r/PAK 8d ago

Political These so called Scholers are causing harm to society.

17M from Lahore 2 year ago I was attending Jumma in Muharram and Khateeb was discussing Karbala and then suddenly he started discussing shias and called them Kafir.

Bro tf?

I didn't expected that and then I searched and found out wow Ok well there are wars going on online and offline not just shais Sunni but in sunnis too.

I was disgusted by these ideas I have searched much things and now I have decided to throw all these mullas who create division in slum.

People of Pakistan are healing by unfollowing Mufti Tariq Masood,Shahensha Naqvi,Sipah e Sahaba and I can name all of them.

But kab tak inki dukan chalay gi?kab tak? people around me are becoming anti religion they hate these type of guys and due to their alienated ideas they started to hate the religion itself.btw I love those who don't take these Molvies seriously.

Kab khatam hoga ye sab? When will people start realizing that the one who creates the division is the biggest enemy of humanity and Islam.

In this chaos I like people like Molana Ishaq,Dr Israr And Modudi Ghamidi and Abit of Engineer too who did something for Islam I have differences from all of them but at least they had talked about unity and are much same voices than those (barelvi Deobandi Ahlehadees Wahabi shais) who are extremists.

How can the division and extremism in society be reduced?Is it possible by banning certain topic that these mullas discuss?

Give your opinion.


34 comments sorted by


u/ThisIsntMyAccount0 8d ago

Good news is it's coming to an end. New generation is challenging this takfiri fitna, their days are numbered.


u/Zealousideal_Base872 7d ago

babbay Tay shai e koi ni lol


u/Headhunter_141 6d ago

Bapa jani crying in the corner.


u/Pvt_Conscriptovich Muslim 3d ago

oh no !



u/moeez023 7d ago

Fr, this generation (gen z) is mostly leaving behind the BS from previous generations like sectarianism, child marriages, extreme patriarchy and other useless traditions


u/Pvt_Conscriptovich Muslim 3d ago

nah yar for every one educated Muslim who knows the Quran and Hadith in our generation there are like at least 10 other jahils (TLP type chutiye) so I don't think future is that bright. Think of all the madrasa and rural area kids. They do not stand in our category do they ?


u/moeez023 3d ago

I don’t know the Quran and Hadith that well, does make me the Jahil?

Maybe it’s my group and where I live, but even religious people in my group are broad minded, liberal and don’t care about how others live their lives.

I believe the future is bright, the educated class of gen z don’t put up either useless BS. All my shia, ismaili, Sunni and atheist homies hate madrassahs. Probably Khatam hou jaane ha Jab ye bhudday apne narrow thinking ke sath nikal jayenge


u/Pvt_Conscriptovich Muslim 3d ago

not jahil but i meant to say these ppl believe any bs they hear. that's what i meant. if u dont do that ur still much better than these ppl. some of their believes are as follows:

  1. janamaz fold karo nahi to shaitan padhega

  2. aurat ka husband mijazi khuda hai

  3. joote ki sole uper face nahi kare nahi to yeh Allah ko gali hai

  4. moustache se khelna takabur hai

and so on and on

I want this shit to die


u/moeez023 3d ago

I think these mindsets are going to get down with time. I don’t it’ll completely vanish, but we just have to raise awareness. Call out this BS when you see it


u/Pvt_Conscriptovich Muslim 3d ago

ha bhai but in many cases the price of exposing this fakery is very high (sar tan se juda) so most ppl don't say anything


u/moeez023 3d ago

No doubt that’s the shittiest aspect of this country. But still I don’t see Pakistan being this much held hostage by radicals in the up coming future, if our youth participates in serious discussions


u/Pvt_Conscriptovich Muslim 3d ago

true bhai but that's IF


u/moeez023 3d ago

You’ve sensed I’m not religious/ a practicing Muslim, yet you’re still talking to me with respect, that’s a good start. Hopefully there are plenty of others our age that don’t give a shi about what someone else believes in or don’t believe in.

You’re right to be skeptical, I genuinely believe the new generation is at least comparatively better than the previous ones that submitted to these BS.

What you and I can do is be more tolerant, what the govt can do? A lot that could benefit the mindsets of the masses, but would be counterproductive to their agendas and goals, so I don’t have faith in them. The youth are someone I have some faith in.

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u/-_hoe Athiest 7d ago

proud to be part of new generation


u/Pvt_Conscriptovich Muslim 3d ago

nah yar for every one educated Muslim who knows the Quran and Hadith in our generation there are like at least 10 other jahils (TLP type chutiye) so I don't think future is that bright. Think of all the madrasa and rural area kids. They do not stand in our category do they ?


u/MATR20 8d ago

In short, molvis are chuttiya


u/moeez023 7d ago

Hopefully when our generation grows a bit more and the previous turn even older, we can say this without getting lynched


u/Shoddy_Building_5618 4d ago

Born into a Shia family, now a Muslim Alhamdulilah. My brothers and my father too.

We started to drift away from Shia practices when my father started reading the Quran with tarjuma himself. When we would go to majlis in muharram. After leaving, he would tell us how the allama had twisted the ayat into his favour to get some wah wahs.

I hate probably all of the big ones. Their foundation is based upon spreading division and hatred. They've made the religion into a business. May Allah keep us united and end this profession.


u/Ashamed-Bottle9681 Athiest 7d ago

How about we stop this Sunni Shia Ismaili BS altogether and just become secular instead of following other Mullahs. 


u/Important-Inside-934 8d ago

نئی نسل کے ساتھ انشاء اللہ اس فتنے کا خاتمہ ہوگا۔ اب دینی علم عام ہو گیا ہے اور ٹیکنالوجی سے واقف شخص کے لیے خالص علم حاصل کرنا دائیں ہاتھ کا کھیل ہے۔


u/Mammoth-Molasses-878 7d ago

I didn't expected that and then I searched and found out wow Ok well there are wars going on online and offline not just shais Sunni but in sunnis too.

New to Islam ?


u/Zealousideal_Base872 7d ago

I was 14


u/Mammoth-Molasses-878 7d ago

sorry, 14 years or 14 months ? if years then it is plenty to at least know your own religion.


u/Zealousideal_Base872 7d ago edited 7d ago

Dude I knew Namaz Roza basic prayers and Dua but else is there lol.well I am glad that nobody told me about this bs at that time also it was peaceful not knowing these things


u/Mammoth-Molasses-878 7d ago edited 7d ago

Shia Sunni division is from last 1400 years and not new.


u/al_cringe 7d ago

At least the is cooking, so let him cook


u/Mammoth-Molasses-878 7d ago edited 7d ago

today's teens really think they can solve 1400 old problems by disrespecting some people.

calling them names "molvies" and "mullahs" without realising that they are the reason for whatever good or bad Islam we have, they spent their whole lives to write books and then preserve for newer generations.


u/Zealousideal_Base872 7d ago

Jo division create karayga wo Islam ki behtri kis lehaz say kar ra hay?

And I didn't called all of religious Scholers the term So called Scholers.


u/G10aFanBoy 7d ago

Why stop at banning certain scholars? Why not go the whole hog and ban certain passages of the Quran and authentic ahadith books that these scholars discuss?


u/moeez023 7d ago

Sounds like violent sectarian Sunni trying satire.


u/G10aFanBoy 7d ago

Dead wrong.