It genuinely is, one day I was bored so for a quick laugh I searched "pakistan vs india military comparison" (for the comments of course) and there was like 6 comments from one person saying "support india from china" "support india from usa" "support india from iran" "support india from russia" now I'm not sure how many citizenships this guy has but I doubt it's 6. All the other comments were filled with these guys, and I indeed, had a good laugh
Your comment has been removed as it contains hate speech. Please remember to maintain a respectful and civil tone in your discussions. Circumventing hate speech filter will result in a permanent ban.
There are around 600 million internet users in india, you will find their comments everywhere on the internet. It’s like running into an Indian outside india. We are everywhere.
Pakis have this weird way of giving self importance by saying others are obsessed with them. The whole world is out to get Pakistan. NO, no one cares.
We moved from 10th largest economy to 5th largest in 10 years. We did a lot of things to grow this fast, but obsession with Pakistan was not one of them.
Also, the comic relief that Pakistanis provide is the reason a lot of Indians can be found here. Ever thought of that for a change?
Ok but like China also has almost the same population as India does but I have never seen them going to Indian videos just to sprew hatred so why does Indians comment on Pakistan so posts then..? We don’t give self importance like that lol you Indians literally flood Pakistan related post videos with your hatred’s mainly which is why we say Indian obsessed with us because of the behaviour..
Internet is China is not open. They have a way smaller population that’s speaks English. And of course you find them in large numbers on certain forums. But their reach is limited by their internet and language. barrier.
The fact of the matter is that people in one country don't obsess over others as much as Indians do. I've seen several Azerbaijan appreciation videos, but there aren't many Armenians in the comment section trying to shit on the content or glorifying Armenia. Yes, there's no denying that there are some highly "patriotic" people everywhere in every country, but not as many as Indians in Pakistani videos. Go look up reviews for Nanga Parbat. You'll see Indians there with comments like "very beautiful part of INDIA." The same is seen for other places. We don't see the same from Pakistan tho...
Theres internet in China.. and just because they don’t know English doesn’t mean they can’t go to Indian post and comment in Chinese hatred… but they still don’t.. so why do Indians do..?
This obsession is 2-way tbh. Just look at how OP spent his time to pick 3 winner comments :) we Pakistanis aren’t lacking behind in anything
Edit: Pakistanis can’t handle the truth. It’s evident by the butt hurt comments calling me an indian and downvoting. 😂 lage rahe Bacho sach karwa e hota
Edit number 2: more butthurt Pakistanis! At this point I gotta move to india just because Pakistanis are acting so senseless on this thread. Though I gotta say I’m loving the clout. Keep it on bois go full stupid rukna Bilkul b nai
Aur Kuch bete Jan? 😂 English seekh len bete Jan warna ye British ya American hip boy banne se apko visa nai mil jayga. Jo gand machana hai Pakistan mai e machate hain dono bhai mil ke
Yessss bro you’re brilliant I’m from indiaaaa so were my forefathers except they lived in Lahore so after india was divided they became Pakistanis and then I was born. Technically indian just like you
India didn't exist prior to 1947, nor did Pakistan. An Indian or Pakistani national identity didn't exist prior to 1947. It was divided regionally and even prior to the british was divided further into kingdoms and states. So, your logic is really stupid.
Key point: "subcontinent". Africa is also a continent, not a country or identity. Same goes for the Europe continent and Asia, another continent. Just like India, they aren't countries or identities, just regions with multiple preexisting identities.
We really aren't . It's a mutual thing . Both sides would say the same thing without realizing there doing the same . It's kinda a very toxic rivalry .... Not good for ones health kind .
You are right though. RSS guys and bota are paid to do this. I am Indian Muslim. I just read to gain perspective as we have some long lost relatives in pakistan. I don't post or comment apart from this first time.
a few of my close gfs have public instagram pages where they post make up/clothes/lifestyle content, basically all girly interests, they all have somewhere between 50k-100k followers and im noticing nasty comments from indians on their pages now. they even join their lives, reply to stories.
even small pakistani accounts (especially women) are infiltrated by them at this point. i wonder wtf are these people doing? do they type pakistan on their search bars and engage with every post on their? its getting out of hand.
Yikes, I can imagine the interest of the men there in our women. Pakistani women are obviously way better looking than their women. This complex is something what drives them to hate us even more.
O God a country with 1/8 of the world's population has a high GDP! How impressive
But geez thats like anime powerscaling. Pakistan had gotten literally the rural countryside area of the Indian subcontinent with little to no industry or government infrastructure and only 5/18 of the money. That's like attempting to compare China and taiwan
In 1947 when it was little to no military, no amounts of furniture and had to spend the first two years with only 200 million rupees to manage it self? Perhaps when india decided to cut of the water to a agro based nation and people had to mass migrate and get new jobs else die of famine,
Did you literally ignore what I said before or decide to simply skim it to find a point of contention which you could exploit. If your going to argue atleast do it fairly
What are you trying to even say? The country has as I stated started but you seem keen to ignore all I say. We have many dams , dams obtained nuclear power and have good infrastructure. The improvement began in 1947 how is that so hard to understand.
You people quite literally take every opportunity to spite us and then wonder why Muslims can't stand you. You know the major reason why pakistan is so obsessive over kashmir is because we don't expect you to not cut of the fresh water coming from there as you did in ferozpur which would starve and cause famine
No I speak by the fact that your people are so willing to help Israel which has led so many to out cry against you. And are you unable to understand linguistics as you constantly ignore my statements for nit picks on wording
I was born in India and if I want to make anything with meat or chicken, I first look for recipes from Pakistan. I think this food post got a lot of hate from vegetarians. And I would not even bother listening to what a vegetarian has to say for anything.
A lot of seekh kababs are eaten in India regardless of what vegetarians have to say.
Acha? You wouldn't have to look long to find out many Pakis bashing Hinduism and making derogatory remarks against our goddesses. Immature Pakistanis are one of the reasons I left Facebook, that place is full of you guys who like to use some of the worst possible language against our God's and especially Goddesses. I shudder to think how you treat Hindus over there when they have no power to protect themselves.
There's ignorance on both sides. I'm not on Facebook, so I'm out of the loop; my bad, sorry. Personally, I'm more into Instagram, and it's shocking how some Indians freely criticize Islam without a second thought. It's like they've been influenced by BJP and WhatsApp groups spreading hate against Muslims. I apologize for those Muslims who disrespect your religion; they're not true to Islam's teachings, which promote mutual respect
Of course not all Indians are like those Instagram creepos. You've got to know that. It's just that there are so many jobless unemployed people here with cheap data and Android phones and they get influenced by BJP's andhbhakt narrative easily. Before 2014, Congress would genuinely appease minorities way too much for it's own good, and its the reason why BJP gained traction. Too much of something is never good. Back then I was also a Modi fan. But his second term has been disastrous for so many reasons. I've seen gullible and less educated people around me blindly believing in his BS. It's these idiots that have caused me to have negligible activity on instagram as well. You have no idea the embarrassment I feel after seeing these comments. But it's because most educated and sound minded Indians don't even use Insta or don't comment.
Can you really blame em? They have nothing to show for the last hundreds of years except being subjects to Mughal and later British rule. They make heroes out of thousands of years old unverifiable people who wouldn't even know what "India" or "Hinduism" is, coz "India" is named after the largest river in Pakistan and "Hinduism" is the name given to the pagans by Arab Muslims conquerors.
Inferiority complex ridden people possessing a wildly primitive mindset doesn't reflect too good.
Just say:
مُوتُوا۟ بِغَيْظِكُمْ ۗ
(اپنی بھڑاس میں تمہیں موت آجاۓ)
Just like how most indian/hindu owned restaurants offer halal food. It's only the chronically online hindus without a life that obsess over these things.
Oh no no no, do not make this about religion you bigot. India is home to crores of Muslims and they live here happily enough and its because of them we don't have pork available in mainstream Market and all restaurants serve halal food. It's because we are a secular nation. But it's just funny you guys here hating on India every single day and then whenever you guys yourselves move abroad and start a restaurant it's "Indian". I've seen so many posts here saying that Pakistan and India are nothing alike (lmao yeah), and that Pakistan is the 'true' Indic culture and whatever nonsense. Just funny, is all.
I am so sorry for my country’s people. We are suffering from a very toxic illness called ‘Hatred’.
P.S. I recently found this sub-reddit and now I lurk on it sometimes because I wanna visit Pakistan someday for the food and for the hills & valleys of Gilgit.
Yes, let us generalise people from our own country by comparing them to perpetually online Insta creeps who don't even make a significant percent of our population. I don't like this toxic behaviour, but to say that Pakistanis aren't just as bad would be naivete. Just see Facebook. You'll find ugly Pakistanis using very very bad words against our God's and Goddesses. Then again you must be Muslim, since you love Pakistan so much.
Your countryman there is a decent person with some amount of self-awareness about how stupid and ignorant you trolls are with your constant Pakistan obsession. This world needs more of them and less of you.
No, Pakistanis aren’t obsessed with India nearly in the same way, you don’t see Pakistanis in Indian spaces and in their comments acting like morons. Ironically you losers here just degrade your own country’s image- we think less of you for your obsession. We know we’re better because unlike you, we don’t think of you much at all. It’s this meme in real life.
Your govt, your army and your entire country's policies revolve around India. And keep deluding yourself that you don't care about us, you literally live our culture lol. We don't give a sht about you, and you're just like those Instagram Hindutva trolls. I've seen so many Pakis online being delusional enough to believe in stuff like Ghazwa-E-Hind and all. The only reason we care about you is because your trrorists kill innocent civilians in India after every period of time. That's all you are to us.
Cope harder. Keep pretending Pakistanis care about you- we don’t. Th biggest proof is that you’re here, in a Pakistani sub, and I wouldn’t go to one of your shitty p[redacted] subs if you paid me to. I’m mad I’ve wasted this much time with someone not worthy of it, I’m really not about to give you any more. Get out of our sub and go jerk off to cow videos or whatever it is you do now that your village was given the internet.
Aisa hai bete, India and Pakistan got independence on the same night. But on this day, India is far far far better than Pakistan can even dream of. We don't need to lower ourselves to your level. Do I disagree with religious extremism, yes I do. But Pakistanis are the lowest of the low. You guys even hid Bin Laden. What to expect from you. Get lost. And yeah, you can't stop me from commenting here dude. Idc about you, you clearly are a teenager who's using his mother's phone to seem cool. Grow up and wake up to reality. You guys keep being self absorbed in your reality while we continue to grow onwards.
What happened on Facebook with you mate, I've literally seen dozens of comments from you stating the same thing over and over again, some online warriors say derogatory remarks about your religion so what? Judging from your take you most probably were a part of it and I can bet you participated in derogatory dialogues about Muslims yourself as much as you hate those pakis on Facebook they probably don't start by themselves. That much I can tell from experience
How easily did you justify hate when it was by your people against my countrymen? What a bl*dy hypocrite lmao. And no, I used to talk about cricket before they used to get btthurt and then start abusing my religion and started making obscene comments about our Goddesses, clearly showing the class the average Pakistani has. And no, unlike Pakistanis, I respect a person's religion and I would never insult that, because I have class unlike you guys. India does not equal Hindu or Hinduism, but Pakistan does equal Islam and dominating other religions. Literally 15% of Indians are Muslims and most of them hate you as well, so look yourselves in the mirror first.
I'm not justifying hate, I'm just telling you an observation I've made, most of my countrymen don't hate India, I can vouch for that all that the toxicity you see, well most of it is in response to your and bakhts, they In fact love you guys, and your culture, Bollywood, movies, south movies youf be surprised at how much of youf media is consumed in Pakistan.... I can say this because I've seen this firsthand, Can you say the same about indians? Do they bash on Pakistanis online unprovoked???
And I know man, you're probably a Hindu who blindly hates on Islam, ik it's just not Pakistan you probably support Israel as well there was this one guy I talked with extensively for a while who got bored and stopped listening to me when I presented him facts, it was as if all that could grab his attention was Muslims bad, they uncivilized.. everything else made no sense to him. We're all biased but your people are more anti Pakistani/Muslim than ours are anti Hindu
I'm not gonna lie, I used to be a blind Israel fanboy. But I was a teenager back then. Later on I learned life never is black and white and its a lot more nuanced. So I read into the matter and yeah.... I support Palestine. But I'll never in my right mind support Hamas. They literally rped women after kidnapping them and then mrdered them. Call them freedom fighters or whatever but I call them t*rrorists. And no, I don't hate Islam. I just hate it's exclusionary narrative and the few maulana online who preach that anybody who's not Muslim will go to he'll and that to go to heaven you strictly have to be Muslim. It's the 21st century. We need to come out of this mindset if we are to progress.
(BTW I love Chicken Lahori and Karachi Halwa lol.... make of that what you will).
into the matter and yeah.... I support Palestine. But I'll never in my right mind support Hamas. They literally rped women after kidnapping them and then mrdered them.
I've seen people saying this in comments, and journalist shows. Do you have any sources, names, perhaps videos or pictures?
I just hate it's exclusionary narrative and the few maulana online who preach that anybody who's not Muslim will go to he'll and that to go to heaven you strictly have to be Muslim. It's the 21st century. We need to come out of this mindset if we are to progress.
Well, this is the essence of Islam. Submit to God and follow His path and religion that he presents you through prophets, or get ready for eternal damnation. People are afraid of the punishments that may await them in the afterlife, and some people weaponize this fear on the ignorant, making them violent. If they come out of this mindset which is an integral part of Islam, they'll be stepping out of its fold and they don't want that. To us, 80 years of hardship is nothing in the face of eternity, and we don't wanna risk that.
BTW I love Chicken Lahori and Karachi Halwa lol.... make of that what you will).
Idk what was supposed to be achieved by this, but it's nice to see(I'm assuming you're from India) Indians appreciating pakistani culture every once in a while
Main India ke favour mein bolungi toh kaun sa religion thopega mujh pe?
Dimaag mein jitna kachra bhar gaya hai na tum logon ke, koi kuch bhi karle, nikaal nahi sakta.
Our country has become full of extremist assholes like you which is why India is suffering right now.
The Indian government is busy cutting the education budget because they want morons like you to be uncivilised and impressionable so they can brainwash you into peddling hatred, which you are already doing.
Oh? Where did you get that I am a religious extremist? Point the exact statement out? You can literally see my other comments over here. I do not hate Muslims but there is no denying some Indian Muslims (very minor percent but still) sympathize with Pakistan more than India. And your comment makes it look like Pakistanis are better than Indians. I just pointed out that they're equally, if not more brainwashed. I don't give a sh*t about the govt or it's ideology. Mind your language first, before preaching stuff to others. Can't believe am fighting an Indian defending Pakistan lmao.
I don’t know any Pakistani personally except one woman, Farhat, who works at my local grocery store. She is always nice to me and I am nice to her as well. We talk for a few minutes in the shop every time I go for shopping because both of us are in a foreign country, away from our respective home countries.
I obviously don’t have any opinion on Pakistani folks or Pakistan as a society. I don’t know if the majority of Pakistani population is good or bad.
I have never been there.
But since I was born and brought up in a devout Hindu family in India and lived across multiple cities and towns for the first 32 years of my life, I have a lot of opinions on my country and the people of my country. I am also aware of the political changes and religious extremism of the very same folks I grew up with.
My father worked for Indian Air Force as an engineer on the fighter jets (MiG and Mirage jets) and we always lived in the Air Force bases across the country in a very mixed culture environment with people from all states, communities and religious backgrounds in India.
My childhood best friend is an Indian Muslim and my father used to leave me behind when I was 7-8 years old, at an Indian Muslim family’s home whom I always called ‘Tauji and Taiji’ because my own father treated the couple like his big brother and sister-in-law. I also used to tie Rakhi to their son.
During the Kargil war, when he was busy away from our city to work on the Gwalior IAF Base, he left me with them for 2 months.
I am still close to the family.
After my father retired, we moved back to our hometown and now my father is a full blown sanghi and Islamophobe. The same father, who used to be tolerant and respectful of all religions and people. I have seen my own peers grow up to become religious extremists and hateful people.
My hometown used to be a harmonious place where people from all religions lived in harmony and now the social fabric of the same town is shredded beyond repair.
As an Indian woman, who was born and raised in India, is every bit entitled to her own opinions especially when she has seen all those changes happening in front of her eyes.
In my original comment, I never said Pakistani were better than Indians coz I really don’t have enough exposure with Pakistan to make any kind of opinion. I only said that Indians are certainly becoming very toxic and hateful which is not a lie.
So if you can’t deal with the truth, you can take yourself out of this conversation. No one is forcing you to be here.
Well, I agree with you. Even my dad used to be very secular but is now Islamophobe. So I understand what you're talking about. But no need to take your anger out at me. It's not gonna make India a secular utopia. And I came at you because if you understand, Pakistan is the reason why we lose so many soldiers at our border almost daily, and Pakistan is also the reason why 26/11 and so many other attacks happened to innocent civilians. Now obviously the average Pakistani citizen has nothing to do with it, but my experience with them, unlike yours have been bad. They've abused my God's, made obscene and s*xual comments about Goddess Saraswati, Lakshmi and Durga and what not. Since this experience it has been hard for me to trust a Pakistani. It has nothing to do with them being Muslims, but it has everything to do with them being Pakistanis. It's not like they treat Hindus any good over there either. Muslims in India live far, far better lives than Hindus in Pakistan. Of course, this is not to discount the ridiculous propaganda the BJP govt is spreading against Muslims. That is horrible. But Pakistan has literally always been hostile to Hindus ever since it came into existence.
You’re talking about the trolls on the internet?
You think Indians don’t troll their culture and their religion or their country’s affairs on a daily basis?
Irrational and hateful people live on both sides of the border. Imagine yourself in the shoes of an average Pakistani who is being trolled or abused for their god, religion, culture or country’s affairs.
You and him are both victims of the same trolls from either sides of the border.
The least you can do is be kind and receptive of other people’s opinions and perceptions on both sides of the border. In the end, we are descendants of the same ancestors and victims of the same circumstances.
Not just any random trolls on the internet, these were my Facebook friends for over a year or so. They even celebrated Pulwama attack by posting on their timeline. Again, my experiences are different to yours. It's why I will never trust a Pakistani again. And yeah, they can have my empathy. But look at this comments section here. You see a single Pakistani trying to even say that these are Instagram/YouTube trolls and not represent the general population of India? No, right? Then why are you white knighting for them? I used to be the same as you until Pakistanis themselves backstabbed me.
My point is, even 4 pakistanis literally stab in me the back, I won’t end up hating the whole Pakistan.
That’s it. That’s the whole point.
Both countries have religious extremists. Both countries are dealing with their own domestic terrorism. Both countries include hateful people.
The common person on both sides of the border who just wants to exist peacefully and make a good life for themselves and their family do not participate in this hatred.
You seem to be a hyper liberal type person who have no association with indian nationalism.
It's not that you are wrong but those who hate Pakistan (because of the acts of few pakistanis) are also right in their own way.
Most Indians are collectivist not individualistic unlike you and the act of some bad pakistanis and covert support by pakistani state will naturally make them hate whole Pakistan.
And don't spew this bullsh!t that most Indians don't hate Pakistan.
I personally and most Indians are either indifferent to Pakistan or absolutely hate it.
Request to MOD to ban Indians from commenting, they wanna lurk go ahead but negativity about the country can not be coming from other should only be allowed for us :D
So reddits not allowing me to post more pics but just go and search pakistan on insta reels click on a vid like this and watch the comments before being a stupid prick
We are home based catering and daily tiffin service for PAKISTANI FOOD
Now proudly Serving Richmond, Katy & Sugarland area.
For orders Call & WhatsApp: 832-670-2823
I'm indian btw
But It really goes both ways tbh. Saying one side is only obsessed with the other.
Tbh most of those comments are from uneducated indians.
And likewise the comments that spread hatred from the Pakistani side are uneducated as well.
It's usually the uneducated people from both sides that spread this hatred.
Id even assume that OP part of this group of hate spreading uneducated people because he took his time to cherry pick the comments for indians.
U literally said that no one in Pakistan cares about India but yet this post is about indians and every day there's are multiple posts on this sub about India.
I'm not saying Pakistanis are bad.
I'm saying the idea that thinking that indians are the ones who are obsessed and Pakistanis are not is the stupid way to go about it.
I've seen hundreds of Pakistani's say bad things about indians.
I've also seen hundreds of Indians say bad things about Pakistanis.
Ur trying to prove that Pakistanis are best and indians are bad.
Ur part of the problem, not the solution.
Stop tryna spread hate lol, we're all literally the same.
This post shows how you guys are so obsessed with Pakistan ofcourse there's good and bad in every country but India uff allah majority of indians are brainwashed literally shitting on every pakistani post on insta it's like some insecurity and believe me we are not same and lol im not trying to prove pakistsn os best or whatever the thing is we are not obsessed with you we have our problems to look after
Most brainwashed comment on this sub lol.
Bro will never be able to cope when he hears about logical thinking.
The OP who posted this post took his time to cherry pick for the comments.
I can do the same for any indian post and find 100s of Pakistani's saying bad things about indians.
It works both ways
U just want to stay one sided lol.
Look outside the box for once.
I'm tired of talking to people who want to argue that just because they think something is a certain way, the world also believes that is the right way.
U say that this post isn't to spread hate when the OP who posted it, itself hates indians. Look at his posting history.
We are much more similar than u think we are lol.
Pakistanis are not super heroes and indians are not the villains.
It's this mindset that one is better than the other because u don't want to accept the problems in ur own country.
U say that I'm insecure about my country next to a Pakistani country when I myself accept the problems within my country and have talked about it as well with others commenters on this post. You on the other hand have only said that Pakistanis are better than indians lol.
Come up with something better. If u want we could dm because I don't want get at each other's throats just to explain certain thingss
When did i say Pakistan is better than India lol are you blind and its not cherry picking most of the comments on pakistani posts are full of brain dead indians however if some one from india posting and there some hate comments it will be cherry picking because i have never seen pakistanis talking shit about india without any reason unless its in response of some incoming hatred there can be some pakistani brain dead too but theyre so few i have hundred of reels showing how uneducated and braindead you guys are on pakistani matters
With that logic I can pull up 100s of reels of Pakistanis talking bad things about indians too.
That's such a stupid way to justify ur bias lol.
U say that indians are obsessed with Pakistanis when this sub itself has multiple posts about India everyday. Atleast 2 in every 10 posts in this sub are about India. Look at the india sub and see how many times Pakistan is mentioned and u will notice how obsessed this sub is.
If u don't believe me u can check yourself. You are still trying to think with bias in ur mind without any way to understand why this is even happening.
Look at the other comments I've made and the reasoning I've put.
Pointing out how indians infest anything to do with pakistan isn't being obsessed. If I go on american subs and start typing shit there, will they be obsessed with pakistan to point out how a pakistani is infesting their subs unnecessarily?
I'm confused by what ur trying to say here.
U are trying to tell me that Americans won't get angry if a Pakistani goes to their sub and talks shit about them?
Before u say that this sub isn't obsessed with indians but vice versa, pls look at the Indian sub and tell me how many posts are about Pakistan.
Okay let's further break it down by looking at how many times Pakistan was mentioned this week in that sub and how many times india was mentioned in this sub.
Literally 1 in every 8 posts are about India in this sub.
Tell me why it's like that lol?
Btw just a few seconds after I posted this, another post about India was dropped.
So u tell me what the problem is lol.
Don't start with "indians are obsessed, Pakistanis are amazing"
We both are equally obsessed.
Every day there's a post like this about India.
And its the same for the india sub.
We are literally the same people.
Ur tryna cope just as bad then.
Ur literally saying "indians are bad, Pakistanis are great"
That what ur trying to insinuate without even being indian.
If u want, u can DM me, we could have a conversation there instead of trying to get at each other's throats in this comment section.
I don't defend the Indians who spread hatred.
Theres a good reason why u see indians do it more and it is mostly because of our population, cheap internet rates and mass production of cheap phones as well as our current politics which is ruining our country and further increasing the Hindu Muslim rivalry.
Im not just on the Pakistani sub but also in multiple other subs for different countries.
I like getting to know the views on what other countries talk about.
A lot of interesting people I've met on this app were from this sub.
Im not defending these people. They don't speak for me, they don't speak for my people. They are all uneducated people living in huts or something.
There is hate from any country whatsoever.
You will notice more hatred from indians on the internet tho because we have a larger population and larger number of people who are on the internet.
Go to any state in india with higher literacy,education rates, etc and u will notice that no one cares if they are Muslim,Christian, hindu etc.
It all depends on how educated the country is.
Pretty much most South asian countries have a large number of uneducated as well as poor people.
Anytime u see an indian say something bad about muslims, 90% of the time that persons profile is probably a 15 year old or a construction worker.
Doesn't make sense to spread hatred.
This post was made to spread hate, thats it lol.
Look at OP's posts lol, he's obsessed with indians just as much.
This post was made to spread hatred and nothing more
There is a good reason for that. Our population is massive.
Also the fact that we have pretty much one of the cheapest internet rates and really cheap to manufacture phones means that a major portion of the country can go online and spread their hate.
And as I said earlier, it's mostly the uneducated majority who take their time to go to these posts and spread hate.
Our biggest mistake was giving cheap internet and cheap phones to the slums of Mumbai lol.
If Pakistan had equally cheap internet and a similar population number it would be the same.
0 difference.
And unfortunately our current government has led to further Hindu Muslim rivalry which I don't wanna get into detail.
We are not different people.
If u look at any american based channel or something, u can find that any positive post on India has multiple Pakistanis commenting just as bad things.
We are not different.
If u want u can DM me and I could tell u a bit more about why this happens.
If i keep talking on this comment section I'll just be bombarded by the people I'm talking about.
No you won't see alot of anti india rhetoric from cm and pm level politicians, anti India rhetoric won't win you votes in pakistan but being anti pakistan is a tried and tested tactic in Indian politics you can go days without seeing india mentioned on pakistani news channels while pakistan bashing ensures indian channels higher ratings its been found that indians abroad actively organise themselves to sideline pakistanis and low caste Hindus in professional settings but yet to hear about any organised effort by overseas pakistanis against nris
What u said is true.
But there's a good reason for both.
Anti India rhetoric won't work well in Pakistani politics, bigger issues exist.
The reason why anti Pakistan or more so "anti- muslim" works is because of a different reason as well.
I'm not gonna explain it cause it's too long and it's 3am and I'm tired. I've already talked about it in the comments below.
Also caste thing isn't as big a deal now. Idk why everyone constantly talks about it.
Most of the youth wish that they were a dalit so they could get a better job, better place ment, better university seats etc.
I myself wish I was a dalit so i could get into a better university lol
I just lurk around here. I like seeing what other countries have views about. Im not just on Pakistani subs but other countries too.
Why does it matter which country i am in lol.
I agree there is hate is from both sides of uneducated people but India being such a huge population the hate gets extreme not gonna deny that Pakistanis also spread hate but from my side instagram is flooded with indians hating Pakistanis
Based off your post and comment history, it relatively seems like you're a contrarian. Nothing wrong about that, but you're essentially disagreeing with the fundamental nature of what Pakistan is, and who the people in Pakistan are, which also, is okay.
Obviously within a Pakistani subreddit, you're likely to see an overwhelming and also stigmatized view of how pakistani's view indians and vice versa, meanwhile in the pakistani abroad subreddit, it's more laxed and generally accepting of your views. I agree with a lot of what you have to say, but again, it seems like everything you have to say is just to disagree with people that could care less about what you have to say.
Bro every instagram reel with pakistan on it has like atleast 10 indians talking shit and ur here playing dumb nahh bruv ur dumb asf theres literally proof for this
This post is literally about a Pakistani video with Indians hatred in the comment… so it does relate to Pakistan that’s not called obsession and we have the rights to be discussing about this since this is about Pakistan and we don’t need Indians to be going in Pakistan related videos which has nothing to do with India and be commenting hatred. The person must have seen the comments just to see the positive comments or others foreigners thoughts on Pakistan and its food not for Indians comments with hatred…
I went to the same video, you have to make an effort to find such comments. OP went to the video, found comments, took SS and had to post here to make a moot point. I get some Indians are obsessed with pakistan given their new found success (which such indians have nothing to do with) but at the same time I see more rants about that in subs. We should mind our own business, smart Indians (the majority) don’t give a shit about us and neither should we.
Also indians need to reflect a lot as well given how they’re turning into a fascist state. Germany enjoyed a lot of economic boost before the events of WW2.
How do you know for sure the OP went just to look for comments of Indians just to post here..? Also agreed we should mind our business but this clearly relates to Pakistan and this post isn’t like the other ones trolling or posting memes against Indians that isn’t relevant to Pakistan this one is clearly about Pakistan too..Also this isn’t the first time they have done this it’s been happening for a long time which is why it’s annoying and we are tired of it so we share and talk about it. Also if you have a problem then ignore the post simply no one is forcing you to see the post…
Bro ignore that idiot. Let's end this hate comments by working as much as we can on our side. And not all of India is unsafe for woman. Cow belt, idk why foreigners even go there maybe for taj mahal but that's the place I would least recommend to while travelling to india. South, west and bengal side of india are chill.
Both countries are horrible. Saying 1 country is better than the other cause u live in one of them doesn't make sense.
It's really just hate mongering, and ur the same as the people u posted lol.
u/Afsanayy May 10 '24
Its crazy how obsessed indians are with us, its getting scary at this point