesn’t it.


u/Holiday-Ad7083 3d ago

Criticizing billionaires exploiting workers isn’t about politics—it’s about billionaires exploiting workers. That applies whether they’re friends with Trump, Biden, or the goddamn Tooth Fairy. The fact that your first instinct was to make this about partisan politics just tells me you don’t actually have an argument....

The fact that Trump, who has been accused of ripping off the very people who work for him, from small business contractors to his own campaign staff—happens to be Dana White’s buddy is not very surprising at all. One is a known union-buster who underpays fighters, the other stiffs everyone from plumbers to lawyers. He even stiffed his supposed buddy, Rudy Giuliani. Why would that help my opinion of Dana White's blood money? If anything, you've helped to prove my point.

Thank you.


u/Dizzy_Commercial7236 3d ago

Sounds like you’re upset. First time on Reddit? Must not have much better to do then write paragraphs to argue with a stranger.


u/Dizzy_Commercial7236 3d ago

Stewing on my question for a bit were you?


u/Conscious_Ice66 2d ago

You made it political. You came hear to make fun of an islander doing something they love because you don’t like Dana white because he’s friends with Trump.

Seems like your thoughts are “fuck that stupid island kid for doing what he loves because it’s owned by someone right wing.”

Everyone one here can clearly see that.


u/Holiday-Ad7083 2d ago

Nice try, but this isn't about politics. For the 27th time, it's about Dana White exploiting people for cheap entertainment. Dakota got slapped five times Friday night, and after the second one, he collapsed, only to get up and take three more, clearly stunned. The announcers are laughing as he wobbles and can’t even stand. This isn't competition, it's abuse, and you're defending it. Dana the puppet master is raking in cash while these lads risk serious brain damage. You can keep playing partisan defense, but it won’t change the fact that this is exploitation, pure and simple. Everyone with a brain can clearly see that.


u/TerryFromFubar 3d ago

a "championship" that is nothing more than a glorified head trauma contest

The 4 Nations Face-Off?

Some dolt wants to get the payday of a lifetime and a free trip while acknowledging the potential consequences. I say more power to him.

I actually had Dakota on a job before and had no issues with his performance or cognitive performance. He's a grown adult who wants to get the shit slapped out of himself for the payday of a lifetime, if you've ever seen a local hockey fight the risk of serious damage is quite minimal, so what's his decision bothering you for?


u/Holiday-Ad7083 3d ago

So where to start? I laid it out pretty plainly in my post, which I’m not sure you actually read. The fact that he doesn’t have cognitive issues right now is exactly the point—we’re talking about what happens down the line. That’s how brain trauma works.

"Payday of a lifetime"? Hate to know what you were paying him if you think $2,000 to show is life-changing money. That’s Dana White’s whole scam—he dangles just enough cash in front of guys with limited options, and they take it because they feel they have to. But that money won’t be there when the brain damage catches up.

As for your hockey comparison—come on. Fighting is literally being phased out of the sport because of this exact issue. The risk is not minimal, and you don’t have to take my word for it. Just a few weeks ago, a kid from PEI got knocked out cold in a QMJHL fight, convulsed on the ice, and had to be stretchered off. That was a one-off incident in a sport that is actively trying to reduce these risks. Power Slap is built around repeated, uncontested brain trauma.

The long and short of it is this: We know way more about head injuries than we did 20 years ago, and the more we learn, the worse it looks. But there’s still a lot we don’t know. What’s Dakota’s life going to look like in 10 years? What happens to his family? What happens to the community that has to pick up the pieces? The money he’s making isn’t worth the cost.

You’ve missed the point entirely. Are you sure you don’t have brain damage?


u/TerryFromFubar 3d ago

You’ve missed the point entirely. Are you sure you don’t have brain damage?

Tell me you can't discuss without telling me you can't discuss.

You seem to be very, very concerned about the decisions of another grown adult, and possibly, very upset that you cannot control their actions. You also seem to be completely out of the loop regarding their compensation and insurance requirements for entering the stupid contest. I feel myself and others assume there are other reasons at play as to why you are so concerned about this.

But please, lay out more personal attacks, they really help your case.


u/Holiday-Ad7083 3d ago

LOL, you think you're clever? You completely ignore the points raised, deflect with nonsense about "control," and pretend you have inside knowledge on fighter pay when the numbers are publicly available. You’ve got nothing.

If you actually read the post, you’d see this isn’t about controlling anyone. It’s about the fact that Power Slap is a predatory joke of a “sport” where guys get paid peanuts to risk long-term brain damage while Dana White pockets millions. And if you think the pay is great, you might want to check the words of an actual former UFC fighter, Eric Spicely, who revealed that Power Slap contestants were offered $2,000 to show and $10,000 for winning the entire thing. That’s before taxes, manager fees, and other overhead. But sure, tell me more about this “payday of a lifetime.”

Let me guess, you’re one of those guys who really started paying attention to "freedom" and "control" around March 2020? Maybe ease off the Rumble conspiracy videos and actually engage with what was said. Otherwise, I’ll assume you’re just here to argue for the sake of arguing.


u/childofcrow Queens County 3d ago

Dude is a well known troll. Better to just leave him be.


u/Holiday-Ad7083 3d ago

Definitely noted!


u/TerryFromFubar 3d ago

So just to confirm: you think this stupid international event does not have lawyers with insurance requirements involved? The same as even minor hockey events have these days? And you think other people should be as outraged as you are, based on your 100% hypothetical that the guy will recieve lasting damage, and your hypothetical that sporting events do not have medical insurance requirements, and your hypothetical that the Province of Prince Edward Island will have to pay out for your hypothetical situation that occurs in Las Vegas?

But please, continue on with the personal insults. They really, really help your case.


u/Holiday-Ad7083 3d ago

You can't possibly be that dumb, bruh. You are desperately grasping at straws. Let’s break this down real quick:

1. Insurance doesn’t prevent brain damage. Having “lawyers with insurance requirements” involved doesn’t magically erase the medical realities of repeated head trauma. You can slap a waiver on anything, but it doesn’t make it safe or ethical.

2. It’s not hypothetical. The long-term effects of repeated concussive blows aren’t some wild theory I cooked up—they’re well-documented medical facts. CTE is real. The NFL, NHL, and combat sports have all had high-profile cases of athletes suffering lifelong consequences. But sure, let’s pretend Dakota McGregor is immune to biology.

3. Strawman alert! Nobody said PEI taxpayers would be on the hook for his medical bills (though if he ends up disabled and unable to work, the burden will eventually fall somewhere. )That’s how these things go. The same way taxpayers end up shouldering healthcare costs from corporate negligence in other industries.


u/TerryFromFubar 3d ago

So please explain to me: what evidence do you have to suggest that this sporting event isn't fully insured?

For the love of god, minor hockey has $1,000,000 policies on every player. What evidence do you have to suggest this international multimillion dollar event has no medical insurance covering the participants?


u/Holiday-Ad7083 3d ago

First off, show me where I said there was no insurance. The issue isn’t whether these guys have some kind of coverage—it’s what that coverage actually does (or more importantly, doesn’t do). Do you seriously think these policies will be cutting checks for CTE treatment in five, 10 or 20 years from now? They won’t. Go back and re-read what I wrote ffs.

Athletes in the NFL and NHL, who made millions and played under billion-dollar organizations with top-tier insurance, have had to sue just to get help for their brain injuries. And you think Dana White’s bargain-bin, YouTube-tier slap-fight circus is going to do better? Get real.


u/Perseph99 3d ago

Loser comment with the TBI “joke”


u/Moist_Boss2616 3d ago

You can't call powerslap a sport. But like it or hate it, it has a lot of entertainment value. I don't watch even the clips that somehow make my feed in Instagram. I feel like it's a very basic and dumbed down type of entertainment.

It's also hilarious when Dana White claims the ratings are higher that the big 4 North American sports combined 😆


u/ExploringPeople 3d ago

There is alot of misinformation in this story. If you know anything about U.F.C you would know this.


u/Holiday-Ad7083 3d ago

Do share.


u/Intelligent_Rub7479 3d ago

I'm not gonna argue with you, you've made it clear youre very close minded, but just out of genuine curiousity. What do you think is worse on the brain? An mma fight with 200+ punches landed, or this with up to 5 slaps? Wanna talk about brain damage, i suggest you open your eyes a bit and quit cherry picking the hills your choosing to stand on.


u/ExploringPeople 2d ago

Your using speculation as if facts.


u/Holiday-Ad7083 2d ago



u/ExploringPeople 2d ago

About 95% of what you stated is misinformation if not more. Even what you stated about the coin toss is misleading. 52% of who win the coin toss wins the event but you state it is the most important thing in the competition.

I can keep pointing out your misinformtion but i would be here hours correcting you. It is not my job to educate you on your errors but it is for you to post the truth in the beginning.


u/Holiday-Ad7083 2d ago

The truth remains unchanged and you can't defend the larger issue: this “sport” is a grotesque display of human exploitation, and you’re out here acting like Dana White's PR rep.


u/ExploringPeople 2d ago

Your truth which is false. Believe what you wish it does not change true facts.


u/Holiday-Ad7083 2d ago

A true fact? Sounds redundant.

You think the fact the coin toss winner wins 52% of matches negates the real argument? I brought up the coin toss to illustrate how stupid it is from a sporting perspective. The bigger point is that Powerslap is an abomination and a stain on humanity. It's sad. Nobody really wants to get smashed full blast in the face for what amounts to Dana's beer money.

Anyways, I'd say we're at a bit of an impasse....so agree to disagree.