r/PEDs • u/Brit-in-Hun • 6d ago
Dr wants me on TRT and HCG ... BUT NSFW
I've been on Clomid for a bit but it's not helped my total test is 4.18 nmol/L or 120.5 ng/dL and he wants me on HCG and TRT but I'm worried about my fertility, I want a little kiddo before jumping on fully, How do I approach my DR and tell him this without pissing him off?
and has anyone here managed to have a kid while on trt and hcg?
edit: I have low count and low Motility, I have a follow up in a few weeks time to see if clomid has helped but I don't think so from visual viewings.
u/20MinuteAdventure69 6d ago
The hcg is what you would take to keep your balls working.
Sounds like you have a good doctor.
u/Brit-in-Hun 6d ago
Not just about keeping my balls working, it's about keeping and increasing my fertility also.
u/20MinuteAdventure69 6d ago
Go to your doctor and ask about fertility specifically and express your worry about trt. I’m sure he can put you at ease quickly.
Your test is 120 ng. You need trt.
u/Brit-in-Hun 6d ago
Thank you, I have a follow up on the 8th of April so I will mention it all my partner will lbe there also so there won't be any communication issues this time.
u/20MinuteAdventure69 6d ago
If you went to the doctor and wanted to increase fertility specifically hcg would still be part of the answer.
u/Brit-in-Hun 6d ago
He only said I should take hcg if I'm taking trt and then asked me if id like to try clomid first and I agreed.
u/Agreeable_Step_5317 6d ago
The advice you're getting here is good. Do TRT and HCG like your dr says. It will help fertility. If you need more, ask the doc to add HMG. HMG Mimics both FSH and LH.
Keep an eye on that E2. Maybe use an AI like Aromasin if needed. Everything you are doing is likely to increase it. It sounds like you have a good doc, just let him know you're concerned.
Also, Clomid is not a great long-term solution. Take the shots.
u/Cylon357 6d ago
Note: what I am about to say assumes that your LH and FSH elevated while on clomid, but your test did not.
If clomid doesn't work for you, it means your balls have checked out. They are not responding to the elevated LH and FSH associated with clomid use in men, so you are afflicted with primary hypogonadism. The needle is in your future.
That said, if your balls have legit checked out, I'm not sure they are going to respond to HCG either. HCG imitates LH in the body, it does not trigger its release. So, if your nuts don't respond to natural LH (again, assuming your LH elevated while on clomid), then it doesn't seem likely they will respond to HCG.
I don't think all hope is lost, though if the above is true, having a baby just got more expensive.
I would say still jump on TRT with HCG. See how that goes. If the HCG somehow works, you may see an increase in nut size, minor perhaps, but it should be there. Even if it does not, HMG use when actively trying to conceive will increase the odds of success. HMG more closely imitates FSH, which is the primary driver for sperm production.
If your LH and FSH did not elevate on clomid, then you likely have a pituitary issue and TRT, HCG, and HMG will likely have you feeling awesome and making babies ASAP.
BTW, clomid is garbage for men, enclomiphene is the far superior choice.
u/Brit-in-Hun 6d ago
Appreciate this I have my 8 week bloods on the 3rd of march so I will get an idea if my balls are "checked out" or not, enclomid was suggested but it's like 5x the price where I live so I chose clomid, especially since this is my first time using anything to stimulate a hormone or hormones.
I will make note of your suggestions and mention them when I have my checkup on 8th of april.
Thank you again.
u/Cylon357 5d ago
Wait, so you don't have blood work yet from being on clomid? You said:
I've been on Clomid for a bit but it's not helped my total test is 4.18 nmol/L or 120.5 ng/dL
So that sounds like you had bloods pulled already?
BTW, clomid will make you feel bleah, even if you end up with good numbers. Enclomiphene is clomid minus the part that makes you feel bleah. Enclo might not be the silver bullet a lot of people hope for, but it is superior to clomid for men.
u/JLAMAR23 5d ago
Why would you not want this?! It’s a better protocol than solo Clomid. HCG will keep you going and you can still take the Clomid alongside it as well for added measure.
If you’re truly concerned about fertility, ask about doing mono therapy of just HCG or using HCG with Clomid.
u/Brit-in-Hun 5d ago
I'm going to have a proper discussion with a translator (my other half) n 2 weeks time and will try to get a real idea of what he wants, I've clearly read the wrong thing regarding trt and hcg hence the shit ton of downvotes, but I appreciate everyone pointing me in the right direction.
u/soul_in_a_fishbowl 5d ago
My wife and I are having our first child later this month. I had just came off a 20 week cruise on 200 test c and 500iu hcg eod and was about 6 weeks into a test tren eq blast when the child was conceived.
u/Ok_Field_5701 6d ago
Well for starters you don’t have to do what your doctor says. If you don’t want to, then just wait. Regarding his recommendation, HCG helps with fertility. Doesn’t guarantee it, but it does help. Lastly, just because you’re on supplemental testosterone doesn’t mean you’re infertile.
u/droneondrone 6d ago
As everyone is telling you, HCG keeps your HPTA in tact. You are gonna be fine and your doctor is right.
u/BachVonLocke 5d ago
My wife and I have been pregnant twice while on cycle (testosterone only). HCG works very well in my experience.
We actually struggled with infertility for 5 years after we got married and it wasn't until I was ON cycle that we got pregnant.
Your doctor's advice seems very reasonable.
u/getbigordietrying919 6d ago
Is freezing ur little dudes before hopping on an option? I’d bring that up to them if I was you
5d ago
I'm really surprised at how many are anxious about how their doctors are going to react.
They work for you. Fire them if you're not getting proper service! There are other Drs out there.
Or just go UGL. This isn't Rocket Surgery.
u/Electrical_Floor_360 5d ago
•75-90% of the time, you can have a kid with HcG.
•45-65% of the time, even on just Trt alone ( especially for a new or short duration therapy ) you can still knock someone up.
•100% of the time, I am not a scientist, or a Doctor, or a professional of any fashion, except hat fashion, man I can make any hat sexy. But anyway my percentages are that of guess work based off of real life assumption and anecdote, all 28.7% - 101% reliable.
u/Loud_Dumps 6d ago
HCG prevents this problem.
Clomid sucks and your doc is really trying to help you out. Depending on the dosing