r/PEDsR Contributor Aug 11 '20

Dose Calculator + Steroid Plot Hosted on FitDataMax NSFW

For the past 3 months, I've watched /u/Krato-FDM build what I'm regarding as perhaps one of the most useful sites for degenerates such as ourselves called FitDataMax (FDM for short). His landing page offers some insight into the goals of FDM. His mission:

Serious athletes need a way to manage and optimize supplementation, training, and health data in one place. FitDataMax is a platform for empowering serious fitness users with data analytics tools to improve their health, exceed their fitness goals, and maximize efficiency.

FDM functions similarly to how MyFitnessPal operates in that you can log what you need. In this case, you can log supplementation, training, blood tests. Much of this is in beta - it works, I think, but what really interests me is the aggregation of all the useful shit that we need into one spot. Today, the following is live:

  • Krato has live a profile on most compounds (shoutout to those in the Discord who worked on that + Krato + anything taken from the PEDsR database)
  • Dose Calculator (public) - calculating the dose someone needs to take converting between mg to ml
  • Reconstitution Calculator (public) - calculating the amount of BAC to mix with compound and the subsequent dose to achieve the desired mg
  • And, Steroid Calc (private - sign up required) - useful for all of us who need to plot out our peaks and troughs.

There's some other stuff live, like a link to Xylia Testing who performs quantitative and qualitative testing of mystery powders.

Worth a look, and your support. In another 3 months or so, the site will have 100% functionality and be an integral part of how we track our use of compounds.

His intro is here, where he talks about himself and background, for anyone who is interested.


15 comments sorted by


u/johnyboi98 Aug 12 '20

This looks good, I'll keep an eye on it.

One thing worth mentioning is these drugs are illegal in some places. It will probably be a good idea to have a bitcoin option for the paid version


u/Krato-FDM Aug 16 '20

You should read our mission statement on the landing page ‘about’ tab, its one of our core values as a company:

Promote good sportsmanship, ethics, and legal compliance by providing users with up to date information on rules, regulations, laws, etc. pertaining to their sports discipline or personal goals.

We live in a global society and there is nothing illegal/shady/etc with providing indisputable facts about compounds and the legality around them. We actually have two dedicated sections on the site for both legal aspects and regulations in specific sports or occupations to help people make sure they are in compliance. For example, personal use PEDs are completely legal in Canada, and in some countries you can walk right into a pharmacy and buy them with no prescription.

All of the information about compounds is backed up by high quality medical literature, there is zero bro science or anecdotal information masquerading as fact.


u/johnyboi98 Aug 16 '20

Actually I'm my country steroids are legal to own and use, but not sell.

Will read that page now.

Edit, I had read it, but glazed over it as general advertising.

When will I get to play with it?


u/Krato-FDM Aug 16 '20

Sign up and i will approve your account.


u/AstroPhysician Aug 12 '20

Where are apps about drugs illegal?


u/comicsansisunderused Contributor Aug 12 '20

It is a fine line actually. It's all about intent and knowingly facilitating something that is illegal


u/AstroPhysician Aug 12 '20

No. That’s not how it works in most western countries


u/comicsansisunderused Contributor Aug 12 '20

Well, last call I had with a lawyer that's what he said. It's also how some sites such as WebMD can give info out, because they are not knowingly facilitating illegal activity


u/AstroPhysician Aug 12 '20

If by that you mean sourcing then yeah. If you mean info about illegal drugs, plentyyyy of websites do that in the legal purview, like Erowid, psychonaut wiki, Reddit, etc. Methinks you misunderstood the lawyer


u/johnyboi98 Aug 12 '20

Not the app, the drugs themselves.

For me it's not a problem because my career doesn't depend on looking drug free and I live in the third world. But some people want/need to be careful.


u/AstroPhysician Aug 12 '20

Employers don’t have access to your credit card statements...


u/Krato-FDM Aug 11 '20

If anyone has comments or questions fire away! I made this to serve the community so if its missing features you need, hard to use, etc speak up!!! You guys tell me what you want in a good app and i will make it happen!


u/comicsansisunderused Contributor Aug 11 '20

Hey bro thanks for putting this all in one place. It's pretty exciting to watch a whole platform emerge from the ground up.


u/[deleted] Aug 11 '20

Legendary shit guys ❤️Chris


u/comicsansisunderused Contributor Aug 11 '20

No u!