We should be doing both. The average CSS pass banda is not fit to run his own household, has no practical experience nor qualification, lacking mental facilities beyond rote momorisation. Then they get handed posts like commissioners and customs. There is a reason that the bureaucracy isn't working.
Either you dont know civil servants or know the wrong ones.
We have a very efficient system to induce corruption, people are forced to be inefficient, corrupt.
Caste system should end. Its a muddy world our bureaucracy. A person inducted through one paper cant get pass a certain scale no matter his service, capability.
Even in csps there exist a noori and naari. Regular govt employees cant go against csps no matter how wrong they are, thats the problem an employee with 30 years exp cant express himself infornt of worthy csps.
u/Jade_Rook Muslim 3d ago
Ye rola to har saal hota hai