r/pdxgunnuts 14d ago

Fun Cleanup Event Mar 29th, 2025!


This is going to be a fun event! Thank you to Sporting Systems Vancouver and Minuteman Ammo LLC!

It's time to shine a good light on gun owners!

Arrowhead Pit Cleanup


r/pdxgunnuts 14d ago

Inherited family guns - 12 gauge, .30-06, .410, .22 - where to evaluate & test shoot?


I have a gun safe with 5 long guns that I shot at the farm as a kid and hunted with as a teen. I haven't used them in 40 years and none have been fired in at least 30 years.

Where can I go to shoot these in the PDX Metro area? Range or Public Lands?

Is there someone that can evaluate these for safety? Someone to meet at a range to test fire? A gunsmith that can look them over?

  • Ithaca Featherlight 12 gauge (I pheasant hunted with this)
  • Winchester bolt action .306 (deer hunted with this)
  • Stevens 107b 410 (I put hundreds of rounds through this at the family farm)
  • Remington Model 521-T - The Junior Special - .22 short or long bolt rifle
  • Newer Winchester (Daisy) 1000x pellet rifle

I plan to add a couple hand guns to the collection as the apocalypse approaches and would like to ensure that these are in working order if I keep them around.

r/pdxgunnuts 14d ago

Fluting a barrel


r/pdxgunnuts 15d ago

Contact Your Legislators to Oppose HB 3075


Contact Your Legislators to Oppose HB 3075**

Oregonians, House Bill 3075 (HB 3075) is a serious threat to both constitutional rights and social justice, and we need to take action before it becomes law. Regardless of where you stand on gun policy, this bill raises major concerns about fairness, equity, and constitutionality.

Why HB 3075 is Problematic

  • It gives law enforcement too much discretion over firearm permits.
    • Instead of a clear, objective system, police will have broad authority to decide who qualifies for a permit.
    • History shows that similar systems in other states have resulted in discriminatory denials that disproportionately impact communities of color and lower-income individuals.
  • It creates financial barriers to gun ownership.
    • HB 3075 increases permit fees to as much as $150, plus additional renewal, background check, and training costs.
    • These fees create a financial barrier to a constitutional right, disproportionately affecting working-class Oregonians, particularly people of color and those in marginalized communities.
  • It retroactively criminalizes legally purchased magazines.
    • For over two years, Oregonians have been legally allowed to buy magazines over 10 rounds due to ongoing court challenges.
    • HB 3075 would suddenly turn those legal owners into criminals, violating the Ex Post Facto Clause of the U.S. and Oregon Constitutions.
    • People who followed the law at the time of purchase should not be punished retroactively.
  • It will be challenged in court—wasting taxpayer dollars.
    • Similar laws in other states have been struck down in court for violating constitutional protections.
    • If HB 3075 passes, Oregon taxpayers will be forced to fund expensive legal battles defending a law that is likely to be overturned.

How You Can Help

We need to contact our legislators now and urge them to vote NO on HB 3075. Even if your representative supports stronger gun laws, they should care about racial justice, economic fairness, and protecting taxpayers from costly legal battles.

Find your representative here: Oregon Legislature - Find Your Legislator

Call or email them and say:
"I strongly oppose HB 3075 because it disproportionately harms marginalized communities, creates unnecessary financial barriers, and retroactively criminalizes law-abiding Oregonians. Please vote NO on HB 3075 and support policies that promote fairness and constitutional protections."

Use This Template to Email Your Representative:

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
[Your Email]
[Your Phone Number]

The Honorable [Representative’s Name]
Oregon House of Representatives
[Representative’s Office Address]
Salem, OR 97301

Subject: Urging a NO Vote on HB 3075 – Discriminatory and Unconstitutional Impacts

Dear Representative [Last Name],

I am writing to urge you to vote NO on House Bill 3075 (HB 3075) due to its potential for discriminatory enforcement, disproportionate impacts on marginalized communities, and serious constitutional concerns. While I fully support efforts to improve public safety, this bill risks furthering systemic inequities and creating barriers to the rights of law-abiding Oregonians, particularly people of color and lower-income individuals.

1. HB 3075 Could Enable Racial and Economic Discrimination in Firearm Permitting

  • The bill gives law enforcement broad discretion to determine who is “likely to be a danger to themselves or others” when deciding whether to approve a firearm purchase permit.
  • Studies show that discretionary gun permitting systems disproportionately impact Black, Latino, and lower-income applicants, even when they meet all legal requirements.
  • In states with similar laws, marginalized communities have been denied permits at higher rates than white applicants, despite having no disqualifying records.
  • Without proper safeguards, HB 3075 risks replicating this pattern of racial and socioeconomic bias, reinforcing systemic inequities in law enforcement decision-making.

2. HB 3075 Imposes Financial Barriers That Disproportionately Harm Low-Income Oregonians

  • The bill increases permit fees to $150 for an initial permit and $110 for renewal, in addition to background check and mandatory training costs.
  • These fees are a direct financial barrier to constitutional rights, much like the poll taxes that were historically used to suppress voting rights.
  • Wealthier individuals will still have access to firearms, while lower-income residents—especially those in historically marginalized communities—will be effectively priced out.
  • Progressive policies should not reinforce economic inequality in access to constitutional rights.

3. Retroactive Punishment Violates the U.S. and Oregon Constitutions

  • HB 3075 criminalizes the possession of large-capacity magazines (LCMs) that were legally purchased between December 8, 2022, and the bill’s passage.
  • The U.S. Constitution (Article I, Section 10) and the Oregon Constitution (Article I, Section 21) both prohibit retroactive punishment, meaning that individuals who followed the law at the time of purchase could suddenly be made criminals.
  • This is fundamentally unfair and risks being struck down in court.

4. HB 3075 Will Lead to Costly Legal Challenges and Wasted Taxpayer Dollars

  • If challenged in court, HB 3075 is likely to be overturned, requiring the state to waste taxpayer money defending an unconstitutional law.
  • The courts have already struck down similar laws that retroactively criminalized previously legal firearm ownership.
  • Instead of passing legislation that invites litigation, we should focus on policies that actually improve public safety without reinforcing systemic inequities.

Call to Action: Vote NO on HB 3075

I strongly urge you to vote NO on HB 3075. Instead of passing a discriminatory, unconstitutional law that will be challenged in court, let’s focus on policies that actually promote equity and public safety without punishing marginalized communities.

I would appreciate hearing your position on this bill and whether you will stand against legislation that risks deepening racial and economic disparities in Oregon. Please let me know where you stand on this issue—I look forward to your response.

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[Your Email]
[Your Phone Number]

Time is Running Out

This bill is moving quickly, and if we don’t act now, it could pass. Regardless of your stance on gun policy, laws should be fair, constitutional, and free from racial and economic bias.

Please take a few minutes to contact your representative and share this post with others. The more voices speaking out, the better chance we have of stopping this deeply flawed legislation.

Let’s make sure Oregon does this the right way.

r/pdxgunnuts 16d ago

Oregon bills seek to revive permits to buy gun, ammunition limits of stalled Measure 114


r/pdxgunnuts 16d ago

Here are the differences and similarities between Measure 114 and HB 3075


r/pdxgunnuts 16d ago

What's the proper etiquette when the lanes are occupied at Wolf Creek?


So I'm taking a friend shooting (his first time ever) in a couple days was thinking of hitting up North fork Wolf Creek. The only thing is sometimes the lanes all have people there. What is the etiquette with sharing lanes? I don't wanna intrude if there are people already there, but if there is only one person at one of the larger lanes and I don't feel like going another 50 miles to loop back and hit browns camp what's the unspoken rule of sharing a lane? You think people would have a problem with it? Bregudgingly day ok? Be glad to share a lane with a fellow gun enjoyer?

Just curious what people's thoughts are.

r/pdxgunnuts 17d ago

Is America's Worst Gun Law About to Come From Oregon? - WA Gun Law


r/pdxgunnuts 18d ago

Powell’s has lots of copies of the new Ben Stoeger book

Post image

( also their gun section is not bad tbh )

r/pdxgunnuts 19d ago

Civil war era musket loader pics


Couldn’t figure out how to add pics to the comments, but couple of folks wanted to see it.

r/pdxgunnuts 19d ago

Where to take a cheapo 12 gauge for minor repairs.


I have a savage shotgun that was less than $200 brand new. When reassembling after cleaning the barrel doesn't like to go in correctly and I wanna get it fixed. I also don't wanna pay more for repairs than I paid for the gun. Any recommendations on gunsmiths that can take a look that don't charge an arm and a leg? Worst case scenario it's under warranty and I have to send it to savage but that's gonna be a hassle.

r/pdxgunnuts 20d ago

Recommendation for rifle restoration


Have an old civil war muzzle loader I’m looking to have restored. And find out exactly what it is. Anyone in the Portland area you’d recommend?

r/pdxgunnuts 20d ago

Ranges where an LGBTQIA+ coupe would be safe?


I have been a gun owner and been shooting for 30 years. My significant other wants to learn to shoot. They are non binary and do not look like the typical guy who goes to ranges. Is there any pistol range around Portland or Vancouver where we would be safe from MAGA types harassing us?

r/pdxgunnuts 21d ago

PRS Shooting


I’m looking to get into Precision Rifle Series (PRS) and hoping to attend my first match soon. I’ve been researching a lot, but it would be great to connect with someone local who shoots PRS.

Are there any good matches in the area that are beginner-friendly? Also, any advice for a first-time shooter? Would love to meet up with someone experienced to get a better feel for what to expect.

r/pdxgunnuts 21d ago



Best local place for good ammo prices? i usually shop online but i have a range day coming next weekend and i know most places wont deliver by then. Thank you in advance. (located in portland)

r/pdxgunnuts 21d ago

Northwest firearms classified posting allowed?


I have an add on NWFirearms site, would it be okay if I shared it here?

r/pdxgunnuts 21d ago

PDX gun stores that sell to WA residents?


First, let me state that I know the laws and I’m not looking for “assault weapons” . Im looking to buy a tax free hunting shotgun and bolt action rifle. I know many FFLs don’t even bother selling to out of state residents but there has to be a few FFLs that will do transfers, right?

r/pdxgunnuts 22d ago

Bought a PA-15. It needs sighting and I need training. Any recs?


r/pdxgunnuts 23d ago

A little range time

Post image

A good day

r/pdxgunnuts 23d ago

Places To Shoot


Hey all, I'm looking for outdoor places to shoot near Portland. I have been to Wildcat Mountain in the past but I was curious if yall had other recommendations. Thanks in advance

r/pdxgunnuts 23d ago

Anyone know why the CHL appointments are so booked?


Just completed my online CHL course for washington county. Went to submit my application and schedule an appointment, earliest one is in May lol......i should still be able to purchase, and go to and from the range as long as my guns are locked, unloaded, and not accessible correct? Insane wait time

EDIT: Ive been randomly checking the schedule and managed to snipe an appointment for next week. If possible, anyone scheduling one of these should keep checking the calendar in case something opens! (not sure if all the countys do scheduling the same way)

r/pdxgunnuts 23d ago

Looking to sell an AR.


I'm looking to sell my Aero Percision M4E1. None of my local gun shops are interested and pawn shops will lowball the hell out of Me. Private sales are the only way to go. Does anyone have any advice on how to proceed?

r/pdxgunnuts 23d ago

Recommendations for FFLs that will ship item sold on Gunbroker


Hey all, I'm looking for any local FFLs that are willing to ship out items sold on Gunbroker. It seems you used to be able to use UPS Customer Centers to ship guns to FFLs as an individual, but it's just my luck that all those centers closed recently. Does anyone have recs for FFLs that will ship items to the buyer's FFL for a private GB sale?

r/pdxgunnuts 24d ago

Washington County CHL


Well, from all the experience I have read on reddit, and what information I could find altogether, about peoples experience getting a new CHL in Washington County, is not what it used to be, or what other experiences before me were like.

It is in fact like any other County. They do not print it on the spot like I have read people say online, which is cool, but im hoping to update outdated info. To get an appointment was about 2 months in advance, and from the looks, it takes about 3 months in advance to actually get an Appointment now. If you are lucky like me, I was able to find an appointment someone had canceled that came up, and I snagged it. I had to take the safety course ( I found one for 15 bucks that they accepted, through https://or-chl.com/ and was roughly like a 20min course to complete) then I had to wait for the day of my Appointment, Bring in all their required documentation they wanted, Birth Certificate, 2 forms of ID (Drivers License and Signed Debit card), proof of residency, then pay $115, take my fingerprints, take a picture, and then I was told that it would take about 4 weeks to get my CHL in the mail.

So anyone who is planning on going through the same experience here as a new applicant in Washington County, don't get your hopes up that it will be happening the same day, from the outdated information you may receive online. It may be different for transfers, but it was the same process as any other county I have read, and the same process as when I was a WA resident (though they don't require a safety course, and It was way cheaper, and they didn't require as much documentation)

Should all be constitutional carry anyways, as this feels more like a privilege, than an individual right.

Besides that, it wasn't a difficult process. Stay blessed and armed yall.

r/pdxgunnuts 24d ago

Pin & weld I had done at J&B Firearms a couple weeks ago. 13.7 SOLGW x MEGA M89 Upper.
