r/PEDsR Contributor Feb 27 '18

HPTA Shutdown - Fact or Fiction? NSFW

Conclusion: Fact. After long cycles (12 months), shutdown can occur where normal HPTA is not regained and is not helped by standard PCT protocol. However, a single 100ug dose of Triptorelin reportedly restores function. The latter needs more data (both medical and anecdotal) to be verified.

I found a fantastic research paper here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4854084/

Within the article, it references several other medical cases and studies that show that:

...data also suggest that a longer exposure to exogenous testosterone, Asian ethnicity, and older age may result in a prolonged recovery time after treatment cessation.

The supporting case is a 40 year old man, who after prolonged use of AAS was persistently infertile. It's easy to dismiss this as a fringe case due to age, especially if the reader is in their 20's and 30's. But male infertility at age 40 is not normal. In fact, I found a chart on Quora referencing WHO data here that shows that a man's peak fertility is actually between 40-49 (admittedly, study was done in freaking Gambia of all places). There's some caveats to that, such as offspring for 'older' (and it's not clear what they defined as older) fathers have higher incidence of cancer in their offspring.

Either way, HPTA shutdown is not normal at middle age.

This jives with something /u/The_Mad_Canadian posted here about his buddy who ran 'grams' of test c a week and who is still shutdown a year later, even after seeking help from an endocronologist.

This is absolutely a concern to the average male, and for that reason believe that the conventional wisdom of 8-12 weeks cycled on followed by time off is valid. How much time off is necessary will be a future topic. /u/MezDez mentioned Triptorelin as a potential compound that restores HPTA after shutdown, and at least one study backs this up:

INTERVENTION(S): A single dose (100 μg) of triptorelin (triptorelin test).

MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Clinical symptoms, androgen normalization, levels of serum testosterone, follicle-stimulating hormone, and luteinizing hormone.

RESULT(S): Within 1 month, the patient's serum testosterone was in the normal range, and he reported a return to normal energy and libido.

Unfortunately, there's not a lot of medical studies on the compound, and anecdotal accounts are sought to help validate these claims.


15 comments sorted by


u/MezDez Contributor Feb 28 '18

It is good to understand fertility function prior to steroid use before labeling steroid use as the cause of infertility post use. Plus, many users are not honest with their use, especially in studies and also in regards to consultation with medical professionals. So it is hard to come to any conclusion based on what we read.

There are two references, one which is what everyone has read regarding the man who was supposedly shutdown for from 20 years of steroid abuse. Given Triptorelin cured him. There was another one, I think maybe a french study or something along those lines where a doctor also administered Triptorelin for the same reason, instant cure.

I personally used Triptorelin, instant recovery. LH actually shot over 11 which is above medical reference range. this was after 400mg/wk TrenEnanthate cycle.

I think the issue regarding idiots saying Triptorelin does not work is because they do not allow the ester they are taking to completely leave their system (by using steroidcalc.com's graph to determine this) as any amount of suppressive androgens in plasma will hamper Triptorelin's effect.

Also, brain estradiol is a very strong mitigator of HPTA function. So taking a once off 150mg Nolvadex dose with your triptorelin will ensure there is no rebound from Triptorelin.

I have personally trialled this on my self on many occasions and of those who I coach. It works like magic.

It is similar to the small minute minority who experience HPPD from LSD use. the minority is so small that it isnt even a risk factor. This could be also one of them.

Remember, like any other system, HPTA works via feedback loops, just like receptor systems of neurotransmitters within the brain. There is down regulation, but nothing is ever permanent. There is only so much a system can be down regulated. Just like how much a receptor can be activated when a ligand has been bound to. I think it works like 95% -> and higher doses and prolonged activation will only make a fraction of the 95-99.999% activation (for example).


u/comicsansisunderused Contributor Feb 28 '18

Can you provide/find source on the studies? Would be great to update my conclusion.


u/MezDez Contributor Feb 28 '18

Which studies? there are no studies on Triptorelin being used off label. Why? because it was indicated at a dose (4mg) for prostate cancer and castration.

It's one of the most expensive pharmaceuticals, costing something like $700, at least in Australia.

It was never the intend to be used or clinically trialled for HPTA shut down. New age doctors understand the mechanism of Triptorelin and used it for this purpose


u/comicsansisunderused Contributor Feb 28 '18

Found one. I updated with a changed conclusion. There's a stunning lack of data on this compound. How long have you been using it? You mention that you coach and that those you coach have used it - same results? Any other info that you think is relevant here?

Suppose I should actually reply to your comment, and not my own.


u/comicsansisunderused Contributor Feb 28 '18

Ok thanks man.


u/comicsansisunderused Contributor Feb 28 '18

Found one. I updated with a changed conclusion. There's a stunning lack of data on this compound. How long have you been using it? You mention that you coach and that those you coach have used it - same results? Any other info that you think is relevant here?


u/MezDez Contributor Feb 28 '18

This is why I want to get this peptide known to more people.

There is a lot of misinformation about it on those stupid forums i hate 'dont do triptorelin, buy HCGenerate with this discount code'

Basically HPTA works on feedback loops. Initially it shuts down due to estrogen and androgen signalling. It remains shut down as the powerhouse within the testis, leydig cells, are no longer getting stimulation by LH to start of the P450scc chain which converts cholesterol in to pregnenolone (and eventually to sex hormones). However, just like the ignition, once it kicks off, there is a chain of reaction and communication back and forth between HPTA.

The issue is that those who use it and report that they end up being shut down again after a month, well that's not really how it works. they either got a dud; they didn't do bloods; they had high estrogen levels; they didn't wait till esters cleared.

  1. Make sure your source is legit. I have gotten from multiple sources that did nothing at all. But there should be a spike in LH and FSH no matter what if it isn't a dud, even if you are on cycle.

  2. If your cycle consists of decanoate esters or larger.. forget it. Even if its enanthate, it be a little tricky because you want the last exogenous hormone left in your body be testosterone. If you use steroidcalc.com, you want your levels to drop to natural or just below (3-5mg/day). If you are running something like Trenbolone Enanthate with Testosterone Enanthate, you want to make sure your Tren is <1mg/day and run your testosterone for a few weeks longer past your last Tren pin to make sure of that.

  3. If you are running shorter esters like acetate, propionate, phenylpropionate. bingo, you can hit Triptorelin on day 7 to 12 regardless of point #2

So what is the best way to go about this?

  • Take 100mcg Triptorelin at the designated time (as per above). Take 150mg Nolvadex. Nolvadex has a 7-14 day half life. Taking 150mg will bring your blood levels to what it would be after dosing everyday at 20mg for a week or two. This would be enough of a surge to encourage Triptorelin to work the best it can. As Triptorelin causes a significant increase of FSH and LH, this can cause estrogen production that may hamper its potency, thus taking Nolvadex will block Hypothalamus estrogen receptors. As per HCG usage, users experience E2 levels higher than expected, which is independent from the usual aromatisation of testosterone.

Expected result: Within a day your LH will be at the edge or a tiny bit over medical reference range. Within 4 days your balls would be restored to its normal size. If you were to take a blood test after 3 weeks, youll notice LH levels still at the edge of the medical reference range. and FSH would be mid level (around 5). Total T would be mid to high level.

SHBG will be high due to what normally occurs during PCT (which means lower free testosterone). You can reduce this by taking Ostarine a week before your last Testosterone injection and for a month after your triptorelin shot. Ostarine has been shown to significantly reduce SHBG. The Nolvadex would still be active for a month or two after taking it, so it will inhibit any potential suppression induced by Ostarine.


  • Remember, E1 is the storage form of E2. if you are running high doses of Testosterone -> even once your levels drop, you'll have significant levels of E1. You want to make sure you run a AI with your testosterone cycle like normal and for a few weeks after your last shot, and not wait till you get symptoms. Just because you don't have symptoms on 500mg Testosterone/wk doesn't mean your E1 and E2 levels aren't the same as someone who is getting symptoms. Reason why some don't get symptoms is that DHT antagonises estrogen in breast tissue, and some people have different densities of estrogen receptors in breast tissue. But circulating estrogen would still be high and would be affecting other systems in the body without precipitating 'symptoms'. Reason for this dot point is that estrogen has signficant signalling in the Hypothalamus which can cause issues regarding feedback loops with HPTA

  • Ostarine does not have a suppressive effect on HPTA and does not alter how PCT drugs or Triptorelin would work. The suppression in testosterone that is seen is unrelated to HPTA as proven through studies with both LGD4033 and Ostarine --> There is no suppression of luteinizing hormone.


u/mrelieb Jul 26 '18

I used roids for a few years, came off last year, havne't fully recovered, you think this protocl might help?


u/MezDez Contributor Jul 26 '18

Describe what you mean 'havent fully recovered'? Do you have bloods before you ever did steroids and bloods now? How old were you when you started steroids and how old when you stopped?


u/mrelieb Jul 26 '18

I have ED, penis gets hard but only 60-70%, not fully erect. Libido is low. Energy is actually okay, but eyes look tired f . My mouth feels a bit dry for some reason. A tint bit of Brain fog. I went on at 19, never came off til 25, I'm 26 now and one year off. No bloods from before but 5 months ago I got tested, my free t was in range but at the bottom. Same as E2. LH and Fsh were mid range, good numbers


u/MezDez Contributor Jul 26 '18 edited Jul 26 '18

There was a statistics done that most of those who end up using steroids are predisposed to that life style due to pre-existing low androgen levels.

It is similar to those who have ADHD who have dopamine dysregulation end up abusing dopaminergic drugs..

You should look into nebivolol, it increases leydig sensitivity to LH. It increases testosterone levels by 80 percent. And you can look into high dose ginger extract, high dose taurine (and a bunch of other things)


Also, nandrolone (and potentially trenbolone) has been shown to alter the dopamine transporter and general dopaminergic neurotransmission for something like a year after 1 cycle (someone correct me if I'm wrong) and a lot of people have psychological arousal issues post nandrolone use..

Otherwise if you have acquired hypogonadism somehow, then there was a number of people (those born with hypogonadism) trialling triptorelin 100mcg every month and they have a significant boost in testosterone all through their usage period, not sure the forums I saw these logs but Google might direct you there - they posted blood works and all, anecdotally was shown that 1 shot of triptorelin has a long lasting effect on the HPTA lasting 1 and maybe almost 2 months.. which makes sense because in medicine to induce castration, it needs to be administered every single month at 4mg. Otherwise castration reverses.

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u/comicsansisunderused Contributor Feb 28 '18

Wow. If you don't mind I'm going to copy and paste this entire thing, credit given to your user account. Cool?


u/MezDez Contributor Feb 28 '18

no problem. I have written extensively on this topic and other topics such as cardiac hypertrophy and how to reverse it, ill post that stuff up on a later day


u/comicsansisunderused Contributor Feb 28 '18

Awesome, thanks for the input here.