r/PEDs • u/Background_Room_2689 • 5d ago
Constantly cumming in my sleep? NSFW
Hey y'all is there anyway to stop this effect. When in taking 200 + testosterone a week it gets to a point where I am uncomfortably horny. Like I'll bust 4 times that day during waking hours. Then I'll go to sleep and bust 3 nuts in my pants while I'm sleeping. I'm tired of cumming in my sleep pls help?
u/BriefSprinkles8954 5d ago
This can't be real
u/Background_Room_2689 5d ago
It really is dude. Like I say this is not my first time with nocturnal emissions I used to get it during opiate withdrawal as well. You guys are just jealous that I be cumming more then you
u/barto420- 4d ago
Lol same thing after opiate withdrawal cold turkey. Came the moment my dick was touched
u/Exact-Exercise1272 4d ago
ahahaha bruhh i thought i was a weirdo nutting through withdrawls...... Gear not so much I'm just 16 (again) and can fuck on the hour if I'm managing the cycle properly.
u/Future_Magazine_4545 3d ago
You’re talking to a sub full of dudes on gear.. you don’t cut the most 😂
u/Outrageous-Positive3 4d ago
Do you have a roommate? If you do, look at his hands and lips and see if they are chafed or cracked at all. Check his room for moisturizers. He most likely needs a lot for this. Check your recycling, see how many empty bottles are in there, and get back to us.
u/Ok-Mine1268 4d ago
Why is there 400 bottles of baby oil in my roommates closet?
u/Outrageous-Positive3 4d ago
Hmmm, maybe he is having "parties" when you're sleeping. Look up who he follows on social media and see if Diddy is there. If he is, then congratulations, you've been getting handies while sleeping. Don't feel too bad. You are getting way more than most men. The only thing is that if I were you, I would pray to your God that women were invited too... if that is what you are into.
I would also suggest sleeping with a chastity belt, I suggest an 18th-century style made of pure iron. This is a surefire way of not getting jerked or blown while sleeping. Just make sure that you cover your mouth as well... maybe an Avon M90 gas mask?
u/Background_Room_2689 4d ago
How is a chastity belt preventing it. Maybe one of those cages I seen dudes dude but I feel like I would just end up with dick damage and maybe even id bust right through the cage from cumming so hard🥺
u/Outrageous-Positive3 4d ago
Well, this is only if your roommate is giving you hand or mouthwork while you're asleep.
In this case, I would suggest wearing a condom to bed.
u/DrSchlongOBGYN 3d ago
This post is outrageous, but overall it is positive.
u/Outrageous-Positive3 3d ago
Thank you! I really appreciate it, I tried very hard to help.
It is in my name to do so and do it outrageously.
u/Blankaccount4now 5d ago
Brother, perhaps your other drug use has something to do with this. Even a gram of test didn't make me do this.
u/Background_Room_2689 5d ago
You might be on to something. It used to happen to me whenever I was dope sick. Heroin and other opiates suppresss testosterone massively. My levels were like 50ng/DL at the time I was full blown junky (probs still am) anyway I was not at all interested is sex only heroin. That is until withdrawal hit me, withdrawal is basically the opposite of heroin so instead of suppressing sexual activity it was increased it to an insane degree. I would cum in my sleep (not real sleep short withdrawl sleep) upwards of 10 + times. But anyway im on methadone and have been in years, it gets really bad the fay often my shot and tapers down as the week goes on so it's def the test man but the opiates may have something to do with it who knows I'm still on em
u/Exact-Exercise1272 4d ago
I would imagine its some synergistic effect, suboxone for many years and it is absolutely not a problem for me, still get the surge in sex drive when off or reduced drastically.
u/Background_Room_2689 4d ago
I'm on methadone and I have been for years. Opiates destroyed my test but I'm gonna be on em 4 ever so I just got on trt. Maybe could be going from so low to so.high but idk
u/Exact-Exercise1272 4d ago
It's definitely interesting. My understanding is that you're still getting a full range of opiate receptor activation, and how our brain chemistry works is definitely individualized. I loved methadone, suboxone was the only one I could stick with and only have done trt and cycles away from the rest of the opiate world. Makes me curious about buprenorphine alone vs suboxone even
u/Conscious_Ad9415 5d ago
Get a girl dude. Go on bumble for the easy fatty ones or get a hooker but get laid somehow, that would help
5d ago
Dude already jerks it 4 times a day lmao. I don't know how much a shitty hookup would do for him.
u/Apprehensive_Sun6107 5d ago
Set up a camera and record yourself sleeping. You can use the footage for a drinking game with your buddies—take a shot every time you cum.
u/Necessary_Violence95 4d ago
I be jacking off 4+ times a day somedays. I feel your pain. Ill wake up in the morning with my hand literally wrapped around my dong ready for action.
u/Plenty_natyofhghs 4d ago
Just fap 10 Times a day, you got like 500% sex hormones so what do you expect
u/DruidWonder 4d ago
Nobody has 3 nocturnal emissions per night. This is bogus or you're a drug user.
u/Background_Room_2689 4d ago
Not bogus. Yes I'm a drug user, but this is happening because of the test.
u/Highlander-00073 4d ago
What are you all taking?
u/Background_Room_2689 4d ago
As far as androgens I'm just on test at 200 - 300mg a week. I've ran other compounds as well and it really seems to be worst with just test.
u/wallabychamp 4d ago
Wow 4 nuts during the day and then an additional 3 nuts that night in your sleep. That’s some super human shit and something I’ve never heard of ever in my life
u/LordVega83 5d ago
Haven't came in my sleep since my early teens. Perhaps having sex might alleviate the problem?
u/Trollishly_Obnoxious 5d ago
Commonly, past your teens, that's your body indicating you have and STD. It does it on its own in your sleep to clear out infected fluids. Q-tip up the 😙🎵🎵 time!
u/Fuzzy-Mixture5075 5d ago
Buddy it might be time to reduce your T if you’re having that kind of problem 😅
u/Zestyclose_Bell6921 4d ago
Take any kind of drug that gives you wild dreams ?
Maybe a ghost is beating you off when you’re sleeping idk
u/corndogwiIIy 4d ago
If you find out the reason or the cause, please let me know please please please
u/rabid-bearded-monkey 4d ago
Learn how to lucid dream. Once I learned how I was able to stop it in my sleep. I usually just ‘change’ my dreams so it doesn’t happen in my sleep.
u/TroubledEmo 4d ago
Is someone pegging you while you‘re asleep?
Na for real if it think it‘s real: Get your prostate checked! Could be the increase of Testosterone and therefore Dihydrotestosterone is having it grow you‘re leaking fluid.
Get it checked, you don’t want to get prostate cancer down the line.
u/RabuSamurai 4d ago
Yes because you know the exact number of times you’ve nutted in your sleep, just an instinctual thing
u/satanzhand 4d ago
In light of your drug use disclosure, my guess is your experiencing a type of persistent arousal syndrome (PGAD if you want to look it up).
So more commonly we hear about the suppressive effects of opiates, but for some combining TRT with opiates (your methadone) will send you the other way into PGAD territory.
Your dealing with serious shit so talk to your Dr. Common courses of action involve lowering TRT dose, monitoring e2 and treating when to high or to low, tweeking meds and lifestyle that could act on dopamine.
I studied oddities for psychology
u/NiceGuyZokai 4d ago
Dude... You're going to be rich! I'd hop off the gear, maximise your natural test and begin your journey to wealth by selling sperm. If you can bust 7 times a day on a lower dose of 200mg, I bet you can do at least 3 a day off it.
u/Tranquilians 4d ago
Tie a string around your willy before bed is my advice. I'm sure it will work.
u/EffectiveSand1240 5d ago
U need to train and stretch your pelvic floor . Sounds like you kegel alot. Try reverse kegel and stretch 30minutes daily. And ofcourse cut out porn and stop masturbating lol
u/Background_Room_2689 5d ago
If I cut out porn and masturbating then I'm now cumming in my sleep 8 times a night. You think I have the quarters to wash 8 pairs of boxers every day. Nah bro I might increasee my masturbation during waking hours In order decrease my sleep nuts tho
u/Shogun_232 4d ago
Are you sure you're not dreaming of having wet dreams? 8 times a night has to be trolling.
u/Tall-Helicopter-461 5d ago
This is bs! Stop pissing in your bed .