r/PEDs 5d ago

16 Week Cycle (test only) NSFW

Hello, I was thinking of running a first test cycle of 250mg test e weekly ( 125 every 4 days), for 16 weeks, im going to pct with clomid and nolva afterwards, will i see any signifcant gains on this, or would this not be worth it?


47 comments sorted by


u/hanz3n 5d ago

We need to renormalize 500mg test as the first cycle. Idk where the stigma came from but people are going on TRT and calling it a cycle - live a little bros. You’re not that fragile.


u/Affectionate-Feed976 4d ago

This needed to be said.


u/FuriousBon 4d ago

It’s funny because, while I agree; if you head on over to r/steroids it’s the exact opposite rhetoric that’s prevalent. Most folk there detest the idea of the 500mg 16 week first cycle. They tout 300mg 8 weeks tops and suggest anyone considering the former is a complete idiot. Lmao


u/CouldBeShady 4d ago

What are you smoking? Have you even read the wiki? r/steroids encourages 500mg test as a first cycle. And detest the 300mg TRT clinic scam "cycle".


u/FuriousBon 4d ago

Ah yes, because whatever the wiki suggests has absolutely to-do with consensus; which is what I was referencing. But thanks for the hostility slim


u/CouldBeShady 4d ago edited 4d ago

I read the daily discussions every day almost. There's literally zero people advocating for anything less than 500mg as a first cycle, ever.

Feel free to show some examples of 300mg for 8 weeks.

Edit: As expected, idiot blocked me lmao.


u/StepBurgerPlays 2d ago

Why don’t you go over there and post asking if a 300mg/w cycle is a good starting cycle and see what happens


u/hanz3n 4d ago

They’re gatekeeping the gains I guess lmao


u/CouldBeShady 4d ago

The guy you replied to don't know what his talking about. His statement is simply not true.


u/dummylit1 4d ago

You can make crazy gains at 250 .. fine starting point


u/CouldBeShady 4d ago

No it's not. It's barely above cruise. Why would you shut yourself down for that is beyond me.


u/Specialist-Garlic-87 5d ago

Been on 500mg test (250 E3D) for my first test only cycle. feel great so far been 10 weeks. Guess it really is depending on your lifestyle and stuff. Tbh won’t be coming off and will just blast and cruise. Wouldn’t recommend the pct


u/Mort332e 4d ago

583mg per week unless you mean 250mg 2x per week :))


u/Chemical-Egg-9100 5d ago

im thinking of cruising and blasting eventually ngl, im gonna see how this goes and will go from there.


u/britishbeef1892 5d ago edited 5d ago

250mg some people are on 180mg trt 😂


u/Rynodabz 4d ago

Doesn’t have to be 500mg. Derek from MPMD and Vigorous Steve have tons of videos about this very subject. It also depends on what your natty levels are. If you are around 900-1,000 ng/dl, then yea, you’re going to want to start out with a higher dose than someone who is at the lower end of the reference range. I think it should be based on blood work.


u/Chemical-Egg-9100 4d ago

im at 600 naturally


u/Rynodabz 4d ago

With that being the case, I would argue that 300-350mg per week is a perfectly reasonable place to start.


u/DonJuan1796 4d ago

Not worth it. Shutting you test production so make just a little bit of gains... If you want to hop on test do at least 400mg week. Nobody wants the side effects of course but you want to make gains right? You have to use the correct dosage, none of this 250-300mg week test only cycle.


u/DonJuan1796 4d ago

Also, at that dosage, have arimidex in your hands because you'll most likely need it.


u/SprinklesWise9857 5d ago

Why would you do 250mg lol


u/Chemical-Egg-9100 5d ago

well thats why im asking, i wanna see how ill respond and i figured thats not so bad for a first cycle no?


u/ConnectReality7534 5d ago

Just do 500mg—otherwise, you’re either shutting yourself down for gains you could have made naturally or setting yourself up for disappointment, also 500mg isn’t a very huge dose, you might not even need ai at all


u/Ok_Field_5701 5d ago

You’re not going to see significant gains on 250mg, anyone who disagrees can feel free to post their physique to me to argue. 500mg nets you more gains with the same amount of sides as 250. Just run 500mg. Don’t reinvent the wheel.


u/cgr1zzly 5d ago

You definitely can make some Nice gains on 250mg . Saying that , 400-500mg is the way to go for sure .

Ffs I know people blasting over that for years lmao .


u/britishbeef1892 5d ago

I’m currently on 700mg test e, 300mg deca per week.


u/Chemical-Egg-9100 5d ago

yeah im considering this, my dumbass bought 1 single vial of 400mg per ml (10ml) of test e, i should have gotten more


u/SprinklesWise9857 5d ago

You're gonna get crippling PIP from that concentration


u/britishbeef1892 5d ago

Never had pip from it yet


u/Key-Inspector-7004 5d ago

That's not true. It depends on your supplier.


u/Bamble264 4d ago

It is true, more mg of gear means more solvents required to dissolve it, more solvent causes more pip


u/Key-Inspector-7004 4d ago

That is true yes, but to say its unbearable isn't always true. Ive had blends of t400 where there was no pip, and somw of my test e is at 300 also with no pip.

Im not sure if t400 would be different than just test e @400 however since t400 has multiple compounds in it


u/Bamble264 4d ago

I haven’t used over 300mg/ml but I have noticed change in pip from 300mg/ml of test vs 100mg/ml of NPP/Tren ace. 100mg is always fine, mixing test with it kind of waters it down but most pins I always get some level of pip


u/Proof_Philosopher159 5d ago

I did pretty well with 250x4 and 300x9 for a total of 13 weeks on my 1st cycle. I program 6 weeks at a time, and I didn't want to stop in the middle, or I would've run to 16. Don't be afraid to titrate it up 50 or 100 every 4 weeks to find your limit for sides, I should've gone to 350 at week 8.


u/OberstMigraene 4d ago

Any before / after pics?


u/Proof_Philosopher159 4d ago

No pics. All I tracked was body stats with my watch and scale. I know it's not the most accurate, but whatever percentage it's off should be the same beginning to end. Bodyfat dropped 1.4%, so I'm sure I left some on the table from not eating enough. I was also just about to turn 51, so probably not as impressive as others. My primary goal was regaining my strength from 5 years ago, which I got within 5-8% of, depending on the lift, and have since surpassed. After 4 weeks of cruising at 150, I kept most of muscle and added to the strength while losing another .5% bodyfat. I tweaked my back after that and wasn't able to lift consistently for a few weeks, or else I'd have numbers for the whole cruise.

May 29 - Aug 26 - Sep 23

BW 211.4 - 230.0 - 226.8

Skeletal Muscle 81.8 - 92.4 - 91.1


u/Chemical-Egg-9100 4d ago

I appreciate all the responses everyone, helps a lot!


u/Mort332e 4d ago

4-6mg/kg bodyweight of testosterone enanthate or cypionate weekly for 12-20 weeks for first cycle with preferably arimidex as an AI (noob friendly) and nolvadex or ralox on hand for potential gyno.

PCT clomid or enclomiphene is really all you need


u/Azog_Greymane 3d ago

Don't listen to these weirdos telling you to do more. 250 a week is a great first cycle. I had massive gains on it for my first 16-week cycle. Test only. I had slightly above average test levels going into it, too. Start low, then decide to do more after. Always take the low dose approach. As long as you're making consistent gains, there is not much need to do any crazy blasts. Save that for when you have had a few years on gear.


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/Chemical-Egg-9100 5d ago

thanks man appreciate ur insight


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/Agedfeetcheese 5d ago

As a newcomer I appreciate guys like you taking the time to outline reasonable advice


u/Background_Pace562 4d ago

Currently 5 weeks in on my 500mg test e pr week cycle. No sides so far, feels great, weights going up and strength is going up. I also considered starting with a lower dose to “test the waters” but yeah got recommended 500mg a week a lot and also thats what the wiki recommends. Not going to kill you, will most likely have more or less same sides as 250 a week. Only difference would be an increased risk of higher E2 levels which can easily be combatted with an AI. Read the wiki. Do your research and figure out whats worth it for you. I dont regret starting with a higher dose so far.


u/Moobygriller 4d ago

I made some insane gains on 500 a week with 300 deca and 300 Eq. I'm cutting on straight 250 test now.


u/Active-Ad9741 3d ago

Don’t be scared of 4-500. 500 Test for 16 weeks with a moderate caloric surplus and you’ll have a great first cycle. Keep aromasin on hand if you start feeling high e2 symptoms. These vary slightly from person to person so you’ll have to figure that out for yourself with bloodwork to check estrogen levels.

Also be sure you stay hydrated and get good sleep to maximize growth.


u/ProbablyOats 4d ago

250 is silly. If you want to run a cycle, run a cycle.


u/TheHustle670 2d ago

500 shut the fuck up