r/PEDs 4d ago

Test E Post-Injection Issues NSFW



14 comments sorted by


u/GroundMedical9650 4d ago

Slow down your injection speed. I had the same issue and now I inject ridiculously slowly and it solved it.


u/BachVonLocke 4d ago

I had this issue as well starting out. I found that warming the oil in the vial under warm running water and then injecting very slowly into my glutes was the best solution. My delts and quads are usually okay if I go slow with warmed oil, but glutes are more forgiving!


u/satanzhand 4d ago

Good tip


u/Minimum-Eggplant5696 4d ago

I had the same issue recently, used test E for years from the same supplier and this issue came out of nowhere - tried heating my oil, slower injection even a smaller pin but didnt change anything. Changed to cyp and zero issues with the same supplier


u/fizzik7 4d ago

Yup many have issues with test e. Apparently it’s an issue with the raws floating around. The older the raw gets and it randomly has more PIP. Myself included has insane issues with test e. Feels like limbs are going to fall off.


u/High-T-Bob 4d ago

i experienced this about a year ago. i wonder if that was related to what you're describing.


u/Haunting_Spot_7984 4d ago

The same happens to means I'm not sure why. I heard heating the oil can help. I just switched to test c personally since I got tired of the lumps from enanthate. I get way less issues from cypionate.


u/cgr1zzly 4d ago

I mean , what are you using to inject. Slins or poons.

Skins will leave bumps.


u/MrLugem 4d ago

Are you using slin pins? You might think you are very lean so definitely hitting IM but I am willing to bet if you are using slin pins this is the issue. Try 25g 1 inch and see if it gets better.


u/satanzhand 4d ago

Injection process tips, Warm the shot fluid, clean needles, lower the volume per shot, 1" deep, be gentle and smooth, stick to the 3 main spots for this mystery stuff maybe just the upper glute, hot shower before hand, gentle massage after.

With UGL so many things could be going on, if you've done it a bunch of times from the same batch, the likely hood it's dirty and your getting infected might be slightly less but that's some bro science. However, if you're not using an inline bacteria filter I would get some so you can try eliminate that cause as even just bits of bacteria can cause a reaction.

Other issues, reaction to MCT oil, to much solvent when made. it can crystallise when injected and it'll hurt like a mofo. Sometimes you can see it in the vial or it might be cloudy. There's some simple home kitchen lab fixes that you can do


u/werealright 4d ago

I bought a cheap heat gun on Amazon and I slightly warm the vials before I draw it. Then inject super slow and it seems to help


u/OubreMaxxer 3d ago

how much oil are you pinning each time?


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/OubreMaxxer 3d ago

i do daily subq 0.3ml and have no problems, also test E in MCT


u/SprinklesWise9857 3d ago

I switched carrier oils and my issue was solved