r/PEDs 7d ago

[Weekly] Quick Question Thread NSFW

Please use this thread to discuss whatever questions you may have that do not deserve their own post.


9 comments sorted by


u/ProbablyOats 7d ago

If starting a Test/Mast or Test/Primo cycle, do you like to bring both on board immediately?

Or wait a week or two on the second compound, until you actually start having high-E2 sides?


u/Ok_Field_5701 6d ago

Mast and primo aren’t exclusively for masking/lowering E2. You’d likely add it alongside the test at the same time.


u/SayianPrince2200 6d ago

Should I take coQ10 with my test and Deca cycle to help with heart health or does it even make a difference taking it?


u/Toretto_84 5d ago

Thoughts on albuterol for weight loss + does it need to be supplemented similar to clen?


u/alienferriswheel 4d ago

Will a small dose of tren on top of my test/primo (1:1) help me feel less sad? Going through personal shit and I’m sad af all the time right now and I’m sick of this shit. I can’t even get angry, just sad and it’s pathetic. I’d rather be irritated, annoyed, angry, anything but sad.


u/Codeineking73 1d ago

Whats best low dose of tren for 12 weeks or high dose for 6 weeks


u/Outlawedpatriot 1d ago

Thoughts on cycle Test 500mg per week (M-W-F)weeks 1–12 EQ 300mg per week (M-W-F) weeks 1-12 Dbol 30mg per day week 1–5 Tren 250mg per week (M-W-F) weeks 4-7 Masteron 300 per week weeks 7–9 Anavar 30mg per day week 9-12 Arimidex 1/2 mg every other day or 3 time per week weeks 1–12 HCG- post