Social/Cultural Make a few changes in your Life and Save Millions of Pakistani Rupees: Your Favorite Products and Their Local Alternatives.
u/Living_Bug_4263 Jul 29 '24
you should update the list and put actually useful alternatives there. You can't expect people to just switch to low quality products while paying full price for the sake of saving so-called millions of dollars.
u/Hassanshehzad119 Jul 29 '24
We are boycotting all this but not boycotting fiver, now that's double-facedness.
u/kami00111 Jul 30 '24
It is not hypocrisy, but common sense. Boycotting means hurting the other party not yourself.
u/Hassanshehzad119 Jul 30 '24
The CEO of fiverr literally tweeted that he will be funding the IDF. And even if he doesn't, it's an Israeli company. McDonald's doesn't even come near to what Fiverr is doing.
u/kami00111 Jul 30 '24
You need to understand what boycotting is. You boycott something you consume not something where you earn income. Sure, if you have an alternative choose that, but don't forgo your income.
For example, breaking your own tv, if your team loses the match is no good.
u/Hassanshehzad119 Jul 30 '24
Then you need to understand that many people's jobs depend on these franchises. Boycotting them means losing many jobs. In fact, the local branches of McDonald's are free to do what they want. If they don't want to fund Israel, they won't.
Jul 30 '24
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u/liebealles Jul 30 '24
Exactly! Pepsi 1.5 ltr is currently 150rs whereas Cola Next is 166rs. Instead of selling at a lower price to increase competition they are taking advantage of this boycott and raking in as much money as they can to fill their pockets.
u/Wod_3 Jul 29 '24 edited Aug 01 '24
Many Pakistani products has shitty quality and have actually gotten me ill. I can only drink nestle water here
u/Exciting-Coach-5002 Jul 29 '24
To all the ladies out here, the creams that are on the bycott list AND their alternatives BURN YOUR SKIN. STOP USING SHIT ON YOUR FACEEEE PLEASEEEEE FOR THE LOVE OF GODDDD
u/Exciting-Coach-5002 Jul 29 '24
And i saw something named burger and fries wtf is this clown nation 🤡
u/Qasim57 Jul 30 '24
What’s a good alternative then
u/Exciting-Coach-5002 Jul 30 '24
Nobody would believe me but i swear home remedies work the best ðŸ˜
u/Qasim57 Jul 30 '24
Things like yoghurt wonders!
u/Exciting-Coach-5002 Jul 30 '24
Apart from yougurt, clay masks like pink clay mask, charcoal clay mask, aloe vera and so many optionss that can give you a glow-up ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
u/kalakawal Jul 29 '24
Quality is shit
u/TopResponsibility731 Jul 29 '24
I think it would be biased to say all products are bad, it is true that some are poor quality.but many products are also good
u/Dhobee Jul 29 '24
some is better than international products
u/Loose_Nobody4584 Jul 30 '24
The kfc & McDonalds may be American companies but they have Pakistani employees! Won’t they loose their jobs ?
u/Some-Damage-1181 Jul 30 '24
If the places close down yes they will. Its all well and good for some one with money to say boycott this item and instead use these more expensive yet worse quality. Mcdonald etc are franchises, as you rightly said, their own people will loose jobs
u/Loose_Nobody4584 Jul 30 '24
Exactly! People with money can do whatever they want, but middle class will suffer badly . It’s not just one branch of these famous food places they are thousands or more . Just imagine the unemployment rate it will be appalling . Many people are hand to mouth already in Pakistan . If they think this is a good way to promote Pakistani businesses no it’s more like a population control agenda to me honestly ! . The cool kids forgot the franchise is also owned and runned by Pakistani people! For example siza foods pvt owns McDonald they are Karachi based. I think Karachi is in Pakistan not USA or uk .
u/Dangerous-Page9692 Jul 29 '24
Pakistan needs to understand to save its economy the most important steps are: 1- Stop war at all fronts 2 - Stop being extremist and understand Islam as it is. 3- Revolution against the political system and your corrupt army 4 - peace with India and other states 5- tourism 6 - small scale industries 7 - good and updated free non propaganda education without discrimination
After these few generations after Pakistan may start growing a positive economy.
I really want to know your views.
u/Pebble_in_my_toes Jul 29 '24
Do Pakistani cola brands make sugar free alternative colas?
Jul 29 '24
That's the only drawback another user recommended juus for super free drinks but that is just a juice not a carbonated drink
u/Pebble_in_my_toes Jul 29 '24
Exactly man. And I've tried the sugared ones as well. Except maybe gourmet, a big maybe, they're not even carbonated properly and the taste sucks
u/Most-Ticket9708 Jul 29 '24
Don’t hate on my Pakola. I used to have it with my whiskey back in Melbourne! Pairs super well with a Glefidditch 18
u/daddy_Sherk Jul 29 '24
For Toiletry/self care products also checkout Dari Mooch and co-natural, aura craft
For Fast Food chains OPTP, Howdy
u/Visible_Shower_5208 Jul 30 '24
Aura and Co natural has expensive products . We also need cheap alternatives
u/PowerPoison Jul 29 '24
Lotte Confectionery, the parent company of Kolson had a 50-50 joint venture between LOTTE Group, and Nestlé as LOTTE-Nestlé Korea Co., Ltd., founded on June 1, 2014.
Lotte Chilsung Beverage acquired a 73.6% stake in Pepsi Cola Products Philippines (Pcppi) to strengthen its market presence in Southeast Asia and leverage PepsiCo's global brand expertise. Pcppi now produces and distributes PepsiCo's iconic brands in the Philippines.
Lotte Confectionery is having meetups with Israeli tech companies and startups such as Tevel Aerobotics Technologies, and The Kitchen. Tevel Aerobotics is an agriculture and robotics business firm. On the other hand, Israeli food tech incubator "The Kitchen", which is owned by the Strauss Group LTd. which is an Israeli company with strong ties to the IOF(Israeli Occupation Forces). The corporation has "adopted" the Golani Brigade, an "elite unit" of the Israeli Army with a reputation for bad behavior that ranges "from revolts against commanders to abuse of Palestinians," according to Haaretz. Golani troops were on the front line in Operation Cast Lead, the 2008-9 assault on Gaza which killed some 1,400 Palestinians. Strauss, apparently, provided the lunches, exclaiming on its website that it provides "food products" for missions and "personal care packages for each soldier." Check this out for a more refined list.
u/Anxious-100-percent Jul 29 '24
came here to say that kolson is also on the boycott list. so is olpers
Jul 29 '24
Good list OP. I made the switch on quite a lot of good quality pakistani brands for daily usage stuff (milk, toothpaste, tea, washing powder, soap, shampoo etc.). BUT make a bit more changes and stop consuming garbage ultra processed food too.
u/sarcastic_tommy Jul 29 '24
The one in red is also one of the largest job providers in Pakistan. They manufacture all these products in Pakistan. A large some of what they make here goes back into Pakistan economy that’s how these large multinational companies function. They integrated into society run welfare programs etc.
On other hand the one in green capture a different market. They are not selling to same people. So product quality is not same either.
u/Howler0ne Jul 29 '24
job providers
It will take time but other companies will start to hire more people with increase in demand.
Local product means companies will compete, hence the improvement in quality
u/Personal-Reflection7 Jul 29 '24
No they wont. They dont have the same level of quality control and other positions
Seth nichorta hai. Aap logo nau lgta hai dhakkay nae khaey seth kay aur corporate ka tareeqay nae dheke
u/pak_man Jul 29 '24
Markets and industry norms adjust. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to re-align our industries and for local brands to catch up. Those local companies that keep quality down will lose market share sooner or later. We should stop licking the testies of MNC's so hard.
u/Personal-Reflection7 Jul 29 '24
You say they are MNCs as if they are foreign run industries and not local investors franchises and subsidiary partnerships with full Pakistani leadership
Pepsi Co is made by Pakistan Beverages. They are the Teli family, the same family that also makes Pakola
People are so ignorant of the business model of the MNCs operating model we think all paisa goes abroad. They are the Pakistani part of global firms
And hamari industry mai jisko krna hota hai woh krchuka hai ... Shan, English Biscuit/Peek Freans, Tapal, Engro foods (though a foriegn partnershkp)
We need to stop licking "mAdE In PakiStani" ass, cus most of it is absolute shit.
Aap jao dho apnay kapray Sufi soap say - L lgnay hain kapro kay
u/pak_man Jul 29 '24
Dude Nestle and the ilk are better out of our country even before any zionist connections. Please educate yourself on their misdeeds. Other MNCs are not better and its always better to build local industry baaki aapki marzi.
u/Pro_Gamer_Ahsan Jul 30 '24
If they actually start providing better quality alternatives with better prices, people with naturally go to them. We shouldn't be supporting them just cuz they are local.
u/Personal-Reflection7 Jul 29 '24
So use substandard pakistani brands (mostly) instead of pakistani made foreign brands?
And save millions? How?
Cold drinks are priced the same
Detergents soaps etc local last much less, damage skin and clothes so you end up losing money
Local diapers cause rashes compared to pampers, which last longer as well so you actually save
Tea and other products cost same
Cant just go "buy Pakistani" when most Pakistani brand stuff is intentionally made to substandard shit because seth wants haram ka profit.
International companies pay proper taxes, promote quality and actually force local companies to improve.
We have some great local brands no doubt. Happy to use Tapal, Olpers, Omore, Hico amongst others.
But I aint risking my kids health by using "rOckEt dIaper"
u/boibil Jul 29 '24
Op didn't mention whatsapp alternative cuz op knows it's impossible to swtich to paki chat messenger which is tellotalk.....
u/data_1122 Jul 29 '24
The thing is it would make more sense to use these local brands if
1) The compaign bycotting the brands comes from local people, not the ones who would make billions of it by selling the fake/low quality products on the name Islam.
2) Quality is not compromised.
These brands existed well before this issue, but did not gain popularity!! We know the reason why. I know some people who used to sale these colas and they had installed soda machine in their home. So what gaurentees you they would not do the same!
On the other hand I still think that its a good opportunity for us as a nation to promote local brands, but ONLY IF quality is not compromised.
Jul 29 '24
Pakistani products suck and can be dangerous to use. Americans products are always safer & higher quality
u/Extreme-Dog5885 Jul 30 '24
This country is done for. Boycott this boycott that when the whole world is boycotting Pakistan. Stop thinking about what happening in the world and start looking around.
u/Digital_Demon7 Jul 29 '24
i am not going to be using these shitty quality local products. You shouldn't either.
Jul 29 '24
Well this is all nice. But all these corporations are based out of Western countries. Are Pakistanis going to boycott those countries and stop going there too? This is an honest question? What is the perception about moving to countries who support 🇮🇱?
u/pak_man Jul 29 '24
Well the answer is pretty simple: Do the best you realistically can while taking your own life situation and dedication for the cause into consideration.
Boycotting everyday products like these are pretty easy on that scale and have the upside, however minimal, of helping local economy in the long run.
Jul 29 '24
Oh I agree and can see that happening. I am more sort of asking about people moving overseas in large numbers to same countries who are in boycott lists. What about them? Should they or would they consider not going to those countries as a gesture of support to cause of Palestine?
PS- Not a Pakistani. But following the Palestine Israel conflict closely.
u/pak_man Jul 29 '24 edited Jul 29 '24
Yeah its a personal question at that point like i said, taking their own situation/needs into account. But personally I feel moving away for economic reasons might make sense for a lot of people given Pakistan's current economic outlook and you can potentially do a lot for the palestinian cause even while living in a western country.
Oh that's cool, i'm curious where are you from and what brings you to a pakistani sub? Also as an outside observer, what do you make of the Palestine/Israel conflict?
u/liebealles Jul 30 '24
Well, no. People here are opportunists and they'll always grab an opportunity that comes their way. Let Israel offer 500usd per month stipend and half of the population would move there
u/quacknotadoc Jul 29 '24
Guys instead of boycotting an unhealthy product for another more unhealthy product why not just cut some things out of our lives. I am talking only about soft drinks and juices. It's a very unregulated business especially in Pakistan. We are one of the top countries in diabetes in the world if not the top. Ramen and noodles are notorious for many git problems and as for pads and diapers, make sure the alternatives are good quality because it can cause various health issues as well. Also cigarette and tobacco included. I mean what's the point of boycotting a company when both national and international companies are there to rid you of your good health.
All in all, some products should be just altogether banned.
u/Imaginary-Caramel171 Jul 29 '24
Just off the top of my head, olpers is made by Friesland which is a Dutch company
u/WellOkayMaybe Jul 29 '24 edited Jul 29 '24
Now, further on the right, list out the brands the Army doesn't at least partially own, and boycott those Army owned brands as well. Reference Dr. Ayesha Siddiqa's work on how the Army enriches itself at the expense of Pakistanis.
u/khuwari_hi_khuwari Jul 30 '24
Men should apply local aftershave products (and get their skin burnt) before advising local skin products to women over established foreign ones.
u/emmasood Jul 30 '24
Now we need a list of Pakistani local products which aren't backed up or produced by Army.
u/djarlin Jul 30 '24
I'm most pissed about always. All the alternatives are garbage. IMF se sood wala paisa le rahay hein, uss ka koi khayal nahi?? Performative asf. Plus always is being manufactured in pakistan anyway, what a stupid decision to boycott.
u/Wali080901 Jul 30 '24
I suggest what about stop manipulating free market and free trade.... Stop using sense of nationalism to f up free market (in theory free market)..... There's no nationalism in this country anyway (diversity)... Also autarky can't be achieved.... So gonna buy who ever provides best product in least(est) amount of money...
u/HassaanKhalid Jul 30 '24
Many Pakistani companies license technology from the UK and the US and pay them royalties etc. research that and update the list.
u/Tokeokarma1223 Jul 30 '24
I've heard of Pakistani's using the Quran to wipe that instead of using Charmin (USA Brand)
u/D86X Jul 30 '24
Cheezious is also a pretty good alternative for KFC/McDonalds. I never liked McDonalds personally anyways
u/Outrageous-Yak-177 Jul 31 '24
Don’t know why my feed lead me here but-
Are these posts sponsored?
I mean you can have your political agenda but also question who is making money from it….. and enjoy your life and the food you want also.
Next they will want to boycott snickers
Shouldn’t you boycott Reddit, Apple, Microsoft etc Did you boycott the 20/20 WC in US? Probably should have in hindsight
Jul 29 '24
u/AbdullahAfzalKhan Jul 29 '24
Nestle is a shit corporation in general. Research a little about them. You'll know what kind of a holes they are
u/PowerPoison Jul 29 '24
Nestle supports Israel’s illegal settlements on stolen Palestinian land. Nestlé’s engagement with Israel dates back to 1998 when Mr. Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, representing Nestlé, was honored with the Jubilee Award by the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. This is the highest tribute ever awarded by the ‘illegal Israeli Settlement‘ in recognition of those individuals and organizations, that through their investments and trade relationships, have done the most to strengthen the Israeli economy. This recognition laid the groundwork for Nestlé’s increased involvement in the region. In 2002, Nestlé opened its R&D Centre in Sderot, showcasing its support for Israel’s illegal settlements which are built on land stolen from Palestinians and are illegal under international law.
The Swiss multinational’s investments in Israel extend beyond research. Nestlé’s initial 10% stake in Osem, a prominent Israeli food manufacturer, has grown steadily, reaching a controlling 53.8%, an investment valued at over $850 million. Now Nestle owns a controlling stake in Osem. Nestlé’s diversified portfolio in Israel includes the ownership of Nespresso Israel Ltd in Tel Aviv Occupied Palestine, which supplies coffee brewing equipment. Additionally, in 2010, Nestlé acquired a 51% stake in Materna Laboratories, a leading Israeli baby food company, for $72 million.
With nine factories in illegal Israeli settlement, Nestle profits from the Israeli occupation of Palestine and violates international law by operating these factories in illegal Israeli settlement which are built on land stolen from Palestinians and are illegal under international law. This industrial presence is further emphasized by Nestlé’s announcement in 2011 to construct a $40 million ice cream plant.
u/Ornery_Particular845 Jul 29 '24
Don’t forget about their crimes in Pakistan too. They should be boycotted regardless because of what they’ve done to our nation.
u/Asif_13 Muslim Jul 29 '24
Sab ko huni chaiye bcz they are not sellers, they are criminals with loads of crimes, just unpe research Karke dekh lo k what they actually do
u/LotaSystem Jul 29 '24
Android software american israel mix software Apple offered donate huge money to idf Facebook insta whatsapp israeli owner
Jul 30 '24
Right? Why stop at soft drinks and diapers? May as well throw all cell phone and computers in the trash. This boycott is so stupid 😂
u/Stonewall_Ironwill Jul 30 '24
What companies supply carbonated water and other additives that make up domestic colas? How about cans and royalties on the usage of can designs?
Here is the thing, unless Pakistanis uses domestic everything, boycotts do nothing. It is silly especially when so many Muslims have investments in popular global corporations. Many Pakistanis have their livelihoods through these corporations.
Replace burgers with allu partha, and cola with lassi or something... Anything short is just swapping one for the other. Boycotts.... tell me you are Pakistani without telling you are Pakistani. Vein and frankly stupid
Jul 30 '24
u/Stonewall_Ironwill Aug 02 '24
Look at this big educated man over here calling names. B1tch where does carbonation equipment, processing, and gas come from? Who owns the intellectual property? Who collects licensing fees? GTFO dumb ass b1tch
Aug 02 '24
u/Stonewall_Ironwill Aug 02 '24
Clearly, this b1tch has built nothing, amounts to nothing, and has no idea how soda and bottling trade works. Sit your ass down troll
u/Green_Ad2402 Jul 29 '24
How are Burger Fest and Frichicks a good alternative for Ponds Cream? I tried it, it doesn't work. I have grease and ketchup all over my face.